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Clinton cites

NATION urgency in
Mideast bid
for peace
retary of State Hillary
Rodham Clinton sought
to inject urgency into Is-
raeli-Palestinian peace
Tony Blair target of talks Friday, warning the
negotiations may be “the
shoes, eggs in Dublin last chance for a very long
time” to reach an agree-
DUBLIN — Protesters hurled shoes In an unusual joint inter-
and eggs Saturday at Tony Blair view with Israeli and Pal-
who held the first public signing estinian television broad-
of his memoir amid high securi- casters, Clinton said the
ty in Ireland’s capital. Hundreds rise of Iranian-backed ex-
more people lined up to have tremist ideology in the
their books autographed — ev- Middle East is a major rea-
idence that the divisions left by son why time is short.
Blair’s decade as British leader “I think that time is not
have yet to heal. on the side of either Israeli
Blair’s new book, “A Journey,” is a or Palestinian aspirations
best-seller, but it has angered op- for security, peace and a
ponents of his policies, especially state,” she said. A “com-
the 2003 invasion of Iraq. mitment to violence” by
those opposed to peace
About 200 demonstrators chant- make reaching an agree-
ed that Blair had “blood on his ment quickly all the more
hands” as the former prime min- necessary, she said.
ister arrived at a Dublin bookstore. “The United States,”
Clinton added, “wants
to weigh in on the side of
Rangel: $111,000 in leaders and people who
legal bills in 2 months see this as maybe the last
chance for a very long time
NEW YORK — A federal campaign to resolve this.”
finance report shows embattled
New York Rep. Charles Rangel
has spent more than $111,000
on legal bills since July.
A House ethics panel has charged
the Harlem Democrat with 13 vio-
lations, including using a rent con-
trolled Manhattan apartment as a
campaign office and failing to pay
taxes on a rental property in the
Dominican Republic.
Rangel has vowed to fight the
charges. He’s expected to face a
House trial in the fall.
The New York Daily News report-
ed that the congressman’s latest
campaign filing Friday shows he’s
spent more than $1.8 million on
legal fees related to the case.

Mich. town pulls plug

on police department
CLARKSTON, Mich. — A small
town in Michigan has eliminated
its police department as a way to
save money.
The Oakland County sheriff’s de-
partment began patrolling the vil-
lage of Clarkston on Friday night.
About 1,000 people live in the
Clarkston previously had a police
chief, one full-time officer, eight
part-time officers and some re-
servists. WDIV-TV and the Detroit
Free Press report the community
about 30 miles northwest of De-
troit eliminated the positions as a
part of budget cuts.
Maywood, Calif., eliminated its po-
lice department earlier this year be-
cause of budget problems. Maywood
has about 45,000 residents.

Death toll hits 65 in

Taliban suicide attack
QUETTA, Pakistan — The death
toll from a Pakistani Taliban sui-
cide attack on a Shiite Muslim
procession rose to 65 Saturday as
critically wounded people died in
hospitals, while a suspected U.S.
missile strike killed seven insur-
gents in a restive tribal area.
About 150 people were wound-
ed and some remained in criti-
cal condition after the bombing
Friday in the southwestern city
of Quetta, police official Moham-
med Sultan said.
The attack was the second in a
week against Shiites for which
the Pakistani Taliban claimed re-
sponsibility. A triple suicide bomb-
ing Wednesday killed 35 people at
a Shiite ceremony in the eastern
city of Lahore.

Pulizer-winning artist
Paul Conrad dead
LOS ANGELES — Paul Conrad used
his pencil like a weapon. His long
lines and jagged angles seemed
to point directly at the leaders he
deemed charlatans and fools in
need of deflating. IThe political
cartoonist with an unmistakable
style died at 86 Saturday at his
home in the Los Angeles suburb
of Rancho Palos Verdes.
He took on U.S. presidents from
Harry S. Truman to George W. Bush,
mostly in the Los Angeles Times,
where he worked for 30 years.
His favorite target was Nixon. At
the time of the president’s resig-
nation, he drew Nixon’s helicop-
ter leaving the White House with
the caption: “One flew over the
cuckoo’s nest.”

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