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1)is nothing but table

2) any data we want to store in saleceforce will be saved to objects
3) There are 2 types of object
a) Standard object
b) custom object

4) Stand object:
any object created by the salesforce to meet the global CRM requirements is
called stand objects
5) standard objects cannot be deleted, they can only be customized.
6) Example Account , contact , User , Profile.... Document
Custom objects
1) objects created by the user according to his org needs are called custom objects

2) all customs objects will have __C as extension at the end of its name.
3) Custom objects can be modified or deleted accoridng to your org needs.
Example Custome__C, Loan__C, Payement__C

1) Objects will fall under Model part of MVC(Model-View-Controller)

2) every object will have thrre char unique id , based on this id salesforce will
recognise this object.
Object ID
Account 001
Contact 003
User 005

4) We can create object in 3 ways

a) Standard Navigation
b) schema builder
c) Meta data soap api webservice

Standard Navigation
Setup -- Build-- Create-- Objects-- New custom Object

Setup-- Platform tools-- Object & fields -- Object Manager -- Create --- Custom

Step 1 Enter Label: Objects will be displayed in UI with this Label

Step 2 Enter Name: Name of the object , this is the actual name of the object and
this name is refered programaticvally

Step 3 Enter Pural Label: Customers:

if you are creating any tab for an object Label that should be displayed is called
pural Label.

Step4 Context-Senstive Help :

on every object salesforce will create a standard link Help for this page ? and
when we click on it , supported document will open which is called context senstive
there are two options
1) Open the standard help
if we choose this option salesfoece standar help option will open
2) Open a window using a visualforce page
If we choose this option we can choose any one of our visualforce page.

Step 5 : Enter record Name Label and format

Eary object salesforce will create one standard mandatory field will be created
automatically it is Name field

Ony 2 data types will be supported

1) AutoNumber
2) Text
Record Name Label: This is the label with which name field will be displayed on the

Step 6: Optional Features

These options are enables or disable at any stage of the applicaiton
Allow reports : - If you enable this option we can create reports on the data
available in the objects
Allow Activites: We can create events and task on the object
Track Field History : Changes that are made on the data of the field will be
Allow in Chatter Group: we can use this object in the chatter and communites

Step 7 : Object Classification

this will specify, this custom object is created for classic or Lightning
Allow sharing
Allow Bulk API access
Alow Streaming API access
If above 3 option are enabled then it is desiinged for enterprise .
If we disabled any one of the option then it is designed for lighting appilcation

Step 8 : Deployment Status

In Development : If you enable this option, object is still ready for access.
This object can be accessed only by admin
Deployed : Object is ready for access and will be shared based on org
security model.

Step 9 : Search Status

Allow search: If we enable this option data in this object can be searched
from global search

Step 10 : Object Creation Options:

These options can be enabled only at the time of creating the object , once
the object is created we cannot enable or disable these option

Add Notes and Attachments related list to the default page layout:
If we enable this option notes and attachments will be enabled in detail
after you save the record it is called Detailed page while you enter the record it
is called Edit page.

Launch New custom Tab wizard after saving this custom object.
If you enable this option , once object is created it will take you to the
tab creation page.

Schema Builder
Setup --- Build-- Lightning Bolt -- Schema Builder

Setup -- Platform tools-- objects and fields --- Schema Builder.

Step 1 Choose the elements

Step 2 Drag and Drop the object
Step 3 Enter the details and save

How many custom objects we can create , it depends on the edition what we purchase
Edition Objects
Developer 400
Enterprise 200
Unlimited 2000

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