The 5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers

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The Guide For Achieving
Success and Satisfaction
JAMES CITRIN heads the global technology, communications and media practice for Spencer Stuart, an
executive search firm. He has been involved in recruiting a number of top CEOs, presidents and board
directors for a number of well known companies. Mr. Citrin (a graduate of Vassar College and the Harvard
Business School) is the author of Zoom and the co-author of Lessons From the Top.
RICHARD SMITH is an author and search practitioner with Spencer Stuart. A graduate of Northwestern
University and the University of Florida, Mr. Smith is the author of Top Tier Talent and a number of other
articles published in business journals.
The Web site for this book is available at
The 5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers - Page 1

Why is it some people make it to the top of their organizations while others with equal talent seem to never fully reach their potential?
Does it really come down to luck, political savvy or aggressiveness?
To answer this question definitively rather than by anecdotes, a three pronged research project was carried out:
1. A database of 1.2 million executive employees was analyzed for recurring factors.
2. 8,000 written surveys were sent out, of which 2,000 were completed and returned by senior executives by mid-2002.
3. More than 300 face-to-face interviews were carried out over a two year period to identify thoughts, goals, beliefs and behaviors.
This research program showed statistically that extraordinary careers follow a trajectory which is consistent irrespective of the
industry within which these executives worked. The five career patterns which differentiated those at the top from all others were:

The Five 1 Understand how value is created in the workplace – and get into action
of 2 Be benevolent – help others succeed and they will in turn help you
Extraordinary 3 Find a sensible and realistic way to overcome the permission paradox
4 Exceed your job description and make unexpected breakthroughs
5 Find a good fit – a position that harnesses your strengths and passions

“The five patterns are not a simplistic formula for distilling the complexities of a career into a set of rules. Many of us desperately yearn
for a simple set of rules for dealing with the complexity of our working lives: Do these ten things, avoid these five. The problem is that in
managing a career in real time, where you have to make important decisions without all of the facts, cookbook rules are simply not
effective. Careers, like weather systems or financial markets, contain patterns. In any complex system, there are usually a handful of
factors that govern the vast majority of the behavior of that system. So while in situations with great complexity, such as careers, there
are no easy, rational answers that will always lead to the most positive outcomes, there are patterns that correlate very strongly with
success over time. Many believe that success is out of their control. Yet careers guided by success patterns are understandable,
predictable and manageable over the long run. Our goal is to answer two questions: How are extraordinary careers really achieved?
And what thoughts and actions can you institute to create extraordinary success and fulfillment in your own career?”
– James Citrin and Richard Smith

Pattern #1 – Understand how value is created in the workplace – and get into action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
People with extraordinary careers understand in great detail how value is created in the marketplace in
which they work. They then translate this knowledge into action by finding concrete ways to add more
value to their organization in each phase of their careers.
Pattern #2 – Be benevolent – help others succeed and they will in turn help you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
The people at the top of an organization actually don’t claw their way there. Instead, they are carried there
by the other people whom they have helped to make successful. Thus, to position yourself for the top,
create success for your peers, your subordinates and your superiors.
Pattern #3 – Find a sensible and realistic way to overcome the permission paradox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
One of the great “Catch-22”s of business is you can’t get the job you want without experience, and you
can’t get the experience without the job. Successful executives take charge and find ways to get the critical
experiences they need to get ahead, usually by seeing the opportunities other are missing completely.
Pattern #4 – Exceed your job description and make unexpected breakthroughs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
People with impressive careers do their jobs exceptionally well, but don’t stop there. Instead, they move
well past their predefined objectives and create breakthrough ideas, thereby delivering unexpected
benefits to their organizations. This differentiates them from everyone else quite effectively.
Pattern #5 – Find a good fit – a position that harnesses your strengths and passions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6
People with great careers always make decisions with a long-term perspective in mind. That way they
migrate towards positions that fit their natural strengths and personal passions. Invariably, this will also
include working with others they like and respect.
Application – How organizations put these 5 patterns into practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7
Extraordinary organizations are not merely a collection of highly successful individuals but a creator of
them. To be extraordinary, an organization has to take the best individuals it can find and then create an
ecosystem where these people can grow to become highly successful individually.
Conclusion – How individuals can and should apply these 5 patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
To put the five patterns into practice in your own career, a new scorecard is required. Instead of expecting
instant results, you should concentrate on creating value for yourself and your organization. Over an
extended period of time, those efforts will bear fruit and provide a foundation for extraordinary success.
The 5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers - Page 2

