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Escuela Técnica de Contabilidad y de Comercio Gaston Faraudo P.

Módulo Trimestral de Inglés

Teacher Rosabell Jiménez.

Nivel: XI (Quinto Año)

Nombre: __________________

Exercise 1

1. Write the simple past form of the verbs below

1. Meet- Met 12. Jump – Jumped

2. Collect- Collected 13. Come - Came
3. Go - Went 14. See - Saw
4. Paint - Painted 15. Fly - Flown
5. Drive - Drove 16. Become - Became
6. Invent - Invented 17. Be - Was/Were
7. Sleep - Slept 18. Fight - Fought
8. Stop - Stopped 19. Cry - Cried
9. Think - Though 20. Sing - Sang
10. Hug - Hugged 21. Pray - Prayed
11. Ride - Rode

2- Separate the verbs from exercise 1 into the columns:

Regular Verbs / Irregular Verbs

regular verbs: collect, paint, invent, stop, hug, jump, cry.

irregular verbs: go, drive, sleep, think, ride, come, see, fly, become, be, fight, sing

3. Change the sentences into Negative or

Interrogative forms:
4. Complete the sentences with the
a. Anne played tennis yesterday. past of the verbs in ( ):
(•)Anne didn't play tennis yesterday a. I didn’t made coffee today!
b. Your friends ate some hamburgers last b. My friend spent the day at
night. home.(spend)
(?)Did your friends eat some hamburgers last c. Wallace gave his mother a
beautiful present. (give)
night? d. were the students brought the
c. Alex and Chris were in Rio in October. tickets for the show?(buy)
(•) Alex and Chris weren't in Rio in October
d. Betina read a whole book yesterday.
(?)Did Betina read a whole book yesterday?

5. complete the text using one of the verbs from the box:
arrive - take-be(2x) - break - call - see - decide - notice - cross – go

Last week end was very funny: first, I called my friend to go to the shopping and then we went to the
bus stop to take the bus, but when we arrived there the bus had just gone and so we took a taxi. In
the middle of the way the taxi broke down and we decided to go walking. After about twenty minutes,
we saw the shopping and when we were crossing the street we noticed it had closed!! The only thing
to do: laugh and laugh a lot!!!

Exercise 2

Past Simple (regular verbs)

 Write the Past Simple form of the verbs below in the correct column.
 repeat ® worry ® finish ® start ® phone ® call ® miss ® enjoy ® visit ® marry ® listen ® cry ®

 play ® hate ® wash ® climb ® live ® arrive ® talk ® look ® stay ® ask ® clean ®

 travel ® open ® like ® walk ® carry ® stop ® mix ® plan ® decide ® tidy ®

cons + y double cons

-d - ed - ied + - ed
Phoned Repeated Worried Stopped
Hated Finished Tidied planned
Arrived Started Married
Liked Called Cried
Decided Missed Carried
Lived Visited

 Write sentences in Past Simple:

1- Affirmative
2- Negative
3- Interrogative (Yes / No)

A) My sister / tidy / her room / yesterday morning. 3- Did I clean yesterday twice my teeth?
1-My sister tidied her room yesterday morning.
2-My sister didn’t tidy her room yesterday morning.
3-Did my sister tidy her room yesterday morning?

B) We / live / in New York / in 1997.

1-We lived in 1997 in New York
2- We didn’t live in 1997 in New York
3- Did we live in 1997 in New York?

C) Tom / travel / to Dublin / last night.

1- Tom traveled last night to Dublin
2-Tom didn’t travel last night to Dublin
3-Did travel last night to Dublin

D) I / clean / my teeth / twice / yesterday.

1- I cleaned yesterday twice my teeth
2- I didn’t clean yesterday twice my teeth
E) John / stay / at Mary’s house /
last summer.
1.John Stayed at Mary’s house last summer.
2.John didn’t stay at Mary’s house last summer.
3- Did john stay at Mary’s house last summer?

