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1학년 방배중학교

영어 1학기 기말고사

1.주어진1) 단어의 영영 뜻풀이가 잘못 설명된 것 There's one next to the flower shop.
ⓔ Then, where can I buy one?
① ⓐ - ⓑ - ⓒ - ⓔ - ⓓ
① visit : to go to see a person or place
② ⓐ - ⓑ - ⓓ - ⓔ - ⓒ
② decide : to make a decision
③ ⓒ - ⓓ - ⓐ - ⓔ - ⓑ
③ village : a private home; travelers pay to stay
④ ⓒ - ⓐ - ⓔ - ⓓ - ⓑ
⑤ ⓑ - ⓓ - ⓐ - ⓔ - ⓒ
④ center : a place where people have meetings or
get service
⑤ opera : a musical play in which all of the words
are sung
※ 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
Day 1
ⒶI went to the Jeonju Hanok Village with my
family. ⒷWe take a walking tour and visited a lot
2.다음 2) 대화문을 읽고 미술관의 위치로 알맞은 곳
of hanoks. ⒸThere was 550 hanoks in the village.
을 고른 다면? ⒹAmazingly, some people still live in hanoks. ⒺWe
A : Excuse me. How can I get to the Art also went to Jeonju Hyanggyo. Hyanggyo was a
Museum? school ⓐ_______ boys long ago. It didn't look like
B : Go straight two blocks and turn right. my school, but it was great. I was excited to see
It's on your left. the old Korean village. ⓑ___ dinner, we had
Jeonju bibimbap. It was really delicious.

Day 2
My family stayed at a hanok guesthouse last
night. (a)나는 침대 대신에 온돌에서 잤어. It was a
little hard, but I slept well. After breakfast, we
went to the Jeonju Culture Center. My sister and I
made fans with hanji. My father and mother made
rice cakes. Then, we saw a pansori performance.
① a ② b ③ c We had a lot of fun.
④ d ⑤ e
4) 중 질문의 답을 위 글에서 찾을 수 없는
① When did Dan's family stay?
3.대화의3) 순서를 알맞게 배열한 것은? ② What amazed Dan in the village?
ⓐ Oh, I see. But we don't sell birthday cards. ③ How did Dan's family go to Jeonju?
ⓑ Okay, Thank you. ④ What did Dan's family have for dinner?
ⓒ I want to buy a birthday card. ⑤ What did Dan's family do at the Jeonju Hanok
ⓓ Well, how about going to a gift shop? Village?
5.위5) 글 ⓐ, ⓑ에 공통으로 들어갈 말은? By Sora, Ella, Dan, and Jisu

① for ② at ③ of
ⓒAnimal parents love their babies, just like
④ in ⑤ with
people. Different animals show their love in different

An orangutan mom carries her baby on her back

6.위6) 글의 밑줄 친 Ⓐ ~ Ⓔ 중 어법에 맞지 않는 for three to five years. The baby drinks its
것을 모두 고르면? mother's milk for eight years. ⓓEvery night, the
① Ⓐ ② Ⓑ ③ Ⓒ mom makes a fresh nest with branches for her
④ Ⓓ ⑤ Ⓔ baby. ⓔThanks of the mom's care, the baby can
sleep soundly.

9) 내용과 맞는 문장을 두 개 고르시오.
7) 친 (a)가 우리말 뜻에 맞는 영어 문장이 되 ① Sora's science report is about animal parents'
도록 쓰시오. love.
② Sora wrote the report with her friends.
③ All animals show their love in the same way.
④ Orangutan parents take care of their baby
8) 주어진 문장 뒤에 자연스러운 대화가 together.

이어지도록 ⓐ ~ ⓔ를 순서대로 배열한 것은? ⑤ An orangutan mother gives her milk to a baby
only for three to five years.
Brian, what did you do yesterday?
ⓐ That's great! Are you a good baseball player,
ⓑ No, I'm not. 10.위 10) 글의 ⓐ ~ ⓔ 중 단어의 쓰임이 잘못된 문
ⓒ You play basketball? I didn't know that. 장의 개수는?
ⓓ I played basketball. ① 1개 ② 2개 ③ 3개
ⓔ Yes, I am good at basketball. ④ 4개 ⑤ 없다
① ⓒ - ⓐ - ⓑ - ⓔ - ⓓ
② ⓒ - ⓐ - ⓔ - ⓑ - ⓓ
③ ⓓ - ⓐ - ⓔ - ⓑ - ⓒ
④ ⓓ - ⓒ - ⓔ - ⓐ - ⓑ
⑤ ⓔ - ⓓ - ⓒ - ⓐ - ⓑ ※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
A seahorse dad carries the baby eggs in his
pouch. In this way, the dad keeps the eggs
danger. A few weeks later, the babies swim out
※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. into the world.
ⓐFor a science class, my group writed a report
about animal parents' love. We found many Flamingo parents ⓐtake care of their babies
interesting stories about it. ⓑWe finally completed together. In this picture, a flamingo dad is feeding
our report. Here it is. the baby, and the mom is keeping the baby under
her wing. Without parents' love, the baby can't
Animal Parents' Love grow up safe.
11.다음 11) 중 위 글의 내용을 제대로 이해한 사람 ① foot, hand ② leg, arm ③ arm, nose

은? ④ fingers, eyes ⑤ hand, back

① 현빈 : Seahorse mothers have pouches.

② 희찬 : A seahorse dad carries baby eggs in his
pouch to make them warm.
③ 규호 : Flamingo fathers don't take care of their 15.Choose
15) two correct answers.

babies. ① He studies once in a blue moon.

