Structure: C. Incredible, Brand-New, Italian

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incredible, brand-new,italian
STRUCTURE d. incredible,italian, brand-new
9. They ___ a few crisis in the past, so they
1. Accounting practice _____ by distinct
accounting standards, rules, methods and were able to handle this situation fairly well.
procedures. A. have managed
A. guide B. had managed
B. guides C. had been managed
C. is guided D. have been managed
D. was guided 10. Over the years economic growth __ of
2. Our bodies expect a constant supply of greater concern than environmental
sleep ____ they function best when provided preservation.
a full night’s sleep every 24hours. A. has been
A. and B. have been
B. but C. had been
C. or D. will have been
D. yet 11. The opening ceremony ___ by top
3. ___ and rapid economic growth in recent officials and national officials if big
years have put a large and increasing stress companies last year.
on the water resources and environment in A. is graced
Ho Chi Mint City Vietnam. B. was graced
A. Inrease population C. has graced
B. Inreased population D. had graced
C. Increasing population 12. A history of depression, denial, injustice
D. Having inreased population and abuse ___ the greatest detriment to
4. The term “medical reversal” refers to the people of color.
replacement ___ that was widely believed to A. Has been
be beneficial. B. Had been
A. of a medical practice C. Have been
B. to a medical practice D. Having been
C. by a medical practice 13.________should help you be better
D. with a medical practice informed about potential risks, but it should
5. Tardigrades also known as water bears, not be a source of alarm.
are microscopic animals that live ___watery A. Know your family history
environments and feed on juices from plant B. Knowing your family history
C. To have your family history known
A. in
D. Having your family history known
B. on
C. for 14. We become nervous, doubtful, even
D. over fearful _____ we don’t see our good coming
6. History, it is often said __ by the winners as quickly as we think it should.
a saying that suggests base in historical A. while
records. B. when
A. is written C. because
B. was written D. Therefore
C. has been written 15. The child was advised to stay away
D. have been written ________ because of trauma.
7. Foods reach in folate, a form of vitamin A. completed from his father
B, ___ reduce the risk of stroke and heart B. completely from his father
disease. C. completed with his father
A. help D. completely with his father
B. helps
C. helped
D. is helping
8. The family went for a two-week cruise on
a ___, ___, ___ ocean liner.
a. brand-new, incredible, italian
b. italian,incredible,brand-new EXPRESSION
29. A. To skip meal
B. maximizes
16. A. Many medications are safe and C. the caloric effect
effective when taken alone D. of the food we eat.
B. and ineffective or counterproductive 30. A. Wallow in disappointment
C. when taken in combination B. over something
D. with something else. C. you did
17. A. Outside of written records, D. is not productive.
B. evidence of Philistines’ existence 31. A. The majority of scientific evidence
C. have survived B. showed that, for a healthy adult
D. in pottery relics. C. moderate quantities of caffeine
18. A. The obligations of the accountant to D. pose no significant in health risk.
the client 32. A. In 1964,
B. rested upon the agreed scope B. the African countries of Tanganyaki
C. of the engagement which,
and Zanziban
D. in effect represents a contractual
C. has united to form
19. A. The man D. a single country, now called Tanzania.
B. gives an antidote so powerful 33. A. The Gleaning Network,
C. that any poison was made harmless B. an organizer in the United Kingdom
D. after taking it. C. is trying to reduce waste
20. A. I bought some D. and solve farming problem.
B. silver charming Victorian 34. A. In many cities around the world
C. ornaments B. the number of homeless people
D. at the flea market. C. have become
21. A. The tale that was told D. a big problem.
B. in a low and mystery voice 35. A. A team led by the government
C. kept us on the agency concerned
D. edge of seats. B. say that chemicals from the factory
22. A. Researchers are learning to detect C. had contaminated sediment in the bay
changes D. and entered the food chain.
B. beyond the huge population 36. A. You should make sure
C. of bacteria, viruses, yeast cells and B. your body has get
other microbes C. the necessary vitamins and minerals
D. that thrive in the mouth. D. humans need.
23. A. Sit cramped 37. A. It is often said that
B. for a very long period of time B. lightning never strike twice
C. in dry conditions C. in the same place,
D. can affect our circulatory system. D. but this isn’t true.
24. A. You are not always in control 38. A. Public opinion polls have
B. of what goes in your mind, consistently
C. because only you can determine B. demonstrated the public’s willingness
D. what stays there. C. for “tradeoff” economic growth
25. A.The Philippines D. for environmental protection.
B. has accomodations 39. A. Money is not natural reward of
C. to suit everyone love,
D. from five-star hotels to simple hotels. B. that is why we called a man
26. A. As a mode of expository writing, mercenary
B. the narrated writing offers writers C. if he marries a woman
C. a chance to think and write D. for the sake of her money.
D. about themselves. 40. A. Finance statements
27. A. The novel was so popular B. are the formal reports
B. among teenagers C. prepared
C. to a point that a movie was made D. by accountants.
D. based from the story
28. A. Oncologists are doctors
B. who specialize
C. in treating
D. the cancer.
READING COMPREHENSION PART 2 b. Many of them still believe in traditional
ANSWERS values.
c. They share a common character as
Directions: In this test you will read several influenced by the media.
passages. Answer all the questions that follow d. The values of the new generation have
by encircling the correct answer. been modified by modernization.

