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Net Paper II Dec.

2004 Notes

Client centered therapy Carl Rogers

Behavior Therapy Joseph Wolpe

Transactional Analysis Eric Berne

Reality Therapy William Glasser

Gestalt System of Therapy F.S.Perls and Laura P.Pearls

social group work a helping process Gisela Konopka

Community Welfare Organization Principle Arthur Dunham

and Practice

YMCA Movement George William

YWCA Movement Mrs. Kinnaird and miss. Robert

Settlement Movement Jane Adams

Playground and Recreation Movement Marie Zakrzewska

Milestones in casework Psychoanalysis- 1920,

Economic Factors-1930,
Ego Psychology-1940,
Shift from self to continuous interaction-

Net Paper II June. 2005 Notes

Hierarchy of needs Abraham Maslow

Behavior Modification Ivan Pavlov

Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud

National Commission for women 1990

New Economic Policy in India 1991

Convention of child Right ratified in India 1992

International Youth year- 1985

international year for disable person 1981

International Microcredit Year 2005

the mental health act 1987

Dowry prohibition act 1961

the employee state insurance act 1948

planning commission 1950

National Human right Commission 1993

Protection from domestic violence bill 2001

Social case work Grace Mathew

Social Movements M S A Rao

Social Development M S Gore

Community work Specht H and Kramer R M

➔ Fallacy of Reification
➔ Social security legislation in India was based on the report of Lord Beveridge
➔ Sociometry is technique widely used for study of status of members in the group
➔ Oedipus Complex associated with Phallic Stage
➔ Hypogamy where higher caste man marries lower caste women
➔ Octavia Hill and samuel Bernet are connected with Charity Organization
June 2007

Robert Redfield The Little Community

Kibbutzim means cooperative living

effectiveness of social case work Fisher Joel

Crisis Intervention Lydia Rappaport

Problem Solving model H.H. Perlman

social Group Work--H. Trecker

Social Development M.S. Gore

Methods of social work Jane Addams

National Youth Policy 1988

Juvenile Justice (care and protection) Act 2001

Pattern of Culture ... .Ruth Benedict

➔ Approaches for community organization suggested by Ross, 1. specific content 2. General
Content, 3. Process approach
➔ Owenism is the utopian socialist philosophy of 19th century social reformer Robert
Owen and his followers and successors, who are known as Owenites. Owenism aimed for
radical reform of society and is considered a forerunner of the cooperative
movement.[1] The Owenite movement undertook several experiments in establishment
of utopian communities organized according to communitarian and cooperative
principles.[1]One of the best known of these efforts, which were largely unsuccessful, was
the project at New Harmony, Indiana, which started in 1825 and was abandoned by 1829.
Owenism is also closely associated with the development of the British trade union
movement, and with the spread of the Mechanics' Institute movement.
➔ Community chart refers to community resources
➔ Article 45 of the Indian constitution lays down the provision of free and compulsory
education for children
➔ Friedlander and social work read
➔ Britto coined elitist social action and Popular social action

December 2007
➔ paradigm stand for a model
➔ Embourgeoisement means poor become rich
➔ Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft refers to community and association
➔ Part IV of the constitution promote the welfare
➔ The Child Marriage restraint Act enacted in 1 april 1929
➔ Probation means in legal language release to bail
➔ first Juvenile Court was established in Bombay
➔ Euphoria explains state of well being

Womens Education Ishwar chandra Vidyasagar

Prevention of Immoral traffic in women and 1978

girls act

Bardoli Satyagraha Vallabh Bhai Patel

Abolition of Sati Act lord Bentinck

Child Marriage restraint Act 1929- Harbilas Sarda

family Planning Banu Coyaji

CSWB Leelabai Mulgaonkar

• Sepoy Mutiny - 1857

• Central social welfare board - 1953
• National policy on Education- 1986
• National Policy on health - 1983
• Prevention of Bombay Act - 1952
• special Marriage act - 1956

June 2008
• Bramho samaj was founded in the year 1828
• UN declared 1994 as family year
• Problem Solving Model- Pearlman
• Functional model- Smalley, taft, and Robinson
• LOve Model- Holmos
• Four System Model – Pinkus and Minnhan
• the Radical Social Work – Saul Alinsky
• Asian Drama – Gunner Myrdal
• Globalization and discontents- Joseph Stiglits
• government of india appointed rural urban relation committee in 1963
• world elder abuse day-----15th June
• National Youth Day-----12th January
• Womens day-----8th March
• World Environment Day …..June 5
• world Azheimer's Day-------21th September
• Operation Black Board refer to improvement of basic facilities in the school
• caste is closed group said by............
• Probation of the offenders act came in 1958
• DPSP art 46 protection of SC ST from exploitation
• Luther Gullick –Social walfare administration POSDCORB
• Bhudan movement started at Pocham Palli
• murdock devided family inton family of oriantation and family of Procreation
• Null hypothesis
• Gerontology is the study of Ageing

