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SECTION: AB, 7:00-8:00 PM, MWF




(GROUP – 5)





THE MEANING OF PERSONAL 1. Competition, which inhibits the
RELATIONSHIPS ability to form friendships and also
minimizes the ability to share
Personal relationships are ones in vulnerabilities and weaknesses
which partners rely on each other for a 2. Need to be "in control," which
variety of reasons, ranging from love to forbids self-disclosure and openness
financial support. Partners in intimate 3. Homophobia, which inhibits
relationships demand love, friendship, time, displays of affection and tenderness
energy, and help with big and little life toward other men and
problems. Furthermore, partners in intimate 4. Lack of skills and positive role
relationships see one another as distinct models for male intimacy. Men, he
people who cannot be replaced. Most of our argued, learn to avoid appearing
connections are social or professional; we weak an vulnerable in order to
may replace the individuals in them and the maintain a competitive edge.
relationship will continue to operate.
In our model, personal relationships ALTERNATE PATHS MODEL
refer to close connections between people,
formed by emotional bonds and The alternative pathways concept
interactions. These bonds often grow from agrees with the male deficit hypothesis that
and are strengthened by mutual gendered socialization is at the core of
experiences disparities in men's and women's usual
interaction patterns. However, it differs from
Relationships are not static; they are the deficit model in significant respects. First
continually evolving, and to fully enjoy and and foremost, the alternative pathways
benefit from them we need skills, perspective does not assume that men lack
information, inspiration, practice, and social emotions and emotional depth, or that
support. relationships and feelings are relevant in
Paul Wright - - There is much more men's life. Rather, this theory implies that
similarity than dissimilarity in the manner in male socialization restricts men's comfort in
which women and men conduct their vocally expressing certain emotions and, as
friendships.  Both women and men are a result, reduces men's chances to practice
looking for intimacy, acceptance, trust, and emotional conversation. Another significant
help. difference is that the alternative pathways
model contends that males do show
closeness in ways that they value and
MALE DEFICIT MODEL  understand – methods that may vary from
those of feminine people but are still
Differences in masculine and legitimate.
feminine orientations to close relationships
usually—but not always—coincide with GENDERED STYLES OF FRIENDSHIPS
male and female approaches to
relationships. Most friendships typically form for
Some scholars argue that masculine the same reasons like sharing different
orientations are inferior to feminine ones, interests, support, and companionship.
while others think that the two styles are Against the backdrop of commonalities in
different yet equally valid. approaches to friendship, there are some
differences in how women and men typically
According to the male deficit hypothesis, —but not invariably—build friendships and
males are less competent at intimacy interact within them. The type of relationship
because they are less motivated and/or able appears to differ between male and female
than women to express emotions, divulge relationships, one
personal information, and communicate is more casual
about sensitive subjects. (male friendships)
and the other is
Psychologist Robert Lewis
more intimate and
examined four "barriers" to emotional
personal (female
intimacy among men:
According to Paul Wright, the and healthy female friendships is something
interaction style of masculine people is they all women can benefit from.
usually interact side by side which means
 Initially separate worlds are woven
they don't sit around as a group, the way
together into a common one
women do, sharing their deepest feelings.
 through dialogue (Creating a close
Men tend to like a judgment-free, action-
packed, adventure-based style of friendship.
 Feminine norms may make women
They value relationships that include shared with feelings of envy &
activities and are less intimate. Men are not  Competition feel guilty; they also
physically or emotionally expressive, but tend to feel like they have to be
they derive great support from their  Constantly available & caring
friendships. The most common finding is  Can enrich and constrain
that men’s friendships tend to be more
“instrumental” and less emotional.
friendships are
face to face. The alternative form of intimacy that
They talk, cry men experience is called “closeness in the
together, and doing” (Swain), which entails feeling close
share secrets. through shared activity, not through self-
Feminine disclosure. The masculine approach to
people tend to communicating closeness involves the use
self-disclose of shared activities and doing favors for one
more often than masculine people, and in another as a way of communicating
more intimate details. Likewise, feminine closeness. Men have been found to
people tend to communicate more affection, generally associate relational closeness
and with greater intimacy and confidence. with drinking together, handshakes, and
Generally speaking, feminine people discussing sexual issues as opposed to
communicate more and prioritize self-disclosure and emotional
communication more than masculine expressiveness (Floyd, 1995)
people.  Signals affection by teasing,
Unlike women, men often do not feel competition, and playfully punches
the need to discuss all the changes in their  Cultivates camaraderie
lives with a friend or a need to say in touch.  Different friends for various interests
Interestingly, men can go extended periods
of time, months or even years, without
having contact with a friend, yet still
consider the other person a close friend. In Man Date according to Jennifer Lee
contrast, if a woman does not have regular “is two heterosexual men socializing without
contact with an individual she views as a the crutch of business or sports”.
close friend then she is more likely to
assume they have grown apart, is no longer For instance:
interested in the friendship, and assume the  A man date is sitting across the table
friendship is over. from each other while talking and
