Writing The Research Abstract

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CHAPTER 10 Writing ie feceanch bel vect What an Abstract is An abstract presents a descriptive overview of a paper—a research output, journal article, conference paper, or proposal. It is a concise presentation or summary of the paper. By merely reading the abstract, readers will have an understanding of the paper, and they may initially gauge the worth of the paper. A well-written abstract serves as an initial invitation for the readers to read the entire paper. However, an abstract, no matter how well-written, cannot sugarcoat a paper that resulted from an implausible conduct of research. It is therefore presumed that when you are writing your abstract, your paper, which is being introduced by the abstract, can withstand any attack against plausibility and soundness in the conduct of your research. The length of an abstract varies; it can range from 200 to 300 words. The rule of thumb with respect to length is compliance with the institutional requirement. How many words does the institution or journal require of your abstract? Your answer to this question will be your guide in writing your abstract. Elements of an Abstract An abstract has the following essential elements: 1. Focus of the paper. The focus of the paper is usually accentuated on in the opening statement. It states, defines, or describes what the paper is all about. Examine the following opening statement excerpted from a published abstract: ‘This paper initially situates research against the backdrop of the three-fold function of a higher education institution, which is teaching, research, and community service. (Ballena, 2010, p. 15) 2. Scope of the paper.Your abstract also describes the scope of your paper. The parameters of your paper are described. This is also expressed in the form of the objective or purpose. Consider the following excerpt from the abstract of a published paper: It centered on the students’ level of readiness in locating and evaluating Internet sources. It also identified the difficulties encountered by students in using the Internet in conducting research. 3. Method used. The third essential element that should be highlighted in your abstract is the method that you employed in the conduct of your research. It highlights what and how you did your research. Examine the following excerpt: ‘The extent of early reading was measured through a survey questionnaire that dealt with the parents’ perspective of the extent of children’s exposure to different reading materials prior to their enrolment at day-care centers, and a survey questionnaire that measured the day-care workers’ perspective on the reading performance of the day-care children using different early reading techniques. (Pareja, 2011, p. 23) 4, Results of the study. The salient results are underscored in the abstract. These constitute the most important answers to your specific research questions. Consider the following excerpt: The findings of the study revealed that 29 out of the 50 language learning strategies in the SILL were “highly frequently used” by the respondents. The language learning strategies which received the highest mean scores were: (1) trying to find how to be a better learner, (2) trying to find many ways to use English, (3) watching TVor movies in English, (4) having clear goals for improving their English, (5) paying attention to someone speaking in English, (6) thinking about their progress in learning English, (2) noticing if they were tense or nervous, (8) looking for similar words in their own language, (9) using their mistakes to help them do better, and (10) asking questions in English. No significant difference was found among the respondents in terms of the language learning strategies that they used. (Go, 2013, p. 48). 5. Implications of these results or main conclusion. This is the penultimate element of your abstract. At this juncture you present the most significant implication and conclusion of your study. Examine the following excerpt: Finally,...the local government officials, schools, and the church are potent forces in promoting, enhancing, and preserving the folk literature of the Ibanags. (Ramirez, 2013, p. 16) 6. Main recommendation. Finally, you wind up your abstract by presenting your most important recommendation which has logically resulted from your results and discussion. Consider the following excerpt: ‘This research suggests that language teaching practitioners should assist the students in using SLLS and ALLS to enhance their learning of the language in terms of coping with language tasks. (Velasco & Lan, 2013, p. 55). Research Proposal Abstract ‘The research proposal abstract is a summary of your proposed paper that you submit for panel examination or as a requirement for a research project. It gives an overview of what the proposed paper is about. Since research proposal covers the INTRODUCTION and METHOD sections of your paper, only the following essential elements should be highlighted in your abstract: (1) the focus of your paper; (2) its scope; and (3) the method. If you have undertaken pilot testing, then you may also present the important results of your pilot study. a ACTIVITIES Activity A. Read very carefully the abstracts that follow. In each table that follows, label each part correctly with the elements: focus, scope, methodology, finding, conclusion, implication, or recommendation. In some cases, two elements can be found in one statement. Abstract A LANGUAGE POLICY Constantino T. Ballena, PhD Languages and Literature Department Abstract This paper, which is theoretically underpinned by the fundamental processes of language planning, presents a research-based formulation of the Policy for De La Salle University- Dasmarifias. The research-based formulation of the policy, which is basically a descriptive type of research, followed several steps categorized under the PRE-FORMULATION STAGE and those steps identified under the FORMULATION STAGE of the study. The former includes the administration of two survey questionnaires, namely Language Attitude and Language Preference to 1016 respondents (faculty, staff, and students), results of which were the bases for the formulation of the Language Policy. The formulated policy has three major parts: the theoretical underpinnings of the Policy, the specific provisions of the Policy, and its calendar of implementation. ‘This paper also discusses the