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NAMES: Ali, Najiep - Conclusion

Banto, Hosni - Conclusion

Garbin, Renz - Counter Argument
Opalla, Leighla - Introduction
Pañares, Erica - Argument



A position paper is arranged in the following format:

1. Introduce your topic with some basic background information. Build up to your thesis sentence,
which asserts your position. Sample points:

o For decades, the FDA has required that warning labels should be placed on certain products
that pose a threat to public health.
o Fast food restaurants are bad for our health.
o Fast food packages should contain warning labels.

2. Introduce possible objections to your position. Sample points:

o Such labels would affect the profits of major corporations.

o Many people would see this as overreaching government control.
o Whose job is it to determine which restaurants are bad? Who draws the line?
o The program would be costly.

3. Support and acknowledge the opposing points. Just be sure you aren't discrediting your own views.
Sample points:

o It would be difficult and expensive for any entity to determine which restaurants should
adhere to the policy.
o Nobody wants to see the government overstepping its boundaries.
o Funding would fall on the shoulders of taxpayers.

4. Explain that your position is still the best one, despite the strength of counter-arguments. This is
where you can work to discredit some of the counter-arguments and support your own. Sample

o The cost would be countered by the improvement of public health.

o Restaurants might improve the standards of food if warning labels were put into place.
o One role of the government is to keep citizens safe.
o The government already does this with drugs and cigarettes.
5. Summarize your argument and restate your position. End your paper focusing on your argument
and avoid the counter-arguments. You want your audience to walk away with your view on the topic
being one that resonates with them.

If you look closely from the format below, you will see how this example was rolled out below.
Please fill-in the prescribed template using this same document.

I. Introduction
A. Introduce the topic

A Dedicated workspace is an office space where employees have their own areas
wherein, they are expected to show up and work (Eaton, 2019). These spaces help in focusing
mentally, minimizing distractions, balances work or life perspective of a person, and increases
productivity on work.

B. Provide a brief background on the topic (Deductive Order)

The pandemic has changed the lives of the society. Companies and schools have been
mandated to transition to a work from home setup. As stated from an article by
(2020), since we are now facing the new normal, either they might adjust, pause, or worse, close
the business they own. Redefining workplaces as of today’s pandemic must immensely uphold
since the business world is very competitive. Furthermore, the consensus of the sudden shift to a
Work from Home (WFH) Setup is that not everyone cannot adjust and remain efficient
(, 2020). A 2020 Nulab survey shows that 72% of those who work remotely does not
work on a dedicated workspace and 40% did not have even work on a dedicated desk. With this,
experts found that desk-workers are more productive than those working somewhere else. With
all that said, even without an office to go to, employees are to still work productively and

C. Assert the thesis (your claim) – Pro-con thesis statement format

Those who are in a work from home setup should establish a dedicated workspace as it
can benefit an individual’s working capacity and improve their wellbeing.

II. Counter Argument

A. State the three counter arguments clearly.

I. Renovation of additional dedicated workspace takes time and there are expenses

II. Not everyone has sufficient space to establish a dedicated workspace

III. A person’s productivity still depends on personal ways

B. Provide three (3) supporting evidence for each counter argument

I. 1st counter argument evidence

A. According to (Orilla, 2017) Anyone who has worked on a renovation project

generally costs around P15,000 to P20,000 per square meter to renovate a given

B. Lassig (2019) stated that it takes time to figure out each piece of the puzzle in a
renovation. No single person wants a house renovation to be rushed or handled
by an ordinary designer because it possibly worsens the house's appearance.

C. When a skilled renovation team plans the renovation, It can take anywhere
between 3 to 12 months (Patterson, 2016).

II. 2nd counter argument evidence

A. Renovation occupies much space. According to (Clockwork Builders, 2017), One

must consider the amount of property owned and whether you have the space to
expand your home space.

B. The household must engage in repairing the damages first rather than adding
rooms or workspace. According to (Williams, 2014) 5% of homes throughout
cities and suburbs have unrepaired roofing problems, damaged interior walls, and
foundation problems.

C. MyMove (2020) stated that in every home, there is a need for more space.
Regardless of the size of an apartment, most people seek the need to maximize
space to make our homes feel spacious and welcoming.