F) You / start / school / ten

years ago.
1- You Started school ten years ago
2- You didn’t start school ten years ago
3- Did you start school ten years ago?

G) The film / end / very late / last

1- The film ended very late last weekend
2- The film didn’t end every late last weekend
3- Did the film end every late last weekend?

H) Sue and Pat / talk / on the phone /

1- Sue and Pat talked on the phone yesterday.
2- Sue and Pat didn’t talk on the phone yesterday.
3- Did Sue and Pat talk on the phone yesterday?

 Write the verbs in brackets in Past Simple.

- My sister tidyed (tidy) her - John stayed (stay) at his

bedroom yesterday morning. granny’s house last summer.
- We phoned (phone) our - The film ended (end) very late
cousins last week. yesterday.
- The girls played (play) on the - My family lived (live) in New York
computer last night. in 1995.
- I traveled (travel) to Paris - You cleaned (clean) your teeth
three months ago. three times yesterday.

 Complete the sentences with the verbs below in Past Simple.

1- Lucy enjoyed her birthday presents.

2- Last weekend I walked in the mountains for 2 hours.

3- We liked the party very much.

4- Ken listened to his favourite CD yesterday.

5- My sister studied Maths for an exam.

6- They travelled to the USA in 2003.

7- Dad washed his car last weekend.

8- The film finished at 11:30.

 Write the sentences in negative.

1- Lucy didn’t enjoy her birthday presents.
2- Last weekend I didn’t walk didn’t in the mountains for 2 hours.
3- We didn’t like the party very much.
4- Ken didn’t listen to his favorite CD yesterday.
5- My sister didn’t Study Maths for an exam.
6- They didn’t travel to the USA in 2003.
7- Dad didn’t wash his car last weekend.
8- The film finish at 11:30

 What did you do yesterday? Put a ( ) or a ( ).

 Write questions about the previous activities and answer them.

1 Did you brush your teeth?

Yes, I did.
2 Did you help at home?
No. I didn't.
3 Did you watch a film on TV?
Yes. I did.
4 Did you study English?
No. I didn't. I studied other language.
5 Did you listen to music?
Yes. I did.
6 Did you phone a friend?
No. I didn't. I phoned to my mom.
7 Did you use the computer?
No. I didn't. I used the cellphone.
8 Did you play tennis?
Yes. I did. I played tennis and basket ball

Ask your classmate the questions and compare the answers.
Use and or but to join the actions.

1-how often do you watch tv?

2-what do you want for dinner?
3-do you like football?
4-does your brother like football?
5-what do you do in the evenings?
6-where does your sister work?
7-do you often go to the cinema?
8-what does this word mean?
9-does it often snow here?
10-what time do you usually go to bed?
11-how much does it cost to phone new york?
12-what do you usually have for breakfast?

Past Simple (irregular verbs)
 Complete the table.
Then complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

1. Make - Made - Hacer

2. Forget - Forgot - Olvidar
3. Hear - Heard - Oir/escuchar
4. Drive - Drove - Manejar
5. Do - Did - Hacer
6. Find - Found - Encontrar
7. Break - Broke - Romper
8. Have - Had - Tener
9. Eat - Ate - Comer
10. Swim - Swam - Nadar
11. Drink - Drank - Beber
12. Run - Ran - Correr
13. Cut - Cut - Cortar
14. Get - Got - Conseguir/obtener

- She went (go) to school on foot yesterday. - My dad gave (give) me a CD for my birthday.

- Paul ate (eat) 2 sandwiches and an apple. - Ana had (have) a bath last Sunday.

- I got (get) up very early last night. - We swan (swim) in the Mediterranean sea.

- They found (find) 50 euros in the street. - Joe wrote (write) a letter to Mary 2 days ago.

 Complete the sentences. Use the negative form of the underlined verbs.
Yesterday ...

