PMT Magbanua, Renzvin 06.24.2021 - WW26

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Name Magbanua, Renzvin Workweek WW26

Employee ID 10754974 Delivered On June 24, 2021
Delivered By Michael Catameo

PMP Scores
Month PMP Score Stack Rank Remarks Month PMP Score Stack Rank Remarks
January N/A N/A N/A July
February N/A N/A N/A August
March N/A N/A N/A September
April 3.33 15 October
May 2.58 35 November
June December
Passing Score: 3.00

Stack Rank
Stack Rank Minimum Maximum
Blue 3.443368159 4.00
Green 3.25 3.442368159
Yellow 3.056631841 3.249
Red 0.00 3.055631841
Effective date: March 2021 until further notice


Decision notice (disciplinary action) with sanction Written Reprimand (WR) and above disqualifies from getting from CSAT incentive and Tech bonus.

SNPS Score
4.00 3.75 3.50 3.25 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00
Goal PMP Weight
Outstanding - Very Good - Good Fair Needs Improvement Poor Unacceptable Performance
65% 25% 100% 95% 85% 75% 65% 55% 45% 35% <35%

Team Performance:

Agent Performance:

Case ID Primary Reason (Cat 1) Secondary Reason (Cat 2)

5066750633 Enrollment
Your SNPS score for CSAT last week is 57% not meeting the goal of 70% and above because you were not able to provide good service and
assistance to the customer. You failed to properly utilize the available resources to come up with the best solution with also affects the
effectiveness of the solution you have provided to your customer.
WW25 – Not promoting survey sometime due to customer is in a hurry.
WW26 – Running SNPS for the month is 42%.
Committed Action Plan(s):
For next week your target is at 60% by making sure to properly probe and understand the customer issues. Checking or confirming your
understanding of the issue from the customer will also help you to be more efficient in identifying what exact troubleshooting steps required to
help resolved the issue. Also, it will be more beneficial if you maximize all your resources and making sure it is readily available. Your support
resources will provide you a guide on how to properly troubleshoot or provide the best solution to your customer’s concern. Should the issue
become more complex and it’s not covered in the support resources you can always consult your Team Lead or ASGs for further assistance.
WW25 – I will make sure to promote survey after resolving the case in every call. For next week I will target 57% and above by making sure to
promote survey once case has been resolved.

Detractor %
4.00 3.75 3.50 3.25 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00
Goal PMP Weight
Outstanding - Very Good - Good Fair Needs Improvement Poor Unacceptable Performance
5% 15% 0% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% >8%

Agent Performance:
You detractor % last month was at 14.29% which is not meeting the goal of 5% and below. You were not able to provide good service and assistance
to the customer. You failed to properly utilize the available resources to come up with the best solution with also affects the effectiveness of the
solution you have provided to your customer.

Skills Matrix (Quality Monitoring)

4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00
PMP Weight
Goal Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Needs Improvement Poor Unacceptable Performance
90% 10% 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% <75%

Month WW Case ID One Liner Score

April 19 5065164472 Need ink; Shipment not delivered- replenishment ink not in transit 67.50%
April 19 5065071529 Request to change plan 95.00%

Case ID: 5065071529

Demonstrated willingness to help
Your quality monitoring score for last month was at 81.25% you were not able to meet the goal of 85% and above because you were not able to
follow the quality guidelines.
Ease of effort – always use phonetics and just go directly spell the words using phonetics.
Always use shooter and KB in every call.
Committed Action Plan(s):
for next week your target is at 90.00% by making sure that you always follow the quality monitoring guidelines also by continuously familiarizing
yourself with our processes, by providing correct timeframe.

Callback Compliance
4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00
PMP Weight
Goal Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Needs Improvement Poor Unacceptable Performance
90% 10% 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% <75%

Case ID: 5065419823

100% callback compliance

Committed Action Plan(s):

Good job in meeting the goal because you were able to call your customers on time and as promised.
WW23 - Continue using CDAX dashboard to keep track of callbacks. If there will be an emergency, make sure to endorse callback properly to
mentor. Keep track of all callback schedule so that it will not overlap with other callback schedule.
WW25 - If there will be an emergency, make sure to endorse callback properly to mentor. Callback 30 minutes before or on the exact time.