2. The momentum phase – where the bulk of your market value

Pattern Understand how value is created in the comes from your experience in different situations and the
#1 workplace – and get into action
skills you have acquired. In this phase, you start to take
careful control over the direction your career is moving. You
stop dabbling and focus more intensively on the areas where
People with extraordinary careers understand in great detail how
you can excel. Typically, you will have many options
value is created in the marketplace in which they work. They then
available to you in this phase (within your own organization
translate this knowledge into action by finding concrete ways to
and with others) because of your high visibility. To keep
add more value to their organization in each phase of their
moving forward, you have to migrate to positions that are
aligned with your strengths and passions.
3. The harvest phase – where once again the bulk of your
Careers, like many other aspects of life, are often governed by market value comes from your potential value rather than
subtle yet fear reaching factors. As you learn to understand the your experiential value. In this phase, the number of options
underlying dynamics better, you can make better decisions can be vast – other companies to run, other boards to join,
which will move you in the desired direction. One of these key speaking engagements to make, books to write, etc. During
dynamics is your career will always be closely linked to the the harvest phase, a successful executive can secure some
amount of value you create in the marketplace. Simply put, to important roles and responsibilities. As executives take on
advance your career, learn how to create more value and then do new challenges, there is a cross-border transfer of
precisely that. The more you understand and apply this principle, know-how which frequently transcends traditional industry
the better positioned you are to align with it. boundaries.
Your own personal worth in the marketplace for talent will
depend on four key macro factors: Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
1. Demographics – the general level of supply and demand for Promise Momentum Harvest
your professional talents and competencies.
2. Market liquidity – how many people with comparable talents
to you are currently seeking positions versus the number of Experiential
positions open to them.
3. Company volatility – the rises and falls in the market value of
the company which employs you. Experiential
4. Intellectual capital – how the financial markets value
intangible assets by comparison with the value assigned to Experiential
hard assets. Potential
By continually tracking these factors, you will gain insights in how Potential
to go about increasing your personal market value. Most people
start their careers with loads of potential value and then gradually Potential
increase their experiential value as they gain experience and
know-how. The more experiential value you can gain, the greater
the momentum your career will have and the more options you Although the marketplace for talent can seem confusing and
will have open up. complex, at the end of the day it really does operate just like any
other market – values vary according to supply and demand. The
In the business world, experiential value is usually more highly
compensated than potential value mainly because experience is key challenges are:
easier to quantify. However, your worth in the marketplace will 1. To position yourself advantageously with a strong firm.
2. To take control of your own career development trajectory.
not only reflect your present experiential value but will also factor
in your potential value as well. The true metric by which career 3. To be proactive in steering your career in the right direction.
4. To understand how value is created.
progress should be measured is the way in which you manage to
turn your potential value into valuable experiences which in turn “I conceive that the great part of the miseries of mankind are
generates additional potential value which can be capitalized in brought upon them by the false estimates they have made of the
the future. The faster you can get this cycle working, the more values of things.”
you’ll be worth. – Benjamin Franklin
All careers tend to go through three distinct phases:
“Value is not intrinsic; it is not in things. It is within us; it is the way
1. The promise phase – where your perceived market value is in which man reacts to the conditions of his environment.”
weighted heavily in favor of your potential. This phase – Ludwig von Mises
generally occurs at the completion of your formal education
until sometime in your early thirties. During this phase, who “Careers, like other important activities in life, are governed by
you choose to work for and the variety of experiences you are subtle yet pervasive dynamics that significantly influence your
exposed to can have a significant impact on the trajectory of value in the marketplace for talent. Once you truly understand
your future career. If you can succeed in starting to build your them, you are bound for glory. Remain ignorant of them at your
experiential value well during this phase, it will have a own peril. The most successful professionals understand the
compounding effect on the results of your entire career. underlying factors, maximize their market value at different
Similarly, the more experiences you are exposed to early on, stages of professional life.”
the easier it becomes to know your passions and strengths. – James Citrin and Richard Smith
The 5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers - Page 3

