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/ Perfect Charging / Perfect Welding / Solar Energy

Operating Instructions
SpotWelding gun controller EN

Resistance welding

42,0426,0111,EN 007-10102019

Fronius prints on elemental chlorine free paper (ECF) sourced from certified sustainable forests (FSC).

General 7

Gun control/Fronius Xplorer ....................................................................................................................... 9

General ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Setting automatic time synchronisation ................................................................................................ 9
Changing the default input language .................................................................................................... 10
SpotWelding system configuration........................................................................................................ 10
Spot welding system configuration - spot welding gun ......................................................................... 12
Calculating the maximum welding current ............................................................................................ 14
Manual and automatic backup .............................................................................................................. 14
Worksheets ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Overview worksheet.............................................................................................................................. 15
Operator worksheet .............................................................................................................................. 17
Programs worksheet ............................................................................................................................. 18
Status worksheet .................................................................................................................................. 19
Logbook worksheet............................................................................................................................... 20
Diagnostic worksheet............................................................................................................................ 21
Actual values worksheet (optional) ....................................................................................................... 22
SpotWelding.Configurator.......................................................................................................................... 24
General ................................................................................................................................................. 24
SpotWelding.Configurator overview...................................................................................................... 24
DeltaQ, Harms & Wende inverter .............................................................................................................. 26
General ................................................................................................................................................. 26

Operation 27

Settings in the system configuration .......................................................................................................... 29

General ................................................................................................................................................. 29
Setting the actual values monitoring ..................................................................................................... 29
Reversing the byte sequence on fieldbus interfaces ............................................................................ 30
Short-term storage of welding operations ............................................................................................. 31
Two-stage welding start ........................................................................................................................ 32
Configurable limits for sheet thickness monitoring................................................................................ 32
Calibrating the spot welding gun components ........................................................................................... 33
General ................................................................................................................................................. 33
Calibrating the position limit .................................................................................................................. 34
Calibrating the force sensor .................................................................................................................. 34
Calibrating the force controller .............................................................................................................. 35
Calibrating the main drive position........................................................................................................ 35
Calibrating the compensation drive position ......................................................................................... 37
Sheet thickness compensation ............................................................................................................. 37
Calibrating the sheet thickness monitoring ........................................................................................... 38
Calibrating the current........................................................................................................................... 39
Calibrating the Harms & Wende Sinius inverter.................................................................................... 40
Measurement system calibration .......................................................................................................... 41
Assigning a gun code................................................................................................................................. 43
General ................................................................................................................................................. 43
Gun replacement procedure ................................................................................................................. 43
Carrying out the firmware update............................................................................................................... 45
Carrying out the firmware update for the motor controller .................................................................... 45
Carrying out the CAN firmware update ................................................................................................. 45
Creating the stepper function..................................................................................................................... 48
General ................................................................................................................................................. 48
Stepper editor ....................................................................................................................................... 48
Creating the stepper function................................................................................................................ 49
Stationary system with welding gun adjustment: Adjusting the tripod ....................................................... 50
Stationary system with welding gun adjustment: Adjusting the tripod .................................................. 50
Restore Device ID ...................................................................................................................................... 51
Storage of gun type data on device ID memory.................................................................................... 51

Restore Device ID................................................................................................................................. 51
Creating welding parameters in program editor ......................................................................................... 52
Opening the program editor .................................................................................................................. 52
Symbols used in the Program Editor .................................................................................................... 52
Creating the current/force profile .......................................................................................................... 53
Editing the current/force profile ............................................................................................................. 54
Program Editor - Parameters ................................................................................................................ 55
Program Editor - Actual values monitoring ........................................................................................... 56
Program Editor - Notes ......................................................................................................................... 57
Setting the sheet thickness monitoring ................................................................................................. 57
Recording the sheet thickness.............................................................................................................. 58

