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Lost spring by Anees Jung

Spring is the season of bloom. It is a metaphor for childhood and is associated with every child at the
beginning of a bright future. It symbolises – innocence, physical stamina and vitality. It is also the
stage for gaining skills, knowledge and education.

Lost spring describes the plight of poor children who are condemned to poverty and a life of
exploitation. Saheb E Alam and Mukesh, the protagonists lose their childhood while carrying the
burden of poverty and illiteracy. In their bleak stories of exploitation the author finds glimpses of
resilience and hope .

Question: what is saheb looking for in the garbage dumps? Where is he and where has he come
Answer:Saheb is a ragpicker and he looks for something of value in the garbage dumps. Sometimes
he finds a one rupee or a Rs.10 note which fills him with hope of finding more.
He lives in Seemapuri, a place on the periphery of Delhi with structures of mud, roofs of tin and
tarpaulin, devoid of sewage, drainage or running water.. He had come from Dhaka, Bangladesh
because many storms had swept away their fields and homes. Hence they left looking for gold in the
big city.

Question : what explanation does the author offer for the children not wearing footwear?
Answer: Anees Jung the author feels that it is tradition which makes the children walk barefoot and
also wonders if it is an excuse to explain a perpetual state of poverty.

Question : Is saheb happy working at the tea stall? Explain.

Answer: Saheb is not happy working at the tea stall although he is paid Rs.800 and provided all his
meals. His face has lost the carefree look. He feels bound and burdened. The steel canister seemed
heavier than the plastic bag he would carry so lightly over his shoulder. The bag was his own while
the canister belonged to his master who owned the teashop. Saheb was no longer his own master.

Question: Garbage to them is gold. Explain.

Answer: Garbage Is gold to the ragpickers of Seemapuri because it provides them items which can
be sold for cash which can buy them food and is their means of survival. Moreover, it is gold
because the rag pickers can find stray coins and currency notes in it.

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