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No : SIG.CL.VI.2021.

024178 Bogor, June 15, 2021

Subject : Result of Analysis

To :
Perum Perikanan Indonesia
Kampung Sukamandi, RT.032/10 Ciasem Girang, Kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat 41256

Dear Sir/Madam,
As your order no : SIG.Mark.P.VI.2021.001495 , herewith we send the result of analysis.

Thank you for your cooperation

Yours Faithfully,
PT. Saraswanti Indo Genetech

RB Ernesto Arya
Sales & Marketing GM

PT. Saraswanti Indo Genetech

Jl. Rasamala No. 20, Taman Yasmin, Bogor Jawa Barat 16113.
Tel. +62 251 7532348 Hotline. +62 821 11 516 516.
Result of Analysis | Page 1 of 2


Laporan Hasil Pengujian : SIG.LHP.VI.2021.072508

I. Number / Nomor
1.1. Order No. / No. Order : SIG.Mark.P.VI.2021.001495
II. Principal / Pelanggan
2.1. Name / Nama : Perum Perikanan Indonesia
Kampung Sukamandi, RT.032/10 Ciasem Girang,
2.2. Address / Alamat :
Kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat 41256
2.3. Phone / Telepon : 081291983600
2.4. Contact Person / Personil Penghubung : Wahyudi, SE
III. Sample / Contoh Uji
3.1. Sample Code / Kode Sampel :-
3.2. Batch Number / No Batch :-
3.3. Lot Number / No Lot :-
3.4. Packaging / Kemasan :-
3.5. Production Date / Tanggal Produksi :-
3.6. Expire Date / Tanggal Kadaluarsa :-
3.7. Factory Name / Nama Pabrik :-
3.8. Factory Address / Alamat Pabrik :-
3.9. Trade Mark / Nama Dagang :-
3.10. Sample Name / Nama Sample : MBM
3.11. Other Information / Keterangan Lain :-
3.12. Date of Sampling / Tanggal Sampling :-
3.13. Date of Acceptance / Diterima : June 02, 2021
3.14. Date of Analysis / Tanggal Uji : June 03, 2021 - June 14, 2021
3.15. Type of Analysis / Jenis Uji : Enclosed
IV. Result / Hasil Uji

PT. Saraswanti Indo Genetech The results of these tests relate only to the sample(s) submitted.
Jl. Rasamala No. 20, Taman Yasmin, Bogor Jawa Barat 16113. This report shall not be reproduced except in full context,
Tel. +62 251 7532348 Hotline. +62 821 11 516 516. without the written approval of PT. Saraswanti Indo Genetech
Result of Analysis | Page 2 of 2


Laporan Hasil Pengujian : SIG.LHP.VI.2021.072508

No. Parameter Unit Result Limit Of Detection Method

1 Protein Content % 49.26 - 18-8-31/MU/SMM - SIG (Kjeltec)
2 Ash Content % 28.02 - SNI 01-2891-1992, 6.1
3 Calories From Fat kcal/100 g 52.56 - Calculation
18-8-5/MU/SMM-SIG point 3.2.1
4 Total Fat % 5.84 -
5 Moisture content % 7.43 - SNI 01-2891 - 1992, point 5 . 1
6 Total Calories kcal/100 g 287.40 - Calculation
7 Carbohydrate % 9.45 - 18-8-9 /MU/SMM-SIG
8 Crude fiber % 2.18 -

Bogor, June 15, 2021

PT. Saraswanti Indo Genetech

Dwi Yulianto Laksono, S.Si

Laboratory GM

PT. Saraswanti Indo Genetech The results of these tests relate only to the sample(s) submitted.
Jl. Rasamala No. 20, Taman Yasmin, Bogor Jawa Barat 16113. This report shall not be reproduced except in full context,
Tel. +62 251 7532348 Hotline. +62 821 11 516 516. without the written approval of PT. Saraswanti Indo Genetech

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