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At the National Portrait Gallery.

Student’s Book, page 52

Exercise a. Read about the National Portrait Gallery in London and answer the questions.

Exercise b. Read and listen to the dialogue. Who are the people in the photo?

Exercise c. Complete the gaps.

Grammar Bank, page 137, exercises a and b.

Extra practice. Complete with was / wasn’t or were /weren’t to make true sentences.

1. Edward VIII wasn´t King for very long.

2. Julius Caesar wasn´t the first Roman emperor.
3. Tchaikovsky was the composer of Swan Lake.
4. The Vikings weren´t from Germany.
5. Helena Bonham Carter was in the Harry Potter films.
6. Roald Dahl wasn´t a famous British musician.
7. The 2010 football World Cup was in South Africa.
8. Brad Pitt was married to Jennifer Aniston.
9. Socrates and Plato weren´t Brazilian footballers.
10. Pablo Picasso was Spanish.
11. Beethoven wasn´t a Swiss composer.
12. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first men to walk on the Moon.
13. Hilary Clinton wasn´t President of the USA in the 1990s.
14. The Incas weren´t from Mexico.
15. The Beatles were from Liverpool.
16. Marco Polo was born in Italy.
17. Vincent Van Gogh and Leonardo da Vince weren´t famous German painters.
18. William Wallace (Braveheart) wasn´t from Ireland.
19. The last Olympic Games in Asia were in Beijing in 2008.
20. The Wall Street Crash wasn´t in 1939.
Complete the sentences with was / wasn’t or were / weren’t.

- Who’s that?
- It’s Jane Austen.
- Why was she famous?
- She was a writer.
- Was she Scottish?
- No, she wasn´t. She was English. She was born in a small village in the South of England.
- And was she married?
- No, she wasn´t

Write questions and answers.

1. Alexander Graham Bell / sportsman? X

Was Alexander Graham Bell a sportsman?
No, he wasn’t.
2. Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor / actors? 
Were Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor actors?
Yes, they were.
3. Charles Dickens / novelist? 
Was Charles Dikens a novelist?
Yes, he was.
4. The Beatles / from the USA? X
Were The Beatles from the USA?
No, they weren´t.
5. Lord Byron / politician? X
Was Lord Byron a Politician?
No, he wasn´t.
6. Isaac Newton / composer? X
Was Isaac Newton a composer?
No, he wasn´t.
7. Bono / born / Ireland? 
Was Bono born in Ireland?
Yes, he was.
8. Amy Winehouse / singer? 
Was Amy Winehouse a singer?
Yes, she was.
9. JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis / painters? X
Were JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis painters?
No, they weren´t.
10. Michael Jackson / born / Britain? X
Was Michael Jackson born in Britain?
No, he wasn´t.

Complete the dialogues with present or past forms of be.

1. What day is it today?

Monday. Yesterday was Sunday.
2. Hi. Is your sister at home?
No, she isn´t She was here this morning, but now she is at work.
3. I can’t find my keys. Where are they?
I don’t know. They were on your desk this morning.
4. Where is your new boyfriend from?
He was born in England, but his parents were born in Singapore.
5. Why was your boss angry yesterday?
Because I was very late for work.

Student’s Book page 53.

Read and listen to three audio guide extracts.

Exercise c. Answer the questions.

Vocabulary. Word formation.

Listen to a radio programme about the greatest Britons of all time. Number the people.
Listen again. Write True or False.

1. We don’t know when Shakespeare was born. TRUE

2. Charles Darwin was born on 20th February, 1809. FALSE
3. He was 63 when he died. FALSE
4. Diana was born on 1st July, 1961. TRUE
5. She wasn’t married when she died. TRUE
6. Isambard Kingdom Brunel was a writer. FALSE
7. He was 53 when he died. TRUE
8. The greatest Briton of all time was a painter. FALSE

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