- I drank coffee but I didn't drink tea.

- She found her purse but she didn't find her keys.

- The children broke the window but they didn't brake the door.

- He had a shower but he didn't have breakfast.

- My father made a cake but he didn't make any pastries.

- We spoke English and French but we didn't speak German.

 Match the pictures with the actions and write the Past Simple of the verbs.

1. Alex wrote a letter this is the anwers for the image

2.He ate a sandwich
3.He did the homework
4.He made a cake
5.He rode a bike
6.He had a shower
7.He read the newspaper
8.He did the washing up

 Write questions about Alex and answer them.

a) Drink coffee.

 Did Alex drink coffee this morning?

No, he didn't. He drank tea.

 b) Watch TV?

 Does Alex watch TV everyday?

Yes, he dos, he watches TV everynigth before he goes to bed.

c) Cleans his bedroom?

 When does Alex clean his bedroom?

Alex cleans his bedroom on weekends.

d) Drives a car?

 Does Alex drives a car?

Yes, he does. He drives since he was sixteen.

e) Swims in the pool?

 Does, Alex swim in the pool?

Yes, he does. He even has a pool in his house.

f) Read a book?

 Did Alex read a book?

No, he didn't. He doesn't like to read.

g) Walk the dog?

 Did Alex walk de dog?

No, he didn't. He asked his brother to do it.

Complete the text about Mary’s holiday. Use the Past Simple.

Last summer holiday Mary went to Miami with her family.

She was very excited before the journey because it was the first time she travelled by.

They stayed at a near the sea.

The weather was sunny and very hot.

In the morning they usually went to the beach. Mary liked and the children loved.

So Mary and Mum sunbathed and the children played with the ball and made sandcastles.

Dad swimmed in the sea and read under the umbrella.

We usually had lunch in a near the beach.

In the afternoon they visited very interesting places. One day

They went out in a trail. It was amazing! They liked the best.

They saw different, some and even a dolphin jumped in front of the boat.

They also watched some people feed the fish. Mary took a lot of pictures. The family enjoyed a lot.

The last day it rainned. The whole family went to a shopping center. They bought some souvenirs. In the afternoon
they returned home.

Mary and her family had a great time

WRITE sentences in PAST SIMPLE:

1- Affirmative
2- Negative
3- Interrogative (Yes / No)

A) He / phone / a friend / an hour ago. J) the old lady carried heavy bags yesterday
B) he phoned a friend an hour ago K) the old lady didnt carry heavy bags yesterday
C) he didnt phone a friend an hour ago L) did the old lady carry heavy bags yesterday?
D) did he phone a friend an hour ago?

M) The film / end / very late / last weekend 1-

E) My father / buy / a jeep / last week. 1- N) the film ended very late last weekend

F) my father bought a jeep las week O) the film didnt end very late last weekend

G) my father didnt buy a jeep last week P) did the film end very late last weekend?

H) did my father buy a jeep last week?

Q) They / go / to bed / at midnight 1-

I) The girls / wear / skirts / to the party 1- R) they went to bed at midnight
S) they didnt go to bed at midnight
J) the girls wore skirts to the party
T) did they go to bed at midnight?
K) the girls didnt wear skirts to the party
L) did the girls wear skirts to the party?

c) I / wash / my hair / last

night 1-

1. i washed my hair last night

2. i didnt wash my hair last night
3. did i wash my hair last night?

E) Jane / send / four e-mails / to Lisa 1-

F) jane sent four emails to Lisa

G) jane didnt send four emails to Lisa
H) did jane send four emails to Lisa

I) The old lady / carry / heavy bags /

yesterday morning

U) The children / play / tennis and QQ) she didnt have lunch in an italian restaurant
basketball / at the sports centre.
RR) did she have lunch in an italian restaurant?
V) the children played tennis and basketball at
the sports center
W) the childrent didnt play tennis and basketball
at the sport center
SS) They / watch / TV / in the
X) did the children play tennis and basketball at
the sport center? living room 1-

TT) they watched tv in the living room

Y) You / do / your homework / UU) they didnt watch tv in the living room
last weekend. 1- VV)did they watch tv in the living room?

