Writing For Engineers: Golden Rules

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Writing for Engineers v1.

1 ; 07/2007 1

Writing for Engineers

Why do engineers write?
To present information and communicate ideas, for example, to market, sell and document our
work, propose new ideas and write contracts. Students write to demonstrate and share knowledge
and understanding.
What makes writing successful?
The more a reader benefits from a communication, the better. A reader wants to know first, “What
are you telling me?”, followed by, “Is it interesting (to me)?”. The more a reader likes what you
write and how you write it, the better. At university, the reader often marks your submissions and
seeks evidence of your understanding. So, the more your writing demonstrates understanding, the
better. It is wise to remember William Zinsser’s blunt statement, “Bad writing makes bright people
look dumb.”
What do engineers write?
As an engineer, written communications are a crucial end product of everything you do. Every
answer you calculate and every conclusion you make should be written down in common language.
Different document types suit different purposes; however, reports are the most common for
engineering students. Reports can vary greatly in nature depending on content, scope and audience.
Diaries, memos, eMails, letters, instructions, lab books and glossy brochures etc. are also used to
communicate and benefit from similar tips.
Why improve? How to improve?
Curtin engineering students need to eventually meet and exceed the communication standards of a
professional engineer. Better writing will earn you better marks. Like most important skills in life,
writing is one which needs to be practiced over a number of years to develop fully. Take
responsibility for continuously improving your writing. Initially use the following checklist to
improve your writing. With time you can learn when to use standard guidelines and when to use
creative ideas to communicate.

Golden Rules
Emphasise what IS important Acknowledge sources of
YOU decide what stands out. Put the information
most important things first. Graphics, Rarely does all of the information in a
headings, equations etc can be made Be convincing document come from the author. Any
to stand out using layout: white space, The reader needs to believe what you help you receive from books,
bold font etc. are telling them is accurate. This colleagues, websites, catalogues etc
requires a level of professionalism need to be clearly acknowledged and
that may be more formal than you are referenced. http://library.curtin.edu.au
used to. Engineering content is not
Write for the reader like a thriller novel, readers don’t Proofread & Practice
Your 10 page report won’t be read if want surprises. All communications, Use the following structure,
the reader at the end of the first page: regardless of length, should contain: formatting and grammar tips/checklist
doesn’t know what it’s about, can’t an introduction (what I will tell you), to assist achieving the above. Write
understand what you have written the main content or body (everything drafts, revise and proofread. Don’t try
and/or is bored senseless. For the I want you to know) and a conclusion to write a perfect first draft. Get your
reader to efficiently absorb your (what I told you means now). ideas down quickly and then clean
content and ideas: write as simply as Connect objective statements to prove your document up over numerous
possible (no simpler), be succinct, be your points revisions. With practice and the use
clear (unambiguous) and write in a of a dictionary, your writing will
high standard of English improve – making you a better
student and better engineer.

Curtin University of Technology, Engineering Brad Saracik

Writing for Engineers v1.1 ; 07/2007 2

Use the checklist items as a guideline to develop your writing and when revising and proofreading.
With practice, your writing skills will improve and you will be able to move away from this ‘one-
size-fits-all’ approach and adapt for document type, context, reader and writer’s style. The columns
on the right-hand side allow you to check off each item that we suggest for the general document
types given (  $OZD\V  6RPHWLPHV

Thesis / Long
Short Report
Preliminary /

Checklist Items: Structure and Content

Followed ALL specific unit / assessment instructions. (This checklist contains

guidelines, unit specific instructions are binding)
Document structured to guide the reader through the content: A quick glimpse lets
a new reader find what they are looking for
3 Chosen a succinct descriptive title. Distinguish this document from others
4 Signed Assessment sheet attached (& any provided Marking Guide)
5 Cover Page attached at front of document
All necessary information clearly found at start of doc: eg.
Title, Student Name, Student ID, Unit & Lecturer, Date, Group
Acknowledgements: Assistance received, particularly above what would normally
be expected is gratefully accredited in this section
Referencing: all information sources clearly identified using consistent scheme
(See http://library.curtin.edu.au/referencing/)
Abstract / Executive Summary: Summary leading to conclusions/
9 recommendations. Brief, outcomes focussed, self-sufficient, motivating and
containing only the most important content. (moves to Introduction if no abstract)
Contents: Written a clearly structured Table of Contents at the start of the
document. Chapter and section headings are listed sequentially using consistent
styles and decimal notation. Each heading/sub-heading is informative and relevant.
Correct page numbers on Right Hand Side
Special Contents: Tables, Figures and Equations may be tabled similarly to the
Table of Contents above. Each item has a number, caption (title) and page number.
12 Nomenclature: Table symbols for variables used, with definition and units
Introduction: Explained the document purpose(s) (why it is needed) and
13 objective(s) (what it will achieve). Assisted reader to start as required: eg. defined
document starting point, required background, document structure
14 - The activity and document objectives are clear (what will be achieved)
15 - Clearly stated the problem/questions addressed
16 - Explained why the document / activity is useful & significant
17 - Introduced / explained the methods/process used
18 - Made clear the structure used within the document to guide the reader
19 - Identified the scope of the document and any limitations of its application
20 Review of previous work / literature included (in either Introduction / own section)

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Content Sections / Chapters (Body): Communicates to the reader new information

