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Faculty of Business Administration
Department of Management & HRM
BBA Program
ENG 2103: Business Communication (Sections B, C, D, and F)

Final Assessment Summer 2019-2020

Total Marks: 40 Instructors: Mahir Abrar Due date: 17 September 2020

Student Name: Section: Student ID:

 Plan your answer before writing. The answers must be clearly written
 All parts answers should be in written on this paper
 Follow the instructions; no plagiarism
 Make sure to write your name, section, and ID number in the paper

1. Use Hofstede's four dimensions of culture (individualism-collectivism; uncertainty avoidance; power
distance, and masculinity-femininity) to classify the culture of Bangladesh. Write in your own words
and express your opinions. Marks will be given for proper arguments and reasoning.

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PART-B (Any two)
2. Open an account on blogging site and create a blog. You can use this link to select a
blog ( Then write a blog post about
studying at AIUB (700 words minimum). The post should also be on this paper along
with a link to the blog post.
3. Create a profile on and complete the resume section. Submit screenshots
of the completed resume portion on; attaching the pictures/screenshots in
this document.
4. Write a review of a movie that you liked. Post the review on IMDB and provide the
link to the review here. The entire review should on this paper with the link to the
online review. Grades will be given on appropriate use of words and mastery of the
English language. (500 words minimum.)

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5. What are the 7 Cs of communication? According to you which one is the most important C?

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