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Fourth Quarter


Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. i

Name of Learner: Grade Level:


Features of Academic Writing

Background Information for Learners

What is academic writing?
Academic writing is the process of breaking down ideas using words which are formal, standard and impersonal. It is
about what you think and what evidence supports that idea.
The purpose of academic writing is to aid readers’ understanding. It can inform or persuade. Examples of this kind of
writing are academic journals, research papers, informative and persuasive essays.
It has formal style but does not require the use of hifalutin or complicated vocabulary.
Academic writing is factual and serves as a tool of communication to help students think critically. It has distinctive
characteristics that make it different from other kinds of writing. For you to easily remember the features of academic
writing, remember FACES because academic writing is Formal, Accurate, Clear and concise, Explicit, and Structured.
Let us digest these features one by one.
● Formal: uses appropriate language, tone and style
avoids colloquial words and expressions
● Accurate: supported by evidence
demonstrates knowledge of the subject area free from bias avoids vague language
● Clear and concise: clear in the use of vocabulary easily understood by targeted readers expresses
much in just few words active voice rather than passive.
● Explicit: precise to avoid misunderstanding
uses different signal words, conforms to fact or truth
● Structured: coherent and organized
written in logical order and bring together related ideas
Let’s see if you have fully grabbed the information above by answering a series of activities.

Learning Competency with Code

Distinguish features of academic writing (EN7WC-I-c-4.2)

Exercise 1. Word Hunt Just for Fun!

Directions: Locate the different features of academic writing by encircling them in the letter pool below.
Search them horizontally, vertically, and diagonally then write them in the box provided. If you have read
what our topic is all about, it would be easy for you to search for these words. So, put your skills to test
and find them all!

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all 1


Write the words here!

Exercise 2. Featuring Features!

Directions: Try to complete this exercise to see how much you know about the features of academic writing.
Read carefully then encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. Formal or Informal. Academic writing has a formal style of stating information. Which of the two statements is
a.) Can you pass the sticky rice, please? b.) Dude pass the rice.
2. Active or Passive. In a sentence written in active, the subject performs the action. Which do you think is in active
voice, sentence a or b?
a.) The cat chased the mouse. b.) The mouse was chased by the cat.
3. Accurate or Inaccurate. Accuracy in academic writing refers to the proper coverage of details related to the topic.
Which statement below is accurate?
a.) The results of the exam were overwhelming.
b.) The results of the exam were better with a 25% increase compared to last year.
4. Explicit or Implicit. Being explicit in writing means being direct to the point. Which of the two sentences shows an
obvious implication?
a.) Maria moved away from the dog; he never plans to own one. b.) Maria did not like dogs and has no plans of
owning one.
5. Coherent or Incoherent. Academic writing is structured, thus words in a sentence must be correctly arranged. Which
is coherent, sentence a or b?
a.) Our report is about pilot testing, flow of the process of learning modalities, social functions. b.) Our report on
pilot testing focused on the process flow of learning modalities and social functions.
6. Formal or Informal. Which of the two statements is formal? a.) I am having a very good day today.
b.) Em havin’ a good day pal.
7. Clear or Unclear. In academic writing clarity is important, so avoid using vague language. In the following
statements which of the two expressed clarity of idea?
a.) These obsolete statutes were quickly disposed of.
b.) The celerity with which these superannuated statutes were dispatched was quite efficacious.
8. Accurate or Inaccurate. Which statement is accurate?
a.) Jose Rizal was a Filipino writer whose rich life experience was portrayed through his works, Noli Me Tangere and El
b.) Jose Rizal was a great writer who wrote interesting books.
9. Explicit or Implicit. Which of the two sentences shows an obvious implication? a.) Mother burned her mouth on the
hot coffee.
b.) Mother yelled, “Ouch!” after drinking from a cup.
10. Coherent or Incoherent. Which is coherent, sentence a or b?
a.) The Araneta Center is famous. It is one of the most well-known concert arenas in the Philippines. The latest national
singing competition grand finals was held at the Araneta Center.
b.) The latest national singing competition grand finals was held at Araneta Center, which is one of the most well-known
concert arenas in the Philippines.

You must know that…

Academic writing is purposed mainly to convey knowledge. It refers to a style of expression that is organized and
procedural. Examples of academic writing are news, reports, articles, essays, researches, and biographies. On the contrary,
literary writing is fictional, creative, artistic and entertaining. It uses images and descriptions oftentimes subjective and
less formal. Examples of literary writing are poems, drama, legend, myths, fables, tales, novels, and short stories.

Exercise 3. Academic VS. Literary

Directions: Given the information shared above, classify the titles of the reading materials provided below as to whether
it belongs to academic writing or literary writing. These titles were taken from the lessons in the Learner’s Material for
Grade 7 in the first quarter. Try to recall them all then complete this activity by writing your answers on Table 1.

● Words of Wisdom ● Points to Remember When Telling a

● The Origin of the World Story
● The Legend of Maria Makiling ● Kinds of Paragraph
● Pre-Colonial Philippine Literature ● A Tale of Marinduque
● The Characteristics of a Person ● Indarapatra and Sulayman
● Why There is High Tide During a Full Moon

Answer Key
Exercise 1. Word Hunt Just for Fun!


Write the words here!



Exercise 2. Featuring Features!

1. a
2. a
3. b
4. b
5. b
6. a
7. a
8. a
9. a
10. b
Exercise 3. Academic VS. Literary
Table 1


The Origin of the World Words of Wisdom
The Legend of Maria Makiling Pre-Colonial Philippine Literature
A Tale of Marinduque The Characteristics of a Person
Indarapatra and Sulayman Points to Remember When Telling a Story
Why There is High Tide During a Full Moon Kinds of Paragraph

Name of Learner: Grade Level:
Section: Date:
Strategies for Effective Interpersonal Communication (Interview, Dialog and

Background Information for Learners

Interpersonal Communication is an exchange of information between two or more
people. It is also an area of research that seeks to understand how humans use verbal and
nonverbal cues to accomplish a number of personal and relational goals.

It is also a kind of communication in which people communicate their feelings, ideas,

emotions and information face to face to each other. It can be verbal and non-verbal form. It is
not only about what is received but also about how it is said, how the body language is used and
what the facial expression is.

Barrier Barrier

There are four (4) main categories or communication styles:

1. Verbal
Verbal communication is the use of language to transfer information through speaking or sign
2. Nonverbal
Nonverbal communication is the use of body language, gestures and facial expressions to
convey information to others.
3. Written
Written communication is the act of writing, typing or printing symbols like letters and
numbers to convey information.
4. Visual
Visual communication is the act of using photographs, art, drawings, sketches, charts and
graphs to convey information.

Learning Competency
Employ a variety of strategies for effective interpersonal communication (Interview,
Dialog and Conversation) ( EN7OL-II-g-2.8.3)

Exercise 1. I Know, Right!

Directions: Write T before each number if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.
1. Effective use of nonverbal communication can strengthen your message.
2. One way to help you build credibility is through effective nonverbal communication.
3. To achieve clarity, we must speak the same language as our listeners.
4. Verbal communication is better than nonverbal communication.
5. When you communicate, choose what you want to say and how you want to say it.
6. Consider the proper way of speaking in your speech at all times.
7. How you communicate reflects who you are as a person.
8. There are certain words that are only appropriate at certain times and places.
9. The use of too much filler can distract your listeners.
10. When you talk to others, you should not assume too quickly that they understand the message that
you convey.

