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1.1 Science is Part of Daily Life
1. Science is the systematic 有 系 统 的 study 研 究 of nature 自 然 and how it affects 影 响 us and our
environment 环境.
2. Scientific knowledge 科学知识 always develops 发展 because natural phenomena 自然现象 often give rise
引起 to questions 问题. Science helps us to study natural phenomena.
3. Natural phenomena are incidents 事件 that raise 引起 questions in science. They happen 发生 naturally in
our environment 环境
4. 3. The following 以下 are some examples 例子 of natural phenomena:
(a) Solar and lunar eclipses 日蚀与月蚀
(b) Phases of the Moon 月相
(c) The occurrence 出现 of lightning 闪电
(d) The growth 成长 of a human 人类
(e) Light refraction 光的折射
(f) The effect 效果 of frictional force 摩擦力量 on objects 物体
(g) The effect of rotation 旋转 of the Earth 地球
(h) Earthquakes 地震 and volcanic eruptions 火山爆发
(i) A fruit falling 掉落 to the ground 地面
(j) The melting 融化 of ice 冰
5. Technology 工艺,科技 is the application 应用 of scientific knowledge for human use.人类用途。
Examples: communication 通讯, agriculture 农业, industry 工业, transportation 运输.
6. Importance 重要性 of science in daily life 日常生活:
a) Find solution 解决方案 to solve 解决 daily problems: ways 方法 to reduce 减少 pollution 污染
b) Understanding 明白 the environment: how to maintain 保持 and conserve 维护 the environment 环境
c) Understand ourselves 了解自己: how our body functions 功能
d) Scientific discovery 发现: makes 让 our life 生活 more comfortable 舒适.

Scientific Fields and Related Careers

Table 1.1 Various types of career in scientific fields
Architecth 建筑师 A person who designs 设计 building 建筑
Chemist 化学家 A person who studies 研究 chemical substances 化学物品 and how they interact with
each other 相互反应
Engineer 工程师 A person who designs, builds and maintains buildings, bridges, engines or roads
Botanist 植物学家 A person who studies plant life 生命
Doctor 医生 A person who is trained 训练 in the field 领域 of medicine 医药
Pharmacist 药剂师 A person who prepares 准备 and dispenses medicine 配药

Scientific Areas of Study

Table 1.2 Various Types of Field in Scientific Study
Microbiology 微生物学 The study of microorganisms 微生物
Biology 生物学 The study of life processes 生活过程
Physics 物理学 The study of matter 物质, energy 能量, power 力 and motion 物体运动
Chemistry 化学 The study of the chemical 化学 properties 性质 of substances 物质
Astronomy 天文学 The study of the planets 星球 and stars 恒星

Tehnology 工艺 Innovation 革新
1. Tehnology Innovation helps humans in their daily life.
2. Examples of innovation in different fields are as follow.
(a) Education 教育 – e-book 电子书 and Internet 网络
(b) Medicine – telemedicine 远程医疗 and organ transplant 器官移植
(c) Information and Communication Technology 信息和通信技术 (ICT) – communication satellite 人造卫星
(d) Agriculture 农业 - genetically modified crops 基因改造农作物

1.2 Your Science Laboratory 科学实验室

Experiments 实验 are usually carried out 进行 in the science laboratory.

Common 一般 Apparatus 器具 Used in the Laboratory

1 Apparatus are used in the laboratory to conduct 进行 experiments.

(a) Beaker 烧杯 (b) Conical flask 锥形烧 c) Test tube 试管 d) Gas jar 罐子

To contain 装 To contain chemicals and

chemicals and liquids liquids in large quantities To contain chemicals in
small quantities To collect 收集 gas
e) Filter funnel 过滤漏斗 f) Evaporating dish 蒸发 g) Crucible h) Spatula 铲

