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Lok Biradari Prakalp Hospital

Highlights for 2020:

 Strengthening of community health activities with Special emphasis on

Antenatal care

 Training of nursing staff.

 World Menstruation Hygiene Day.

Providing Medical care to the tribal population of Hemalkasa, since 1973.

Treated 4873 patients 50 Beds Capacity, X-ray, NICU

From Maharashtra, Delivery Room,
Telangana and Chattisgarh Ultrasonography, Operation
in three months Theater, Dental clinic, Eye


Delivery Room Ophthalmology


X-ray NICU
Detailed Highlights for April to June-2020.
In view of lockdown due to covid-19 pandemic people from remote
villages could not access health care services.


Malaria was on rise due to change in climate. Our community health centers
provided health care to 30 remote villages keeping morbidity and mortality
due to malaria in check.

Iron Lady Initiative:

Iron lady initiative was launched in January with help of Hemalkasa

Health Foundation UK & Indians for collective Actions California USA.

……. Women with hemoglobin between 7 to 9 gm received injection Orofer

FCM. Repeat testing after 1 month in …… women showed rise in hemoglobin
by 0.5 to 1 gms improving their anemia status

Antenatal Care:

We continued to conduct monthly six antenatal clinics encouraging pregnant

women to take care of their health. Many of them choose to stay in hospital
during last 2-3 Weeks of pregnancy choosing here delivery.

Hospital deliveries in last 3 months are 104.

Training of Nursing Staff:

This year being 2nd birth centenary year of Florence Nightingale, we

celebrated it by focusing on development of our own nurses.

A personality development session was conducted by psychologist

Miss.Shreya Pethare. We took clinical knowledge and skill development session
for them. We also helped them to attend webinars on nursing techniques.They
also took part in formulating goals and developing vision for health care
activities of Lok Biradari Project for next five years.

World Menstruation Hygiene Day:

We arranged menstruation awareness session for all volunteers of Lok

Biradari Project. This was made successful by active and enthusiastic
participation of the volunteers. Various Eco-friendly menstrual hygiene products
were discussed.
Helping Corona Warriors:

As our contribution towards fighting

the pandemic, we 500 made and provided
50 face shields to corona warriors.

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