Case Logging Compliance

4.00 3.50 3.00 2.00 1.00
PMP Weight
Goal Outstanding Very Good Good Needs Improvement Unacceptable Performance
98% 10% 100% 99% 98% 95% <95%

Case ID: 5065071529

100% very good

Committed Action Plan(s):

Good job in meeting the goal because you were able to log a case in every call when applicable.
WW25 – Continue using case logger to track open cases.

Show Up Rate
PMP 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 1.50 1.00
Weight Outstanding Good Good Fair Poor Unacceptable Performance
1 UA/1 instance or 3 UAs/2 instances or 14 >4 UAs/3 instances or
10% 0 UA/0 Tardiness 2 UAs 4 UAs
5 minutes tardiness minutes tardiness >=15 minutes tardiness

Kronos Timecard

WW26 - Good job in meeting the goal 0 absences and below with a score of 0 for Unscheduled VL/AWOL and SL by reporting to work during your
assigned shift and staying healthy.
Absenteeism: Tardiness:
Scheduled Absenteeism (SA/VL): 0.50 Total no. of instances: 0
Unscheduled Absenteeism (US/EL/SL/PRSL): 0 Total no. of minutes: 0

Committed Action Plan(s):

WW26 – Just make sure to check all equipment at least 1 hour before shift start. Make sure to report to any TL or mentor for system issues.

Schedule Compliance (Billable)

4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00
Goal PMP Weight Very
Outstanding Good Fair Needs Improvement Poor Unacceptable Performance
95% 10% 100% 98% 95% 92.50% 90% 85% <85%

Date of incident:
99.64% very good
Forgot to check break schedule
Committed Action Plan(s):
Good job in meeting the goal because you were able to adhere to your plotted scheduled breaks, lunch and plotted aux.
WW25 – Always check break schedule for the entire day. Will message GC if ever I am unable to take my break on time due to long call.

Average Handling Time (AHT)

4.00 3.75 3.50 3.25 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00
Goal PMP Weight
Outstanding - Very Good - Good Fair Needs Improvement Poor Unacceptable Performance
15 Minutes 5% <=13 13.5 14 14.5 15 17 19 21 >21
Call ID: 5065419823

Your AHT for last month (April) is at 16 minutes. You were not able to meet the target of 15 minutes and below because of not being able to close
the call within the time frame given due to the nature of the customer’s concern. There were also instances where in you need to place the
customer on long hold to check for an update on the status of their ticket.
WW26 - Your running AHT for the month is at 18.16 minutes. You were not able to meet the target of 15 minutes and below because of not being
able to close the call within the time frame given due to the nature of the customer’s concern. There were also instances where in you need to
place the customer on long hold to check for an update on the status of their ticket.
Committed Action Plan(s):
For next week your target is 15.00 minutes and below, by making sure to properly probe and understand the customer issues. Checking or
confirming your understanding of the issue from the customer will also help you to be more efficient in identifying what exact troubleshooting steps
required to help resolved the issue. Maximizing your support resources is also helpful to be more efficient and this will reduce your hold time. Also
practicing your multitasking skills will also help as this will reduce your ACW which helps to lower your AHT further.
WW 23 – Still continue previous action plan as we see improvement on your AHT slowly but surely.
WW25 – when walking a customer through troubleshooting steps. Make sure to simplify the instruction and not use technical terms. Describe to
the customer what he needs to find on the printer or on the browser.
WW26 – Maximize avail time and avoid using ACW as this will help you lessen your AHT average. By the end of the month I will target 15 minutes
and below.

Other Discussions
Lowlights: Committed Action Plan(s):

Reported issue(s)/question(s)
Action Item(s) Open Date Status Remarks
Kronos time stamp 05/26/2021 Close Pending, Kredit Approval for May 26
Kronos time stamp 05/28/2021 Close RDOT (no schedule plotted)
Payroll ATM 06/10/2021 Close Forwarded email for UB ATM application
Pay Dispute 06/17/2021 Close None

1. Email Subject:
• Reminder: Code of Conduct vs. Possible Survey Manipulation
2. Other reminders:
• N/A


Note to agent: Please log all your specific action plans to address the opportunities mentioned above and/or maintain your strengths and
commitment in performing/completing the items you have mentioned and when it will be done. Also, please feel free to air your feedback/concern.


Agent confirms understanding and commitment with all the discussion stated above conducted via Zoom meeting.

Agent has no further question/concern.


Magbanua, Renzvin - 10754974
CSA Technical Representative

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