To contain substances for To transfer powder 粉末

To filter 过滤 solid 固体 or solid chemicals
strong 大大地 heating 加
from a suspension 悬浮液
To evaporate 蒸发 liquid 热
through a filter paper 滤 Heat the solids strongly
纸 from a solution 溶液
over fire, without a wire
To separate 分开 gauze
insoluble 不能溶解的
solids 固体 from

i) Bunsen burner j) Measuring cylinder 量 k) Cork 软木 l) Test tube holder 支托

As a stopper 堵塞 for test
tube or conical flask

To hold a testube
To measure the volume of
To heat 使热 substances solutions 溶液 accurately
准确 to an accuracy of
m)Glass slide 载玻片 n) Wire gauze 铁纱 o) Crucible tongs p)Test tube rack 支架

To hold specimen 样品 to To distribute 散布 heat

To hold test tubes
be observed 观察 under evenly 均匀 to the
vertically 垂直
the microscope 显微镜 container 容器 being
heated To hold 握住 hot objects

q) Pipette 吸液管 r) Retort stand 铁架 s) Thermometer 温度计 t) Syringe 注射筒

To measure temperature To transfer 转移 small

To support 支撑 温度 amount 少量 of liquids 液
To measure the volume apparatus during
体积 of solutions 溶液 体
accurately 准确
u) Stopwatch 秒表 v) Burette 滴管 w) tripod stand x) Round-bottomed flask

To hold chemical
To support 支撑 substances used in gas
To measure 测量 time 时 apparatus during the preparation when heating
间 heating 加热 process. is required
To measure the volume
体积 of solutions 溶液
accurately 准确 to an
accuracy of 0.1cm3

y) Flat-bottomed Flask z) Metre ruler - To measure

Spatula 铲 - To take length to an accuracy of
solid chemicals 0.1 cm

Glass rod 玻璃棒- To Triple beam balance 称–
stir solutions To measure mass

Mortar 臼 and pestle 杵 -

To crush 捣碎 solids into
To hold chemical powder 粉末
substances used in gas
preparation when heating
is not required

Warning 警告 Symbols 标志
1 Hazardous 有害的 chemicals are stored 储藏 in bottles or containers 容器 labelled with warning symbols.
2 We should read warning symbols carefully to avoid 避免 accidents.意外

Symbol Meaning 意思
Damage 破坏 eyes and skin upon contact 接触
Examples: Concentrated 浓 的 acids 酸 and alkalis 碱 , hydrogen peroxide,

Flammable when close 靠近 to a fire
Examples: Ethanol 酒精, petrol 汽油, kerosene 煤油

Flammable 易燃
Explode 爆炸 when lit up 点燃 or mixed 混合 with other chemicals such as water
or air.
Examples: Sodium 钠 , potassium 钾 (must be stored in paraffin oil 石 蜡 油 ),
concentrated acids and alkalis.
Explosive 易爆炸
Irritate 刺 激 skin, eyes and respiratory tract 呼 吸 道 (cause itchiness 痒 and
rashes 皮疹)
Examples: Ammonia solution 氨水, chloroform 氯仿

Can affect 影 响 the health 健 康 or cause death 导 致 死 亡 if swallowed 吞 ,
inhaled 吸进去 or absorbed 吸收 through the skin

Examples: Mercury 水银, chloroform, cyanide 氰化物, lead 铅

Poisonous or toxic 有毒
Release 释放 radioactive radiation that can damage 毁坏 cell tissues 细胞组织
Examples: Uranium 铀, plutonium, radium 镭

Radioactive 辐射性
Can explode 爆炸 when heated 加热
Examples: Aerosol 气雾剂, butane gas cylinders

Gas under pressure 压力
Kill aquatic 水里 life 生命 and is harmful 有害 to the environment 环境
Examples: Heavy metals 重金属 such as mercury and lead

Harmful to the environment

Leads to 导致 conditions 情况 such as difficulty 困难 in breathing, asthma 哮喘,
Example: Asbestos 石棉

