Science 9 Exemplar-Melc 2

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Learning Area SCIENCE

Learning Delivery Modality MODULAR/ONLINE

SDO-General Trias City Grade GRADE 9


Teaching SEPTEMBER 07-11, 2020 FIRST

Teaching No. of 5 DAYS

Time Days


The learners demonstrate an understanding of

A. Content 1. how the different structures of the circulatory and respiratory systems work together to
Standards transport oxygen-rich blood and nutrients to the different parts of the body. S9LT-la-b-26
the prevention, detection, and treatment of diseases affecting the circulatory and respiratory
systems. S9LT-lc-27
The learners should be able to conduct an information dissemination activity on effective ways of
B. Performance
taking care of the respiratory and circulatory systems based on data gathered from the school or
local health workers.
C. Most
Essential Infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the functioning of respiratory and circulatory systems. S9LT-lc-
Learning 27

D. Enabling
(If available, write the
attached enabling
Respiratory and Circulatory Systems
II. CONTENT Working with Other Organ Systems : Some common diseases that can affect the respiratory and
circulatory system as well as the ways on how to prevent acquiring those diseases to promote a
healthy well-being
A. References

a. Teacher’s
Guide TG pp. 4-5
b. Learner’s
Material LM pp. 4-5
c. Textbook
d. Additional Video clips: Effects of Smoking
Materials 1.
from 2.
Learning 3. Anti-smoking ads
B. List of 1. For ONLINE MODE
Resources for
and Class code: 5a7fwa5
Engagement Meet link :
b. MELC-Module 1 and 2


MELC-Module 1 and 2
Science 9 LM
Science 9 TG

A. Introduction What I need to know?
In this module, you will be familiar with some common diseases that can affect the
respiratory and circulatory system as well as the ways on how to prevent acquiring those
diseases to promote a healthy well-being.

As you go through this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify the causes of common diseases related to the respiratory and circulatory
2. Create an information dissemination material on effective way of taking care of
the respiratory and circulatory systems.
3. Suggest ways on how to prevent the circulatory diseases through healthy lifestyle.

What’s new?
Pictures not Perfect!

See Quarter 1 Module 2


B. Development What I know?

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. Which of the following respiratory diseases are lung infections?
A. asthma, bronchitis, influenza
B. pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung cancer
C. sinusitis, lung cancer, tuberculosis
D. influenza, pneumonia, sinusitis
2. What condition is characterized by difficulty in breathing due to allergic response?
A. pulmonary cancer
B. tuberculosis
C. bronchial asthma
D. emphysema
3. Which illness in the respiratory system involves damage to the air sacs?
A. emphysema
B. coronary disease
C. chronic disease
D. Vascular
4. All of the following can lead to respiratory diseases EXCEPT:
A. Over fatigue
B. Often exposure to allergens
C. Smoking for quite sometimes
D. None of these
5. How do you call the disorderly cell growth in the lungs caused by viral infection or
environmental factors such as carcinogens and radiation?
A. Asthma
B. Bronchitis
C. Emphysema
D. Lung Cancer
6. Which of the following is NOT a respiratory system related disorder?
A. Asthma
B. Emphysema
C. Pulmonary Cancer
D. Enlarged Heart
7. How can you keep your heart strong?
A. eating sweets
B. exercising regularly
C. Smoking
D. sleeping 18 hours a day
8. Which of the following diseases occurs when there is insufficient amount or red blood
cells or hemoglobin in the body?
A. Anemia
B. Angina
C. Hypertension
D. Leukemia
9. Which of the following food should be avoided by the person with high blood
A. Fiber-rich food
B. Salty Food
C. Citrus fruits
D. Green leafy vegetables
10. How do you call the visible large, twisted, swelled up and bulging blood vessels on a
person’s their legs?
A. Angina Pectoris
B. Bronchitis
C. Emphysema
D. Varicose Veins
11. When a person experiences too fast beating of the heart over 100 beats per minute,
what disorder he/ she might be experiencing?
A. Bradypnea C. Tachypnea
B. Bradycardia D.Tachycardia
12. Which of the following diseases is associated to the circulatory system?
A. Asthma
B. Arteriosclerosis
C. Bronchitis
D. Lung Cancer
13. Which of the following is prone to acquire respiratory and circulatory system- related
A. A person who regularly performing exercises
B. A person who regularly smokes and drink alcohol
C. A person with regular check up to the doctor
D. A person who eat a balanced diet.
14. Which of the following activities CANNOT promote a healthy body system?
A. regular checking of blood pressure
B. eating foods rich in fats
C. consuming iron reach food
D. having regular exercise
15. Which of the following is/are the best way to prevent diseases in the respiratory and
circulatory system?
I. Balanced diet
II. Regular exercise
III. Adequate rest
IV. Avoiding vices such as cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking

A. I only B. II & III C. I & II D. I, II, III, IV

What’s in? (See Module 2 page 6)
Activity 2
Word Scramble!

