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The First Industrial Revolution

The Modern period is a cultural movement that has a lasting impact on the world. The
Romantic period provoked everyone to rebellion and two of the greatest revolutions, the
American and French, were an outcome of that period. Thus, the Modern period was born when
the Romantics faded out and this shift in culture changed the world forever. Modernism
changed the way people lived in a number of different reasons, but there are three that stood
out from the rest.

The Modern Era changed the world through literature, producing some of the greatest
works in history, through technology and science, this new scientific movement invented
groundbreaking technology, and lastly through wars, people realized that being ruled by one all-
powerful monarchy is not the way they want to live. A lot of credit can go to the Enlightenment
and Romantic periods, but the Modern period shaped the world so radically that it would not be
the same without it.

Modern history is the history of the world beginning after the Middle Ages. Generally
the term "modern history" refers to the history of the world since the advent of the Age of
Reason and the Age of Enlightenment in the 17th and 18th centuries and the beginning of the
Industrial Revolution.

The early modern period is roughly around the 1500s - 1800s. It begins with
European exploration and ends around the period of the French Revolution. The late modern
period follows the early modern period and ends around World War 2.

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