When managing your own career, you first need to recognize

Pattern Be benevolent – help others succeed what sort of leader you are working for and adapt accordingly.
#2 and they will in turn help you
Ideally, you want to become aligned with a benevolent leader
because under this type of leader you have the greatest
opportunity to grow personally. The type of leader you work for
The people at the top of an organization actually don’t claw their
will also impact on your opportunities for promotion.
way there. Instead, they are carried there by the other people
whom they have helped to make successful. Thus, to position Later in your career, however, you’ll also need to decide what
yourself for the top, create success for your peers, your type of leader to become yourself. If you build your own
subordinates and your superiors. leadership style around the characteristics of benevolent
leadership, you’ll be positioning yourself advantageously. Why?
□ Benevolent leaders are the most likely to be able to attract top
The idea of building your own career by making those around you
talent and inspire them to superior performance. That means
become highly successful may seem counterintuitive at first.
you can build a strong management team around you.
Most popular management theories suggest it is necessarily to
fight and claw your way to the top by outperforming and □ Benevolent leaders are more focused on getting the job done
outmaneuvering everyone else. In reality, however, the best right than they are on building their own egos. In practical
performers always build a strong team of people around them, terms, that means spending more time on the question “What
and then draw on the talents, abilities and core competencies of do we need to do to succeed?” and less time on “What’s in it
everyone in the team. for me?”
There are actually four categories of leaders: □ Benevolent leaders trust their people implicitly. Instead of
attempting to micro manage everything, these types of
leaders provide information, delegate responsibility and let
High others accomplish the tasks as they see fit. Again, this creates
Solid Citizens Benevolent Leaders
Honest but Focused on helping an attractive environment others will respond positively to.
uninspiring leaders others excel Benevolent leaders lead, follow and then get out of the way.
In the end, if you can create a work environment where others
Mercenaries Pirates Assemble a
want to work, you maximize your own chances of success. To
Self-motivated team to get a
Low position yourself for great accomplishment in the future, create
free agents specific bounty
success for others – your subordinates, your peers and even
your superiors.
Low Alignment High
“A leader is best when people barely know that he exists. He is
1. Pirates – are the corporate leaders who are not particularly the teacher who succeeds without taking credit. And, because
admired but pull together a band of high performers by credit is not taken, credit is received.”
offering exceptional incentives. Pirates only succeed – Lao Tzu, 6th century B.C.
long-term if they are superior strategic thinkers or deal
“Take the most blame, give the most credit, set ambitious
objectives and let your people strive to realize them, holding
2. Mercenaries – are leaders who concentrate on their personal people accountable. Excel in giving direct feedback and
success at the expense of all other considerations. hands-on mentoring and you will reap the rewards of
Mercenaries encourage internal competition as the way to consistently better teams and consistently higher performance
weed out the weakest. Mercenaries rarely have long-term levels from team members. Over time, you will create a virtual
success because they are out the door as soon as possible army of professionals willing to fight in your corner. Follow this
with as much as possible. pattern of benevolent leadership and you’ll be well on your way to
3. Solid citizens – are business leaders who mean well but just creating success and satisfaction, for yourself and others.”
cannot bring themselves to make the hard decisions. Their – James Citrin and Richard Smith
subordinates will stay out of a sense of personal loyalty, but
strong performers find they have to leave to find more “The idea that there are patterns in extraordinary careers is not
attractive opportunities. Long-term, solid citizens struggle to the conventional wisdom. Many believe that success is the result
create a dynamic, go-forward organization. of either luck or larceny. Luck, however, is a convenient excuse
for a lack of success. So what else could separate those who are
4. Benevolent leaders – are people whose primary objective is successful from those who are less so? It must be good fortune
the success of the team. These leaders set unambiguous and impeccable timing. The truth is a successful career is not the
goals, delegate meaningful responsibility, communicate result of one lucky break, like an actress waiting tables when a
openly and are honest in their dealings with their star movie producer walks in. It results from a consistent series
subordinates. Benevolent leaders attract the best and of opportunities and performance over time. It cannot be faked.
brightest employees because they create the best And professionals who lack character and ethics and are still
professional environment. Long-term, benevolent leaders able to rise to and remain at the very top are in fact extremely
create a virtuous circle effect where the best people create rare. When they do attain career successes, their grasp on what
the best results, which in turn attracts other high performers they’ve achieved is tenuous and ephemeral. It turns out that
who are looking to join a winning team. Benevolent leaders extraordinary careers follow a strikingly consistent trajectory,
measure their own success by the internal and external
marked by the five distinctive patterns that distinguish the very
successes of the other people in the organization. top from the rest of the pack.”
– James Citrin and Richard Smith
The 5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers - Page 4

