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Student’s full name: Nguyen Trung Hieu

Student’s code: 18071089

June, 2021

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Siblings rivalry always has been a controversial

issues and exists around daily basis. According to
“”the psychology behind siblings rivalry”, written
by Jessica Grose - an American journalist, editor,
and novelist indicates that the psychology of
children after sibling rivalry and what is the reason
leading to that competition? Furthermore, she also
how to resolve the conflict one way most
appropriate for the mentality of children unlike
adults, if we neglect it would affect their
relationship in the future. The following essay plays
a role as a guide to help dissect and deeper
understand every aspect there is in the article.
At the beginning of “the psychology behind siblings
rivalry”, Jessica Grose mentioned that her kids had
more close-knit and spent more time for each other.
However, they got more conflicts in the quarantine
time. Generally, the unfairness and mischief for
position is the most common things for her kids. In
some first studies of the article, they show that
conflicts between two kids are realistic and they
might happen so many times per day. Aggression is
a very difficult period of childhood. Some

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reseachers show that siblings rivalry appeared a

long time ago to take parental attention. Although
many people do not pay too much attention to the
little things, but psychologically, sense of
competition got the developing purposes. That’s
reason why adults should not proscribe sense of
competition among children. The author also
recommend some ways to tackle the noise as find
something tough, need to solve themselves by the
way of being taught by their children. In her final
analysis, she mentioned everyone to be together.
Let’s find some kind of activities and connect each
other. The children also learn something from these
actions and get some values.
1. Author, source
Grose was deputy editor of Vulture, the
culture blog of New York magazine. Grose
covers women's issues, parenting, and
contemporary culture. Her essays and
featured reporting appear in The New York
Times, Glamour, New York, Elle, The New
Republic, Spin, and The Village Voice. In
June 2015, Grose became editor-in-chief

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of Lenny Letter, a feminist newsletter and

online publication co-founded by Lena
Dunham and Jenni Konner. In 2018, Grose
became the parenting columnist for The New
York Times. The article she wrote “the
psychology behind siblings rivalry” and
available on
The New York Times is a daily newspaper
published in New York City by Arthur O.
Sulzberger Jr. and distributed throughout the
United States and many parts of the world. It
is part of the New York Times Company,
which also publishes about 40 other
newspapers, including the International
Herald Tribune, an international edition of
The New York Times, now renamed the
International New York Times and The New
York Times. Boston Globe. All things
considered, there should be no questioning
about the credibility of the article.
2. Evidence and argument

At the beginning of the article, the author tells the

story of her two daughters and says that they are

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closer but at the same time there are many

problems. The author has shown the reality of the
phenomenon of fighting between sisters and let the
reader see the reality happening in her house. By
clever reasoning, she pointed out the reasons why
competition occurs. She also proved what she said
to be true when she brought together the
researchers' studies on the issue of siblings rivalry
in parallel with the reality that occurred at her home
during the pandemic. she shows the benefits that a
sense of competition brings to children such as
finding out what is special and different in them. As
a parenting columnist, absolutely, she has ways of
resolving conflicts between them. This is a pretty
clever approach to the problem of Grose, to solve
that she gave the above practical ideas.
3. Language and style
The language used in the article is formal.
The author do not use any specific jargons
and technical terms which might make the
audiences feel tough to understand. Some
issues being used are completely explained
and many quotes are provided by many
famous reseachers. Obvious formal

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language and simple style make the ideas in

the article straightforward. Overall,
audiences might find it useful and
meaningful to read this article.
To put it in a nutshell, Jessica Grose’s article
presents to us subtly perspectives on the
somewhat troubling issue of siblings rivalry,
a realistic picture about sense of competition
among children. In essence, siblings rivalry
would appear on every family.
Psychologically, it is tough for children to
control their emotions and feel
uncomfortable when facing with their
siblings. However, sense of competition is a
good way to develop themselves and based
on their parents, they might have some ways
to resolve their children’s noise. Overall,
Jessica Grose succeeded in conveying her
message to the audience without using much
technical medical terminology.

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Wikipedia. 2021. “Jessica Grose”.

Wikipedia. 2021. “The New York Times”.

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Marking criteria Very Good Average Poor Very
good poor
Summary of the source text ( /2.0) 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5

Evaluation of the source text ( /2.0) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0

Appropriate reasons, evidence, or 1.5 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.3

examples for the explanation ( /2.0)
Appropriate and varied vocabulary ( /1.0) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

Accurate grammar and varied sentence 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2
structures ( /1.0)
Correct spelling, capitalization and 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1
punctuation ( /0.5)

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Appropriate format ( /0.5) 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1

Appropriate referencing ( /0.5) 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1

Synthesis ( /0.5) 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1



Subject INS1015



Note: if the assignment does not reach the minimum

word limit or exceeds the allowed number of words

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by 10%, one point will be deducted from the final


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