Health hazard 危害健康

Causes explosion or supports 支持 combustion 燃烧
Example: Hydrogen peroxide

Oxidising 氧化

Safety 安全 Rules 规则 in the science laboratory

1. The general 普遍的 safety rules and precautions in a laboratory:
(a) Do not enter 进 a science laboratory without 没有 the teacher's permission 允许.
(b) Do not carry out any experiments without the teacher's permission.
(c) Use the chemicals 化学品 and apparatus 仪器 only when instructed 命令 by the teacher.
(d) Do not remove any chemicals or apparatus from the laboratory.
(e) Do not taste 品尝 any chemicals unless 除非 instructed otherwise by the teacher.
(0 Always check 检查 the labels 标签 on the bottles containing 含有 the chemicals before using the chemicals.
(g) Handle 操作 the apparatus and chemicals carefully 小心地 and correctly 正确.
(h) Do not eat or drink in the science laboratory.
(i) Do not play or run in the science laboratory.
0) Do not misuse 滥用 any apparatus or chemical substance.
(k) Wash thoroughly 彻底 any chemicals that come into contact 接触 with your body or clothing 衣服. Then,
report 报告 it to the teacher.
(I) Spit out 吐出 any chemicals that get into your mouth and rinse 冲洗 with plenty of water. Then, report it to
the teacher.
(m) Report any damage 毁坏, injury 受伤 or accident 意外 to the teacher.

First Aid 急救

Emergency 突发事件 First aid 急救

Ingested 咽下 chemicals Spit 吐出 and rinse 冲洗 your mouth with water
Exposed 暴露 to chemicals Rinse the skin or eyes with plenty of 很多 water

Injured 受伤 Clean the wound 伤口 and wrap 包扎 with sterile 消毒
的 gauze 纱布
Inhaled 吸进去 toxic gas  Bring the victim 受害者 to a well-ventilated 空
气流通的 area 地方
 Administer 给予 CPR 心脏复苏术 if the pulse
脉搏 has stopped

Physical Quantities 量 and Their Units 单位

1. A physical quantity is a quantity which can be measured 测量. Measurements are common in science and
they are useful 有用 in our daily lives.
2. It is important to use a standard unit 标准单位 for measurements, so that comparisons 比较 can be made.
Physical quantities are measured in SI units.
3. Five physical quantities are shown in the table below.
SI unit Symbol of unit
Length 长度 Metre 米 m
Mass 质量 Kilogram 公斤 kg
Time Second 秒 s
Temperature Kelvin 开 K
Electric current
Ampere 安培 A
4. Units for measuring area, volume, speed, force, density and energy are obtained (derived) from these basic

Prefixes and Their Symbols

1. Prefixes 前缀 are used to express 表达 physical quantities that are very big or very small.
2. The values 价值 of the prefixes and their symbols are shown in the table below.
Value of prefix in its
Prefix Symbol Numerical 数字的 value
standard form
Peta 千兆 P lx 1015 1 000 000 000 000 000
Tera 兆 T lx 10 1 000 000 000 000
Giga 十亿 G lx 10 1 000 000 000
Mega 百万 M lx 10 1 000 000
Kilo 千 k 1 x 10 1000
Deci 十分之一 d 1x10 0.1
Centi 百分之一 c lx 10 0.01
Milli 千分之一 m 1 x 10 0.001
Micro 极小 µ 1 x 10-6 0.000 001
Nano 毫微 n 1 x 10-9 0.000 000 001
Pico 微微 p 1 x 10 0.000 000 000 001
Examples of Basic Quantity Units Conversion

A.Conversion of length unit B Conversion of mass unit C Conversion of time unit

(a) Convert 250 mm to m (a) Convert 100 g to kg (a) Convert 300 s to hr
(b) Convert 200 km to m (b) (b) Convert 0.2 g to  g (b) Convert 300 ms to s
Solution Solution Solution
(a) 250 mm = 250 + 1 000 (a) 100 g -100 + 1000=0.1 kg (a) 300 s = 300 + 3 600

