Briefing Document Visualizations: 1. Visualization of A Traffic Split. A

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Briefing document visualizations

1. Visualization of a traffic split. 
a. Examples 

2. 2 Images: Rendering of a Website. 
a. Goal: The user should understand that there is a difference when you have your 
script “async” or not. The difference is the button color. 
b. I do not care if the web server and Testing Tool is above the devices or beneath 
c. I do not care if the the devices are phones, tablets or laptops 
d. Elements to build: 
i. User 
ii. Device 
iii. Button 
iv. “Server” (Webserver and Testingtool) 
3. Same as in 2 - But a little bit different visualization. 

4. This shows the visualization of a traffic split 
a. These are two examples, but only one has to be build. 

5. That’s a more advanced visualization with factoring.
a. could be copied but with your style


6. Visualization of website personalization

a. Goal: User should understand that there is a difference between a new Visitor
and a returning logged in Visitor. The difference is visible through the different
headlines of the website.
7. Visualization of a Audience which works as a Filter for the website traffic
a. User should understand that the traffic got filtered by an audience criteria

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