FEMININE FRIENDSHIPS: CLOSENESS dining; eating together in a sports
IN DIALOGUE bar while watching a game is not.
 A man date is taking a walk together
This beneficial effect of friendship was in a botanical garden; jogging
felt whether the friends lived near or far. An together isn’t.
article published on the New York
 A man date is attending a showing
Times website states that women feel they
at an art gallery; attending a
can count on their friends to pull through for
them no matter what they are struggling baseball game is not.
within their lives. Women are each other’s Men who preferred with these kinds of
emotional support system. From giving interaction are concerned of how their
advice, being a shoulder to cry on, keeping intentions will be perceived. Mostly people
secrets, lending a listening ear and
will see it as weird having two guys together
boosting self-esteem, to developing strong
on a “date” and so people who liked face to
face interactions with their male friends
avoided to have intimacy around other men.
So to avoid the questioning, some men who GENDERED ROMANTIC
do go on dates set guidelines to avoid the RELATIONSHIPS
misinterpretation of their intentions: The General Rule on Gendered
Romantic Relationships. We have different
 Dinners are okay (but not with
cultural upbringings and insights about
candlelit tables); brunch is not.
relationships. But most if not all of us,
 Beer and hard alcohol are fine; wine
regardless of our nationalities have the
is iffy; coolers are out.
same cultural script for romance and it tells
 Cooking for a friend at home is us that:
unacceptable unless you are grilling.
 It’s okay to go to a movie together as
long as you keep a seat between  Feminine women and masculine
you. men are desirable.
 Men should initiate, plan, and direct
most activities in a relationship.
FRIENDSHIPS BETWEEN MEN AND  Women should facilitate
WOMEN conversation, generally defer to
men, but control sexual activity.
Is friendship between sexes hard?  Men should excel in status and
Friendships between the sexes pose earning money, and women should
unique challenges and offer special assume primary responsibility for the
opportunities for growth. Because our relationships.
culture so heavily emphasizes gender, it is
difficult for women and men not to see each DEVELOPING ROMANTIC INTIMACY
other in sexual terms. The tension on the
friendships between women and men arises  Intimacy is achieved when we
from sex-segregated socialization. become close to someone else and
Beginning in childhood, males and females are reassured that we are loved and
are often separated (Monsour, 2002, 2006) accepted for who we are.
Despite these difficulties, many  Children usually develop intimacy
women and men do form friendships with with parents and peers.
each other and find them rewarding (West,  As adults, we seek intimacy in close
Anderson, & Duck, 1996). Between relationships with other adults,
these friendships both parties can gain or friends, family and with a partner.
offer something unique.  Our views of desirable partners often
reflect cultural gender expectations
—success and status in males,
 For women, they receive less beauty and nurturing tendencies in
emotionally tense companionship to females.
their male friends as compared to
their male friends.
 For men, they receive more Heterosexual Relationships
emotional support and therapeutic
release with women than men  Men takes the initiative
friends (Koesten, 2004; Werking,  Many people claim they don’t accept
1997). this pattern, most heterosexuals still
conform to it.
This may explain why both sexes tend
to seek women friends in times of stress Androgynous Relationships
and why both women and men are
 Breaks from rigid cultural definitions
generally more comfortable self-disclosing
of masculinity and feminity.
to women than to men (Monsour, 2006).
 Behave in more flexible, less
stereotypical ways
 Lesbian partner mutual
attentiveness to nurturing and
emotional openness may explain
why lesbians report more
satisfaction with their romantic
relationships than gays or
Gendered orientations influence four AUTONOMY & CONNECTION
primary dimensions of long-term love  Autonomy is about a person’s ability
relationships: to act on his or her own values and
 Modes of expressing care interests. 
 Autonomy and connection are two
 Needs for autonomy and connection
basic needs of all humans.
 Responsibility for relational
 We all need to feel that we have
both personal freedom and
 Power
meaningful interrelatedness with
 Demand-withdraw occurs in one of
GENDERED MODES OF EXPRESSING two patterns between marital
AFFECTION partners, in which one
Masculine mode of expressing affection  Partner is the demander, seeking
is instrumental and activity focused. change, discussion, or resolution of
Feminine mode is emotionally expressive an issue, while the other partner is
and talk focused. the withdrawer, seeking to end or
avoid discussion of the issue.
Women often feel hurt and shut out if  For instance, to think that a man
men don’t want to discuss feelings and the who wants time alone doesn’t care
relationship. Whereas many women feel for his partner or value a relationship
that ongoing talk keeps problems from is to interpret his withdrawal
developing. according to a feminine rule.
Some men feel resentful or intruded on  Although the demand–withdraw
when women push them to be emotionally pattern may persist in relationships,
expressive. we can eliminate the poison of
misinterpretation by respecting
 Men often find talking about a different needs for autonomy and
relationship unnecessary connection.
 Men are more likely to express  Both men and women are likely to
caring by doing things for and with withdraw when partners demand or
their partners request change; however, the
intensity of withdrawal is greater
Research shows that men as well as
when a woman requests change in a
women are more satisfied with partners who
man than when a man requests
are willing to engage in intimate self-
change in a woman
disclosure, to give emotionally supportive
 Masculine individuals tend to be
responses, and to be sensitive and
more comfortable when they have
some distance from others, whereas
Cultural Bias Favoring Feminine Modes feminine people tend to be more
of Expressing Love comfortable with close connections.