④ 수현 : Flamingo mothers keep her babies in ② She cut corners to save money for her wedding.
their pouches. ③ I root by "FC Seoul" this year.
⑤ 정우 : Baby flamingos can grow up safe ④ They won't listen to you. Don't hold your breath.
because of their parents' love. ⑤ It's World cup season, but I couldn't care more.

12.위 12) 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐtake care of를 대신할 수 16.What

16) is the matching word?
있는 표현은? Apartment is American English.
① look at ② look to ③ look for ___________ is British English.
④ look after ⑤ look around ① Pavement ② Flat ③ Apart
④ House ⑤ Home

13.다음 13) <보기>를 읽고 답할 수 있는 질문이 아

닌 것 두 개는? 17.Escalator
17) is a portmanteau of what two words?
<보기> ① Escalation + Elevator ② Scale + Elevator
Kangaroos ③ Scale + Elevate ④ Escalate + Elevate
They live in Australia. ⑤ Escalate + Elevator
They live about 6-8 years.
They grow to about 150-180cm tall.
They can jump very high.
Their mothers have pouches.
18.다음18) 그림을 보고 문장의 빈칸을 채우시오.
① What can they do?
② Where do they live?
③ How big do they grow?
④ What do they usually eat?
⑤ How many kangaroos are there in Australia?

14) in the blanks with correct words. This is a picture of my mom's birthday. It was
Eric made up his mind to try his _______ at yesterday, May 29th. We had a birthday party with
riding a bike. my grandparents. My brother ⓐ______ a gift to
She is a good person. She won't stab her her. My father ⓑ______ a picture of us. It ⓒ
friends in the ________. ______ a great party.
19.빈칸에19) 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 말을 쓰시오. ※ 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
Kate is looking ⓐ_____ her pen ⓑ_____ the
A : ________ _______ she get angry?
park. She played badminton ⓒ_____ Sora
(그녀는 왜 화가 났니?)
yesterday. There, she lost her pen. It was her
B : Her brother broke her camera.
father's gift ⓓ_____ her birthday. She liked it a
lot. Sora said, "Kate, you can't find it. There were
so many people here and your pen is so small."
Then, ①_______ can she find her pen?
20.빈칸에20) 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 말을 쓰시오.

I _______ _______ computer games last night.

24.ⓐ 24) ~ ⓓ에 들어갈 단어가 아닌 것은?
(나는 지난밤에 컴퓨터게임을 하지 않았다.)
① from ② on ③ in
④ for ⑤ with

21) 글에서 잘못된 단어 두 곳을 찾아 바
르게 고치시오.
25.밑줄 25) 친 ①에 들어갈 의문사로 가장 자연스러
G : Look! Brian is playing the piano there.
운 것은?
B : Wow, he plays it so well!
G : Yes. He is also very good at play the violin. ① where ② what ③ why
B : Wonderful! Can he singing well, too? ④ which ⑤ who
G : Well, no. He is not a good singer.

※ 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

22) 밑줄 친 단어 ⓐ, ⓑ를 알맞은 형태 Long ago in a small village, there was a house
of 1,000 Mirrors.
로 바꾸어 쓰시오.
A happy little dog learned of this place and
decided to visit it. He arrived at the house and
Sujin : That was a great concert, Brian!
jumped happily up the stairs to the house.
Brian : Thank you, Sujin.
He looked into the door wagging his tail up and
Sujin : You play the violin so ⓐ beautiful!
down. Surprisingly, 1,000 other happy little dogs
Brian : Thanks. My uncle taught me. He is a
were staring at him. They Ⓐwere also wagging
violinist, too.
their tails happily. He smiled a great smile, and Ⓑ
Sujin : Two violinists in a family? That's ⓑ
was answered with the same warm and friendly
1,000 great smiles.
On his way home, he said to himself, "This is a
wonderful place. I will come back and visit it
In this same village, another little dog decided to
23) the two words that make the visit the house. He was not a happy dog like the
portmanteau. other one. He slowly climbed the stairs and looked
Hangry = ___________ + __________ into the door. Then he saw the 1,000
unfriendly-looking dogs and ⓐ_______. He growled
at them, and they Ⓒwere also growling back at
He Ⓓleaved the house. He thought, "That is an
unpleasant place, and I Ⓔwill never go back there

26.ⓐ에26) 들어갈 표현으로 알맞은 것은?

① frighten ② frightened
③ was frightened ④ were frightened
⑤ was frightening

27.밑줄27) 친 Ⓐ ~ Ⓔ에서 사용된 시제의 표현이

바르지 않은 것은?
① were wagging ② was answered
③ were also growling ④ leaved the house
⑤ I'll never go back

28.사진28) 속의 동물이 할 수 있는 것과 할 수 없
는 것을 주어진 문장 형태에 맞게 한 문장으로 영
작하시오. (but 포함하여 10단어 이상으로 문장 만
20) didn’t play

21) play->playing, singing->sing [해석] be good at =

~를 잘하다. at 같은 전치사 뒤에는 명사나 동명사만
1) ③ 쓸 수 있으므로 play에 ing를 붙여 동명사로 고쳐야
한다. can과 같은 조동사 뒤에는 동사원형만 쓸 수
2) ② 있다.

3) ④ 22) ⓐbeautifully ⓑsurprising

4) ③ 23) hungry+angry

5) ① 24) ①

6) ②,③ 25) ①

7) I slept on ondol instead of a bed. 26) ③

8) ④ 27) ④

9) ①,② 28) A kangaroo can not swim but it can jump very

10) ②

11) ⑤

12) ④

13) ④,⑤

14) ⑤

15) ①,④

16) ②

17) ⑤

18) ⓐgave ⓑtook ⓒwas

19) why did

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