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ENGLISH 1. Answer the questions given in the worksheet uploaded in the Google classroom and submit it as assignment in the classroom by 3-08-2021.
2. Read any one of the following lessons, study thoroughly, and write a review in 300 words.
1. Indigo
2. Going Place
3. On the Face of It
4. Evans Tries an O-Level
Review should include:
• Information about author and the style of narration adopted
• Synopsis with critical analysis
• Theme
• Character Sketch
• Values Inculcated
Revise the course completed till 08-06-2021.
ACCOUNTANCY 1. Project topics will be allotted to the students individually according to the curriculum (2021-22)
2. The student should submit the copy of project report to the teacher after the holidays.
3. Project report should be handwritten in A4 size paper.
4. For further details students can refer to the CBSE website “”
BUSINESS STUDIES 1. Project topics will be allotted to the students individually according to the curriculum (2021-22)
2. The student should submit the copy of project report to the teacher after the summer vacation.
3. Project report should be handwritten in A4 size paper.
ECONOMICS • Topics have already been assigned to students
• The first four pages are to be printed and the format has already been shared on the WhatsApp group
• Project report should be hand written
• It should be on A4 size unruled sheet.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP • Project topics will be allotted to the students individually according to the curriculum (2021-22).
• Guidelines has been uploaded in Google classroom.
• Students should submit the copy of project to the teacher after the holidays.
• Project report should be handwritten in A4 size paper.
• For further details students can refer to the CBSE website “”
MATHEMATICS Practice Exemplar problems of the chapters done in the school till now.

INFORMATICS PRACTICES Note: Solve the questions in your notebook.

Assignment: Solve the application based questions of the following chapters:-
Chapter 7: Querying using SQL (Pg no: 357-362)
Chapter 8: Joins and Set operations (Pg no: 396-398)
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Complete practical no. 2 and 4 in the record book.
Practical-2: Procedure for Asanas, Benefits & Contraindication for any two Asanas for each lifestyle disease.
Practical-4: Any one game of your choice out of the list given below. Labelled diagram of field, equipment, Rules, Terminologies & Skills.
Basketball, Football, Kho-Kho, Volleyball & Cricket.

NOTE: Follow Friday as - NO SCREEN DAY

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