 Gay and lesbian couples tend to

share perspectives about how to
communicate affection.
 Gay men generally engage in more
emotional and intimate talk than Lesbian couples are more likely to
straight men but less than women of share responsibility for their relationships.
any sexual orientation. Because most lesbians, like most
heterosexual women, acquire feminine may be a result of early childhood
ways of thinking and behaving, both experiences where there was not a reliable
partners are sensitive to interpersonal caretaker available. People who
dynamics and interested in discussing and experienced this tend to learn to take care
working through issues in their relationship. of themselves, avoiding out to others for
help because they may not know how to
depend on someone else. Another reason
interdependency may be difficult for some
WHEN FOCUSING ON FEELINGS MAKES people is because they were raised in a
US FEEL BAD household filled with chaos. There was no
Women, on average, pay more consistency and a poor (or no) model of a
attention to emotions than men. This mature marriage was all that was available,
so they may not fully understand the
enables women to connect with their
nuances of what it means to be able to
emotions and work with their feelings.
count on each other.
However, there may be a disadvantage.
According to research, women have
a higher proclivity to dwell on their emotions GENDERED POWER DYNAMICS
than males. Excessive brooding may cause
Gender dynamics are informed by
women to get trapped in unpleasant sociocultural ideas about gender and the
emotions and emotionally slide downhill into power relationships that define them.
despair. Depending upon how they are manifested,
Experts advise ladies to break out of gender dynamics can reinforce or challenge
existing norms
their unpleasant emotions by going
someplace, doing something, or focusing Example:
their attention elsewhere. In other words,
instrumental coping techniques, which are Gender roles and the lack of power
usually male, may be beneficial. that women have in many traditional
societies adversely affect the health of
women in many ways.

I PROMISE NOT TO EXASPERATE MY For example, reproductive roles can

HUSBAND. NOT! be emphasized, resulting in high birth rates,
high maternal mortality, and this emphasis
Interdependency, or being able to can interfere with a woman’s autonomy,
depend on each other, is part of what limiting her decision making power and use
makes a marriage special and successful. of financial resources.
Dependability is one of the top qualities
people look for in a spouse, and it should For example, in 2008, Nepal’s
be. If one or both of you can’t depend on maternal mortality rate reached 830 deaths
each other, the viability of your marriage is per 100,000 live births (compared to less
threatened. than 15 deaths in developed nations).
Though limited facilities and lack of quality
When you make a promise to your of care contribute to this high maternal
spouse or say you do something for your mortality rate, the disempowerment, low
spouse or family and then you don’t keep status, and restricted decision-making
your word, you’re letting your spouse down capacity of females also contribute.
and hurting your marriage. Keeping your
word and following through on your In addition, in many societies,
promises helps to reinforce the trust that women are valued only for their ability to
your spouse has in you. Not keeping your produce children, and they may put
word tells your spouse that you simply don’t themselves at risk in order to do so. As a
care, whether or not that’s actually true. It Nepalese woman explains, “I got married
makes your spouse feel unloved or when I was 14 years old and after 2 years of
unimportant as if they aren’t worth the effort, marriage I became a mother. I have no
and it probably makes you feel bad too. intention to have another baby before this
one goes to school, but my husband doesn’t
So why do people break their agree. He wanted to have at least four sons.
promises and not keep their word? There is It won’t affect him even if I die during
a multitude of potential reasons behind this childbirth but I have to produce them
and it differs for every individual. Some because it was his wish.
people minimize their need for others, which
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