December 2008

• The father of Indian Renaissance raja ram Mohan Roy

• National income of india estimated by Central statistical organization
• The study team on Social welfare and welfare of backward classes constituted in 1958
• Behavioral Economics Associated with Token Economics
• The technique of the dream analysis associated with Sigmund Freud
Sampling -------confidence interval
Experimental Research Design----Control Variable
Participatory Research----Wealth Matrix
SPSS----Variable View
1)Table Number 2) Title of the table 3) Caption 4) Stub 5) Body 6) Head Note 7) Foot Note

The ends of the criminal justice system are 1)Deterrence 2)Prevention 3)reformation and
enclosure movement, Charity Organization Society, settlement House Movement, Friendly visitors
● Prenatal Diagnostic technique Act 1994 passed for Control Female Foaticide
Hepatitis-B - Liver
Asthma - Respiratory system
Diabetes - Pancreas
Trachoma - Eye
● United Nations Child Rights Convention was ratified by india in 1992
● The Maintenance and welfare of the parents and senior citizens bill passed in 2007
● Differential association theory…...Sutherland
Argumentative Indian - --------Amartya Sen
I am OK, you are OK - ------------Thomas Harris
One night at the call centre - -----Chetan Bhagat
Wings of Fire - ---------------APJ. Abdul Kalam
● Employees State Insurance (ESI)

June 2009

1. The Industrial Dispute Act=== 1947

2. The Maternity Benefit Act===1961
3. The Contract Labor Act===1970
4. The Minimum Wages Act===1948
5. The payment of wages act ===1936
6. the payment of bonus act ===1965 set off and set on word
➔ Why Survive Being Old in America===Butler R N
➔ All India Trade Union Congrss Formed in 1920
➔ The law of the three stages social development propounded by the August Compte
➔ Council on social work education established in 1952
➔ Medical Termination of pregnancy act came into force in 1 April 1972
➔ From Charity to Social Work: Mary E. Richmond
➔ What is Casework ----Mary Richmund
➔ Problem are unmet needs----Mary E. Richmond
➔ CIVICUS Civil Society Index (CSI

Dec 2009

1. S. Freud - The unconscious

2. Erich Fromm - Freedom
3. Abraham Maslow - Hierarchy of needs
4. Elizabeth Harlock - Child development

Bodington defines statistics as the science of estimate and probabilities

Complex organization====Amitai Etzioni

Symbolic Interaction-====Margaret Mead
Bureaucracy====Max Weber
Functionalism===Talcott Parson

Apartheid Racial====Discrimination
States re-organization K M Panikar
Satae’s Merger---vallbhabhai
Bilingual ----Morarji Desai
City states---Romen Empire

Clique ---group of close friend

1999-2000 as the “Year of the Gram Sabha”
Sir B. N. Rau appointed as Constitutional advisor to the Assembly
Grapevine is an informal channel of business communication

Cognitive Social Work------Robert Sunley

existential Social work------soren Kierkeygaard
Radical Social work------Baily
Medical social work----------Goldstein
Functional approach in case work--Otto Rank
therapy developed by Otto rank -----will therapy
Directive Principle of state policy ----Irland
SOS villages were started by hermann Gmeiner

June 2010
The Proponent of the Need for Achievement Theory----McClelland
● Sublimation is a mature type of defense mechanism where socially unacceptable
impulses or idealizations are consciously transformed into socially acceptable
actions or behaviour, possibly converting the initial impulse in the long term. Freud defines
sublimation as the process of deflecting sexual instincts into acts of higher social
valuation, being "an especially conspicuous feature of cultural development; it is what
makes it possible for higher psychical activities, scientific, artistic or ideological, to
play such an important part in civilised life"
Dispersion refers to the Distribution
In 1949 Gertrude Wilson wrote Social Group Work Practice, co-authored with Gladys Ryland
Religion is a opium of masses.......Karl Marx
Article 14 right to free legel aid
1. Polygamy = One husband and more than one wife

2. Polyandray = One wife and more than one husband

3. Patrilocal = Residing at husband's place

4. Matrilocal = Residing at wife's place

● Descriptive - Detailed description

● Case study - Study of a unit in its totalit
● Exploratory study - Identifying new perspectives
● Experimental study - Experimental controlled groups

1. The employment exchange Act - 1958

2. The Payment of Bonus Act - 1965

3. Juvenile Justice Act - 1986

4. Maternity Benefit Act - 1961

"The nucleus of case work event is this: A person with a problem comes to a place where a
professional representative helps him by a given process." Person, Problem, Place, Process Social
Casework: A problem-Solving Process By Helen Harris Perlman
The Gender-related Development Index (GDI) and the Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM)
were introduced in 1995 in the Human Development Report written by the United Nations
Development Program.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs are:
1. Physiological needs
2. Safety needs
3. Love and belonging
4. Esteem
5. Sef-actulization
Tuberculosis (pulmonary and extrapulmonary) is the major opportunistic infection affecting 62% of
the cases followed by candidiasis seen in 57% of the patients.
Rutherford wrote The Poor and Their Money as a summary of what he had found and to
illustrate the many fascinating ways in which poor people handle their money.
1. Ecology - study of environment

