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01 The following leave is debited to leave account -

a) Extra-ordinary Leave : b) Study Leave :
b) Half Pay Leave ; c) Special Disability Leave

2 The following leave is not debited to leave account -

a) Maternity Leave b) Earned Leave
b) Half Pay Leave d) Commuted Leave

3 The following leave is a kind of leave due and admissible to a Govt. Servant
a) Hospital Leave b) Seaman’s Sick Leave
c) Paternity Leave d) Leave Not Due

4 Commutation of one kind of leave into another under Rule 10 is permissible in

the following case.
a) Earned Leave into Hospital Leave
b) Hal Pay Leave into Earned Leave
c) Commuted Leave into Special Disability Leave
d) Hospital Leave into Commuted Leave.

5 Commutation of one kind of leave into another shall be considered only if the
request is received within
a) 15 days b) 30 days c) 40 days d) 90 days

6 The following combination of leave is permissible

a) E.L. & Casual Leave b) Casual Leave & Half Pay Leave
c) Commuted Leave & Ex O L d) CL, SCL and EL

7 The following combination of leave is not permissible

a) LND & CL b) EL & ExOL c) ExOL & LND d) HPL & LND

8 Unless, the President, in view of the exceptional circumstances of the case,

otherwise, determines, no Government Servant shall be granted leave of any
kind for a continuous period exceeding
a) 180 days ; b) 240 days ; c) 300 days ; d) 5 years

9 Leave may be granted to Government Servant in the following circumstances

a) As a matter of right ; b) For availing LTC ; c) To a GS under suspension
d) To a GS whom a competent punishing authority has decided to dismiss.


10 The authority competent to grant leave may at its discretion waive the
production of medical certificate in case of an application for leave for a period
not exceeding
a) 2 days at a time : b) 3 days at a time ; c) 5 days at a time ;
d) 7 days at a time

11 Overstayal of leave shall be

a) Treated as Dies-Non b) Debited against EL account
c) Debited against HPL account d) None of these

12 The maximum number of days upto which EL may be credited shall be

a) 180 days ; b) 240 days ; c) 300 days ; d) 300 + 15 days

13 The maximum EL that may be granted at a time to a GS in India shall be

a) 180 days ; b) 240 days ; c) 300 days ; d) 300 + 15 days

14 Under Rule 26(1)(a)(ii) of CCS Leave Rules 1972, the unavailed portion of
leave shall be credited to
a) EL account ; b) HPL Account ; c) Commuted Leave ; d) LND

15 When the unavailed portion of EL is credited to EL account under Rule 26(1)(a)

(ii), the total number of days of EL at credit of a GS shall not exceed
a) 180 days ; b) 240 days ; c) 300 days ; d) 300 + 15 days

16 The proportionate credit of EL in the case of new appointment / retirement /

death etc., shall be at the rate of how many days for each completed calendar
month in a half year
a) 2 days ; b) 2 ½ days ; c) 3 days ; d) 3 ½ days

17 Proportionate deduction in the advance credit of EL shall be made when the GS

avails the following in the previous half year
a) ExOL om M C only b) ExOL on Private Affairs only
c) Dies – Non periods only d) ExOL & Dies – Non periods.

18 Proportionate deduction to be made in the advance credit of EL in a half year

shall be made at the rate of
a) 1/10th ; b) 1/11th ; c) 1/15th ; d 1/18th.


19 While affording credit of Earned Leave, fractions of a day shall be

a) Rounded off to the nearest day b) Ignored
c) Rounded off to the next higher day d) None of the above

20 The proportionate credit of HPL in the case of new appointment / retirement /

death etc., shall be at the rate of how many days for each completed calendar
month in a half year
a) 2 ½ days ; b) 5/2 days ; c) 5/3 days ; d) 3 days

21 While affording credit of HPL, fractions of a day shall be

a) Ignored ; b) Rounded off to the nearest day
c) Rounded off to the next higher day ; d) None of the above

22 How many times of commuted leave shall be debited against the HPL account?
a) One time ; b) twice ; c) thrice ; d) four times

23 What is the maximum number of days of HPL that may be allowed to be

commuted during the entire service for an approved course of study certified to
be in public interest ?
a) 90 days ; b) 150 days ; c) 180 days ; d) 240 days.

24 What is the maximum number of days of LND that may be granted to a GS

during the entire service
a) 180 days ; b) 240 days ; c) 300 days ; d) 360 days.

25 Production of medical certificate is compulsory for the grant of LND

a) When granted for illness b) In continuation of maternity leave
c) To an adoptive mother c) As child care leave

26 What is the maximum number of days of ExOL that may be granted to a

temporary G S who has not completed one year of continuous service
a) 3 months ; b) 6 months ; c) 18 months ; d) 24 months.

27 What is the maximum number of days of ExOL that may be granted to a

temporary G S who has completed one year of continuous service
a) 3 months ; b) 6 months ; c) 18 months ; d) 24 months.

