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Cell is the structural and functional unit of life.

Robert Hooke discovered cell in 1665 in cork cell..

Presence of nucleus was reported first time by Robert brown in
1831.Its early discovery was undoubtedly due to its presence in many cells,
where it stands out as slightly darker than surrounding cytoplasm. It controls the
life activities in the cell.

In animal cells, it generally occupied the central space, while in

plant cells it pushed toward periphery due to presence of large vacuole. Nucleus
may irregular or spherical in shape.

Mononucleate Cell:
The cells which have one nucleus are called mononucleate cells.

Binucleate Cell:
The cells which have two nuclei are called binucleate cells.

Multinucleate Cells:
The cells which have more than two nuclei are called multinucleate

The soluble sap present in the nucleus is known as nucleoplasm.

It is darkly stained body within the nucleus and is without any
membranous boundary to separate it from the rest of nuclear material. There are
one or more nucleoli in nucleus. The ribosomal RNA is synthesized and stored
in the nucleolus. It is composed of two regions, the peripheral granular area
composed of precursor of ribosomal subunits and the central fibril area
consisting of large molecular weight RNA and rDNA. It is the nucleolus where
ribosomes are assembled and are then exported to cytoplasm via nuclear pores.

During cell division chromatin material is converted into darkly
stained thread like structure is known as chromosomes.

Structure of Chromosomes:
Prokaryotic Cell:
 In prokaryotic cells the genetic material is without any nuclear
membrane covering and is directly submerged in cytoplasm.
 Organisms possessing prokaryotic cells are called prokaryotes.
 Prokaryotes include bacteria and blue green algae.
 Prokaryotes do not have many membrane bounded structures
which are found in eukaryotes.
 Prokaryotic cells have no distinct nucleus.
 There is no mitosis process and cell division is take place by binary
 Prokaryotes have small sized ribosomes 70S.
 They have cell wall with flagella.
 The cell is made up of polysaccharide chains bound covalently to
shorter chains of amino acids forming peptidoglycan or murein.

Diagram of Prokaryotic cell:

Eukaryotic Cells:

Diagram of Eukaryotic Cell:

Diagram of Animal Cell:

Diagram of Plant Cell:

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