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Heat Exhaustion

● Happens when your body overheats and can’t

cool down
● Usually results from physical activity in hot
● Symptoms include: confusion, dizziness, and
● If you suspect you have heat exhaustion…
○ Cool down, drink small sips of water or
electrolytes, rest, and seek help if
symptoms remain after one hour
What YOU can do to avoid heat

● Wear loose, breathable clothing in hot weather

● Wear a hat
● Drink fluids every 30 minutes
● Know the risks associated with taking any
● Time your activities, so you are avoiding being
outside during the hottest part of the day
(2pm-3pm here in Rockport)
● When your body loses more fluid than it takes
● If you don’t replace fluids that you lose, you
will get dehydrated
● Symptoms include: extreme thirst, less
frequent urination, dark-colored urine,
fatigue, dizziness, and confusion
What YOU can do to avoid
● Drink plenty of water and eat fruits and
vegetables which contain lots of water
● Let thirst be your guide
● Start hydrating the day before you participate
in strenuous activities
● Drink extra fluids if you are experiencing
illnesses such as, influenza, bronchitis, or
bladder infection

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