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[Living Life] 02.10.

2021 From The Heart (Matthew 12:22-37)

Verge :edge


Ruin; destroy

Carry off : succeed in doing

Plunder: steal

Slander: 비방

Blasphemy: considered offensive to God

Viper: snake

Store up : remember

Pherosee surouned Jesus Christ and slander Jesus Christ among them .

Because they sudy bible a lot and know bible knlowaledege

Actually if they know knowledge of bible, they suppose to understand who jesus is.

But they blined and they don’t want people to belilve Jesus christ.

But contrary expectation, people are enthusiastic to follow jesus christ.

Pherossee make people turn away form Jesus .

And can not see holy spirit work among them

Phrosses they don’t belive that jesus heal the people who are possessed by demon.

They think jesus bring the power to heal mental illness from demon.

JESUS SAID that doesn’t make sense.

Verse 22.

Yes. Jesus christ is true king and one god and true healer. He deal with people by holy spirit.

But pherosee dosent stop to slander Jesus christ and make people to take away from Jesus

Drive out 내쫓다 분쟁하다

Nowa days Jesue christ still alive and he is linvng with us . he still heals people by holy sprits
and drive out demon .

Yes therefore, many people get new life, it happen throuth wolrle wide and happed miracle
every where wvery nation.

But as same way, demon influence to people and still slander jesus christ in our mind, though
and our community.


Jesus christ request us like verse 30

Ther si no middle ground .

There is a time now for us to moke a commitment

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