CS Topic 2 Notes - Must Be Printed

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4 Explai
An operating system provides a means of communication between the user and the computer, deals with the loading and
running of applications programs and manages the transfer of data files to and from peripheral devices.
The operating systems job is to make the hardware work and to allow software applications to run on the hardware.
The operating systems job is to make the hardware work and to allow software applications (apps) to run on the
Windows or Linux for personal computers, MacOS for Mac, Unix for mainframes, Symbian, Android for mobile phones
Operating system user interface
OS has to provide a link between the user and the computer hardware.
•Types of user interfaces:
Command Line Interfaces (CLIs) where the user types in codes, data entry style.
Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) that have menus and icons, graphics, desktop style.
Natural Language Interface (NLIs) where the user speaks to the interface.
Menu Based Interface (MBIs) which gives the user a selection of options.

Command line Interface

The command line is a user interface that is
navigated by typing commands at prompts, instead of using the mouse.
The command line only uses a keyboard to navigate by entering commands and does not utilize a mouse for navigating.
Graphical User Interface
A GUI uses windows, icons and menus to carry out commands, such as opening , deleting and moving files. Although
many GUI OS are through the use of a mouse, the keyboard can also be utilized by using keyboard shortcuts or arrow

A toolbar is a GUI widget containing icons menus buttons or text. Toolbars are seen in many types of software such as
browsers and graphic manipulation software.

A menu is essentially a list of options presented to a computer user.
The choices presented may be selected in a number of ways such as rolling over a mouse cursor, clicking a mouse
button, pressing on a touch screen.

Dialogue box
In a GUI the dialogue box is a window that allows the user to interact. it may be in the form of an alert or just provide
information or request the user to make a choice.
GUI components
A GUI is normally built around visual (graphical) elements and is characterized by the acronym
W- Windows are used to display information
I -Icons are small pictures used to graphically represent an element eg., a folder
M- Menu are used to provide the user with choices eg File>save as
P - Pointer is an arrow that can be moved around the screen to select things.

Types of activity performed by OS

1. Process Management
A process is an executing program. It has its code, data, a certain set of resources allowed to it, and one or more flows of
execution through the code. The OS manages the allocation of resources to these processes, and also provides system
calls to manage these processes.
Examples: Scheduling processing within the CPU, Multi-Tasking (shuttling between processing jobs),Handles
2. Memory Management
Memory must be shared between the OS and an application program. The OS must manage the allocation of memory to
processes and control the memory management hardware that determines which memory locations a process may
Examples: Managing Cache memory, Managing RAM, Managing Virtual Memory
3. File System Management
Computers process information that must be transmitted, processed, or stored. File systems are an abstract organized
collection of file system objects.
Examples: program files, data files, compilers, installed application software and give read and write and execute
privileges to the user.
4. Device Management
Information is sent through a computer’s input and output devices. Processes access these devices using the system
call interface. The OS tries to manage said devices in a manner that makes them efficiently shared among all processes
requiring them.
Examples: Makes sure that the correct Drivers are installed so that the computer can communicate with all the
input and output devices connected to the computer.
Features of the operating system
Manages the hardware: controls the CPU, takes data from input devices, sends data to output devices
Constructs the User Interface: Creates and manages all the graphical windows and what to do when various things are
clicked on
Manages connections to Networks: Network Protocols, Resource Sharing
Organizes and manages security: login, permissions, Level Access permission for programs, File and program access
permission for users that are logged on, Fire wall and access to and from the internet or a network
The running of software on hardware: The Running multiple applications at the same time, Handles multi-tasking.
Utility Software: Disk de-fragment, Disk Scanning / checking, Automatic Backup, Automating tasks
Utility programs are usually supplied along with an operating system. They are used to carry out routine tasks that are
often needed by a user such as
Examples:* compressing a file to save space on backing storage
* De Fragmenting a disk drive.
* Recovering data from damaged file
* Checking a disk for faults and repairing them
* Formatting a floppy disk
* checking the files on a disk for computer viruses.
De Fragmenting a disk drive:
De fragmentation is an operation that attempts to create more space on the main disk by putting files of the same family
adjacent to each other, sequentially;
Formatting is a command used mostly to change a disk file system.
De fragmentation fixes aggregate fragmentation by moving files around within the free space created when the files on the
disk have been moved closer together;
Formatting does nothing to the data area itself, but when clusters of data are created, that data is replaced with that
particular cluster.

2.1.7 Define word processors, spreadsheets, database, email, web browsers, CAD, graphic processing
software.2.1.7 Outline the use of a range of application software 2.1.8 Identify common features of applications
Word processors:
You need a computer and a special purpose application software to create, edit and print word documents. It allows you
to create a document, store it on the disk, display on the screen, modify it by entering commands and characters from the
keyboard and print it on the printer.
Made up of rows and columns used to organize data eg., Accounting to organize
Automatically (re)calculates results when data is entered/changed.
Formulae and various sorting options can be applied to the input data in order to arrive at the desired output.
spreadsheets has built in graphics, charts allow easier and faster interpretation of data, modelling financial possibilities
Database Management Systems(DBMS)
DBMS is a software application that manages(creates, queries, updates, stores, modifies and extracts information)
databases and is designed to provide an interface between users and a database.eg., Ms.Access
is a software application that allows for the exchange of digital messages from a single author to one r more recipients.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol(SMTP) is used for email transfer between network.It can be web based or as software that
is installed on a personal computer system.
web based email uses web browser which needs Internet connections.
Web browser is a software application used to access retrieve and present content on the WWW.
This content may be we pages, images, videos or other files and may be identified by a URI (Uniform Resource
Identifier).The web browser uses a URI to connect to the appropriate web servers and request the wanted information.
The web servers send back the information which the web browser then displays to the user.
eg.,Internet Explorer , Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome etc.
- A CAD system is a combination of hardware and software that allows engineers and architects to design.
- In addition to the system, CAD systems require a high-quality graphics monitor, a mouse , light pen, or digitizing tablet
for drawing and a special printer.
-CAD systems allow an engineer to view a design from any angle and to zoom in or out for close-ups and long-distance
-In addition, the computer keep track of design dependencies so that when the engineer changes one value, all other
values that depend on it are automatically changed to fit the changes inputted by the user.
CAD is used in the design and development of new products in a variety of applications both at home nd on a
commercial /industrial basis.
Examples of typical CAD application include.
Aerospace, architecture, car/vehicle design, construction (e.g, roads, surveying, tunnels, bridges etc)
Consumer goods (eg., kettles, toasters etc),digital circuits, factory layouts(eg., ergonomics
fashion design garden/landscape gardening, heating systems, interior designs(houses , offices etc)
Lighting systems(eg, to get lighting effects at a concert),machinery design, plant design(chemical ,nuclear etc)

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