Exercise 2. Interviewing Job Candidates!

Directions: On the space provided after each sentence, write Do if a statement is a right thing to do on a job
interview and Don’t if it is not.
1. Be prepared.
2. Make the candidate comfortable.
3. Be consistent with your questions.
4. Learn about the candidate.
5. Be conversational.
6. Be flexible.
7. Work on your listening skills.
8. Act naturally.
9. Worry if there’s silence.
10. Ask appropriate questions.
11. Make the interview about you.
12. Make the candidate curious.
13. Listen for non-verbal language.
14. Look for real solutions.
15. Follow-up with the candidate
Exercise 3. Connect Me I am Lost!
Directions: Read and analyze the dialogue below then answer the given questions. Encircle the letter
of your answer.

A Police Officer and A Tourist

Tourist: Excuse me officer, I think I am lost. Can you help me find my hotel, please?
Officer: Certainly! What's the name of your hotel?
Tourist: It's the Grammar Bank Hotel.
Officer: Hmm, I think, I know where it is.
Tourist: Is it far?
Officer: No, not really. Do you have a car? Are you driving? Tourist:
No, I don't have a car.
Officer: Okay, actually it's only about a 10 minutes’ walk. But if you want, I can call you a cab.
Tourist: No, thank you. I don't mind walking. Officer:
Okay, then, let me give you the directions. Tourist:
Thank you. I appreciate that.
Officer: Now, go along this street until you get to the Bank. Do you see the tall building?
Tourist: Yeah.
Officer: So, at the traffic lights there, turn left to Great Sheva Avenue.
Tourist: Okay, I will turn left.
Officer: Correct. Then go straight on, take the second right and that should take you to the Grammar Bank Hotel.
Tourist: Okay, I will take the second left.
Officer: No, it's the second right.
Tourist: Ah, right. The second right.
Officer: Yes sir, left at the traffic lights near the bank and then the second right.
Tourist: Got it, thank you very much for your help.
Officer: No problem, have a nice day.

1. Who got lost?

a. Tourist b. Police Officer c. Driver d. None of the above 2.
What is the name of the hotel that the tourist is locating?
a. Travel Tour Hotel c. Zen Hotel
b. Grammar Bank Hotel d. None of the above.
3. How many minutes will take the tourist if he will walk in going to the hotel?
a. 5 minutes b. 7 minutes c. 10 minutes d. 3 minutes
4. Did the Police Officer give the right direction to the tourist who was lost?
a. yes b. maybe c. no d. none of the above
5. What is the message of the dialogue trying to point out to you as a reader?
a. Giving correct directions
b. Asking for help from someone
c. Helping people who are lost
d. All of the above.
Answer Key:

Exercise 1. I know, Right!

1. T 6. T
2. T 7. T
3. T 8. F
4. T 9. T
5. T 10.T

Exercise 2. Interviewing Job Candidates!

1. Do 6. Do 11. Don’t
2. Do 7. Do 12. Do
3. Do 8. Do 13. Do
4. Do 9. Don’t 14. Do
5. Do 10. Do 15. Do

Exercise 3.

Connect Me, I’m Lost!

1. a
2. b
3. c
4. a
5. a
Name of Learner: Grade Level:
Section: Date:
Worthy Ideas from Listening Text

Background Information for Learners

Why do you listen and suddenly stop from what you are doing when you hear something? The answer is so simple.
It is worthy enough to listen to.
We learn new things particularly in listening to news reports, announcements, lectures, discussions, and the like.
But how can you identify the significance of ideas found in the text you listened to? If these ideas answer the following
questions, you will surely say that the listening text is informative, relevant, educative, and effective.
1. Are the details or information heard factual? Or merely an opinion?
2. Do the given data answer the basic questions like who, what, where, when, why and how?
3. Is it timely, relevant, and significant to you?
4. Does it convince you to take action?
5. Does it make you think about the ideas presented?
Here are some activities you will take to learn more. Enjoy listening to different texts and get worthy ideas from

Learning Competency
Determine the worth of ideas mentioned in the text listened to EN7LC-IV-g-8.2 Exercise 1.

PLAYLIST! (Play and Listen)

Directions: Type this link and listen to the song “Heal theWorld” by Michael
Jackson. In your paper, answer the given questions to find out what the song is all about and its message to the

Question & Answer:

1. Who is referred to as the one who can make a better place?

2. What is this significant thing that everybody must have to make it happen?

3. Cite some ways mentioned in the song which can heal the world.

4. Why is there a need to heal the world and make it a better place for everyone?

5. Reflect on the message of the song and relate it to the present situation. In a simple way, how
can you make the world better during this time of pandemic?
Exercise 2. WATCHLIST! (Watch and Listen)
Directions: Not only in listening to the song you can relate and learn new things, but also in watching and listening to the
news report. In here, you have to get the details that answer the 5 Ws and 1 H (who, what, where, when, why and how) as
you click this link After playing the video, answer the questions that

1. What is the report all about?

2. Who is the bullied or victim?
3. What did he experience after the incident?
4. Where did the bullying happen?
5. According to Andrea Martinez, what can the parents do to prevent the worst
effect of bullying to their children? Why?
6. Is the report relevant to you? Prove your answer.

Exercise 3. Learn From the Update

Directions: Watch and listen to the ANC news report on the Philippines’ COVID-19 Positivity Rate by clicking the link As you listen, take down all important ideas or information then
complete the table below.

1. Topic:

2. Back in May, who recommended that governments keep the positivity rate for
COVID-19 at less than 5% for cases two weeks before easy restrictions?
3. What was the Philippines’ COVID-19 positivity rate?

4. Who said that they immediately isolate positive cases once identified and trace
their contacts so the situation does not worsen?
5. How many cases of COVID-19 in total are in the Philippines as of August 19,
6. Who had warned that cases might hit 230,000 by the end of August if the Modified
Enhanced Community Quarantine(MECQ) was lifted only after two weeks?
7. What were the actions of the following?
a. Government’s Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF)
b. Department of Health(DOH)
8. What is the part of the public to help lessen the increasing number of COVID-19

Exercise 4. Worthy To Listen More

A. Directions: Listen attentively to the four minute BBC Newshour on Philippine drug addicts in rehab by
clicking the link As you listen, write down the answers for the
given questions below.

1. Who are leaving their dormitories and preparing for their routine of activities very early in the morning?

2. According to Dr. Llabres, an Addiction Medicine Specialist, how long do the patients stay in the
rehabilitation center?