=0.25 m (b) 0.2 g - 0.2 X 1 000 000 =0.0833 hr
(b) 200 km = 200 X 1 000 =200 000  g (b) 300 ms = 300 + 1 000
=200 000 m =0.3 s

The Importance of Standard Units

1. There are problems that may arise 出现 if standard units are not used:
(a) It is difficult to make comparison 比较.
(b) There will be miscommunication 错误传达 when using different units in the same field.
2. For example: Which town is the furthest from town A?

3. The importance of using standard units are to:

(a) enable measurements of quantities to be done accurately
(b) facilitate 促进 global 全球 communication 通讯 in various fields
(c) enable data 资料 to be analyzed 分析, compared 比较 and understood by scientists 科学家

The Use of Measuring Instalments, Accuracy, Consistency 一致性, Sensitivity 敏感度 and Errors 错误
1 Scientific investigations 科学研究 require accurate 准确 and precise 精确 data collection.资料收集
2 Accuracy is the degree of closeness 接近 of the measurement 测量 value to the actual 真正的 value 价值.
3 Precision is the ability 能力 of a measuring tool 工具 to obtain 获取 consistent 一致性 readings in every
4. Accuracy can be improved by repeating measurements a few times to obtain an average 平均 reading.读数
5. Precision can be improved by using measuring tools which have smaller graduation 刻度 scale.

1) Systematic 系统的 error
a)An error caused by an inaccurate 不准确 measuring tools 测量工具.
b)Example: Zero error 零的错误, is an error caused by measuring tool which does not show the zero mark

2) Random 随意的 error

a) An error caused by human 人为的 error in taking an accurate reading.
b) Example: Parallax 视差 error, is an error due to a mistake when the eye level is incorrect when taking the
reading of a measuring instrument

Measuring Tools
Measurement of Length 长度
1. Measurement of length:
(a) Length is the distance between two points 点 or two fixed 固定的 ends.
(b) The SI unit for length is metre 米 (m). Length can also be measured in millimetre 毫米 (mm), centimetre 厘
米(cm), and kilometre 公里 (km).
1 km = 1 000 m 1 m = 100 cm = 1 000 mm 1 cm = 10 mm

2. Measuring the length of an object:

(a) A ruler is placed at the side of the object.

(b) When measuring, make sure your eyes are straight 直 的 above the end of the object and not at other
positions 位置.
(c) The readings that are taken from the wrong positions are not accurate 准确. These errors 错误 are known as
the parallax error 判读误差,视差.
(d) The ruler should be placed on its edge if the ruler used for measuring is thick. This has to be done to reduce
减少 errors in reading.

(e) In order to get more accurate reading, we should measure the object three times 次 and calculate 计算 the
average 平均 length.

Measurement of Area 面积

1. Measurement of area:
(a) Area is the total surface 总表面 covered 覆盖 by an object.
(b) The SI unit for area is square metre (m2).
(c) Area is also measured in square centimetre (cm2) and square millimetre (mm2).
1 m2 = 10 000 cm2 1 cm2 =100 mm2

The area of regular objects such as rectangles and circles can be calculated by using the correct mathematical
formulae. Paper can also measure the area of regular objects.
4. The shape covering half or more than half of a square is considered as a full square.

Activity 2 To estimate 估计 the area of an irregular 不规则的 object

Apparatus and materials
Graph paper 方格纸, leaf 叶子
1. Place a leaf on a piece of graph paper.
2. Trace the shape of the leaf onto the graph paper.
3. Tick 记号 (✓) on the complete, half-complete and those with more than half-complete squares covered by
the leaf.
4. Count 数 the number of ✓ (tick) on the graph paper to estimate the area of the leaf.