Passage B 12. When the author said that Asian youth are
Asia’s new generation of kids has more than avant-garde, it means that they
just youth in common. Whether in Manila, a. are behind the times c. are
Hongkong, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Jakarta promiscuous and stubborn
or Tokyo, whether rich or poor, urban or b. have old-fashionedthoughts d. practice
rural, delinquent or not, Asia’s youngsters new and experimental ideas
share many things. They go to schools, sing-
along bars, fast food outlets, rock concert and 13. What conclusion can be drawn out of the
rallies. They are dressed in wild costumes of passage?
screaming colors or black, leather jackets, a. Peers are just companions, they don’t
outsize t-shirts and candy-colored sneakers. influence others.
In Manila, they are particularly called b. Print and broadcast media have a great
“bagets”. Their pursuits, though seemingly influence on the youth.
inane are innocent – singing-along with the c. Discipline at home has nothing to do with
gang at the malls, sharing cheeseburgers and the character of the youth today.
sodas or cruising the commercial center of d. Character is hereditary, the environment
Cubao and Makati. has nothing to do with what was become of
In Bangkok, they will wander about the Siam the youth today.
Shopping Center, in Singapore, in the
shopping complexes of Orchard Road. They 14. If the youth are exposed to too much
are kids of Asia’s great cities, avant-garde, western television they will likely
rebellious, modernized. They are exposed to a. Develop foreign values and forget traditional
imported television that usher in ones.
international values. b. Become complacent and indifferent.
In Hongkong, the kids have been described as c. Become aggressive and violent.
precocious, world-wise, and materialistic, d. Develop an independent mind.
governed less by teachers and parents than
by the omnipresent television. Peer group 15. What literary technique was used by the
influence is great. Their trademarks are author in writing the selection?
smoking, foul language, bizarre and attention- a. Comparing b. Describing c.
getting appearance, and rude mannerisms. Making profile d. Narrating events
In Japan, they look like different race to the
old generation. There is rising drug abuse,
sexual freedom, crime and homosexuality
among the youth. There’s less respect given READING COMPREHENSION Part 1 Answers
to parents and to the aged. Directions: In this test you will read several
passages. Answer all the questions that follow
QUESTIONS: by encircling the correct answer.
9. The passage is about Asia’s
a. lost generation c. urbanized Passage A
society One reason that so many people fail is that
b. delinquent youth d. new generation they lack confidence in themselves. If you
of youth think of yourself as being unworthy of great
achievement, you will never achieve
10. It can be inferred from the passage that greatness. If, on the other hand, you know
Asia’s youth yourself and understand what your abilities
a. have senseless pursuits c. are, and if then you are determined to
have been influenced by western culture accomplish and gain confidence in yourself.
b. share many common goals d. One of the surest ways to accomplish this is
have varied dreams and ambitions for you to associate with persons who have
really achieved greatness. It is impossible,
11. What is worth observing and good about however, for most people to come frequently
the youth beneath the modern image and into the actual presence of the great. The next
westernized lifestyle? best thing, perhaps, is for you to spend part of
a. The youth are still the easy-go-lucky type. your time in reading about great achievers.
Biography is a powerful stimulant to action.
But these processes will not work unless you 8. Based on the selection, what conclusion
rid yourself of a sense of inferiority and may be drawn?
determined to do the best that you possibly a. Confidence in oneself is crucial in achieving
can. One of the great philosophers expressed success
the idea in a single sentence when he said b. Associating with well-known individuals is
that each individual should hitch his wagon to enough to propel one to succeed
a star. c. Reading the biographies of great people is
essential for one to become successful
QUESTIONS: d. Confidence in the ability of others is needed
1. What is the main idea of the selection? to boost one’s chances of succeeding
a. Self-confidence is hard to achieve
b. Many people suffer from an inferiority READING COMPREHENSION PART 3
complex ANSWERS
c. Knowing oneself leads to great achievement Directions: In this test you will read several
in life passages. Answer all the questions that follow
d. Self-confidence is the key factor in achieving by encircling the correct answer.
success in life
Passage C
2. Which paragraph/s gives/give specific In the year 1799, an officer of the French Army
suggestions on how to develop confidence was stationed in a small fortress on the
in oneself? Rosetta River, a mouth of the Nile, near
a. Paragraph 1 b. Paragraph 2 c. Alexander, Egypt. He was interested in the
Paragraph 1 and 3 d. Paragraph 2 and 3 ruins of the ancient Egyptian civilization, and
had seen the sphinx and the pyramids, those
3. What word is synonymous or closest in mysterious structures that were erected by
meaning to the word “hitch” as used in the men of another era.
last sentence of the selection? One day, as a trench was being dug, he found a
a. drive b. fasten c. detach d. piece of black slate on which letters had been
remove carved. He had studied Greek in school, and
knew this was an inscription written in that
4. Successful people are different from those language. There were two more lines carved
who are not because they into the stone: one on the Egyptian characters
a. Work hard at having faith in their abilities. he had seen on the ruins , the other in
b. Persevere to achieve greatness. completely unfamiliar characters.
c. Hesitate to take risk by themselves. The officer realized the importance of such a
d. Disregard the opinions of others. find, and relinquished it to scholars who had
been puzzling over Egyptian inscriptions.
5. What does the saying “Each individual In 1802, a french professor by the name of
should hitch his wagon to a star” mean? Champollion began studying the stone in an
a. One should try to fulfill all his ambitions in attempt to decipher the two unknown sets of
life. characters using the Greek letters as a key. He
b. A person should emulate his ideal person. worked with the stone for over twenty years,
c. A person should aim as high as he could and in 1823, announced that he had
reach. discovered the meaning of the fourteen signs,
d. One should wish upon a star to make his and in doing so, had unlocked the secret of
dreams come true. ancient Egyptian writing.
Some 5000 years after an unknown person
6. What literary technique was used by the had made those three inscriptions, the Rosetta
writer in presenting his ideas? Stone became a key, unlocking the written
a. Narration c. records of Egypt and sharing the history of
Comparing ideas that civilization with the rest of the world.
b. Detailed analysis d. Giving
suggestions QUESTIONS:
16. What is the main idea of the selection?
7. According to the author, what is one of the a. French scholars worked hard in studying
surest ways to achieve self-confidence? ancient history.
a. Read lots of informative books b. Ancient Egyptians wrote and preserved
b. Deal with people who have achieved their history in stones.
greatness c. The discovery of the Rosetta Stone led to a
c. Be-friend people who are self-sufficient better understanding of the history of Egypt.
d. Develop a strong and independent d. A French Army officer studied the Rosetta
personality Stone and the inscriptions carved into it.
In which country was the Rosetta Stone found?
a. Egypt b. Greece c. Pollution experts are inclined to single out
France d. Alexandra man as the culprit of his own destruction. Man,
rightly referred to as a “messy animal,” has
17. What word would best describe ancient helped being about untold environmental
Egyptians based on the selection? decay.
a. dedicated b. resourceful c. Imperiled by the pollution of air, water and
wise d. gifted land are not only human lives. The marine
What might have happened if the Rosetta species as well as the flora and fauna are just
Stone were not found? adversely affected. Mass suicides of fishes and
a. Egyptian civilization would have flourished. whales have been witnessed along Australian
b. Ancient Egypt would have not reached the and American shorelines.
peak of its glory. The mushrooming of factories and plants
c. Ancient Egyptians would have not known of along river banks have been largely
their cultural heritage. responsible for the pollution of the different
d. Egyptian civilization would have not been bodies of water, indiscriminate disposal of
fully understood by the modern world. industrial waste makes festering sinks of the
rivers. Too much dumping of industrial waste
18. What does the lone sentence in the third renders to water stagnant. Many of the rivers
paragraph mean? that used to flow along industrial banks can
a. The owner of the Rosetta Stone tried to sell use some dredging. And yet what good will
it to scholars. dredging of a river do if in no time at all it will
b. The Egyptians scholars were puzzled by the serve again as dumping basin? The initiative
inscriptions found in the Rosetta Stone. has to come from the factory owners.
c. The founder of the Rosetta Stone knew of its A great number of scientists like or think that
value and turned it over to the proper new technology can be called upon to check
authorities. the impending pollution disaster, others are of
d. The officer did not think the Rosetta Stone the opinion that fewer births and less gadgetry
had much value and therefore gave it away. may yet provide the answer to the devastating
dilemma. It cannot be denied, however, that
19. What literary technique was used by the man’s wasteful ways call for some measure of
writer in developing the passage? discipline.
a. Detailed analysis c. Narrative Man’s brutality toward his environment will
chronological order of events only lead to his unmarking. It is ironical,
b. Comparison and contrast of ideas indeed, that he who was created to have
d. Repetition of important points for emphasis dominion over every living creature on earth
should one day be overpowered by an
20. What conclusion may be drawn from the environment he has helped to pollute. The
passage? catastrophe can hopefully still be averted.
a. Egypt has a rich civilization dating back to
the earliest times. QUESTIONS:
b. Egypt has a mysterious culture which 21. What does the selection generally urge
remained unknown. man to realize?
c. Egypt was an ancient country with no a. The threat of environmental pollution to
significant history. each country
d. Egypt’s civilization benefited only those in b. The necessity of taking immediate steps to
ancient times. solve the pollution problem
READING COMPREHENSION PART 4 c. The scope of the problem of environmental
ANSWERS pollution
Directions: In this test you will read several d. The steps to take in checking the impending
passages. Answer all the questions that follow pollution disaster
by encircling the correct answer.
22. The phrase “mushrooming of factories” are
Passage D used in the fourth paragraph of the selection
The complacent Filipino majority may not refers to factories which are
have been awakened yet to the reality of a a. built b. destroyed c.
ravaged environment; nonetheless, the maintained d. abandoned
evidence must be overemphasized. 23. In what part of the passage can you read of
Automotive vehicles for one, reportedly the ways we can prevent pollution?
contribute 94.6 million tons of waste released a. First paragraph b. Fourth
into the air each year, a commuter can only paragraph c. Fifth paragraph d. Last
imagine how polluted the air that gets into his paragraph
respiratory system is.
24. Who is referred to in the phrase “a messy
animal” in the second paragraph of the
passage? 6. This lake is much ______ than the one
a. Fishes and whales b. Flora and
near my house.
fauna c. Scientist d. Man
(A) deep (B) deeper (C)
25. What is implied in the last paragraph of the deeply (D) more deeply
a. Man failed to realize the seriousness of the 7. After you collect the money, you need
pollution problem. to count ______ .
b. Pollution, if unchecked, can bring about the
destruction of man.
(A) it (B) them (C) itself (D)
c. Man does not deserve to be the master of His they
d. There is no need to be alarmed of the 8. The _______ office is on Main Street.
pollution problem. (A) doctor (B) doctor’s (C)
doctor whose (D) of the doctor
26. What would be the likely outcome if we
continue polluting our environment?
a. Man will be destroyed by an environment he 9. The meeting was ________ because no
had polluted. one has time to come.
b. Less births and less gadgetry will save the (A) cancelled (B)
world from catastrophe . cancellation (C) cancel (D)
c. Technology can help check the problem on canceling
environmental pollution.
d. Man’s wasteful ways will contribute more to
the pollution of the environment. 10. The party is on the _____ of January.
(A) two eight (B) twenty-
27. Which of the following statements show a eight (C) twenty-eighth (D)
cause and effect relationship? twentieth and eighth
a. Man’s wasteful ways are a perennial problem.
b. Man’s brutality toward his destruction.
c. The marine species and the flora and fauna
are adversely affected.
d. Mass suicide of fishes and whales have been
seen along coastlines. 11. Jane became an English teacher and I
English Proficiency Test – did _____ .
Elementary level (A) become (B) too (C)
well (D) neither
1. Jack is ______ a model airplane.
(A) build (B) builder (C) 12. You can’t have dessert ______ you eat
built (D) building your dinner.
(A) but (B) unless (C)
2. We bought a ____ books. therefore (D) whether
(A) few (B) little (C) some (D)
lot 13. Buy a loaf of _____ when you’re at the
3. The lady _______ in this city since (A) books (B) boxes (C)
1997. butter (D) bread
(A) lives (B) is living (C)
lived (D) has lived 14. The manager ______ to send this fax
before noon today.
4. _____ will you finish your work? (A) liked (B) is
(A) What (B) When (C) Any liking (C) would like (D) is
time (D) Why being liked

