(0.25 Points) 2. (0.25 Points) : (0.25/each)

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Trường Đại học Duy Tân ĐỀ THI KIỂM TRA THƯỜNG KỲ Đề số:

Khoa: Ngoại ngữ Môn: Listening – Level 1 1

Bộ môn: Anh văn tổng quát Khối lớp: ENG 118
Học kỳ: 2 - Năm học: 2019 - 2020
Thời gian: 35 phút

PART 1: PICTURE DESCRIPTION (two times) (0.25/each)

Listen and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture

1. (0.25 points) 2. (0.25 points)

A. A.
B. B.
C. C.
D. D.
3. (0.25 points) 4. (0.25 points)

A. A.
B. B.
C. C.
D. D.

5. (0.25 points) 6. (0.25 points)

A. A.
B. B.
C. C.
D. D.
7. (0.25 points) 8. (0.25 points)

A. A.
B. B.
C. C.
D. D.
9. (0.25 points) 10. (0.25 points)

A. A.
B. B.
C. C.
D. D.

PART 2: QUESTIONS – RESPONSES (two times) (0.25/each)

Listen to the questions and choose the best answer

11. (0.25 points) A.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. B.

A. C.

B. 14. (0.25 points)

C. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

12. (0.25 points) A.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. B.

A. C.

B. 15. (0.25 points)

C. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

13. (0.25 points) A.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. B.


16. (0.25 points)

Mark your answer on your answer sheet.



C. 21. (0.25 points)

17. (0.25 points) Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. A.

A. B.

B. C.

C. 22. (0.25 points)

18. (0.25 points) Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. A.

A. B.

B. C.

C. 23. (0.25 points)

19. (0.25 points) Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. A.

A. B.

B. C.

C. 24. (0.25 points)

20. (0.25 points) Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. A.

A. B.

B. C.

C. 26. (0.25 points)

25. (0.25 points) Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. A.

A. B.

B. C.


Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

27. (0.25 points) A.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. B.

A. C.

B. 30. (0.25 points)

C. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

28. (0.25 points) A.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet. B.

A. C.



29. (0.25 points)

PART 3: SHORT CONVERSATIONS (two times) (0.25/each)

Listen and choose the best answer to each question

31. (0.25 points) 33. (0.25 points)

What are the man and woman doing? How many different types of envelopes are
(A) Parking a car available?
(B) Buying a car (A) Three
(C) Looking for a friend (B) Four
(D) Talking about space (C) Five
(D) Six

32. (0.25 points) 34. (0.25 points)

What time is it now probably? Where is this conversation taking place?

(A) 1:00 p.m. (A) In an office
(B) 2: 00 p.m. (B) At a sport center
(C) 2: 30 p.m (C) At a railway station
(D) 3: 30 p.m (D) In a department store

35. (0.25 points) 36. (0.25 points)

What is the man going to do after the
What does the woman say about the bookstore? conversation?
(A) That it has a wide variety of books (A) Go home
(B) That it is difficult to find (B) Take a bath
(C) That it is quite far away (C) Go to the supermarket
(D) That the man might not find the book he (D) Clean the bathroom
needs 37. (0.25 points)
Why does the woman drink so much coffee?
(A) She really likes it.
--------------------------------------------------------------- (B) It helps her focus on her work.
(C) It keeps her awake.
(D) She get free coffee at work.
38. (0.25 points)
Where are the man and woman?
A. In a library
B. At the movies
C. At a train station
D. At a travel agency
39. (0.25 points)
Where does the woman want to go?
A. To the library
B. To the post office
C. To the bookstore
D. Next door
40. (0.25 points)
How many kinds of items will the man bring home?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4


(Đề thi không được sử dụng tài liệu, cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm)

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