Bus systems 61

Bus systems............................................................................................................................................... 63
General ................................................................................................................................................. 63
CANopen ................................................................................................................................................... 64
Topology ............................................................................................................................................... 64
Default parameter settings.................................................................................................................... 64
Interface card ........................................................................................................................................ 64
Pin assignment ..................................................................................................................................... 64
DeviceNet .................................................................................................................................................. 65
Topology ............................................................................................................................................... 65
Default parameter settings.................................................................................................................... 65
Interface card ........................................................................................................................................ 65
Pin assignment ..................................................................................................................................... 65
Profibus...................................................................................................................................................... 66
Default parameter settings.................................................................................................................... 66
Interface card ........................................................................................................................................ 66
Pin assignment ..................................................................................................................................... 66
Interbus ...................................................................................................................................................... 67
Topology ............................................................................................................................................... 67
Default parameter settings.................................................................................................................... 67
Interface card ........................................................................................................................................ 67
Pin assignment ..................................................................................................................................... 67
Digital I/O interface (Version 1.6) ............................................................................................................... 68
Outputs ................................................................................................................................................. 68
CANopen bus coupler........................................................................................................................... 68
Inputs .................................................................................................................................................... 69
ProfiNet ...................................................................................................................................................... 70
ProfiNet requirements ........................................................................................................................... 70
Installing the ProfiNet driver.................................................................................................................. 70
Activating the real-time adapter ............................................................................................................ 70
Activating the ProfiNet card .................................................................................................................. 72
Ethernet/IP ................................................................................................................................................. 73
Ethernet/IP requirements ...................................................................................................................... 73
Installing the Ethernet/IP driver............................................................................................................. 73
Activating the real-time adapter ............................................................................................................ 73
Activating the Ethernet/IP card ............................................................................................................. 75
Setting the cycle time............................................................................................................................ 75
CAN over EtherCAT................................................................................................................................... 77
CAN over EtherCAT requirements........................................................................................................ 77
Preparing a network interface ............................................................................................................... 77
Activating the CAN over EtherCAT option in the Configurator.............................................................. 79

Interfaces 81

SpotWelding interface signal description ................................................................................................... 83

Description of signal inputs ................................................................................................................... 83
Description of signal outputs................................................................................................................. 84
DeltaSpot 1.6 interface .............................................................................................................................. 88
Inputs .................................................................................................................................................... 88
Outputs ................................................................................................................................................. 88
Process data length .............................................................................................................................. 89

DeltaSpot 1.8 interface .............................................................................................................................. 90
Inputs .................................................................................................................................................... 90
Outputs ................................................................................................................................................. 90

Process data length .............................................................................................................................. 91
DeltaSpot 1.10 interface ............................................................................................................................ 92
Inputs .................................................................................................................................................... 92
Outputs ................................................................................................................................................. 92
Process data length .............................................................................................................................. 93
DeltaSpot 3.1 interface .............................................................................................................................. 94
Inputs .................................................................................................................................................... 94
Outputs ................................................................................................................................................. 94
Process data length .............................................................................................................................. 96
DeltaCon interface (7th axis) 1.0 ............................................................................................................... 97
Inputs .................................................................................................................................................... 97
Outputs ................................................................................................................................................. 97
Process data length .............................................................................................................................. 98
SpotWelding interface signal waveform ..................................................................................................... 99
Moving to the home position ................................................................................................................. 99
External position check ......................................................................................................................... 99
Welding start-up with external position specification ............................................................................ 100
Resetting errors .................................................................................................................................... 100
Deactivating actual value monitoring when welding without current..................................................... 100
Docking ................................................................................................................................................. 101
DeltaSpot signal waveform example..................................................................................................... 102
DeltaCon signal waveform example ..................................................................................................... 103

Troubleshooting and maintenance 105

Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................................................... 107

General ................................................................................................................................................. 107
Exporting inverter log files..................................................................................................................... 107
Description of error signals ................................................................................................................... 107
Description of warning signals .............................................................................................................. 118

Gun control/Fronius Xplorer

General The DeltaSpot and DeltaCon gun controller is accessed with the Fronius Xplorer through
an existing company network. This allows for remote maintenance, central monitoring and
documentation of all connected equipment.
Welding parameters are created using the program editor in Fronius Xplorer.

You will find further details about Fronius Xplorer in the Fronius Xplorer Operating Instruc-

If the Fronius Xplorer does not support all the functions made available through the server,
a note will be displayed to update the Fronius Xplorer:

As a result of firmware and software updates, you may find that there are functions
available on your device that are not described in these Operating Instructions, or
vice versa.
Certain illustrations may also differ slightly from the actual elements displayed on your user
interface. These elements function in exactly the same way.