28 What is the maximum number of days of ExOL that may be granted to a

temporary G S who has completed three years of continuous service for
prosecuting studies certified to be in public interest


a) 3 months ; b) 6 months ; c) 18 months ; d) 24 months.

29 What is the maximum number of days of EL that may be granted to a GS as

Leave Preparatory to Retirement ?
a) 180 days ; b) 240 days ; c) 300 days ; d) 300 + 15 days

30 The following leave may permitted to be taken by a GS on L P R :

a) EL ; b) Commuted Leave ; c) L N D ; d) ExOL on M.C.

31 The following leave may permitted to be taken by a GS on L P R :

a) L N D ; b) H P L ; c) ExOL on Private Affairs : d) None of the above

32 At the time of availing LTC, a GS may be permitted to encash EL upto a

maximum of
a) 7 days ; b) 30 days ; c) 10 days ; d) 15 days.

33 The total EL that may be permitted to be encashed by a GS during his entire

service shall be
a) 15 days ; b) 30 days ; c) 45 days ; d) 60 days.

34 What is the maximum number of days of EL that shall be available at the credit
of a GS after taking into account the period of encashment as well as leave at the
time of availing LTC ?
a) 10 days ; b) 15 days ; c) 30 days ; d) 60 days.

35 The payment of cash equivalent of leave salary in case of death of GS shall be

made to the
a) Widow ; b) Eldest Son ; c) Eldest Daughter ; d) Father.

36 Cash equivalent of leave salary shall be considered for both EL & HPL at the
time of retirement subject to a overall limit of
a) 240 days ; b) 300 days ; c) 300 + 15 days ; d) 360 days


37 The maximum days of EL that is permitted to be encashed at the time of

a) 180 days ; b) 240 days ; c) 300 days ; d) 300 + 15 days

38 What is the quantum of leave salary payable when a GS proceeds on EL ?

a) No pay ; b) Half Pay ; c) 3/4th of Pay ; d) Full Pay

39 What is the quantum of leave salary payable when a GS proceeds on HPL or

a) No pay ; b) Half Pay ; c) 3/4th of Pay ; d) Full Pay

40 What is the quantum of leave salary payable when a GS proceeds on ExOL ?

a) No pay ; b) Half Pay ; c) 3/4th of Pay ; d) Full Pay

41 An Advance of Leave Salary is allowed only when a GS proceeds on leave for a

period not less than
a) 25 days ; b) 30 days ; c) 50 days ; d) 60 days.

42 W.e.f. 01.09.2008, the number of days of maternity leave that may be granted to
a female GS shall be
a) 90 days ; b) 135 days ; c) 180 days ; d) 300 days.

43 For abortion, miscarriage etc., the maternity leave that may be granted to a
Female GS shall be limited to
a) 45 days ; b) 90 days ; c) 135 days ; d) 180 days .

44 What is the maximum number of days of Commuted Leave that may be granted
without MC to a Female GS in continuation of Maternity Leave.
a) 45 days ; b) 60 days ; c) 90 days ; d) 180 days

45 What is the maximum period of Child Care Leave permissible to a Female GS ?

a) 90 days ; b) 300 days ; c) 360 days ; d) 730 days

46 Paternity Leave may be granted to a Male GS for a period of

a) 15 days ; b) 30 days ; c) 45 days ; d) 60 days.


47 The following component shall be included in the calculation of cash equivalent

of leave salary for EL at the time of retirement of a GS
a) Grade Pay ; b) HRA ; c) Transport Allowance
d) Personal Pay granted for promoting Small Family Norms

48 The following component shall be included in the calculation of cash equivalent

of leave salary for EL at the time of retirement of a GS
a) HRA ; b) Personal Pay for passing Hindi Exam ;
c) Transport Allowance c) Pay in the Pay Band

49 The following component shall not be included in the calculation of cash

equivalent of leave salary for EL at the time of retirement of a GS
a) Pay in the pay band ; b) HRA
c) Grade Pay ; d) Dearness Allowance

50 The period of Special Disability Leave shall in no case exceed

a) 12 months ; b) 18 months ; c) 24 months ; d) 36 months

51 The maximum amount of Study Leave which may be granted to a GS at one

time shall ordinarily be
a) 12 months ; b) 18 months ; c) 24 months ; d) 36 months

52 The maximum amount of Study Leave which may be granted to a GS during

entire service
a) 12 months ; b) 18 months ; c) 24 months ; d) 36 months



1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B

5. B 6. C 7. A 8. D

9. B 10. B 11. C 12. D

13. A 14. A 15. C 16. B

17 D 18 A 19 A 20 C

21 B 22 B 23 C 24 D

25 A 26 A 27 B 28 D

29 C 30 A 31 B 32 C

33 D 34 C 35 A 36 B

37 C 38 D 39 B 40 A

41 B 42 C 43 A 44 B

45 D 46 A 47 A 48 D

49 B 50 C 51 A 52 c

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