Z) you made your homework last weekend

AA) you didnt do your homework last weekend
BB) did you do your homework last weekend?
WW) He / drink / orange juice / for
breakfast 1-

XX) He drank orange juice for breakfast.
CC) My friend / study / YY) He didn't drink orange juice for breakfast.
ZZ)  Did he drink orange juice for breakfast?
German / last year. 1-

DD) my friend studied german last week

EE)my friend didnt study german las week
FF) did my friend study german las week?

GG) I / get up / at seven / last

Sunday morning 1-

HH) i got up at seven last sunday morning

II) i didnt get up at seven last sunday morning
JJ) did i get up at seven last sunday morning?

KK) We / visit / our friends /

yesterday evening 1-

LL) we visited our friends yesterday evening

MM) we didnt visit our friends yesterday evening
NN) did we visit our friends yesterday evening?

OO) She / have lunch / in an

Italian restaurant 1-

PP) she had lunch in an italian restaurant

 Write Wh- questions for the underlined
words in the previous sentences.
Use these wh- words:



A) - What time did he phone a friend?
B) - What did he buy last weekend?
C) - What did the girls wear to the party?
D) - When did I wash my hair?
E) - How many e - mails did Jane send?
F) - What did the old lady carry yesterday morning?
G) - When did the film finish last weekend?
H) - What time did they go to bed?
I) - Where did the children play tennis and basketball?
J) - When did you do your homework?
K) - When did your friend study German?
L) - What time did you get up last Sunday morning?
M) - What time did we visit our friends yesterday?
N) - Where did she have lunch?
O) - Where did they watch TV?
P) - What did he drink for breakfast?

Exercise 3

Past simple | Regular verbs exercises
Exercise 1 Put the regular verbs in the correct category:
cry like stop wait stay fail enjoy label agree marry explain hop care bury use jog clap

- d only - ed only - ied double consonant +

- ed
Lived cleaned studied shopped
Cared Enjoyed Cried Stopped
Liked Waited Married Jogged
Agreed Stayed burried Hopped
Used failed clapped
Explained preferred

Exercise 2 Complete the story with the correct forms the verbs in brackets.

A young man aged 13 robbed the Simpson Bank in Motown yesterday night. He
used his toy gun and travelled by his father's red BMW. He carried the money in
his sister's school bag. The young man hurried to his grandma's garden to hide
the money there. When he entered the garden, he could see a policeman. The
policeman started to chase him. The young man dropped the bag with the money.
- Suddenly, he could hear his telephone. "Bob, are you still asleep?" "Oh, mum. I
had a terrible dream!"

Exercise 4

1. I played football with my friends in the park yesterday. I scored a lot of


play / score

played / scored

playing / scored

playing / scoring

2. I ate some crisps at home this morning.



was eat

was ate

3. My father ran five kilometres in the park last week.


 was run



4. There was a big football match in this stadium last night. I saw it on TV.

are / see

be / saw

was / saw

were / was see

5. I go swimming every Saturday but I didn’t go last Saturday because I was ill.

go / didn’t go / was

 like / was go / am

am interested in / was / became

am not / start / were

6. Some of my friends asked a lot of questions to our new teacher.




were asked

7. did your brother go swimming last week?





8. He didn’t study enough for his English exam so he got just forty-five points.

wasn’t / took

didn’t / got

isn’t / gets

was / didn’t get

9. A funny thing happened to me this morning. I put my books into my father’s

bag by mistake.

happen / put

was happen / put

happening / was put

happened / put

10. There was a newspaper on the table in the kitchen but I didn’t read it.

were / wasn’t

did / didn’t

was / didn’t

was / wasn’t


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