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Rivera, Joanne G.

Agric 203
MS Agricultural Economics I Learning Activity 1

1. Narrate your experience in conducting a research. What are the

important lessons you learned in that undertaking?
- As a former research assistant, conducting research activities is fun and
interesting since I gain new knowledge or information that I can’t possibly got
if I didn’t indulge in this kind of work. Furthermore, doing research taught me
just how hard and rigorous the process is to create new and useful
knowledge to push the edge of human knowledge. Hence, it really helps me
as a whole like managing my time efficiently, how to be more independent
and keeps me on-track in reality since some issues that was deemed
important to identify are not on my list if I didn’t engage in this field.

2. Define research in your own words.

- Research for me is what we do when we want to find something out. It
is a never ending discovery and development of knowledge to gain new
insights with the usage of the gathered data about a certain topic or study.

3. What is the importance of having a good research foundation and

- Having a good research foundation and methodology enhance the
reliability and validity of a research work. It also clarifies the significance of
your study as well as the limitations.

4. What is the importance of research in your current

- Currently, I’m engage in this study as a full time student and I’m not
associated to any organization in terms of work related activities. Likewise,
the importance of research as a student is that it helps me to become a better
version of my self.

5. In the present time of the COVID-19 pandemic, what could be a

useful/valuable research a student could pursue?
- As a starter in this kind of field, I’m still not familiar on what studies
would be good to use but the topics enumerated below are the research
theme that would be quite useful in this time of pandemic.
 Production of High Valued Crops Among Small Scale Farmers
 Supply and Demand of the Small Scale Rice Farmers in the Locality
 Implication of Rice Cultivar Selection to Optimize Return from the Crop
 Consumer Preferences and Perception for Organic Production
Technologies on Fruits and Vegetables
 Analysis on the Transition of Farmers towards Circular Farming

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