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5E Lesson Plan Template


Date 7/19/2021

Subject Science: Compare Living and Non-Living Things / Kindergarten


Chart Paper
Chart Markers
Google Slides Living and Nonliving Template:
Living and Non-Living Presentation Template - Google Slides
Students will need chrome books

Standards (State S.K.3 Distinguish between living and nonliving things and verify what living
and ISTE things need to survive. (e.g., animals needing food, water, and air; plants
Standards for needing nutrients, water, sunlight, and air).
ISTE.1 Empowered Learner
ISTE.4 Innovative Designer

Objectives • Students will begin to understand that living are different from non-
living things
• Students will recognize that plants and animals are two types of
living things.
• Students will describe characteristics that make plants and animals
living things.

Differentiation Students will engage in activities that address different styles of learning
Strategies (How that include hands-on learning, visual learning, and auditory learning.
will the lesson Students will be strategically placed in groups that include high, medium,
address the and low learners.
various learning
styles of the
students and the
needs of those
with special

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The 5 Es

E Description

The teacher will engage students by playing a short-animated video that
elaborates on the wants and needs of humans. After the video, the teacher will
lead to a whole group discussion by asking the students, “What did you learn
about that humans need to be able to live?” The teacher will record the
responses on a piece of chart paper. The teacher will then ask the students if
they know of living things that need water, shelter, and food. The students will
likely respond that animals and plants need these things to survive. The teacher
will ask, “Are there things that do not require water, shelter, and food in this
world? What are some examples?” The students will give responses. The
teacher will record their responses.

Engagement Formative assessment will be done through the teacher asking questions and
Assessment logging the students’ answers on chart paper.

Exploration In this activity, the students will group eight figurines of living and non-living
things. The teacher will split the students into groups of four. At first, the students
will be asked to sort the figurines as they would like to. The teacher will move
around the room and review with the class how each group sorted their figurines.
Next, the students will sort the figurines another way by placing them into groups
of living and non-living things. If they are unsure about a figurine then they can
set it aside. The teacher will ask questions such as:
What figurines are you grouping as living things?
What do all these figurines have in common?
Which figurines are you grouping as non-living?
What do all these figurines have in common?
Which figurine did you leave out?
The teacher will have students to trade figurines with another group and repeat
the same process. Lastly, the student will return to the rug to help the teacher
complete the digital Living/Non-Living Chart paper with their findings.

Exploration Formative Assessment will take place as the teacher asks each group questions
Assessment as they sort the figurines into Living and Non-Living groups as well as when they
return to complete the Living and Non-Living Chart with the teacher at the end of
the lesson.

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E Description

I created a Prezi to deliver an informed lesson on comparing living and non-living

The teacher will ask higher order thinking questions through the presentation to
assess the students.

Elaboration The students will create a presentation of living and nonliving objects that they
find on a nature walk. Each student will use their device to take a picture of three
living and nonliving objects. The students will use the photos to create a digital
presentation using Google Slides. Once the presentation is complete, then the
students will share their products with the class.
*The teacher will assist the students with inserting the pictures they take into the
presentation template.


Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989). Science and technology education for the elementary years:
Frameworks for curriculum and instruction. Washington, D.C.: The National
Center for Improving Instruction.

Bybee, R. W. (1997). Achieving Scientific Literacy: From Purposes to Practices.

Oxford: Heinemann.

National Research Council. (1999). Inquiry and the national science education
standards: A guide for teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.: National
Academy Press.

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Polman, J.L. (2000). Designing project-based silence: Connecting learners through
guided inquiry. New York: Teachers College Press.

Note: Content of form approved January 2013.

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