3. Based on the first man interviewed, why did he go to rehab?

4. What did the second interviewee say about the hardest part of his stay in the rehab?

5. How old are the youngest and the eldest according to the director in the rehab center?

Answer Key
Exercise 1. PLAYLIST! (Play and Listen) Question & Answer:
1. Everyone in the world
2. Love can make the world a better place to live in.
3. Let our spirits never die Create aNworld with no fear Care enough for the living
Try to love for it cares for joyful giving and start living
4. There are people dying due to war and famine. Love and care not fear or dread should reign in everyone’s heart. Think
about the younger generations, the children and their children.
5. Answers may vary

Exercise 2. WATCHLIST! (Watch and Listen)

1. Bullying, a growing problem in Philippine schools
2. An 18 year old named Jamie Garcia 3. He is suffering from anxiety and depression
4. It happened in a private school in Makati.
5. Let the kids learn how to fix their problems and how to keep each other’s peace. Because most often if adults most especially
parents get involved directly, the kid (bully) would tend to retaliate again and it would just start the vicious cycle of bullying
Answers may vary Exercise 3.

6. Learn From the Update

1. Topic: Philippines’ COVID-19 Positivity Rate
2. Back in May, who recommended that governments keep the positivity rate for World Health Organization(WHO)
COVID-19 at less than 5% for cases two weeks before easy restrictions?
3. What was the Philippines’ COVID-19 positivity rate? 10.4%

4. Who said that they immediately isolate positive cases once identified and Maria Rosario Vergeire, Philippine
trace their contacts so the situation does not worsen? Health Undersecretary

5. How many cases of COVID-19 in total are in the Philippines as of August 19, 173,744 cases

6. Who had warned that cases might hit 230,000 by the end of August if the A team of experts from the University of the
Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) was lifted only after Philippines
two weeks?

7. What actions did the following do?

A. Government’s Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) a. Government’s Inter-
Agency Task Force (IATF)
B. Department of Health (DOH)
spend the last two weeks
recalibrating its strategy against the

b. Department of Health (DOH)

● had clear targets for contact tracing

● improved referral system to ensure
COVID-19 patients are accommodated
in hospitals or isolation facilities began
implementing a thorough check of
households in certain areas for possible
8. What is the part of the public to help lessen the increasing number of The public should do their part by observing
COVID-19 cases? the minimum health standards such as
wearing face masks and ensuring physical

Exercise 4. Worthy to Listen More A.

1. Drug addict patients
2. They should stay there for a period of 6 months and have to follow up for another period of 18 months
3. He came to the center after one of his neighbors was shot dead and his family fear for his safety. 4. He is
about to be released. The hardest part of being here he says is being the disciplined. He is also not sure that
he can stay off drugs. He is used to relying on crystal meth he says to help him get for the day.
5. The youngest is 12 and the eldest is 17 years old.
Name of Learner: Grade Level:
Section: Date:
Learning Activity Sheet #3

Accuracy and Truthfulness of Materials Viewed Background Information for Learners

The quality of information you derive from a source either print or electronic impact your
academic output. Evaluating the credibility of these details you come across proves to be an essential part of your life as a
student. Classifying an array of information whether facts or opinion, fiction or non – fiction and reality or fantasy provides
you the effective approaches in comprehending these wells of knowledge.

A material viewed bears accuracy when it contains information that is error – free. It has exact details which don’t
give the audience or viewers a room for doubt. On the other hand, it has truthfulness when it is based on facts. In the
English discipline, such accurate and truthful piece includes biography, business, cooking, health and fitness, history and
the like.

The series of activities you are to answer in this learning activity sheet anchored on the quarter 4 lesson title of
your English book: Relating Past to Present, are designed for you to hone your competency in identifying the veracity of
the materials viewed.

Learning Competency with Code

Determine the truthfulness and accuracy of the material viewed EN7VC-IV-h-10

Exercise 1. Journey Back to My Past

A.Directions: Visit the link considered-national- heroes.
Note accurate and truthful details that will enable you provide responses for the following questions

1. Who are the National Heroes recommended by the Department of Education (DepEd) in 1995?

Does the Philippines have a single legislated National Hero? Explain your answer.

3. According to the National Heroes Commission (NHC), how can someone be qualified as a
National Hero?

Why do we celebrate the National Heroes’ Day?

5. Why does Xiao Chua, a History professor, opt that selection of National Heroes won’t be
influenced by any agency?
B. Travel back to our history featuring the heroes whom we are indebted of our freedom. Complete their names in
Column A. Verify the accuracy and truthfulness of the culled statements from the material viewed by putting a check mark
(✔) under thumbs up column when they are exact and correct and by indicating a similar mark under thumbs down column
when they tell the opposite.

National Heroes Derived Information

1.J _ _ E R_ Z_ _ 1. According to the material viewed, the

heroes indicated in the first column are
the historical figures recommended as
2.A _ D_ _ _ _ B _ _ _ F_ C _ _ National Heroes by the Department of
Education in 1995.
3.E _ I L _ O A___N_LDO 2. Philippines has a single legislated
national hero emphasized by a History
4._ P O L I _ A _ I O _ A B _ N I Professor Xiao Chua.

3. Still, according to him, the National

5.M A _ C E L O D _ L P _ L A R Heroes Commission qualifies someone as
a National hero when he is honored
6. S _ L T _ N D _ P T _ _N K _ D A R _ through public worship after his death
and acknowledges his meritorious
services to mankind by spontaneous
national recognition.
7. _ U A N L _ N A
4. He further stated that the National
Heroes’ Day is celebrated to honor only
8. M _ L C _ O R A A _ U I N O those recognized National heroes.
5.He also prefers that the selection of
9. G _ B R I _L A S _ L A N _ national heroes is not mandated by any
agency or law because it is only achieved
through public acclamation
Exercise 2. Correct Me Today, Save Me Tomorrow
A. Directions: Visit the link below which highlights the sacrifices and sufferings of the frontliners. Give your
responses to the questions formulated based on the material viewed.
1. Who are the frontliners featured in the video?

2. How are the frontliners known as they save the lives of the COVID 19 victims?

3. Why are they labelled such?

4. Where can we usually find these people?

5. What do they provide to their clients?
B. Based on the material viewed in Exercise 2A, solve the given puzzle containing incorrect data about the frontliners by
providing answers for each description asked across and down. Correct these data in the puzzle by writing their antonyms
on the space provided. Your answers in the previous exercise serve as clues.

1C W R D

2F R E N

3D M G E 1M


1. n. a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things. H
2. n. a person not belonging to a particular place or group; a stranger F L
3. n. loss or harm resulting from injury to person, property or reputation

1. adj. a line or position of direct and immediate contact or confrontation as with an enemy F
2. n. the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate
effort E LL

Exercise 3. Heroes Meet Great Men

Directions: Based on the materials viewed, compare and contrast the yesterday’s heroes and
today’s great men by accomplishing the Venn – Euler diagram. Be precise with your descriptions
suggested by the videos.

Yesterday’s Heroes Today’s Great Men

Exercise 4. Salute the Modern - Day Heroes
Directions: Craft a greeting card for today’s frontliners focused on their battle against COVID 19
inspired by the relevant material viewed. Be guided by the following rubric in the creation of your

Answer Key:
Exercise 1: Journey Back to My Past
1. Jose Rizal, Andress Bonifacio, Emilio Aguinaldo, Apolinario Mabini, Marcelo Del Pilar, Sultan Dapitan Kudarat, Juan Luna,
Melchor Aquino, Gabriela Silang.
2. No, Philippines doesn’t have a single legislated hero as being proclaimed one entails allotting a day for celebration that can
cause disruption of the flow of activities in the country.
3. One can be regarded as a National Hero when he is honored through public worship after his death and is acknowledged for his
meritorious services to mankind by spontaneous national recognition.
4. We celebrate the National Heroes’ Day to honor someone recognized by the public due his heroic deeds at the expense of his
5. Xiao Chua prefers that one is not selected as hero by any agency but will only be recognized as such through public applause.