4. Earn more credentials – To gain more permission, you can

Pattern Find a sensible and realistic way to earn the relevant formal qualifications. This may be in the
#3 overcome the permission paradox
form of a graduate degree, an industry certification or even
participation in an executive education program. Depending
on your industry, there may or may not be a strong correlation
One of the great “Catch-22”s of business is you can’t get the job
between credentials and permission but at the very least,
you want without experience, and you can’t get the experience
credentials should expand the scope of your implied
without the job. Successful executives take charge and find ways
to get the critical experiences they need to get ahead, usually by
seeing the opportunities other are missing completely. 5. Barter with the gatekeepers – “You scratch my back and I’ll
scratch yours” is alive and well in the corporate world. All you
have to do is find out who controls access to the permission
The permission paradox can be paralyzing to your career you need and offer them something of value in exchange for
building efforts, and a big obstacle to overcome. Therefore, your that permission. This works well for both direct and implied
initial step in attempting to overcome this barrier should be to permission.
stop and ask: “Where is the biggest problem in my organization?”
6. Masquerade as the leader – This is a high-risk permission
Wherever those problems lie will be your greatest opportunity for
strategy. You identify a business unit which is in obvious
success in getting permission to take your career to the next
need of leadership but which nobody has obvious authority
level. If you can get assigned to a problem spot for your
over. You then start acting like the leader in the hope that in
organization and fix it, that will certainly serve notice that you’re
the future, the management will see you’re doing a good job
an up-and-comer. It will also raise your profile with the
and will formalize your authority. Sometimes, this situation
organization’s senior management.
arises when a role is left vacant and there will be some time
Also keep in mind permission within an organization comes in before a new appointment is made. If you step forward and
two general varieties: start solving the problems, sooner or later the management
1. Direct permission – where your job description authorizes will realize it would be better to appoint you to the position
you to do something specific. long-term than bring an outsider up to speed. The risk,
2. Implied permission – where you take it upon yourself to do however, is that your co-workers may refuse to cooperate or
something until someone makes it clear you can’t do that. you may stretch your implied permission too far.
Successful executives become quite creative at using implied 7. Try two-way mentoring – Go to your boss and ask how they
permission to grow into new roles within their organizations. got to where they are today, and what advice they would have
They then hope that at some point in the future, that permission for how to advance your career. Try and enlist their help as
will become more explicit and more direct. This often requires a your mentor to help you become aware of opportunities to
very deft touch because if you assume too much, you can be advance your career. Make it worth their while in return by
labeled as a ruthless self-promoter who is putting personal offering to help them with research into fields they are
interests ahead of the organization’s interests. Hitting the right unfamiliar with or by offering to do their legwork. If you help
balance between these two types of permission takes political them to be more successful, they will usually feel favorably
astuteness and frequently persistence. inclined to return the favor.
There are actually eight different strategies career builders use 8. Playing politics – While certainly not a pattern followed by
to offset the traps of the permission paradox: extraordinary executives, many people have advanced their
careers by playing internal politics astutely. The main
1. The direct approach – Ask your boss for permission to shortcoming of this approach is any gains made this way are
expand your role and accept new responsibilities. If he or she likely to be unsustainable over the long haul because of
says no, you can then ask what experiences will be required changes in personnel.
for you to be able to progress your career. The only drawback
with the direct approach is that it undermines your access to “The permission paradox can be a paralyzing obstacle to
implied permission because the boundaries will be clearly overcome, and is often a self-fulfilling prophecy. Successful
spelt out. Hazy boundaries are better for implied permission. executives, unlike a large number of their peers, rarely have
(That’s also where the concept that it’s better to ask for trouble gaining access to the most critical opportunities in their
forgiveness rather than permission is played out). careers. They know that the secret is finding some way to get the
2. Demonstrate competence in component parts – Most experiences they need to get ahead. Sometimes, these are the
organizations look for someone who has done it all before. If once-in-a-decade, career-defining experiences, but other times
you can break a new role down into its component parts and they are the incremental but concrete incidents that move your
show that you have a good track record in each of those parts career to the next level. All the same, extraordinary careers are
of the business, then it will be logical to assume you will be set apart from the mediocre ones by the ability to gain access to
able to handle the new role. critical experiences. Successful executives gain permission and
take charge of their experiences – and therefore their careers.”
3. The clean slate approach – When you join a new division or a
– James Citrin and Richard Smith
new company, past perceptions count for little. You have a
onetime opportunity to ask for more permission than you “Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow
would have ordinarily been granted in your previous position. small ones.”
Cleaning the slate can free you from the limitations imposed – Ralph Waldo Emerson
by those who base their perceptions of your competencies on
what you were like when you were young and inexperienced. “Ability is of little account without opportunity.”
Utilize this as a great opportunity to expand your role. – Napoleon Boneparte
The 5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers - Page 5

