UNIV 1001 Written Assignment Unit 7

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As you read about in the textbook this week, goal-setting is an important strategy to manage your

time and stay on track with your education. Reflect on the importance of goal-setting, and

answer the following questions:

1. Briefly, share a time when you set a goal and did not accomplish it, and then share a time

when you set a goal and successfully achieved it. Why weren’t you successful in your first

example? Why were you successful in your second example?

2. Why does effective goal-setting help us achieve goals? What are the characteristics of

good goals?

3. Based on your answer to questions 1 and 2, set three goals: one short-term, one mid-term,

and one long-term

1. A time when I unsuccessfully achieved a goal:

This was when I wanted to learn and be proficient in French language.

An example of when I set a goal and was successful in accomplishing it

This was when I wanted to be my own business by starting my own business of running a


Why I was unsuccessful for my first goal: like most languages, it is about practice

when you want to learn a new language. You have to put a lot of effort, listen to native
speakers whenever possible, and be dedicated and consistent in your learning.

Unfortunately, I was not focused and after a while, I forgot about my goal.

Why I was unsuccessful for my first goal: I was successful because I clearly planned

and mapped out plan in time, identified a strategic place and dedicated resources and time

to start the business and get repeated clients.

2. Why effective goal-setting helps achieve goals:

A goal is a result that we want to achieve through our actions. Effective goal setting gives

us a clear and specific picture on what we want to achieve, when we are going to achieve

it, why we need to achieve it, and how we are going to achieve it. This helps us create

timelines and dedicate time and resources to achieve the goals.

Characteristics of good goals

Must be:

i. Specific- must revolve around what matters to you and be clear on exactly that you want

to achieve

ii. Measurable- must be expressed in a quantifiable units or other measurable units such that

you are able to measure the output or progress

iii. Attainable or Realistic- the goals should not be hypothetical, setting goals too high may

demoralize you. Therefore, goals should entail what you firmly believe that you can

achieve with the amount of time and resources available.

iv. Time bound- should have timelines and deadlines attached to it.

3. My short-term, one mid-term, and one long-term

i. Short term: To exercise and lose weight to 70kgs within 6 months so that I can have more

healthy life with better physic.

ii. Mid term goals: To finish my studies and graduate with an Associate in Business

Administration with a good score of at least A- from the UoPeople by next year.

iii. Long term: To expand my barbershop to at least 5 different locations in my city within 5


Word Count: 521

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