Number of ✓ (tick) on the graph paper = 10
Area of each square = 1 cm2
Estimated area of the leaf = (10 x 1) cm2 = 10 cm2

The area of the leaf is only an estimation from this activity. Therefore, it is not very accurate.
The area of an irregular object or shape can be estimated by using a piece of graph paper.

Measuring the Volume 体积 of a Liquid 液体

1. Measurement of volume:
(a) The volume of an object is the space 空间 filled 填满 by the object.
(b) The units that are commonly 通 常 地 used to measure the volume of a solid object are cubic millimetre
(mm1), cubic centimetre 立方厘米(cm3) and cubic metre 立方米 (m3).
(c) The volume of a liquid can also be measured by the unit millilitre (ml) and litre (l).
1 ml= 1 cm3, 1l = 1 000 ml= 1 000 cm3 , 1 m3 = 1 000 000 cm3 = 1 000 000 ml

2. The apparatus that are used in the laboratory to measure volume of liquids include measuring cylinder,
burette 滴管, pipette 吸液管 and volumetric flask 量瓶.

• A piece of white paper can be placed behind a measuring cylinder to make it easier to read the volume of the
• Mercury 水 银 has a convex 凸面 的 meniscus 半月 板 which is curve upwards 向上 . In order to take the
reading, the eye should be at the upper level 上部水平 of the meniscus.

Measuring the Volume of a Solid 固体

1. The volume of an object with a regular 规律 and irregular shape 形状 can be determined by using the water
displacement method 置换法.
2. The eureka can can also be used to measure the volume of regular and irregular objects which are too big for
a measuring cylinder.
Activity 3 To estimate the volume of an irregular solid using the water displacement method
Apparatus and materials: Measuring cylinder, water, thread, small stone, cork 软木
1. Fill a measuring cylinder with water until it is half-full and record the reading (V1).
2. Tie a piece of small stone with a thread and lower 跌落 it slowly into the measuring cylinder.
3. Record the water level (V2).
4. Then, take the tied stone out of the water. Tie the cork which its volume is intended to be measured to the
same thread. The stone acts as a weight.
5. Submerge 淹没 the stone and the cork slowly into the water.
6. Record the water level (V3) in the measuring cylinder.
Initial reading of the water level, V1 - 50 cm3
Reading of the water level after the stone was submerged, V2 = 80 cm3
Reading of the water level after the stone and the cork were submerged, V3 - 90 cm3
Volume of the stone = (V2 – V1) cm3 = (80 - 50) cm3 = 30 cm3
Volume of the cork = (V3 - V2) cm3 = (90 - 80) cm3 = 10 cm3

1. The volume of irregular objects can be measured by using the water displacement method.
2. The volume of a low density object can be measured by using the water displacement method with the aid of
a weight.
3. The volume of an object is the same as the volume of water displaced by the object.

Measuring Temperature 温度
1. The temperature of an object shows how hot or cold the object is.
2. The SI unit for temperature is kelvin 开,绝对温度单位(K).
3. The temperature of an object is usually measured in degree Celsius 摄氏(°C).
4. The equipments 器 材 used to measure temperature are clinical thermometer 体 温 计 and laboratory

5. In order to get an accurate reading, you must apply the correct techniques when using the laboratory
(a) The thermometer is held at the stem.
(b) The thermometer is held upright 直立 when reading it.
(c) The thermometer is read at the top of the meniscus.
(d) Do not take the thermometer out of the liquid when taking the reading of the temperature of the liquid.

Mercury is used in thermometers because:
(a) it is easily seen
(b) it is very sensitive 敏感 to heat (expands on slight 微小 warming)
(c) it expands 膨胀 and contracts 收缩 uniformly 一致地
(d) it does not stick 粘 to the glass tube
(e) it has a high boiling point 沸点(357°C) and a low freezing point 凝固点 (- 39°C)

Measuring time 时间
1 The S.I. unit for time is second 秒(s).
2 Time is measured by using a stopwatch 秒表.
3 Other units of time are minute, hour, month and year.