What is it?
Diseases that Can Affect the Respiratory and Circulatory System

Activity: 3
Cigarette Smoking is Dangerous to Your Health

(See Module 2 page 10-11)

3. Anti-smoking ads

C. Engagement What’s more? See Quarter 1 Module 2 pp. 11-12

Self-Assessment Test in Taking Care of My Respiratory & Circulatory System

What I can do?

Creative poster or slogan that will help educate other people about the prevention
of circulatory system – related diseases. Students are free to use their own medium in
procuring their output. Right after making their masterpiece, they will take a picture of it
and post it on their own social media with hash tag #HealthyHeartHealthyLife.

What other enrichment activities can I engage in? (Additional Activities)

To be further enhance learning about the topic that we had for this session, here are few more

A. Cut out different examples of unhealthy lifestyle from old magazine or newspapers, and
create a collage out of the cut outs in your notebook.
B. Make a 10-minute video performing a simple Zumba dance or exercise. You may post it on
your social media accounts to encourage other people to promote your healthy lifestyle

D. Assimilation What I have learned?

These are some important points to remember:
 Cigarette smoking harms nearly every organ in the body, causing many illnesses
and affecting health in general. The respiratory diseases caused by smoking are
chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, cough, colds, tuberculosis, lung
cancer, and other respiratory infections.
 The blood and the circulatory system can be affected by many diseases. Some
of these diseases are hypertension, heart attack, angina pectoris, rheumatic
heart disease, varicose veins, anemia and leukemia.
 To avoid serious diseases, one should practice healthy lifestyle by maintaining
normal body weight, eating well balanced and low fat diet, performing regular
exercise, keeping the body and environment free, having a regular blood
pressure check – up and living a positive outlook in life.

What I know?
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer.
16. Which of the following respiratory diseases are lung infections?
E. asthma, bronchitis, influenza
F. pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung cancer
G. sinusitis, lung cancer, tuberculosis
H. influenza, pneumonia, sinusitis
17. What condition is characterized by difficulty in breathing due to allergic response?
E. pulmonary cancer
F. tuberculosis
G. bronchial asthma
H. emphysema
18. Which illness in the respiratory system involves damage to the air sacs?
E. emphysema
F. coronary disease
G. chronic disease
H. Vascular
19. All of the following can lead to respiratory diseases EXCEPT:
E. Over fatigue
F. Often exposure to allergens
G. Smoking for quite sometimes
H. None of these
20. How do you call the disorderly cell growth in the lungs caused by viral infection or
environmental factors such as carcinogens and radiation?
E. Asthma
F. Bronchitis
G. Emphysema
H. Lung Cancer
21. Which of the following is NOT a respiratory system related disorder?
E. Asthma
F. Emphysema
G. Pulmonary Cancer
H. Enlarged Heart
22. How can you keep your heart strong?
E. eating sweets
F. exercising regularly
G. Smoking
H. sleeping 18 hours a day
23. Which of the following diseases occurs when there is insufficient amount or red blood
cells or hemoglobin in the body?
E. Anemia
F. Angina
G. Hypertension
H. Leukemia
24. Which of the following food should be avoided by the person with high blood
E. Fiber-rich food
F. Salty Food
G. Citrus fruits
H. Green leafy vegetables
25. How do you call the visible large, twisted, swelled up and bulging blood vessels on a
person’s their legs?
E. Angina Pectoris
F. Bronchitis
G. Emphysema
H. Varicose Veins
26. When a person experiences too fast beating of the heart over 100 beats per minute,
what disorder he/ she might be experiencing?
A. Bradypnea C. Tachypnea
B. Bradycardia D.Tachycardia
27. Which of the following diseases is associated to the circulatory system?
E. Asthma
F. Arteriosclerosis
G. Bronchitis
H. Lung Cancer
28. Which of the following is prone to acquire respiratory and circulatory system- related
E. A person who regularly performing exercises
F. A person who regularly smokes and drink alcohol
G. A person with regular check up to the doctor
H. A person who eat a balanced diet.
29. Which of the following activities CANNOT promote a healthy body system?
E. regular checking of blood pressure
F. eating foods rich in fats
G. consuming iron reach food
H. having regular exercise
30. Which of the following is/are the best way to prevent diseases in the respiratory and
circulatory system?
I. Balanced diet
II. Regular exercise
III. Adequate rest
IV. Avoiding vices such as cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking

A. I only B. II & III C. I & II D. I, II, III, IV

V. REFLECTION Reflection
(Reflection on the As we are about to end our session, let’s me as you for a short reflection about
type of Formative
Assessment used
your experience and learning's with the entire module.
for this Particular
Lesson) 3 Things that I Learned

2 Things I found Interesting in the Lesson

1 Question you Still Have

Prepared by:


Teacher I Teacher III

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