21 required for document’s objectives and conclusions. Ideas flow logically
(sequentially) from each paragraph and section to the next.
Topics separated into sections and subsections. Sections are logically organised
and titled. Decimal notation used for sequencing.
Significant ‘design’ or work on which you rely is documented. eg Theory used,
derivations, preliminary calculations / design
24 Any equipment and procedures used to achieve the work are explained.
Apparatus section: include labelled schematic diagram, indicate range of accuracy
/ limits of equipment. Enable reader to duplicate your apparatus
Procedure section: sequential list of brief points explaining how work was set-up,
experiments conducted and results obtained. Include any precautions taken (eg.
multiple readings). Enable reader to duplicate what you did and obtain similar
Choice / decision statements are supported by objective reasoning (qualitative and
quantitative statements, only use reliable sources)
28 Arguments / calculated results are supported by examples
29 All significant assumptions are clearly stated
30 Result data documented with correctly written Units, eg. MPa, not Mpa.
31 Error ranges estimated where possible.
32 Used reasonable significant figures.
33 Distinguished original from calculated values
34 Provided an example for complex calculations (often in an appendix)
Complex information collated in tables, graphs and figures (graphs are useful for
observing trends).
Significant meanings from individual or combined results are explained in close
proximity to the results
Discussion: Analytically and critically discussed observable trends or patterns in
results. Suggested logical explanations / reasons for each observation. Related
interpretations (meanings) to likely errors, limitations of work. Identified or
examined all unexpected phenomenon.
Conclusion: Convincingly stated all outcomes of the work relating to the
document’s objectives. Relied only on information included in the “body”
Informed the reader what should be done next as a result / extension of this work.
39 Advice or opinion is brief, direct and persuasive. Logically flows from previous
Recommendations: Groups clearly defined actions to be undertaken in a separate
section, broken down into a table / bulleted list of tasks
References: Used the Harvard Referencing Guide to list all the sources referred to
in the document.
42 Bibliography: As above for optional, supplemental reading
Appendices: Used for supplemental information (helpful but not essential) Text
within the body directs readers to all appended information. Used headings eg:
Sample Calculations, Supplemental Theory, Tabled Data, Catalogue Information,
Computer Program Listing
Glossary: defined any essential complex terms or necessary jargon that readers
may be unfamiliar with (If no glossary, define the first time used)

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Thesis / Long
Short Report
Preliminary /

Checklist Items: Style and Presentation

45 Maintained professional, uniform style throughout the document

Typed on clean A4 paper. Avoided excessive use of fancy colours (allows
b/w printing / photocopying).
47 Handwritten only when typing is impractical. Maintained neat styles
48 NOT used plastic sleeves for each page. Allows (marker) easy access.
Used consistent styles (learn word processor templates) for headings, text,
paragraphs etc. throughout the document
Maintained significant white space. Allowed wide margins (~2.5+cm). Used
gaps between paragraphs and larger gaps between sections.
51 Paragraph line height space above 1. (1.5 recommended, 1.2 minimum)
52 Font size is easy to read. 11/12pt minimum, depending on font.
Clearly distinguished all headings and labels: used white space, bold font
and a (slightly) larger font.
Numbered all pages except title pages (normally centred in a footer at the
54 bottom of the page). Preliminary pages use Roman numerals (i, ii,…), from
Introduction use Arabic numerals (1,2,…). Number appendix pages.
55 Placed title / section titles in headers/footers on each page (for browsing)
56 Commenced chapters on a new page
57 Justified to left margin (at least)
Used correct sequence and labels for ALL chapters, sections, figures,
tables, equations etc. i.e. all labelled items
Indented all equations are numbered on the Right Hand Side, refer to as
Equation # or Eq. #. eg y=log2(x) (1.1)
60 All tables, figures etc. have a number and caption (title/label).
61 All tables, figures etc are referenced from the main text nearby.
All tables, figures etc. are clear, concise and self explanatory without text.
Graph axes are labelled and units indicated where used.
63 Clearly separated important tables, figures, equations using white space
64 Used bulleted or numbered lists to present linked information concisely
Used relevant graphics where possible to improve display of complex /
detailed information. (Can save writing effort)
66 Easy to read, professional English, using correct grammar
Kept sentences simple and unambiguous, clear and concise: Most
sentences communicate one idea only.
68 Generally made sentences short, avoiding complex sentences
69 Avoided complex vocabulary
70 Preferred using active verbs, rather than writing passive sentences
71 Preferred positive rather than negative phrases. Avoided double negatives.
72 Used some variety in sentence structure to alleviate reader boredom
73 The subject (noun) and action (verb) in each sentence are close together.
74 Consistent singular/plural cases (match nouns, pronouns, verbs)

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Used appropriate tense in every sentence. (Introductions are often written

75 in future tense, Recommendations and conclusions in future conditional or
present tense. Remaining sections are usually written in the past tense)
76 Used formal language: no slang, avoid contractions (eg. can’t),
77 Avoided the personal pronouns (I, me, we). Written in the third person.
78 Sentences never end in a preposition (eg. with, but, at)
79 Used factual, precise and objective (qualitative & quantitative) statements
The document stands alone: all required information is presented within
(unless stated otherwise)
81 Proofread using these points and extra ones you have added below












94 Run spell and grammar checking. Re-proofread paragraphs near errors.

95 Another reviewer proofread.
96 Document submitted BEFORE the deadline.
AFTER submitting work and receiving assessments back: read markers
feedback and learnt from any advice given.

Further References
• Communication skills toolkit : unlocking the secrets of tertiary success / Grellier, Goerke. 378.170281 GRE
• Handbook of writing for engineers / Joan van Emden. 808.06662 VAN
• Good style : writing for science and technology / John Kirkman. 808.0665 KIR

Curtin University of Technology, Engineering Brad Saracik

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