5. I am interested _____ receiving free 15. You can either rent _____ buy this
samples of your product. house.
(A) in (B) to (C) on (D) for
(A) or (B) and (C) nor (D)
whether 8. Ballooning revenue collections,
mushrooming infrastructures and expanding
transportation and communication facilities
16. _______ these dishes will take at least conspicuously manifest the speedily growing
an hour. economy of the city.
(A) I wash (B) The
wash (C) Washing (D) Wash 9. The latest addition to the year – round
regional cultural showcase is the new, state-
17. You had _______ study for the exam. of-the-art light and sound museum
which exhibits the country’s past and its
(A) go (B) supposed present.
to (C) better (D) ought
10. Oral rehydration is attempted to replace
18. We felt that the recent reports were not lost body fluids in the early stages of fever.
particularly _________ .
11. It could be gleaned from the article that
(A) informs (B)
mass media have both positive and negative
information (C) informative (D influence to society.
) inform
12. Of all the sports that develop strong
19. Please call the travel agent this afternoon bodies, swimming is the best.
to ______ your travel plans.
13. The legalization of divorce, until such
time, has been a hotly-contested issues in our
confirmation (B) confirm (C) society.
confirmed (D) confirming
14. A website is limited because it links you to
20. Our team worked ______ hard that we other websites where you can access for
finished the project two days before the more information and discoveries.
15. The happy children, majestically
(A) too (B) not (C) so (D) costumed, paraded in the busy streets in
such celebration of their school foundation.
1. The enterprising daughter who inherited a PROFICIENCY EXAM
vast fortune from her super rich and powerful ANSWER KEY
father is going to Europe to venture into other
business deals.
2. Helium, a new element in the sun, is the ash
left when atoms of hydrogen are fused in the PART I: NOTE TAKING
furnace of the sun. (LISTENING COMPREHENSION)
3. To everybody’s surprise, the captain,
(Underlined words / phrases are
looking at his best, as there ahead of all the
the key ones that will be graded)