For the firmware version DeltaSpot.Control 3.2, the control computer supports:
- Windows 8
- User name: "Admin", Password: "blizzard"
- User name: "User", Password: "user"

IMPORTANT! .Net-Framework 4.6.1 is required for firmware versions starting from Del-
taSpot.Control 4.0.
DeltaSpot.Control 4.0 firmware versions and higher can therefore no longer be run on a
Windows XP operating system.

The name "SpotWelding.Control" is generally used for firmware versions from 4.1.75 or

Setting automat- In the operating system you can set automatic time synchronisation on the control comput-
ic time synchroni- er:
sation - Log in as an administrator, login = Admin
- Double click on the clock in the taskbar
(Windows 8: simply click once and then select "Change date and time settings")
- Open the Internet time tab
- Enable the "Automatically synchronise with an Internet Time Server" function

Changing the de- The default input language (keyboard layout) of the user account "User" and the login
fault input lan- screen can be changed by means of a batch file. If you run this batch file as administrator,
guage the default input language of the administrator user account will also be enabled for the
user account "User" and for the login screen.

To change the default input language:

1 Log in to Windows as "Admin"
2 Open the Control Panel and select the required default input language (under "Region
and Language")
3 Right click on the batch file at "C:\Tools\sync-international-settings.bat"
4 Restart the computer

SpotWelding sys-
tem configuration CAUTION!
Incorrect inputs can have serious consequences for material and equipment.
► The spot welding gun may only be configured by trained specialist personnel. The
manufacturer will not be held liable for damage caused by incorrect settings.

Configuration changes and calibration can only be carried out in manual mode on
DeltaSpot systems.

Spot welding gun configuration only applies to the gun controller that is currently selected.

To configure the spot welding gun:

Access the system configuration from the Options menu

The menu items displayed may vary depending on the spot welding gun.

Give a name to the spot welding gun (to identify it in Fronius Xplorer)
Location (company), (plant), (hall), (cell)
Enter the name of the company and location of the spot welding gun. The names entered
are copied to Fronius Xplorer as a path and displayed in the folder structure.

An automatic backup can be specified. "Off / Daily and Weekly" are available as intervals.
Enter the path where the backup files are to be saved under "directory".
Docu directory
It is possible to set the path for automatically documenting the system adjustments. Nor-
mal paths (e.g. "k:\directory") and network paths (e.g. "\\file-server\share\directory") can
be specified.
Entering a path is sufficient to enable the system adjustment documentation. If no path is
entered, the system adjustment documentation is disabled.

The ring buffer size indicates how many backup files are stored in the entered location.

A start time can be specified for the automatic backup. If a backup was not created upon
start-up in the last interval, one is created immediately. If a backup is already available,
the next one will be created at the specified time.
Docu directory
Directory where the documentation CSV data is saved.
If no value is provided, the function is disabled.

A simple path (e.g. k:\directory) or network path (e.g. \\file-server\share\directory) can be


IMPORTANT! Do not save the welding documentation on the system drive ("c:\..."), as
this has a limited number of write cycles and relatively little memory.
Docu state monitoring
When this function is enabled, the system monitors whether the welding documentation
(CSV data, WeldCube, etc.) is functioning correctly.
Device id
A freely chosen device ID. The "device id" signal on the robot interface will be set to this ID
Power source (max. current)
The maximum available output current of the power source (see following section "Cal-
culating the maximum welding current")
Power source (target value before start signal)
For power sources that require an analogue set value and a digital current-start signal.
The analogue set value signal of 0 V to 10 V therefore corresponds to the power source
current range of 0 to the maximum current in kA.

When this setting is enabled, an analogue voltage value of 1.5 V is output shortly before
the digital current-start signal.
The analogue voltage value is raised to 1.5 V within the first 25 ms of the digital current-
start signal, unless this analogue value needs to be lower due to the welding program
specified by the user.

The size of the minimum current during the start pulse is calculated as follows:

Size of the start pulse [A] =

Start pulse output signal (=
Transformer 1.5 V)
max. output current x
x 10 V
of the power source [A]

Swap high/low bytes

Swap the high/low bytes on the fieldbus interface
Input signal filter time
The time in milliseconds to filter complex signals on the robot interface (e.g.: "program
number"). The values are only accepted once they have continued for the defined period.
Flow controller 4 (external)
Enables or disables the flow controller
Tape drive delay
The delay between opening of the welding gun and the forward movement of the tape
Actual values monitoring
Monitors the actual force and current values while welding. The values can be defined in
the relevant welding program on the "Actual values monitoring" tab.