A Derived Information

1. JOSE RIZAL 1. According to the material viewed, the

heroes indicated in column A are the
2. ANDRESS BONIFACIO historical figures recommended as ✔
National Heroes by

3.EMILIO AGUINALDO 2. Philippines has a single legislated

national hero emphasized by a History ✔
4.APOLINARIO MABINI Professor Xiao Chua.
3. Still, according to him, the National
5.MARCELO DEL PILAR Heroes Commission qualifies someone as
a National hero when he is honored
6. SULTAN DAPITAN through public worship after his death and ✔
KUDARAT acknowledge his meritorious services to
mankind by spontaneous national
7. JUAN LUNA recognition.
4. He further stated that the National
8. MELCHORA AQUINO Heroes’ Day is celebrated to honor just ✔
those famed to be as National heroes.
9. GABRIELA SILANG 5.He also prefers that the selection of
national heroes is mandated by any
agency or law because it is only achieved

public acclamation.

Exercise 2. Correct Me Today, Save Me Tomorrow A

1. Filipinos
2. Heroes
3. They are labelled heroes because they are committed in providing healthcare services to the
COVID19 victims regardless of the threat that the virus may give them.
4. Hospitals, Clinics
5. Healthcare services

1. Hero - COWARD
2. Filipino - FOREIGNER
3. Service - DAMAGE
1. Frontline – MEDIOCRE
2. Wellness - ILLNESS

Exercise 3. Heroes Meet Great Men

Yesterday’s Heroes Today’s Great Men

Died against the Died a nd are dying
seen invaders due to the unseen
Courageous COVID 19

Used pen and sword

to win Used and are using
medicines to stop the
spread of virus

Exercise 4. Salute the Modern - Day Heroes Answers

may vary.
Name of Learner: Grade Level:
Section: Date:


Conflicts in Literary Selections

Background Information for Learners

What Is Conflict in Literature?
In literature, a conflict is a literary device characterized by a struggle between two opposing
forces. Conflict provides crucial tension in any story and is used to drive the narrative forward.
Itis often used to reveal a deeper meaning in a narrative while highlighting characters’
motivations,values, and weaknesses. There are six main types of literary conflict, each of which
is detailed below.

Internal vs. External Conflict

All conflict falls into two categories: internal and external.
● Internal conflict is when characters struggle with their own opposing desires or beliefs. It
happens within them, and it drives their development as characters.
● External conflict sets characters against something or someone beyond their control.
External forces stand in the way of a character’s motivations and create tension as the
characters try to reach their goals.

The 6 Types of Literary Conflict

Just like it takes two to tango, it also takes two (or more) to create conflict. What you choose to
pit your characters against will have a significant effect on what kind of story you tell. Many
stories contain multiple types of conflict, but there is usually one that is the main focus.

1. Character vs. Self

This is an internal conflict, meaning that the opposition the character faces is coming from
within. This may entail a struggle to discern what the moral or “right” choice is, or it may also
encompass mental health struggles.

2. Character vs. Character

This is a common type of conflict in which one character’s needs or wants are at odds with
another’s. A character conflict can be depicted as a straightforward fist fight, or as intricate and

3. Character vs. Nature

A character is set in opposition to nature like the weather, the wilderness, or a natural disaster.
This is the essence of the man versus nature conflict: man struggles with human emotions, while
nature charges forth undeterred.
4. Character vs. Supernatural
Pitting characters against phenomena like ghosts, gods, or monsters raises the stakes of a
conflict by creating an unequal playing field.

5. Character vs. Technology

A character is in conflict with some kind of technology. Think of the tale of John Henry, the
African American folk hero, wherein Henry was a former slave who worked as a steel-driver on
the rail line. To prove his superiority over new technology, he raced a steam-powered rock
drilling machine and won. However, he suffered a heart attack after winning the race.

6. Character vs. Society

A character is in an opposition with society, the government, or a cultural tradition or societal
norm because of the need to survive, a moral sense of right and wrong, or a desire for happiness,
freedom, justice, or love.

Learning Competency with Code

Discover the conflicts presented in literary selections and the need to resolve those conflicts in non-
violent ways EN7LT-II-a-4

Exercise 1. Widening Lexical Side

Directions: Here’s to give you a guide to better understand the text that you are about to read.
Find the words that match into the definitions given below. Trace and encircle the word on the
grid and write your answer on the space provided after the definitions.

1. To put into or furnish, to plunge or bury -
2. To walk without lifting the feet-
3. Oily in appearance, texture, or manner -
4. Being sloppy, or careless -
5. Any of a widely distributed family of birds with a stout body -
6. To shake or move with a slight trembling motion-

1. In a high degree or vehement manner -
2. To run nimbly and usually playfully about-
3. Take hold of suddenly and forcibly-
4. The outline of a body viewed as circumscribing a mass-

Exercise 2. Identifying Conflicts

Directions: Identify the type of conflict present in each picture. Write your answer inside the box.

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.
Exercise 3. Familiarizing with Conflicts
Directions: Below are lines from the selection “The Centipede” by Rony V. Diaz. Identify the type
of conflict present in the given lines. Encircle the letter of your answer.
1. “Wait for the birds to rise and then fire,” he whispered.
a. Character vs. Self c. Character vs. Character
b. Character vs. Nature d. Character vs. Society
2. After Delia collapsed because of the centipede held by Eddie to her, Eddie said “I was engulfed
by a sudden feeling of pity and guilt.”
a. Character vs. Self c. Character vs. Character
b. Character vs. Nature d. Character vs. Society
3. “I wept and father had to call my sister for an explanation. She stood straight and calm before
father but my tear-logged eyes saw only her harsh and arrogant silhouette.”
a. Character vs. Technology c. Character vs. Supernatural
b. Character vs. Society d. Character vs. Character
4. “Nothing I did ever please her. She destroyed willfully anything I liked.”
a. Character vs. Technology c. Character vs. Supernatural
b. Character vs. Society d. Character vs. Character
5. “She pushed me hard and I crashed against the wall of the hut.” This is how Delia treated Eddie
from the story.
a. Character vs. Technology c. Character vs. Supernatural
b. Character vs. Society d. Character vs. Character

In this lesson I have learned that:

My Reflection

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 46

Answer Key:
Exercise 1: Widening Lexical Side

2. scuff
3. greasy
4. slewy
5. pigeon
6. quivered

1. fiercely
2. scampered
3. seized
4. silhouette

Exercise 2. Identifying Conflicts

1. Character vs. Nature
2. Character vs. Self
3. Character vs. Supernatural
4. Character vs. Technology
5. Character vs. Society
6. Character vs. Character

Exercise 3. Familiarizing Conflicts

1. B. Character vs. Nature

2. A. Character vs. Self
3. D. Character vs. Character
4. D. Character vs. Character
5. D. Character vs. Character
Name of Learner: Grade Level:
Section: Date:


Literature as a Tool to Assert One’s Unique Identity and to Better Understand
other People

Background Information for the Learners

Identity is the collective aspect of the set of characteristics by which a thing or person is
definitively recognized or known. It is the set of behavioral or personal characteristics by which
an individual is recognizable as a member of a group. Think about how a person’s different
identity categories might create sameness as well as uniqueness. Our identity consists of the
various characteristics we use to categorize and define ourselves and the various characteristics
that are constructed by those around us. Sometimes people only think of identity as those visible
characteristics of a person, but sometimes our identity characteristics are invisible. Gender,
ethnicity, race, religion, socioeconomic status, language, marital/relationship status, parent or
childless, family size and composition, sexual orientation, education and career.
“Why the emphasis on literature? By playing with language, plot structure, and images, it
challenges us cognitively even as it entertains. It invites us to see the world in a different way,
demands that we interpret unusual descriptions, and pushes our memories to recall characters and
plot details. In fact, neuroscientists have found plenty of proof that reading fiction stimulates all
sorts of cognitive areas—not just language regions but also those responsible for coordinating
movement and interpreting smells. Because literary books “are” so mentally invigorating, and
require such engagement, they make us smarter than other kinds of reading material, as a 2009
University of Santa Barbara indicated. Researchers found that subjects who read Kafka’s “The
Country Doctor”—which includes feverish hallucinations from the narrator and surreal elements
— performed better on a subsequent learning task than a control group that read a straightforward
summary of the story.
Literature doesn’t just make us smarter, however; it makes us “us”, shaping our consciences and
our identities. Strong narratives help us develop empathy individuals who frequently read fiction
seem to be better able to understand other people, empathize with them, and see the world from
their perspective. With empathy comes self-awareness, of course. By discovering affinities
between ourselves and characters we never imagined we’d be able to comprehend (like the
accused murderer Dimitri Karamazov), we better understand who we are personally and
politically; what we want to change; what we care about defending.” More: -slow-books manifesto/254884/

Learning Competency with Code

Discover literature as a tool to assert one’s unique identity and to better understand other people
Exercise 1. It’s All about You!
Directions: The following activity will take you through a series of statements about your identity.
Step 1—Fill out the chart below.
Step 2—For each statement, offer one to three different endings.
For example, if the statement begins with “I am,” you can complete the sentence by saying… I
1. a grade 7 student at Balintocatocatoc Integrated School.
2. the daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Danny Dela Cruz.
3. fond of collecting pets.

Statement My Answers
I am 1.
I can 1.
I have 1.
I remember 1.
I like 1.
I will 1.
I believe 1.

Exercise 2. Name Thy Trait!

Directions: Juan holds on desirable Filipino values and practices both as an individual and as a
member of the community. Find out what these traits are and how Juan practices them in his
daily life by matching the desirable Filipino traits in the box below with the actions and behavior
of Juan. Write the letter of your answer in the blank before each number.
D. Hospitality
A. Courtesy E. Resourcefulness
B. Collective pride F. Helpfulness
C. Optimism G. Bravery
H. Strong family ties
I. Industriousness
J. Gratefulness
K. Strong work ethic
L. Faith
M. Respect for elders
N. Honesty
O. Unity

1. Juan loves to entertain guests, friends and even strangers who do not have a placeto stay.
2. Despite being a path for typhoons, Juan remains positive about her situation.
Whatever problems come her way, she always greets visitors with a smile on her face and
says it’s okay.
3. Juan is talented and highly creative. She can fashion instruments out of kitchen
utensils and could solve problems at a snap of a finger.
4. Juan has a habit of kissing the hands of elders, an act that means they are asking
for their elder’s blessing. Filipinos call it-“Mano”.
5. Only in the Philippines will you see families that bond together like no other. In a
typical household, you’ll see extended families like the grandparents and the couple’s
siblings, all co-existing harmoniously with the nuclear family.
6. Filipinos are mighty proud of their cultural heritage and are doubly proud when
they hear of Filipinos making it big in other countries.
7. Juan is committed to her workforce. Tourists admire her for she always extends a
helping hand to them despite calling on her service in the wee hours. There is no snobbish
attitude among the Filipinos.
8. Juan is hardworking and has no qualms about working beyond her schedule.
9. Filipinos are generally liked by tourists because they do not choose whom to
help. When someone needs assistance, they readily come to their aid. 10.
Filipinos are known for saying “thank you” whenever they are helped in return. Locals also
give presents to tourists to thank them for taking time to visit their region. 11. Letting
residents and tourists purchase goods and pay whatever amount they want and returning
wallets and other belongings to the owner show how honest Filipinos can be.
12. Aside from saying “po” and “opo”, Filipinos are known worldwide to be very
polite. They make sure that they give their visitors a warm welcome.
13. The Filipino spirit is marked with courage, especially in times of distress and
other problems.
14. Filipinos help one another when their fellowmen need them. They call this
15. Juan’s belief in God is strong. She does not complain much because she knows
that God will take care of everything.
Exercise 3. Complete the Puzzle!
Directions: Identify the Filipino traits using the following descriptions.

6 3

1 9


1. Feeling or showing thanks to someone
3. Polite behavior that shows respect for other people
7. Generous and friendly treatment of visitors and guest
8. Capable of devising ways and means
10. Strong religious feelings or beliefs

2. Willing to help other people
4. The quality of being fair and truthful
5. The quality or state of being made one
6. Working very hard
9. A feeling that good thing will happen in the future

Exercise 4. Read, Answer and Supply!

Directions: Read the poem “I am a Filipino” by Dali Soriano. Find out the identities of
Filipinos mentioned in the poem by answering questions and supplying the table with correct
information needed.
I am a Filipino
by Dali Soriano

I am a Filipino I am
proud to be one.
My black hair and brown skin, Perfectly
baked by sun.

I live happily with my parents,

Brothers, sisters-we are one.
Lolo, lola, uncles and aunts,
On fiestas we have fun.
I play Filipino games-
Sipa, taguan, palo sebo.
I love Filipino food,
My favorite is adobo.

I kiss the hand of my elders, To

say goodbye or hello.
This makes me a Filipino Polite,
Respectful and true.

1. What is the color of the child’s hair?

2. What is the color of the child’s skin?
3. Who is living with the child?
4. What does the child like to play?
5. What is the child’s favorite food?
6. How does the child show respect to the elders?
7. What can you say about the child?
8. How do Filipinos show respect to the elders?
Answer Key
Exercise 1. It’s All about You! Answer
may vary.

Exercise 2. Name Thy Trait!

1. D
2. C
3. E
4. M
5. H
6. B
7. K
9. F
10. J
11. N
12. A
13. G
14. O
15. L

Exercise 3. Complete the Puzzle!