Measuring electric current 电流

1 Electric current is measured by using an ammeter 电流计.
2 The S.I. unit for electric current is Ampere (A)安倍.

Vernier calipers 游标卡尺

1. A vernier calipers can measure objects as small as 0.1 mm.

2 Zero error should be taken into account 考虑 for accurate reading.
3 Zero error occurs when there is a reading although the jaws 钳口 of the vernier calipers are completely closed.
Actual 真的 reading = vernier calipers reading - zero error

Micrometer screw 螺状物 gauge 测量
1. Micrometer screw gauge can measure objects as small as 0.01 mm.

2 Zero error should be taken into account for an accurate reading.

3 Zero error occurs when there is a reading although the anvils of the micrometer screw gauge are completely
Actual reading = Micrometer screw gauge reading - zero error

Innovation in Measuring Tools
1 Some examples of advanced 先进的 measuring tools are
(a) Digital 数码 balance 称 (accuracy up to 0.001 g)
(b) Strontium 锶 clock
(c) Thermal imaging 热成像 to measure body temperature
(d) Laser beam 激光束 distance metre
(e) Digital multimeter (electrical current measurement as small as 0.01  A)

The Concept 概念 of Density 密度

3.3.1 What is Density?
1. The density of a substance is defined 诠释为 as the mass per unit volume of the substance.

2. The density of a substance is measured in gram per cubic centimetre (g /cm 3 or g cm-3) or kilogram per cubic
metre (kg /m3 or kg nr3).
3. Different substances 物质 have different densities.
4. The density of an object increases if its mass increases for the same volume. This means that the density of an
object is proportional to 成比例的 its mass.

The Relationship between Buoyancy 浮力 and Density

1. The ability of an object to float 浮 (buoyancy) or

sink 沉 in the liquid is determined by its density
(Figure 1.7).
2. Wood 木 floats in water because it has a less density
than the density of water.
Iron 铁 sinks in water because it has a higher density
than water.
3.(a) An object 东 西 will float if the object is less
dense than the liquid.液体
(b) An object will sink in the liquid if the object is
denser than the liquid

4. The density of an object can be changed by changing 转换 its volume 容量 (Figure 1.8).
(a) When the volume of an object increases 增加, the density of the object decreases 减少, if the mass 质量 of
the object is not changed
(b) This means an object that sinks can be converted into 转成 an object that floats if the volume of the object is

a) A lump of plasticine 黏 土 sinks in the water (b) If the plasticine is moulded 塑造 into the shape of a
because it is denser than water. boat, its volume increases.
Then, the plasticine will float on the surface of the
water because it is now less dense than water

Figure 1.8 Density of an object changes when its volume changes

Applying 运用 the Concept of Density

1. Raft 木筏
The raft can float because bamboo poles 竹杠 have spaces which contain air.

2. Transporting timber logs 木筒

Timber logs float on the surface 表面 of river and therefore 所以, can float 漂浮 to the factories 工厂 that are
built on 建立 the banks of rivers 河岸.

3. Buoy 航标 and float 浮板

(a) Buoy in the sea helps ships 船 to sail 航行 safely in the sea.
(b) Float helps a swimmer to float on the surface of water.

4. Submarines 潜水艇
(a) A submarine will sink 下沉 and dive deep into the sea by filling its ballast tanks 压载舱 with sea water 海水.
(b) The submarine will rise 上升 to the surface of the sea by removing 除去 sea water from its ballast tanks.

5. Boat 小船 and ship

The boats and ships still float on the water because the boats and ships have hollow 空的 hulls 船壳 which are
filled with air. Therefore the density of a boat or a ship is lower than the density of the water.

6. Fishing net 渔网 /trawls 拖网

(a) Fishermen use plastic balls as floats 漂浮物 that are attached 附属于 to the fishing net.
(b) The floats make the fishing net stay 处于 upright 直立的 in the sea for catching fishes and they can be
easily seen by fishermen.