validation phase that the formulated Language Policy underwent. The Policy was validated by eight administrators and 52 student leaders using a 5-point acceptability rating. Notably, both the administrators and students considered the newly formulated Language Policy as Much Acceptable, having a grand mean rating of 3.85. Finally, the research-based formulation and validation of the Language Policy has established the paramountcy of survey on language attitude and preferences in that it provides a strong support for the formulation of Language Policy. It likewise shsows the importance of validation in the finalization of the Language Policy since it ascertains the acceptability of the Policy. It is strongly recommended that the formulated language policy be used by the university. Key words: Language Policy, Language Planning, Medium of Instruction, Language Attitude, Language Preference. This paper, which is theoretically underpinned by the fundamental processes of language planning, presents a research-based formulation of the Policy for De La Salle University-Dasmarinas. The research-based formulation of the policy, which is basically a descriptive type of research, followed several steps categorized under the PRE-FORMULATION STAGE and those steps identified under the FORMULATION STAGE of the study. 97 Notably, both the administrators and students considered the newly formulated Language Policy as Much Acceptable, having a grand ‘mean rating of 3.85. It likewise shows the importance of validation in the finalization of the Language Policy since it ascertains the acceptability of the Policy. It is strongly recommended that the formulated language policy be used by the university, Abstract B OF LOVE AND COMPASSION: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION OF DISCIPLINE PRACTICES IN LASALLIAN INSTITUTIONS Mariano Thomas S. Ramirez, EdD De La Salle University ~ Dasmarifias Abstract ‘This study determined and analyzed the practices of the three Lasallian institutions such as De La Salle University-Dasmarifias, De La Salle Lipa, and De La Salle Canlubang on student discipline. It made use of concepts adopted from the teachings of the Founder, St. John Baptist De La Salle. A self-made research instrument validated by experts and an interview guide were used in this study. Three hundred respondents (third year and fourth year students) were selected through stratified random sampling. Findings revealed that the respondents considered three methods employed in disciplining students: Preventive Method, Positive Approach Method, and Assertive Discipline Method. Majority of the respondents perceived the programs of the Discipline Office as opportunities for them to become better Lasallian students as shown in the implementation of policies and sanctions. In view of the findings of this study, the study recommends systematic change in approach to disciplining the students by employing pro-active behavioral strategies or services from school psychologists, guidance counselors, and social-workers in order to process the problems of misbehaving students. Key words: Assertive Discipline Method, Discipline, Preventive Method. This study determined and analyzed the practices of the three Lasallian institutions such as De La Salle University- Dasmarifias, De La Salle Lipa, and De La Salle Canlubang on student discipline, It made use of concepts adopted from the teachings of the Founder, St. John Baptist De La Salle, A self-made research instrument validated by experts and an interview guide were used in this study, Three hundred respondents (third year and fourth year students) were selected through stratified random sampling. 98 Findings revealed that the respondents considered three methods employed in disciplining students: Preventive Method, Positive Approach Method, and Assertive Discipline Method. Majority of the respondents perceived the programs of the Discipline Office as opportunities for them to become better Lasallian students as shown in the implementation of policies and sanctions. In view of the findings of this study, the study recommends systematic change in approach to disciplining the students by employing pro-active behavioral strategies or services from school psychologists, guidance counselors, and social-workers in order to process the problems of misbehaving students. es Activity B. Read the sample abstract and in the table that follows, fill in the second column with the text that illustrates the label. GLOBALIZATION OF THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATION AS AN EXTENSION OF NEO-COLONIALISM Sungbeen Park, MA Abstract This study dealt with globalization of the Philippine education in its relation to neo-colonialism and formulated the thesis of globalization of the Philippine education as an extension of neo-colonialism. Theoretically based on the constructivist epistemology which posits that knowledge is a social construction in a certain context, this paper constructs the meaning of globalization in the context of the Philippines both in the present and the past, focusing on its experience of neo-colonialism under the U.S. As a qualitative research, document analysis, content analysis, and a critical expository method were employed to examine the three constituents ofthis research, namely globalization, education, and neo-colonialism in terms of the connections between and among them. In addition, the present status of globalization of education was also viewed in consideration of continuity of the past of American colonization in the Philippines. In sum, the paper presents a synthetic analysis which incorporates a contextual and linear understanding of the topics to logically buttress the finding of this research paper—that is, that the globalization of the Philippine education is actually an extension of neo-colonialism. ‘The paper is not a sole criticism of globalization but of illuminating the different perspectives of globalization contextualized in the Philippines so that future researchers could further this view through conducting research on the globalization in the Philippines specifically in the field of education in order to take an appropriate path or direction in dealing with globalization. Key words: Globalization, Globalization of Education, Neocolonialism 99 Focus Scope Methodology Finding 7 Recommendation ale Activity C. Write a 200-word abstract of your proposal. 100

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