1. Gratefulness
3. Courtesy
7. Hospitality
8. Resourcefulness
10. Faith
2. Helpfulness
4. Honesty
5. Unity
6. Industriousness
9. Optimism
Exercise 4. Read, Answer and Supply!
1. The color of the child’s hair is black
2. The color of the child’s skin brown
3. The child is living with his parents, brothers and sisters
4. The child like to play sipa, taguan and palo sebo
5. The child’s favorite food is adobo
6. The child show respect to the elders by kissing the hand
7. The child is polite, respectful and true
8. Filipinos show respect to the elders by kissing the hand to say hello and goodbye
Name of Learner: Grade Level:
Section: Date:

LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET Discovering through Philippine

Literature the Need to Work Cooperatively and Responsibly in Today’s
Global Village Background Information for Learners

Studying literature for any country is important because it gives readers inspiration for a
better life and also provides historical knowledge to help people understand the world outside
their immediate setting.
Philippine literature reflects a diverse group of works which is mostly grounded on
traditional folktales, socio-political histories, and real-life experiences. It promotes Filipino
cultural values, tells daily struggles of locals, and instills a remarkable lesson to all
generations. It is associated with the Philippines’ prehistory, colonial legacies, and until the
present time.
Our literature is important because it allows us to learn about how things came into
being and how past events work to shape different cultures. Through studying literature like
poems, essays, stories we can improve our reading skills and through reading we can also
enhance our knowledge. Our literature also introduces real life situations within the
experiential background of the youth to the featured literary pieces and brings us into issues
like environmental awareness, peace education and others.
We need to study the Philippine literature because by this, we can preserve the literature we
have today. If no one would introduce or explain it to the upcoming generations, then it
would not exist in the next generations. This is one of the country's treasures, pride, and
glory. The least we could do is take care of it and be proud of what we have.
In this Learning Activity Sheet, you will explore and discover some types of
Philippine literature. As you go on with the different activities, you will develop different
language skills that boost your creativity, and let you engage to pursue new lines of reasoning
leading to a deeper thought process.

Learning Competency
Discover through Philippine literature the need to work cooperatively and responsibly in
today’s global village ENG7LT-IV-c-6

Exercise 1. My Hero’s Tale

Read the story then answer the questions that follow.

The Good Prince Bantugan

An old king ruled over the kingdom of Bumbaran. His kingdom was prosperous, his
people were good, and he should have been very happy. But the king was not contented. His
heart was full of envy toward his younger brother, Prince Bantugan. Every time someone
praised Prince Bantugan, the king frowned and looked angry.
"Prince Bantugan is so handsome." he often heard the women say, and he would look
in a mirror and see with sorrow that he was not good looking. "Prince Bantugan is so good."
Other people said, and the king grew angrier because he knew that he was not as good as his
brother either.
"Prince Bantugan is so brave," everybody said. The king grew tired of people saying
so many good things about his brother while they said nothing nice about himself. The young
ladies smiled at Prince Bantugan. They allowed him to hold their hands, and they gave him
their love. But they did not like the older brother, the king.
One day enemies attacked the kingdom of Bumbaran and Prince Bantugan led his men
to defend the country. While he was gone, the evil king plotted against the good prince. He
issued a proclamation that no one should speak to Prince Bantugan. He added that whoever
dared to speak to Bantugan would be killed.
Soon Prince Bantugan returned victorious from battle. To his astonishment no one
met him, no one praised him, and no one even wanted to speak to him. This saddened the
good prince. He knew that his brother hated him, so he decided to leave Bumbaran. He
preferred to live in other countries and to travel to far lands and forget about his unkind
In his travels he heard about the beautiful land of the Kingdom-Between-Two-Seas. It
was ruled by a good, kind king and his sister, the beautiful and kind Princess
Datimbang.Prince Bantugan decided to go there. He traveled through forests and across rivers
and mountains and at last reached the Kingdom-Between-Seas.
Prince Bantugan was very weary from his travels. As he stood outside the gates of the
great palace, he suddenly felt very weak. His legs could not carry his body, and the prince fell
to the ground and died.
When the king of the Kingdom-Between-Two Seas heard of the stranger who had died
at his palace gate, he and his sister, Princess Datimbang, went to see the body. even in death
Prince Bantugan was very handsome.
The heart of Princess Datimbang went out to him in love and sorrow. "What a
handsome young man," she said weeping softly. “I wish I could have spoken to him before he
died. I am sure he was as good as he was handsome."
"How unfortunate that he should die here," the king said. "Does anyone know who
this young man is and where he came from? By his clothes and appearance, he must be a king
or a prince."
No one knew who the strange young man was. The king ordered his body to be
brought into the palace. The king was afraid that the relatives or subjects of the dead man
might wage war upon his kingdom. He therefore treated the body of the young man as he
would a royal person. He had it dressed in magnificent clothes and placed it in a large hole in
the palace. Princess Datimbang placed flowers upon the bed on which the body lay. She also
decorated it with colored jewelry. Around the bed was an abundance of fragrant flowers in
jars and vases. The king then ordered the great brass going to be sounded. He made a
proclamation that all his people and the people of the neighboring kingdoms must come to
look at the prince or king so that he would know who he was and where he came from.
People from far and near came to see the body, but no one knew who the man was. The
beautiful Princess Datimbang watched nearby. She had fallen deeply in love with the
handsome stranger.
In another part of the kingdom, some parrots were talking about the young man and
how he died in the Kingdom-Between-Two-Seas. Suddenly they noticed that the parrot from
the kingdom of Bumbaran was silent and sad.
"Why are you sad, my brother?" one of the parrots asked. "I lost my master, the
Prince Bantugan." The parrot from Bumbaran answered. "He left Bumbaran never to return. I
have looked for him everywhere but have not found him."
"Ah, your master is lost, indeed," another parrot said. "He is dead. But you can see his
body in the palace where he is lying in the royal state." Without another word, Prince
Bantugan's parrot flew to the palace. He saw his master's body and shrieked in grief.
Princess Datimbang heard him and asked him what the matter was.
"My master is dead! The parrot cried in grief." My master, Prince Bantugan of Bumbaran, is
dead-he who was so good to his people. He defended them in war, he gave them wise advice
when they were in trouble, and cured the people when they were sick."
When the king heard what the parrot had said, he was determined to put the body on a vinta
and take it himself, with all honors, to the kingdom of Bumbaran. Princess Datimbang went
with him. Before the royal party left the Kingdom-Between-Two Seas, the princess asked the
parrot to go ahead of them and notify the King of Bumbaran of their coming.
The parrot flew ahead to the kingdom of Bumbaran. When he told the king about the
death of Prince Bantugan, the ladies shrieked and tore their hair and fainted. Everyone
grieved for the Good Prince Bantugan. Even the king, his brother, was stricken with remorse
and pain. He was full of repentance. He blamed himself for the death of his brother. He did
not know what to do.
Prince Madali was a brother of Prince Bantugan and loved him dearly. He volunteered to
go to the region of the dead and bring Bantugan's soul back to his body. The king decided to go
with him. It was a very dangerous journey, but the two were not afraid. They rode on their
magic shields and rode up to the sky.
For five days they flew. They reached the place of lightning, thunder, and endless rain.
Five more days they travelled. They reached the land of burning heat. Their magic shields
almost melted under them. So great was the distance that they went on for five more days. At
last they reached the highest portals of the sky.
The keeper of the gate asked them," Why are you here? What do you want?" "We have
come to ask the angel of Death when we shall die and when the end of the world will come,
the young men answered, "Go to the next door," the gatekeeper told them." You will find the
angel who guards the soul of the dead there.
"Why are you here?" asked the guard. "You have no business here. You are not dead."
"We have come to ask the Angel of Death when we shall die," Prince Madali answered.
"Come in but only for a minute," the guardian said, opening the door. "Then you must return
to earth right away."
The two entered and found themselves in a beautiful garden full of fragrant flowers and
delicious fruits. On a large table were bottles of different colors which contained the souls of
the dead.
The two tricked the Angel of Death to go out for a minute. As soon as the angel was out
of the room, Prince Madali whispered softly, "Bantugan, my brother, where are you?" From a
large blue bottle near them, the voice of Prince Bantugan answered, "I am here." Prince
Madali seized the bottle and away the young men flew back to earth.
When they reached the place, the king and the princess of the Kingdom-Between-Two
Seas were just landing with the body of Prince Bantugan. Prince Madali transferred the soul
of Prince Bantugan from the bottle to his body. The body stirred. Then Prince Bantugan sat
up and stretched out as if just awakening from a deep sleep. The people shouted with joy. For
many days they celebrated the return of their beloved prince.