7. Collecting hydrogen gas

(a) Water displacement 排水量 method is used to collect hydrogen in the school laboratory.实验室
(b) As hydrogen is less dense than water, it can be collected by bubbling 起 泡 the gas through water and
displacing 代替 it from a gas jar.

8. Hot air balloon 热球球

When the fire is lit 点燃, the air inside the balloon becomes heated 热, and it becomes less dense, so the balloon
rises 升起 into the air. On the other hand, when the fire is extinguished 熄灭, the air inside the balloon becomes
less hot and denser, the balloon descends 下降 to the ground.地上

9. Steel 钢铁 anchor 锚
A steel anchor is denser than water. When steel anchors are anchored 抛锚 to the bottom of the sea 海底, the
ship is fixed 固定 and does not drifted away 漂走 by the waves of the sea 海浪.
10. Meteorological 气象的 balloon 气球
Helium 氦 gas or hydrogen 氢 gas are used in a weather 天气 balloon. Both gases are less dense than air and
help the weather balloon to float in the air.

1.6 The Steps in a Scientific Investigation 科学研究

1. A scientific investigation is a series 一系列 of steps 步骤 carried out systematically to study a problem or a
natural phenomenon.
2.Scientific investigations involve the use of science process skills.
3. Here are some steps in a scientific investigation.

1. Identifying the problem 确定问题

• Ask a question based on what is observed.观察
• Determine 决定 what needs to be investigated.
• The problem is stated 陈述 in the form of questions.问题
2. Forming 做 a hypothesis 假设
• Make an initial 最初的 statement 陈述 to explain the problem.
• A hypothesis is a statement for the problem and can be tested 测验 experimentally.实验
3. Planning 计划 an experiment
• Identify the variables 变量. Variables are factors or conditions which influence 影响 the outcome 结果
of an experiment.
• Determine the procedure 步骤 to carry out the investigation.
• Choose the correct apparatus 器具 and materials 材料 to be used.
• Determine the best method to collect and analyse data.资料
4. Carrying out the experiment 进行试验
• Control 控制 the variables.
• Collect 收集 data through measurements 测量 and observations.观察
5. Analysis 分析 and interpretation 诠释 of data
• Carry out systematic, objective 客观的 and logical 逻辑的 analysis and interpretation of data.
• State the relationship 关系 between the manipulated variable and responding variable.
• The data collected are arranged 排成 in the form of tables, charts and diagrams.
6. Making a conclusion 做出结论
• A conclusion is made based on 根据 the results of the experiment.
• State 讲述 whether the results of the experiment support 支持 the hypothesis.

7. Writing a report 写报告

• Write a complete 完整 report about the investigation.
• A report contains all the steps carried out, the results and observations obtained and the conclusions
about the investigation.

EXPERIMENT 1 The Pendulum 钟摆 Experiment
To study the relationship 关系 between the length of a
pendulum and the number of oscillations 振荡次数 in
a given time

1.7 Scientific Attitudes and Values in Carrying Out Scientific Investigations
Scientific attitudes 科学态度 Noble values 高尚价值
Be responsible 有责任 for the safety of oneself, others Appreciate 珍惜 the contributions 贡献 of science and
and the environment technology 科技

Cooperate 合作 with friends when carrying out an Do not give up 不放弃 easily and be ready 准备 to
experiment repeat 重复 the experiment
Be open minded 开通 and willing to accept 接受 the Be systematic 有系统, confident 有信心 and ethical 有
opinions 意见 of others 道德
Be interested 有兴趣 and curios 好奇 about the Appreciate the balance 平衡 in nature 自然界
Be honest 老实 and accurate 准确 when recording 记 Realise 了解 that science is a mean 企图 to understand
录 and verifying 查实,证实 data the nature


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