III. 3rd counter argument evidence

A. (Fowler, n.d). A good mood makes a person enthusiastic and focused. A person
cannot be able to achieve maximum productivity levels in a bad mood. We can
see a tight connection between mood and productivity fluctuations
B. A research conducted by Gilavand (2016) states that factors lead to students
academic failure is losing their focus and productivity
C. According to Onukwo (2004) stated that being in a favorable environment for the
child can enhance their learning growth and development. Having a good
learning environment can cancel all noise that also affects academic

C. Refute each of the counter arguments

I. However, even though it is expensive, it is useful for daily lives, especially today's
pandemic, where the educational system has switched to online classes.

II. Even though it is space-consuming and requires sufficient space to renovate a dedicated
workspace, it can still be beneficial to a student as it enhances learning
III. Having a good learning environment can cancel all noise that also affects academic

D. Provide at least one (1) evidence per refutation

I. Onukwo (2004) stated that being in a favorable environment for the child can enhance
learning growth and development. Students being in a peaceful and friendly environment
keeps children lively.

II. An article by Pacifica Companies (2019) stated that "having a dedicated area for study,
sharpens the mind and improves concentration."

III. According to Onukwo (2004) stated that being in a favorable environment for the child
can enhance their learning growth and development.

III. Your Argument

A. Flexibility is a key benefit in a dedicated workspace.

1. A dedicated workspace allows you to explore opportunities while considering your well

2. Provide three (3) evidential support

I. According to Stephenson & Mintzer (2008), workspace options range from a

corner of a home to a separate outside structure.
II. You can personalize your own workspace to your advantage. The point of a
dedicated workspace is not to recreate a corporate office but to create an
environment that is best for you (Birnir, n.d.).
III. Also, having personal space and control over it reduces negative behavior as it
promotes flexibility and a sense of belongingness within the workplace (Cantero
et al., 2016; Sander et al., 2018).

3. Provide interpretive statement/s (warrant)

A dedicated workspace promotes positivity since there is no hindrance in choosing and

designing a workspace.

B. A dedicated workspace is conducive to learning

1. Having a dedicated workspace supports learning and encourages a positive attitude

2. three (3) evidential support
I. It reduces distractions as it promotes privacy. In the 2013 Steelcase study by
global research firm IPSOS, of the 11% respondents who had more privacy in
their workplace reported that 98% of them were able to concentrate easily.
II. It offers a relaxed working environment where there are no certain workplace
rules such as dress code, social pressure, office noise, and such (Ionos, 2019).

III. Working privately can relieve a high level of emotional exhaustion. In a study
conducted by Laurence et al. (2013), employees working in a low privacy
environment resulted in a high level of emotional exhaustion.

3. Provide interpretive statement/s (warrant)

Henceforth, a dedicated workspace is conducive towards productivity and a positive

learning attitude.

C. It supports a work-life balance.

1. Having a dedicated workspace sets a boundary between personal and work life

2. three (3) evidential support

I. The study conducted by Crosbie & Moore (2004) shows that homeworkers were
able to balance their responsibilities of their work with their time with family.
II. According to Ustinov (2020) having separate places for work and play also
makes it easier to mentally move from work mode to home mode.
III. Similar to an office, a dedicated workspace within your home creates a consistent
routine for when it’s time to work (Fluker, 2020).
3. Provide interpretive statement/s (warrant)

A dedicated workspace influences a sense of responsibility as it separates personal and

work life.

IV. Conclusion

A. Restate your argument and summarize your points

As of today, we are experiencing our new normal lifestyle due to the existing pandemic.
Most people are working from home and not at their respective workplace because of protocols
implemented by the government and their respective companies. While there are drawbacks in
establishing a dedicated workspace, its benefit still outweighs the drawbacks. Despite the
expenses and the possibility of not having a space for it, the flexibility of a dedicated workspace
does not limit its opportunities. Although, productivity still depends personally, a dedicated
workspace puts you in a working position that allows you to focus. Most importantly, it would
benefit an individual’s working capacity and wellbeing, at the same time keeping them safe.

B. Provide a plan of action

Since the society is transitioning to a new normal state, the lifestyle of every individual
will change and so do the environment. Distractions are more apparent at homes since it is also
where relaxation and comfort are found. Battling this, turning a part of your home into a
dedicated workspace is a key to working efficiently and productively without disregarding your
overall well-being.


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