Directions. On the space before each number, write T if the statement is true and F if the
statement is false. Write your answer on the space before the number. 1. Prince Bantuganwas
a good brother to the king and his people.
2. The King made a decree not to talk to Prince Bantugan when he came back from a
3. He travelled to Kingdom-Between-Two Seas to have a new land to rule.
4. Prince Bantugan died of extreme tiredness when he reached the Kingdom.
5. The King of Kingdom-Between-Two Seas immediately inform Prince Bantugan’s
brother about his death.
6. The loyal parrot of Prince Bantugan helped Princess Datimbang and her King
brother to recognize him as a prince.
7. Prince Madali, a good brother of Prince Bantugan, went to retrieve his soul from the
Angel of Death to bring his life again.
8. They found the soul of Prince Bantugan in a large blue bottle.
9. Prince Madali failed to restore the life of his brother.
10. Their brother king regretted what he has done to Prince Bantugan

Exercise 2. Match Me
Directions: Read “A Shawl for Anita”. Then match column A with their respective element in
column B. Write your answer on the boxes below.

"A Shawl for Anita" by:Lolita

My mother brought us up single-handedly. It was a Herculean task for a woman so
frail, dealing with three adolescent children. But she managed. She never finished high
school, but her deft hands had skillfully eked out a living for the four of us. She was good at
knitting. That tided us over until the eldest got a diploma of teaching. Then she put up a sari-
sari store to send the other children to college. Mother wanted us all to start a college degree
and she had sacrificed much to see us through.
Mother had a soft heart - especially for Anita. Anita was the youngest, and I, being the
middle child, had always envied her. She was sickly and Mother willingly indulged her. My
sister's whimpers never irked her. She was ever so gentle with her when I impatient and
jealous. I never understood my mother.
My mother who had always been a frail woman was much thinner now. Anita who was
married by now had never stopped being pampered. Her lack of concern for our mother's
failing health was getting on my nerves. I felt like shouting at her, calling her names when I
heard her ask Mother to knit a shawl for her. Mother could hardly refuse, but I knew that the
task was just too much for her. Her fingers had lost their flexibility; rheumatic pain told on
her knuckles that felt a million pins pricking. My heart went out to her every time I saw her
painfully the knitting needles into the yarn.
The rest of us did not want to see Mother lift a finger. She was too old to work, and we
wanted to save her the burden of doing even the lightest household chores. Mother said she
felt useless being cooped up in the house all day, doing nothing. That was before Anita sweet
talked her into knitting her shawl. I was beginning to hate Anita for being so callous.
Knitting the shawl might have been an agony for Mother, but she never showed any
pain. At the end of the day, she would look at her handiwork, a smile on her lips as she held it
against her. Knitting proved to be a slow process, but Mother didn't mind, I did and when
Anita showed up one day to visit Mother I scolded her for being so thoughtless. Anita
touched my arm and in a gentle voice said, "I did it for Mother. That shawl is giving her
reason to live. She was wasting away, didn't you notice? She felt so useless because she had
nothing to do, no matter how small. Mother is one person who prefers to live her life working.
If she stops working, she will stop living." I nodded my head. Perhaps Anita was right I was
beginning to understand my


1. CHARACTERS a. the mother and her three children

2. SETTING b. in the home of Anita's mother.

3. CONFLICT c. We find our purpose in life by doing the things we are

passionate about. .
4. THEME d. Anita despite being married, asked her mother to knit a
shawl for her which made the author angry
5. PLOT e. Story about the mother of Anita who loves to knit. She
felt a sense of uselessness in life and felt as if she was living
for nothing anymore when her mother grew older.

6. PROTAGONIST f. narrative text

7. ANTAGONIST g. the youngest child

8. POINT OF VIEW h. human vs. human

9. TYPE OF CONFLICT i. first person point of view

10. TYPE OF STORY j. Anita

k. epic

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Exercise 3: Deeds of Compassion

Directions: The story “"A Shawl for Anita" talks about compassion towards one another and
the passions we can develop as an individual. On the blank before each number, write C if the
statement tells about compassion and N if it is not. Write your answer on the space before the
1. To help people around the world medical experts are continuously working to
discover a vaccine for CoronaVirus.
2. People who lost their jobs are already engage in online business.
3. The Filipinos are always cheerful even in the midst of trial in life.
4. The soldiers and nurses keep on doing their job in spite of the danger they are facing.
5. More and more Filipinos find ways to help their fellowmen who are being affected
by this pandemic.
6. The Bayanihan spirit of Filipinos is proven in many difficult times.
7. The government is extending support to the poor families.
8. The generosity of some good-hearted persons like Senator Manny Paquiao is
9. Our affection to others inspires them to strive and make this life meaningful.
10. Many of the civic organizations are helping the front liners by donating masks
alcohol and other basic needs.
Answer Key

Exercise 1. My Hero’s Tale

1. T 6.T
2. T 7.T
3. F 8. T
4. T 9.T
5. T 10.T

Exercise 2. Match Me
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. E
6. G
7. J
8. I
9. H
10. F

Exercise 3. Deeds of Compassion

1. C
2. N
3. N
4. C
5. C
6. C
7. C
8. C
9. N
10. C
Name of Learner: Grade Level:
Section: Date:

LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET Informative Essay Background

Information for Learners

“If you can’t write your message in a sentence, you can’t say it in an hour.”
–Dianna Booher

This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is about writing an informative essay. Every good
student needs to understand how to write an informative essay.
An informative essay is an academic paper written at high school/college level, which
aims to inform the target audience about the particular object, person, event, or phenomenon.
Its main purpose is to educate others on a certain topic. Typically, these essays will answer
one of the five W’s: who, what, where, when, and why.

Remember: INFORMative writing

I includes an opening paragraph to introduce the topic.
N names facts in the body paragraphs of your essay.
F follows the facts with supporting sentences.
O organizes your writing with transition words.
R refers to the topic and include key vocabulary.
M makes a closing paragraph that relates to the topic.

Learning Competency
Compose an informative essay EN7WC-IV-a-2.2

Exercise 1. Let’s Review!