4. People of worst Deoxyribonucleic Acid

(DNA) damage were not necessarily those 1. Why did she leave her secure job as
who had smoked the longest but those who a travel agent and go to Africa?
began smoking at a young age.

5. The primordial purpose of schooling is  She had been / was FEELING

ultimately to learn how to learn. RESTLESS.
 She wanted to SEE THE REAL
6. Before the seeds germinated, I did not WORLD / NOT ONLY
know what kind of plants the would be. TOURISTIC PLACES.

7. In April 1906, an earthquake never before

equaled in violence stroke a part of the United
States, particularly San Francisco, California.
2. What kind of things did she  She brought SOME
do after she applied for volunteer SOUVENIRS.
work in Africa?

6. How does she contribute to the

 She had an INTERVIEW organization that sent her to Africa?
 She did some aptitude TESTS.
 She GIVES TALKS about her
3. How was her relationship with the  She ENCOURAGES OTHER
local people? PEOPLE to go.

 The men were VERY POLITE

 The women INVITED HER TO
 They showed her HOW THEY
 They showed her how they
DYED MATERIAL TO Sample English Proficiency Exam Answer Key Page 1

4. What kind of differences did 1. Studying geography helps us to

she find when she returned to understand:
 the effects of different processes
 She found SUPERMARKETS on the _SURFACE_ of the Earth
 There was ENORMOUS
CHOICE OF FOOD.  the dynamic between
 The TRAFFIC disturbed her. _ENVIRONMENT_ and
 She had to MOVE FROM population
 She had to MOVE FROM
FLAT TO A SMALL 2. Two main branches of study are
 physical features
5. What kind of work is she
doing at the moment?
 human lifestyles and their
 She didn’t want to work in
 She set up her OWN 3. Specific study areas of geography
BUSINESS. are biophysical, topographic,
4. Key point of geography helps is to
help us understand our surroundings and the
_PROBLEMS_ related.