2. Aim
Pattern Exceed your job description and Your objective here is to come up with some breakthrough
#4 make unexpected breakthroughs
thinking. How do you do that? Some possibilities:
□ Study the underlying dynamics of your industry and see
People with impressive careers do their jobs exceptionally well, whether some changes in standard business practices
but don’t stop there. Instead, they move well past their wouldn’t deliver greater customer value.
predefined objectives and create breakthrough ideas, thereby □ Look at all the fringe activities which are around the edges
delivering unexpected benefits to their organizations. This of what you do. Pick up whichever of these activities raise
differentiates them from everyone else quite effectively. your profile and do them on a regular basis.
□ Take some risks. Set up a few market tests for your new
In building your career, the quality of the impact you make often ideas on a small scale. Come up with creative concepts
matters much more than the quantity of your activities. Put and ideas, and see how they do in the marketplace.
another way, many tasks follow the 80/20 principle where 3. Fire
20-percent of your efforts generate 80-percent of your results. In Sit down with your boss and discuss why you’d like to
business, 80-percent of what you do will be the same as reconfigure your job slightly. Logically explain how a
everyone else and it is how you do the last 20-percent that offers readjustment of your job description would generate benefits
an opportunity to genuinely differentiate yourself. Successful for your organization as a whole. If you have a sound
career builders keep that last 20-percent foremost in the minds business case for why your priorities should be changed, it’s
of the people who matter the most. only logical to assume your boss will be receptive to the idea.
Average employees focus on trying to exceed their quotas. If By applying the 80/20 principle intelligently, you can move your
they have any spare time, they will try and do more of the same. career forward. Freeing up 20-percent of your time to focus on
Extraordinary executives, by contrast, meet their basic job new projects that will add value will be difficult but the potential
requirements and then use their spare time trying to come up benefits are far-reaching. When you combine this with your
with new ideas that will add value for their companies. They go strategies for overcoming the permission paradox, you can
beyond what they’re told to do and think for themselves. With a move from one organization to another, or within your own firm.
little bit of luck, they may be able to accomplish something
Sometimes, moving from a functional to a general management
important with is beyond their basic job description. This is a
role is challenging. By using the 80/20 principle, however, you
great way to get noticed.
can get part of the way by stealth. Start thinking and acting like a
So how do you actually do this in practice? It really comes down manager in the 20-percent time you have available. Help your
to three deceptively simple steps: organization’s marketing and product development teams get
insights from the marketplace which will assist them. Inject
market sensitivity into more of your organization’s activities and
Ready...... Aim......... ..........Fire
there should be a corresponding leap in top-line sales growth
and bottom-line profitability.
1. Ready
Before you can do something that will make you stand out as “The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.”
exceptional, you need to have an accurate picture of what – William James
really creates value within your organization. You’ll also need “The quality of your impact often matters much more than the
to become more efficient at your current activities so you quantity of your activities.”
have some time to focus on additional activities that will – James Citrin and Richard Smith
differentiate you from everyone else.
If you link your activities directly to whatever creates value for “Today’s workplace demands that you focus not just on what’s
your organization you create opportunities for differentiation. merely important, but what’s wildly important.”
For example, if you are an accountant, you might be able to – Stephen Covey
develop metrics which measure the success of marketing “The beauty of this success pattern is that you have a lot of
campaigns quickly so fine-tuning decisions can be made control in applying it. They key is to use your judgement to
more accurately. This direct link between what you do and determine those particular tasks that are important, timely, and
how the company creates value will be important as it will tie appropriate, and secure the buy-in of your management and
in your employment to your organization’s success. others invested in your success. Real differentiation and
You’ll also need to consider carefully how successful success are achieved when you are able to accomplish
performance is measured within your corporate culture. This extremely important tasks beyond those that are outlined for
will be needed to get everything in the right context. You will you.”
then need to find ways to free up sufficient resources (time – James Citrin and Richard Smith
especially) so that you can deliver results beyond your
predefined objectives. In practice, this will often require a “Applying this pattern can help steer your career in a desired
reprioritization of your job requirements. Rate which of your direction, akin to steering a ship at sea. Tremendous momentum
job activities have the highest impact and deliver on those. and inertia build up over time. Similarly, within a career, keeping
Replace the low-impact activities on your schedule with new the engines running and the ship on course is like the 80-percent
of your job that’s focused on accomplishing your predefined
projects which have the potential to create differentiation for
you in the future. As long as the new activities deliver value, objectives. It’s the 20-percent that allow you to ultimately steer
your boss is unlikely to complain. your career in one direction or another.”
– James Citrin and Richard Smith
The 5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers - Page 6