Directions: This pre-assessment consists of questions carefully designed to help you recall
your prior knowledge about writing an informative essay. Read each question carefully and
choose the correct answer. Write the letter of your choice on the blank provided before each
1. It is an essay that gives the reader detailed information about a specific topic.
A. Persuasive essay
B. Informative essay
C. Descriptive essay
D. Narrative essay
2. What is the purpose of an informative essay?
A. To provide information, or explain steps in a process
B. To tell a story
C. To entertain the readers
D. To persuade the reader
3. What are the three main parts of an essay? A.
The hook, the topic sentence, and conclusion
B. Introduction, Hook, Body
C. Introduction, Body, Conclusion
D. Claim, Counterclaim, Rebuttal 4. What is a topic sentence?
A. The sentence that gets the reader’s attention
B. The sentence that is the main idea of the entire essay
C. The final sentence in an essay
D. The sentence that tells the main idea of a paragraph
5. You should use a transition word to start each new body paragraph and for the
conclusion paragraph.
A. True
B. False
6. The introduction paragraph should start with a “hook” to grab the reader’s attention.
A. True
B. False
7. The conclusion paragraph gives an ending and closure to the essay.
A. True
B. False
8. In writing an informative essay, it is important to cite your references.
A. True
B. False
9. What is the CORRECT order for the steps to write an informative essay?
A. Research, choose a topic, write, organize, revise and edit
B. Choose a topic, organize, research, write, revise and edit
C. Choose a topic, research, organize, write, revise and edit
D. Research, choose a topic, revise and edit, organize, write
10. What do you call the representation or stealing information from another person and
passing it off as one’s own?
A. Bias
B. Plagiarism
C. Paraphrase
D. D. Copyright

Exercise 2. Let’s Read and Be Informed!

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive”.
- Dalai Lama
Directions: Read and analyze the given text and do the activity that follows.
Humanity and Community in the Age of the Covid-19 Pandemic
by Greenpeace Philippines
March 25, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented crisis that brings with it a lot of
problems, especially for the poor and marginalized sectors of our society. Those who have the
least financial and other means have the hardest time dealing with the pandemic’s impacts on
health and health services, loss of income, limited mobility and other struggles. This crisis is
challenging us, as a species, to bring about an increased sense of our humanity, community and
As governments, international health agencies and local officials struggle to contain the
global infection and its effects, we also see citizens and communities coming together in
support of each other, especially for the frontliners and sectors who are experiencing the most
With the enforcement of a Luzon-wide Enhanced Community Quarantine, communities
are struggling to find their next meals, due either to loss of income or access to food sources, or
a combination of both. But some chefs and other concerned citizens have set up various
community kitchens and food programs to try and ease a bit of the burden.
Health workers who continue to work, but who have no way of getting to and from hospitals
and their homes, are being assisted or ferried by volunteers of efforts like Oplan Hatid, Lend-
ABike, and Life Cycles.
Nurses, doctors and other health workers, police and military peace enforcers,
sanitation workers, researchers and other frontliners are being assisted with crowd-sourced
food, temporary housing, face masks, alcohol, sanitizers and other dwindling resources that
they require to be able to continue doing very important work for the people.
A group of individuals have collated some of these efforts into a database of responses
( and have asked the public to contribute what they know
by quickly filling out a very short form: Another group
has also compiled a list of organizations doing such efforts that you may want to donate.
The pandemic may be showing the weakness of systems we have in our current society,
but it is also showing us what bayanihan means for a nation of everyday heroes. Bringing out
the best in each and every one of us is what will get us through this.

Process Questions:
1. What is the topic sentence of the essay?

2. Give at least two (2) transition words used in the essay.

How does the writer describe COVID 19 pandemic?
What does it mean by the word bayanihan in the last paragraph?

5. What do the government, international health agencies and local officials do to contain
the global infection and effects of COVID 19?

Exercise 3. Let’s Compose!

Write something about the ways on how to protect oneself against COVID 19 using the
Informational Writing Graphic Organizer. Plan your informative piece by filling out the
graphic organizer below.

Topic Sentence:

Idea 1: Details/Evidence:

Idea 2: Details/Evidence:

Idea 3: Details/Evidence:

Concluding Sentence:

With the use of the information presented in the graphic organizer, compose a 3-5 paragraph
about the ways on how to protect oneself against COVID 19 using transitional devices. Use a
separate sheet of paper and be guided with the given rubrics. Provide your own title.
Rubrics for Writing an Informative Essay
Directions: Your essay will be graded based on this rubric. Consequently, use this rubric as a
guide when writing your essay and check it again before you submit your essay.

Traits 4 3 2 1
Focus and There is one clear, There is one There is one The topic and
Details well-focused clear, topic. Main ideas main ideas are not
topic. Main ideas wellfocused are somewhat clear.
are clear and are topic. Main ideas clear.
well supported by are clear but are
detailed and not well
accurate supported by
information. detailed
Organization The introduction is The introduction The introduction There is no clear
inviting, states the states the main states the main introduction,
main topic, and topic and topic. A structure, or
provides an provides an conclusion is conclusion.
overview of the overview of the included.
paper. paper. A
Information is conclusion is
relevant and included.
presented in a
logical order.
Voice The author’s The author’s The author’s The author’s
purpose of writing purpose of purpose of purpose of
is very clear., and writing is writing is writing is
there is strong somewhat clear, somewhat clear, unclear.
evidence of and there is and there is
attention to the some evidence of evidence of
audience. The attention to the attention to the
author’s extensive audience. audience. The
knowledge and/or The author’s
experience author’s knowledge and/or
withthe topic knowledge and/or experience with
is/are experience with the topic is/are
evident. the topic is/are limited.

Word Choice The author uses The author uses The author uses The writer uses a
vivid words and vivid words and words that limited
phrases. The phrases. The communicate vocabulary.
choice and choice and clearly, but the Jargon or clichés
placement of placement of writing lacks may be present
words seems words is variety. and detract from
accurate, natural, inaccurate at the meaning.
and not forced. times and/or sees

Sentence All sentences are Most sentences Most sentences Sentences sound
Structure, well constructed are well are well awkward., are
Grammar, and have varied constructed and constructed, but distractingly
Mechanics, structure and have varied they have a repetitive, or are
& Spelling length. The author structure and similar structure difficult to
makes no error in length. The and/or length. understand. The
grammar, author makes a The author author makes
mechanics, and/or few errors in makes several numerous errors
spelling. grammar, errors in in grammar,
mechanics, grammar, mechanics,
and/or spelling, mechanics, and/or spelling
but they do not and/or spelling that interfere
interfere with that interfere with
understanding. with understanding.


Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times. 46

Answer Key
Exercise 1
1. B 6. A
2. A 7. A
3. C 8. A
4. B 9. C
5. A 10. C

Exercise 2. Let’s Read and Be Informed! Process

1. The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented crisis that brings with it a lot of problems,
especially for the poor and marginalized sectors of our society. 2. as, with, but, also
3. COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented crisis
4. a spirit of civic and cooperation; community spirit; “being a hero”
5. Answers may vary

Exercise 3: Let’s Compose!

Answer may vary.

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