Actual values monitoring error limit
The actual values monitoring error limit defines how many successive welds must violate
the defined actual values monitoring limits before an error is output.
If the parameter is set to "0", the function is disabled and no corresponding error is output.
A warning is always output.
Position in millimetres
When enabled, the actual and target positions are in millimetres. This setting affects the
output on the fieldbus interface and the "target position" signal on the input side of the
fieldbus interface.
Position precision
Defines the precision of the position specification in millimetres on the fieldbus interface
Sheet thickness precision
Defines the precision of the sheet thickness signals in millimetres on the fieldbus interface
Allow program changes in automatic mode
When enabled, program changes can also be carried out in automatic mode.
Use safety circuit
In addition to the emergency stop safety circuit, another safety circuit can be activated.
This function must be supported by the hardware (SpotWelding Control).
If the safety circuit is interrupted, all drives are stopped and error "E2.23" is output. This
error is filtered out in the logbook. On closing the safety circuit an error reset is performed
and the drives are initialised.
Compensation drive position precision
Defines the precision of the position signals of the compensation drive on the fieldbus in-
terface (1 mm / 0.1 mm / 0.01 mm)
Compensation drive target position in manual mode
Defines the distance travelled by the compensation drive in a manual welding process
(e.g. via DeltaRemote). This parameter is only used in the "Position" compensation mode
during manually started welding operations.
Main drive teach position
The "Learn teach position" function searches for the sheet with minimum force, and then
moves to a position defined in the system configuration as the "Main drive teach position"
plus the identified sheet thickness. The "Acknowledge teach position" function must then
be performed.
Prestroke force
To set the prestroke closing force on DeltaCon stationary systems
As such the prestroke can also be used for manual cap milling.
Sheetthickness recalibration warning limit
To set the number of welding operations following which a recalibration warning for sheet
thickness monitoring should be output.
Sheetthickness recalibration error limit
To set the number of welding operations following which a recalibration error for sheet
thickness monitoring should be output.

Spot welding sys- To configure the spot welding gun:

tem configuration Access the system configuration from the Options menu
- spot welding
and switch to the "Gun" tab

Gun type
Select the gun type
Power source (current correction factor)
Correction factor to compensate for tolerances

Transformer (max. current)
Define the maximum available current of the built-in welding transformer. (see following

section "Calculating the maximum welding current").
Transformer (transmission ratio)
The input/output transmission ratio of the welding transformer (see following section "Cal-
culating the maximum welding current").
Tape length (movable arm), (fixed arm)
Define length of the process tape that is used. If the defined length is used up, error
"E0.26" or "E0.27" is output. When the tape length counter is reset, it is initialised with
these values.
Tape length warning (movable arm), (fixed arm)
Individually adjustable tape length warning. When the remaining welding spots reach the
value defined here, warning "W0.0" or "W0.1" is output.
Tape cover plate monitoring (Tape cover plate monitoring)
If a cover on the tape spool device is not closed, an error is output in automatic mode and
a warning in manual mode.
Electrode service life (movable arm), (fixed arm)
Define the service life of the electrode. After the specified number of welding spots, an
error message (2.10 "electrode service life movable arm" or 2.11 "electrode service life
fixed arm") is output
Electrode service life warning (movable arm), (fixed arm)
Individually adjustable warning (electrodes must be changed soon) appears before the
actual "electrode service life" error.
Force sensor characteristic curve
Characteristic curve of the force sensor. Set automatically during calibration (see "Cali-
brating the force sensor")
Force controller P-factor
The P-factor of the force controller influences the speed and stability of the force build-
up. Higher values allow the force to build up quicker but could make the force controller
unstable (oscillation tendency). Enter 0 to use a safe default value, or enter the value de-
termined when the force controller was calibrated.
Actual welding current conversion factor
The actual welding current value signal is read directly from the power source via a 10 V
analogue input. To allow conversion into kiloamperes, the correct conversion factor must
be specified.