3. Take note of any “career flares” – bright lights of passion or

Pattern Find a good fit – a position that ability. If other people regularly compliment you on the
#5 harnesses your strengths and passions
amount of passion you apply to your tasks, this can be a
career flare pointing to something you’re passionate about.
Pick up on these clues and think about them. Sometimes,
People with great careers always make decisions with a
others are more subjective about where your passions lie
long-term perspective in mind. That way they migrate towards
than you can be. Take note.
positions that fit their natural strengths and personal passions.
Invariably, this will also include working with others they like and 4. Work with the right people – that is, with people you like and
respect. respect. When you find the right fit, it will be easy to make
friends because everyone else will share that same passion
you do. Therefore, before you consider joining a new firm,
If you can build a career that leverages your passions and your analyze whether you’ll fit in. This will be important.
strengths while being a good fit with your personality, your
Overall, finding the right fit is a matter of managing your
chances of success increase dramatically. This is logical and yet
opportunities and making the right choices. The people who
few people manage to actually achieve it because they go about
build extraordinary careers never lose sight of what success
it the wrong way. Or more specifically, finding a good fit is far
really means. This goes well beyond making loads of money or
more likely if you use a “career pull” approach rather than the
accumulating the other trappings of success. It means being
much more common “career push” approach. The difference
enthused each morning about getting to work and achieving your
between these two approaches are:
goals rather than watching the clock and calculating how long it is
□ Career push means you attempt to move from one step on the until you can head home.
corporate ladder to another, higher position. You move along
the traditional career path for your industry – from manager to “Failure’s hard, but success is far more dangerous. If you’re
director to vice president to president and so on. successful at the wrong thing, the mix of praise and money and
□ Career pull means you migrate to different roles you know opportunity can lock you in forever.”
from experience you enjoy and feel passionate about. There’s – Po Bronson
no deadlines and everyone’s path is unique because it will “Far too many people get caught up in career one-upmanship
reflect your own preferences. and lose sight of what success really means. The pitfall is the
Many executives get so caught up in career push they never take trappings of success can catch you off guard. Before too long,
the time to evaluate whether the ladder they are climbing is you can awaken to find that you have stumbled into a life of
leading to somewhere they want to be. There is a seduction in financial dependence on and emotional detachment from your
moving through the ranks that can be addictive. A far better daily work. Your job becomes monotonous and life turns dull.
approach is career pull, where personal satisfaction rather than The zeal is gone. But there’s a different, more fulfilling way.
public accolades becomes the driving force. Career pull is far Instead, you can blend your deepest desires with your strongest
more gradual, but it is also more likely to ultimately lead to a skills, allowing yourself to reach untold potential by simply
career that will provide you with: working on what you’re really intended to be working on. And
1. Job satisfaction – feeling like you make a contribution. that’s the key. Something almost mystical happens when you set
2. The lifestyle that you want. upon tasks that deeply move you – it’s what allows you to step up
3. Adequate compensation. and contribute something startling and significant to society.”
Finding a good fit is not easy. There are four strategies that can – James Citrin and Richard Smith
be applied to the search:
“When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.”
1. “Micro manage” your career – by focusing on your long-term – John Ruskin
career objectives rather than the expediencies of the
moment. Successful career builders take the long view and “Not only is it possible to leverage both your passions and your
don’t position themselves in jobs that are mediocre. Instead, strengths in the same job, but success actually requires it. Of
they pursue the opportunities that will keep them heading course, it’s not all that easy to find the perfect workplace where
where they want to be long-term. Micro managing your you fit in, love what you do, and were born for the job. Many
career means to be thinking two or three career moves ahead people spend a lifetime looking for it. That’s all right. In fact, just
at all times. knowing that this is what makes a successful executive gives
you a leg up on the competition.”
2. Create multiple career options – because the more viable
– James Citrin and Richard Smith
and attractive career options you have available, the easier it
becomes to keep focusing in on something that will be a good “True success and satisfaction, in the end, are goals that need to
fit. The more successful you are, the more options you’ll be defined by each of us in a way that is consistent with our own
have. Career options are good because: aspirations and values. We are confident that applying the first
• They validate your demand in the marketplace. four success patterns outlines so far will help you improve your
• They allow you to choose a non-conventional career path. value significantly in the marketplace. But it is how you use this
• They provide flexibility. value, how you invest the career capital that you will accumulate,
• They’re fun to contemplate and think about. that really counts. Find your strengths, passions and cultural fit
As a general rule-of-thumb, it makes good sense to always and you will be happier and more successful in your career. How
make choices that expand rather than contract the number of simple indeed. However, it is how you go about trying to put this
career options which are available to you. This is also why pattern into action that becomes much more challenging.”
education is highly desirable, since it usually expands your – James Citrin and Richard Smith
career options.
The 5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers - Page 7

