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Candidate A : You have to give a presentation yo your class. Talk about source information.

Candidate B : You have to give a presentation yo your class. Talk about aid in researching.

Candidate C : You have to give a presentation yo your class. Talk about reliable communication.

Candidate D : You have to give a presentation yo your class. Talk about online education.

Candidate A : You have to give a presentation yo your class. Talk about source information.

Good morning to the examiners and my fellow candidates. The situation given student today rely
considerably on the internet, how internet is useful for student about lot,s information,serves as
teacher to student and helps in assignment and project.

Fistly,now the internet has become an important thing in human life,especially students. This is
stated because,we can gain more knowledge a lot’s of information about the world. For example,
the ongoing covid-19 pandemic in or country now. Therefore, we should look at the series on the
importance of the internet to students.

Secondly, internet also importance because internet can serves as teacher to student to teach
students about the advantages of the internet . For example, students can finding the solutions to
assigned the homework was given from teacher.Lastly,teacher was the first person student need to
ask and consult for success.

Last but not least, internet also can helps in assignment and project .Moreover,internet had a lot
things benefit to help student solve a problem in assignment and project.

In conclusion, I strongly believed source information has many benefit rather than ugliness . Thank
Candidate B : You have to give a presentation yo your class. Talk about aid in researching.

Good morning to the examiners and my fellow candidates. The situation given student today about
aid in researching. In my opinion, varous positive things we can gain or take for benefit as a student.

Firstly ,research can be done on any topic,be it medical,non medical or anything else. For
example,research is to get deep into the topic so that something helpful can churn out. Thus, lots
related research articles can help student a lot.

Secondly, internet also can help student in research with provides guidelines on conducting a good
research. For an instance, google will guide student below 18 years old about no need things to
know. Thus, student will be more prudent in using the internet.

Lastly, by doing research student also can gets knowledge on how they can innovate further in
internet. Internet also can provide the variety of lessons and articles. For example, reading a
motivation in online or internet how to be success person. Thus, students can take advantage of
time not anly for research but for future.

In conclusion, aid in researching have a lot benefits things to student and whole human. Thank you
Candidate C : You have to give a presentation your class. Talk about reliable communication.

Good morning to the examiners and my fellow candidates. The situation given student today about
reliable communication. The internet is useful in many aspect and benefit.

Firstly, I can say that the internet is not beneficial for limited persons or students. Everyone can get
many things they want on internet. So the internet is serving to every person. For an instance, the
internet can be used by all ages to find any kind of knowledge. Thus, the importance of establishing
good communication at young age is critical in development and future learning.

Secondly, easy to communicate in a group because they understanding each other. For example,
discuss for a presentation given by a teacher. Thus, students will be able to communicate and
achieve problem solving goals.

Thirdly, about reliable communication.By sharing ideas students will be able to further their
knowledge. For example, discuss and share ideas while doing assignment was given.
Therefore,students will be more open and not stingy to sharing ideas and syudents will be able to
get more benefit.

In conclusion, with sharing ideas we can get more things in our live.Thankyou
Candidate D : You have to give a presentation your class. Talk about online education.

Good morning to the examiners and my fellow candidates. The situation given student today about
online education. The goal of online communications is the same as the goal in face-to-face
communications,to share information,to be heard and to be understood.

Firstly, online learning due to the covid19 pandemic that has hit the whole country caused all
universities including schools have been closed. Therefore, universities have made online learning
for all students to be able to continue theur studies and complete diplomas and degrees.

Secondly, provide affordable education,especially graduate programs. This is because,online learning

costs of renting a house ,utilities,vehicles,scientifiv books and so on. Therefore, students only focus
when studying online and find information for reference using portal online for education.

Thirdly, can take the course without going to the college because the college has provided a special
portal for students to follow the course according to their cost due to the Covid19 pandemic which is
an infectious disease that has hit. Therefore,students can indirectly take courses without going to

In conclusion, to success is not easy butrequires a strong effort no matter whether you are going to
college or universities.Thankyou

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