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Episode 663: Money Trees



Episode 663: Money Trees

 Burning fossil- fuel creates Carbon dioxide and CO2 makes the earth to warm up (climate

1. Environmental damages (pollution)
2. CO2 might raise temperature and end up warming the earth
3. Expensive to sink CO into the ocean
4. Long time to get CO2 off- 40 years
5. High cost of AEs for planting 52 million trees
6. AEs got many problems with tree planting programs

1. Building more trees sink all CO2 away
2. Planting 52 million trees for only one coal plant
3. Finding farmers area where the farmer can care about the trees
4. Planting trees halfway around the world
5. Paying only 50 bucks to build 88 trees (little amount of money)

1. Build coal fired powered plants
2. Take CO2 then put it inti Pepsi
3. Deal with companies like travel Sites, Dell computers, HSBC. They paid money to build
4. Plant more trees for a better nature
Note-taking strategy:  The Outline Method
Reason: The method favors my personal style of learning whereby I am able to listen, capture,
and jot down the main points into my computer’s word document in a simple but organized way.

How Outline method helps me Study: It helps me to capture key ideas, which I write to the left
side of the page, with any available explanation or subordinate point indented.

How it compares to other note-taking strategies we discussed this week

No particular type can be good for all students, as one type may work well for someone in mastering
content, but not effective for another student. At the same time, any method chosen will still require a
student to actively listen and think.

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