□ A minority of companies identify their top performers and

How organizations put these reward them disproportionately well to keep them
5 patterns into practice
motivated and engaged. This can be thought of as a
precision promotion approach. It will only work well if
there is a robust and consistent evaluation system in
Extraordinary organizations are not merely a collection of highly
successful individuals but a creator of them. To be extraordinary,
an organization has to take the best individuals it can find and 3. Periodically move to close the gaps between the alignment of
then create an ecosystem where these people can grow to resources and actual market requirements for success.
become highly successful individually. To close the gaps means to periodically fill or upgrade critical
management positions before they are needed. To be able to
achieve this, organizations must have a consistent and
For an organization to excel, it must attract, retain and motivate robust evaluation process in place. Unless it is possible to
the best people. To achieve this in practical terms, the measure existing skill levels across the primary functions of
organization must meet three key imperatives: the business, it is unrealistic to expect the leadership to be
1. Create a culture of success. moving to recruit new talent quickly enough.
This will occur when everyone recognizes that individual A good organizational assessment process which helps fill
career success ultimately benefits the entire organization. the gaps will have three main attributes:
Therefore, each employee should be provided with the tools,
□ It will be time sensitive – allowing the leadership to
resources, information and working environment needed to
analyze and project management needs in advance
foster his or her own career advancement. In this type of work
rather than after the need has become acute.
atmosphere, employees become emboldened to take action
thus benefitting the organization as a whole. □ It will be accurate enough to provide worthwhile
information rather than vague ideas.
In too many companies, individuals excel in spite of the
organization rather than as a result of the assistance the □ It will be sufficiently objective using consistent
organization provides. This may be the result of too rigid a benchmarks rather than constantly changing criteria.
management style being used or a misalignment between Overall, extraordinary organizations don’t leave things to
the individual’s goals and those of the organization. chance. They have in place systems whereby existing
To create a culture of success, employees need to be taught employees can evolve into high performing professionals. They
the five patterns of extraordinary careers and empowered to also understand and reward success in meaningful ways. By
use them as they see fit. When each individual is optimizing consistently raising the bar, great organizations outperform their
t hei r o w n perso na l ca ree rs , th e d irec tio n an d peers and grow successive generations of strong business
accomplishments of the organization will take care of itself leaders who are capable of taking the organization forward
without further management input. This will also deliver a confidently into the future.
competitive advantage to the firm that will be difficult for
“To be extraordinary, a company must seek to fill its ranks with
others to replicate.
the very best, providing its professionals with the knowledge of
2. Assess accurately and then reward performance. success and empowering them to take control over their careers.
Great organizations consistently and accurately assess It must create a culture of success, establishing a strong value
performance and regularly acknowledge their best system based on empowerment, proactive behavior, and
performers with appropriate rewards. There are four general integrity. By rethinking its core approaches to attracting,
approaches which tend to get used in this area, each with its selecting, developing, assessing, and rewarding its employees,
own advantages and disadvantages: an enterprise can emerge as an extraordinary organization
□ Some companies attempt to create a teamwork benefitting from the success of its individuals.”
environment where compensation is paid to all team – James Citrin and Richard Smith
members split by a predetermined formula. This
approach lowers turnover but has no mechanism by “No duty the executive had to perform was so trying as to put the
which top performers can be recognized and rewarded. right man in the right place.”
– Thomas Jefferson
□ Other firms allow executives to rotate from one
assignment to another quickly with the aim of high “The five patterns rest upon pillars that must exist within your
performers ending up in positions where they earn organization if it is to remain competitive and self-sustaining –
superior rewards. The main problem with this approach is namely, trust, creativity, teamwork, customer focus, and
it becomes difficult to measure accurately what any self-actualization. Start with these attributes and organizational
executive’s actual results are if they are changing success is that much easier.”
assignment too rapidly, plus this approach tends to be – James Citrin and Richard Smith
inward looking rather than aligned with customer needs.
“There is something that is much more scarce, something finer
□ Many firms have very structured bands within which by far, something rarer than ability. It is the ability to recognize
compensation packages can be set. This is good in that it ability.”
encourages consistency across the organization. The
– Elbert Hubbard
drawback, however, is that exceptions cannot be made to
attract the top performers of the future. By creating a level “Attracting, retaining, and developing the very best talent is one
playing field, outstanding talent cannot be recruited or of the most critical challenges facing organizations today.”
retained. – James Citrin and Richard Smith
The 5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers - Page 8

