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TEMA 1 Practice this vocabulary about cooking verbs and make 5


I pour milk into my coffee

I like scrambled eggs
I don’t like the taste of corn
I like to spread peanut butter on my toast
My mom serves dinner every night

TEMA 2 Practice this vocabulary and answer the questions.

1- What do you usually eat and drink for breakfast?
 I usually eat sandwich and drink coffe.
2- What do you usually eat and drink for lunch?
 For lunch usually eat rice with meat and drink water.
3- What do you usually eat and drink for dinner?
 For dinner eat pizza and drink soda.
4-What do you usually eat and drink for special ocations?
 usually on special ocations eat pasta and drink juice.
5-What do you usually eat or drink for dessert?
 For dessert I like ice cream

Serch for this Grammar thaugh the internet and write the differences between
Some and Any then make examples.
Some and any are the most common cuanefers in English. These words are
used when we do not want to indicate an exact number when referring to the
For example:
There is some coffe in the cup.
There are some new people in the neighborhood. (NEIBORJOD)

How many
They are used to ask for quantities of something. For countable nouns, How
many applies.
How much
The difference with “how many” is that “how much” is used when asking
questions with uncountabl names, and that in Spanish it also means.
A and AN
"A" is used when the next word beguens with the sound of a consonant and
"an" when the next word beguens with the sound of a vaul. For example, an
apple, a pizza.

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