2. Gerontology - study of older people

3. Criminology - study of crime

4. Epidemology - study of diseases

● NIRD - Journal of Rural Development

● TISS - Indian Journal of Social Work

● University of Lucknow - Contemporary Social Work

● Nirmala Niketan (Mumbai) - Perspectives in Social Work

1. Psychoanalytical theory - Sigmund Freud

2. Insight learning theory - Kohler
3. Operant Learning theory - Skinner
4. Trial and Error Learning theory - Thorndike
The structure of the social action ----------Max Weber
William J.Goode propounded the concept 'Conjugal Family'

June 2012 Paper II

World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen in 1995, the Commission has been the key
The demographic transition theory is a generalized description of the changing pattern of mortality,
fertility and growth rates as societies move from one demographic regime to another.
Functional social casework was developed by Jessie Taft (1937) and Virginia Robinson (1942), the then
faculty members of Pennsylvania School of Social Work. Taft and Robinson, both were influenced in their
work, by the philosophy and teachings of Herbert Mead and John Dowey and later by Otto Rank, a disciple
of Freud, who broke away from him in the later part of his life
Diagnostic school of social case work developed by Mead
Paulo Friere’s approach could be briefly stated as Action-reflection process with people.
“Social Group Work – A Helping Process”----Konopka G.
''Looking glass self’' concept-----C.H. Cooley
The Environmental Protection Act---1986
Developmental Disabilities Act-------1984
Job Training and Partnership Act-----1983
Vauden daele pointed out that ‘development implies qualitative change'
(i) National Institute of Orthopedically Handicapped----------Kolkata
(ii) National Institute of Visually Handicapped-------------------Dehradun
(iii) National Institute of Nutrition------------------------------------Hyderabad
(iv) National Institute of Hearing Handicapped------------------Mumbai
(i) An Introduction to Social Work-----Skidmod and Thakrey
(ii) Community Organisation :Theory and Practice.------M.G. Ross
(iii) Social Case Work :Problem Solving Process.--H.H.Pearlman
(iv) Introduction to Social Welfare......W.A. FriedLander
Provident Fund Act-1952
(i) Swarnjayanti GramSwarojgar Yojna---------1992
(ii) National RuralEmploymentGuarantee scheme----2005
(iii) World Trade Organisation--------1995
(iv) MillenniumDevelopment –Goals-----------2000
December 2012 II
The ‘Structure of Social Action’ was propounded by Talcott Parsons
William J.Goode propounded the concept ‘Conjugal Family’
Child Labour (Prohibition andRegulation) Act came into being in the year 1986
Ruth Benedict is the author of ‘Pattern of Culture’
The formula used to determine ‘Intelligence Quotient’ is I.Q =MA/CA ×100
1. Juvenile Justice Act ---1986
2. Untouchability Offenses Act ----1955
3. Dowry Prohibition Act ----------1961
4. Factories Act ---------1948
5. The Trade Union Act------1926
6. The Mines Act ----1952
7. The Payment of Gratuity Act.........1972
8. The Minimum Wages Act.......1948

a. Pathos-----Emotional Appeal
b. Logos------Logic of speakers argument
c. Burnouts ----Detachment from work
d. Defuse mechanism-----Reaction to frustration

a. Hydrophobia------Fear of water
b. Nictophobia---------Fear of darkness
c. Acrophobia---------Fear of heights
d. Pyrophobia----------Fear of fire
JUNE 2013 II
Recidivism. The behavior of a repeat or habitual criminal
1990s is recognised as decade for Natural Disaster Reduction
G.H. Mead introduced the concept of ‘Role Playing’
NICP means National initiative for child protection.
“Felt difficulty in fulfilling role obligation” is known as Role Strain
The model of Social Policy called
‘residual welfare’ has been advanced by Richard Titmus

Robertson divided Family into ‘Family of orientation’ and ‘Family of procreation’

Institutional Re-distributive model is linked with Welfare State
D.M. Morris developed the Physical Qualityof Life Index (PQLI)
‘Glass Ceiling’ is transparent barrier which women face as they attempt to achieve promotion to
the higher levels of organisation

December 2013
Rajsthan States in India, Community Development Programme was first initiated in 1952
The International Covenant for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights was adopted in the year 1948
The Indian Journal of Social Work was started in the year 1940

Sept. 2013
Social Work Education and Social Work Practice in India-----T.K. Nair
An Introduction To Social Psychology------------B. Kuppuswamy
Social Group Work Practice------------Wilson and Ryland
Social Work Research Methods for the Helping Professions--------Polansky
The National Commission for Women was established in the year------1992

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