“For skeptics, the five patterns may seem too simplistic to be

How individuals can and should truly meaningful in the complex world of careers. We, too, agree
apply these 5 patterns
that the patterns are simple in concept; Attain career knowledge
that is learned only when peering between the lines. Focus on
the success of others, who in turn will carry you to the top. Use
To put the five patterns into practice in your own career, a new
creative strategies to gain access to critical opportunities, and
scorecard is required. Instead of expecting instant results, you
then deliver breakthrough impact to create lasting differentiation.
should concentrate on creating value for yourself and your
Follow your true fit in strengths, passions and people and you will
organization. Over an extended period of time, those efforts will
be rewarded with the ultimate levels of success and satisfaction.
bear fruit and provide a foundation for extraordinary success.
All very simple notions, to be sure. But it is the rarity of their
occurrence w hich makes t hese patterns s o pow erful.
In implementing the five patterns in your own career, you will Understanding these patterns, in the end, may be relatively
need to use what is termed “detached impact” – the realization easy, but it is the deliberate act of putting these patterns into
that the positive outcomes resulting from positive actions are not motion within the context of your own life that can dramatically
always immediately apparent. There will be times when you will alter the course of your career.”
need to take the right actions for a period before the results – James Citrin and Richard Smith
appear. If you look for immediate results and see none, you may
be inclined to think these actions are in vain and yet over a period “You don’t just luck into things as much as you’d like to think you
of time, the correct actions will always generate the right results. do. You build step by step, whether its friendships or
As you start taking action to implement the five patterns, there opportunities.”
may be little immediate impact but the long-term results are – Barbara Bush
certain. “Career success is not achieved easily. Like all things of value, it
To measure success in a career based on the five patterns, a requires significant investment – in time, effort, focus, emotional
new scorecard will be required. This scorecard must reflect the exertion and personal sacrifice. Yet our research clearly
long-term impact of the positive actions taken rather than the confirmed those achieving the highest levels of professional
short-term impact of those actions. Specifically, your career success are more satisfied with their jobs, their lifestyle, their
scorecard must measure and track your actions and compensation, and the balance in their lives. Understanding the
experiences in each of the five factors: five patterns of extraordinary careers and tailoring them to you –
1. Whether you understand how value is created in the your personality, aspirations, personal situation and strengths
workplace, and what you are doing on a day-to-day basis to and weaknesses – is well worth it and will help you accomplish
translate that knowledge into action. the ultimate payoff: career success and satisfaction, under your
control, and beyond your grandest expectations.”
2. The degree to which you are assisting others to develop their – James Citrin and Richard Smith
own careers, thereby creating a core team of people who are
keen to see you succeed as well. “We must believe in luck. For how else can we explain the
3. Your strategies and actions in overcoming the permission success of those we don’t like.”
paradox, and what you are doing to expand the amount of – Jean Cocteau
permission you can harness to build your career.
“Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not
4. What you are doing to not only do your defined job well but a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.”
also create breakthrough ideas and unexpected additional – William Jennings Bryan
value for your organization.
“There comes the mysterious meeting in life when someone
5. How effectively you are making day-to-day decisions with
acknowledges who we are and what we can be, igniting the
your long-term objectives in mind rather than being ruled by
circuits of our highest potential.”
the expediencies of the moment.
– Rusty Berkus
Success in developing an extraordinary career can, at times, be
a subtle process. Unexpected developments can arise, which “Taking positive actions in a career really does result in positive
appear to be far removed from the actions you take. Bridges that impact, allowing the patterns of extraordinary careers to
were built and relationships which were established early in your manifest themselves. The five patterns of extraordinary careers
career may not bear fruit until much, much later. Paradoxically, to are a testament to the power of positive thought and action, and
gain control over your career over the long term, you actually to the potential that exists within every professional. If successful
have to let go of it in the short term. Instead of trying to exert careers seem random or unattainable, secret or stolen, they are
control over every turn of your career, manage it using the five not. From the most subtle and well intentioned replication of the
patterns and a long-term view. Have confidence that small, five patterns in your own careers extraordinary things can
positive actions taken early in your career will, over time, create emerge, and we truly hope they do for you.”
substantial upward momentum. – James Citrin and Richard Smith
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