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River Basin Management of the Meuse

The IMC Masterplan for Migratory Fish

Willem L.M. Schreurs

Secretary General

EC – IEA Hydropower Workshop, Brussels 29 – 30 May 2017

River Basin Management of the Meuse

UN Water Convention 1992

IMC --> Meuse Treaty 1994

Water Framework Directive 2000

Meuse Treaty 2002
River Basin Management of the Meuse
River Basin Management of the Meuse

Water Framework Directive (WFD) =

Towards Good Ecological Status =

Chemical status + Ecological status

living organisms and living conditions
vital part of the water system
Water Framework Directive

Coordinated Implementation WFD

Based on Common Management Issues
A.O. Hydro morphological changes
Restore ecological continuity

Improve free migration of migratory fish

Combine hydro power with the protection

of the aquatic environment
Masterplan for Migratory Fish

WFD + EU Eel regulations (2007) =

Masterplan for Migratory Fish (2011)

Guiding species: salmon and eel

Salmon : land --> sea --> land
Eel : sea --> land --> sea
Masterplan for Migratory Fish

Problems :
 Obstacles for free migration

 Water quality

 Destruction of habitats

 Conflicting user functions

(cooling, hydro power)

 Illegal Fisheries
Masterplan for Migratory Fish

Objectives :
 Restore ecological continuity
o Upstream migration
o Downstream migration
 Restore habitats (spawning and nursery)
 Stock juvenile fish / monitor returns
 Prevent illegal fishery
 International cooperation (basin level)
Masterplan for Migratory Fish

Objective 1. Restore ecological continuity

 Inventory of existing obstacles
– Upstream barriers (dams, sluices)
– Downstream obstacles
 Dams including hydro power plants
 Meuse – Albert Canal interaction (fish get lost into the chanal)

 Programs of restoration measures

– program to build fish ladders
– Information exchange on downstream obstacles
Obstacles upstream migration
Program to build fish ladders
Obstacles downstream migration
(hydro power plants)
Masterplan for Migratory Fish

Objective 2. Restore habitats

Restore habitats,
Possible biotopes for eel

WFD Renaturation projects

Masterplan for Migratory Fish

Objective 3.
Plant juvenile fish / monitor returns
Masterplan for Migratory Fish

Objective 3. plant juvenile fish

 Erezée (Wallonia) fish reproduction centre
 Each year 10 thousands of juvenile fish
released in Meuse tributaries upstream
Masterplan for Migratory Fish

Objective 3. monitor returns (Salmon, trout)

Meuse, Lixhe
Masterplan for Migratory Fish

Objective 3. monitor returns

Salmon - 101 cm, 7.3 kg - monitored in the Meuse near Liège!

Masterplan for Migratory Fish

Objective 3. upstream migration (Eel)

Meuse, Lixhe
Plant juvenile fish Fish reproduction centre
in Érezée, Wallonia
In a 4 - year scientific project of the
Liège University to bring back the eel
in the Meuse, ten thousands of
juvenile eels have been released
upstream in the Meuse basin (rivers
Geul, Berwinne, Ourthe, Amblève).

 Migratory fish (interaction sea < -- > rivers) essential

element in water management;
 Masterplan Meuse : coordinated strategy
– Restore free migration upstream + downstream
– restore habitats
– plant (feed the system with) juvenile fish
 Downstream migration = underestimated phenomenon
 Upstream and downstream migration : ‘2 of a kind’
 Fish migration incompatible with hydro-electric plants
 Need for alternative energy (wind, water)
 Government : reserved attitude ; precautionary principle
 Practices : Standards for cumulative mortality
(Salmon; max. 10% Dutch Meuse)

 Further coordination of policies at river basin level

(e.g. just distribution of damage / mortality)
 Stimuli for innovative solutions Hydro-electric Power;
 Fish friendly Hydro-electric Power Plants (Life for Fish)
 Fish friendly use of HEPP (stop during migration period)
 Early warning systems // fish guiding systems
Energy sector take the lead !
 Bigger is better ?
 Stay away from tributaries (capillary system) of the Meuse
 Exchange of knowledge - information at international level
(community of practice)
Thank you.

International Meuse Commission
Willem Schreurs

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