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Chemical Reaction Equation:

Preparation of Aspirin
Actual Yield (Mass of Aspirin) 0.91 g
Mass of Salicylic Acid 2.01 g
Volume of Acetic Anhydride 5.00 mL
Theoretical Yield 2.69 g
Percent Yield 34.73%
FeCl3 Test for Phenols: Light Yellow Solution

Given: MM of Salicylic Acid (C₇H₆O₃) = 138.12 g/mol
MM of Aspirin (C₉H₈O₄) = 180.15 g/mol
C₇H₆O₃ + C4H6O3 → C₉H₈O₄ + CH₃COOH

Theoretical Yield:
1 mol C ₇ H ₆ O₃ 1 mol C ₇ H ₆ O₃ 180.15 g C ₉ H ₈ O ₄
g of A spirin=2 .0 1 g C ₇ H ₆ O ₃ ( 138.12 g C ₇ H ₆ O₃ 1mol C ₉ H ₈ O ₄ )( 1 mol C ₉ H ₈ O ₄ )
)( =2 .62 g C ₉ H ₈

Actual Yield:

g of Aspirin=0.91 g
Percent Yield:

Actual Yield
% yield= x 100 %
Theoretical Yield
0.91 g
% yield= x 100 %=34.73 %
2.62 g

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