5. What do geographers do?

 find data – e.g conduct censuses,

collect information in the form
of _IMAGES_ using computer Sample English Proficiency Exam Answer Key Page 2
and satellite technology of 4

 analyse data – identify patterns BILINGUALISM IN

6. Geographers publish findings in QUESTIONS.
form of maps, which
1. For more than _A HUNDRED
 are easy to carry YEARS_, books and articles were
wrong about the intelligence of
bilingual children.
 provide a great _REFERENCE_
when collected into an atlas
2. For approximately 40 years, there
was a mistaken belief that children who
 show physical features of large spoke two languages were

7. A two-dimensional (2D) map will

always have some ____ and it is hard to 3. It was commonly thought that
avoid. people with a single _(WELL-
a) description b) direction were more effective thinkers.
c) distortion
4. The word ‘this’ Paragraph 3, Line
8. Aerial photos, which are taken from 4 refers to _ SHOWING A
very high above ground, do not show____. SLIGHT SUPERIORITY IN IQ
a) widespread diseases b) traffic MONOLINGUALS) __.
density c) sea and ocean beds
5. The word ‘pour out’ in Paragraph 6,
Line 5 probably means ____.

b) say so h
a) deny accide ma d u
instantly ntally ny ) rt
purpose went on a journey
fully 17 Cambr around
Byron 88 idge Meditarrenean,
6. Which of the following summarizes EE
Univer came to CE_
the text best?
sity love 1)_ _ .

a. IQ tests need to be redesigned for and some people dis
more accurate conclusions. 17 Oxfor approved of his
Shelley 92 d 2)
b. The belief that monolinguals are (COLOURFU d
superior to bilinguals has been Univer L) th
proved wrong. sity LIFESTYLE_ e
beliefs he
c. Social class is a significant factor became more
in comparing monolinguals and Wordswor 17 accepted when he
bilinguals. th 70 changed
d. People have recently becomemore his VIEWS__
aware of the advantages of being 3)_ _.
bilingual. his output was
smaller than the
7. Which of the following is not Word
mentioned in the text? bright swort
17 schola poets’, lef hs d t
Coleridge 72 r t the ue o
a. Bilinguals tend to answer open FAILIN
ended questions in various ways. G
_ H_.
b. People with two well-developed fora
languages focus on meaning more 17 qualifi Engl chang o
Keats 95 ed as a left and e f
than sound.
surgeo 5) MA
n _ TE_ .
c. Imagination is believed to
improve language abilites at
early ages. the
R poets l o
om eft us f _INDIVI a
d. A monolingual is likely to be According to ant with t ide 6 DUALIS n
slower in learning to read. the writer, ic he as ) IM_ d
Text II. THE PART II: Fill in the
ROMANTIC blanks with a word 7)_ __.
POETS or a phrase.

rt Educa
Poet h tion
Sample English Proficiency Exam Answer Key Page
3 of 4
D. This is much better 5
Multiple Cloze
E. This is so good

F. which would include special

c. skills within their subject area
1 a conduc b. experien 2
. . ted carried ced d. made

2 a whic G. that would contain specific

. .h b. that c. it d. those abilities
a. b. d.
3 suggestio celebra c indica recomme
H. To do this 3
. ns tions . tions ndations

4 c
. a. when b. who . whose d. what

5 b.
. a. to base basing c. base d. based

6 bhas
. a. was . been c. is d. will be

7 a do b.
. . ne made c. had d. shown

8 blong
. a. even if . as c. unless d. until

9 a much much c. more d. a lot of
. . better best better better

0 a. come bcope c. take d. bring
. up with . with up up

Part II: Gapped Text Sample English Proficiency Exam Answer Key Page 4
of 4

Insert the following phrases or

clauses (A-H) into the text (1-5)

A. Where additional information is

asked for 4

B. However, those days are

gone 1

C. In addition, those are still true

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