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18 March 2021
Movie Review Nr 4


“I do not intend for ‘Honor, Courage, and Commitment’ to be just words; I expect
them to frame the way that we live and act.” (Charles Y Kruak)

Honor, Courage, and Commitment, three vital core values on which the movie “A
Few Good Men” evolves. A Few Good Men is a 1992 American legal drama film based
on Aaron Sorkin's 1989 play. The movie begins when Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee, a
previously unenthusiastic military lawyer assigned to handle the case in military court of
which he had never entered before, won the case in defending and proving the innocence
of the two Enlisted Personnel Corporal Harold Dawson USMC and Private First Class
Louden Downey, charged with the murder of a fellow Enlisted Personnel, Private William
Santiago for obeying an order and performing CODE RED (a severe form of a military
hazing to a fellow Marines who was not able to keep up or meet the Marine standard) for
violation of Chain of Command as directed by the Platoon Commander Lieutenant
Jonathan Kendrick, Commanding Officer of Rifle Security Company Windward,
Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba. The specific task was executed in abeyance to the
guidance of their Base Commander Colonel Nathan Jessup, despite the objection of his
Executive Officer, Colonel Matthew Markinson, who eventually committed suicide after
uncovering the truth through a letter. Both parties in the movie had struck the core values
of the corps, the accused and the defendant, and were accountable and liable for the
tragic result of their actions, from the moment why their superiors ordered the code red
to the implementation of said order which is contrary to the oath to serve and protect.

Honor refers to integrity, responsibility, and accountability. Courage refers to doing

the right things in the right way for the right reasons. Commitment refers to the devotion
to the Corps and fellow soldiers. It was not because the victim displays a poor standard
of what a Marine should be. Still, the actions show where he broke the Chain of Command
for reassignment, considering his rank in revealing a piece of confidential information that
would endanger the whole unit. As Commander, I would protect my company by all
means while protecting our country. However, what the victim did was a military taboo
that requires disciplinary action. But instead, an illegal extrajudicial punishment was
imposed and exceeded beyond its limit, resulting in tragic death instead of a renewed
disciplined soldier. With these, an officer who gave the authority must be professional to
take responsibility for their action and not oppressing their subordinates to serve by taking
responsibility without question, which manifests an abuse of power. Disregarding the rule
of martial law and deciding to take matters into their own hands by fabricating shreds of
evidence to conceal. In the aspect of obedience, indeed, there is nothing wrong to carry
out or comply with a task imposed or mandated for it is stated in the Marine Oath ”… to
obey the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the
Uniform Code of Military Justice.” The accused duo Enlisted Personnel genuinely carried
out the order discounting the fact if it was per the regulations. In uncovering the truth,
one must have the courage just like what Executive Officer did. However, taking his own
life is condemning for violating the fundamental belief that all human life belongs to God.
The courage of the military lawyer in smearing a top official of the Navy even if his career
in the service would be jeopardized if proven wrong.

With the current setting of the Navy organization, one must sincerely internalize
what has been sworn before joining the organization and adhere to it in a dignified manner
as a professional and as an Officer. Towards this end, truly professionalized and
dedicated soldiers must be further developed in promoting peace and ensuring the safety
of the people and country by the principle that a public office is a public trust and at all
times be accountable. They shall serve with utmost responsibility, integrity, morality,
loyalty, and efficiency. Uphold the Constitution, bear faithful allegiance to the
Constitution, deliver a steadfast commitment to the legitimate government, be loyal to the
organization. “Soldiering is more than a job. It is a lifestyle, a calling, a labor of love, and
a great privilege. Respect, both for oneself and others, is a value required of leaders and
soldiers at all levels to build cohesive teams and allow mission accomplishment.”
(Thompson et al., 2019)

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