Power source max. = 0.6 kA (corresponds to 10 V)
Transformer ratio = 1:44
Actual welding current conversion factor = 0.6 x 44 / 10 = 2.6
Electrode speed
The electrode speed can be defined in mm/s. The speed of the main drive is then adjust-
ed during the external position specification to ensure the gun arms open or close at a
constant speed. An electrode speed of 0 means that the linearization function is deacti-
Flow controller 1 (transformer)
Enables or disables the flow controller on the spot welding gun
Flow controller 2 (movable arm)
Enables or disables the flow controller on the spot welding gun
Flow controller 3 (fixed arm)
Enables or disables the flow controller on the spot welding gun

Option: E-Set Brakes (Option: E-set brakes)
With certain gun types, the main and compensation drives can be equipped with motor
brakes if required. If the spot welding gun supports this option, it must be enabled here.
Measurement system
Enables or disables the measurement system on the spot welding gun
If the parameters are enabled, the actual values from the measurement system on the
spot welding gun are supplied.

Calculating the The maximum available welding current is calculated from the product of the maximum
maximum weld- current of the power source "power source (max current)" and the transmission ratio of the
ing current welding transformer "transformer (transmission ratio)". If the calculated maximum welding
current is higher than the maximum permitted current of the welding transformer and an
attempt is made to weld a profile that exceeds the maximum current of the transformer,
error "E0.22" is output.

For example:
Maximum power source current: 800 A
Transformer ratio: 1:55
Maximum welding transformer current: 24 kA (see "Technical data of welding transformer")

Calculated maximum welding current: 800 A * 55 = 44 kA

Since the maximum permitted current of the welding transformer is less than the calculated
maximum welding current, if an attempt is made to weld above 24 kA, error "E0.22" is out-

Manual and auto- A manual backup can be executed or an automatic backup can be scheduled.
matic backup
The manual backup is started via the "Tools  Backup" menu. The spot welding gun and
data to be backed up can be selected in the dialog box.

The settings for the automatic backup can be defined in the system configuration (see the
section "SpotWelding system configuration").


Overview work- Gun-relevant information about current settings is displayed in the worksheet overview
sheet (Overview):
- serial number, gun number, article number, base type
- Interface
- Program number, spot number, part number, part item number
- Actual gun code, expected gun code

- Electrode distance1) in millimetres

(the position must be calibrated for this to be displayed - see section "Setting position
- Main drive connecting rod position1) displayed in the form of "Degrees to top dead
- Working point
The working (operating) point must be in the range of 10-15° for DeltaSpot systems.
- Sheet thickness1)
(calibration of the sheet thickness monitoring must be carried out for this to be dis-

The Overview also provides information about the current consumption values and can be
used to reset the counter for
- Process tapes1)
here, in addition to resetting, the tape length can be adjusted in order to make correc-
- Electrode service life (electrode replacement)
- Lubrication cycle1)
- Tip dressing2)

- Total and current spot count

The spot count can be reset to 0 at any time.

- Stepper - spot count

- Stepper - current adjustment

Explanation of footnotes:
1) DeltaSpot systems only 2) DeltaCon systems only

Example: Overview worksheet for a DeltaSpot system

Overview worksheet

(1) Indicates the length of the process tape remaining

(2) Indicates the number of welding spots that are still possible

Reset counter button (Reset):

Press the button to reset the counter. This is possible even when the spot weld-
ing gun is switched off or undocked. Resetting the process tape counter and
electrode service life counter allows the spot welding gun to be selected.

The robot interface allows a simultaneous reset of the tape length counters or of the elec-
trode service life counters of both gun arms. However, tape length counters and electrode
service life counters cannot be reset simultaneously.

Operator work- The Operator worksheet is only visible to users with certain rights.

sheet On this tab, the spot welding gun can be controlled directly with Xplorer.

Operator worksheet - Service

Operator worksheet - Welding

"Activate" button
activates the function in Xplorer, does not work if a remote control is connected
to the spot welding gun
"Service" button
opens the window with the service functions

"Welding" button
opens the window with the welding functions

"Error Reset" button
resets a fault that has occurred. Compensation drive and main drive are moved
back to the starting position. The next time welding is started, and before the
spot welding gun is closed, the tape is automatically moved forward, provided
current was flowing before the error occurred.
"Reference" button
moves drives to home position

"Process tape Backward/Forward" buttons

moves the process tape backwards and forwards

"Open spot welding gun" button

opens the spot welding gun

"Close spot welding gun" button

closes the spot welding gun

"Program selection" button

selects a program

Weld ON / OFF
Welding with or without current

Programs work-

Programs worksheet

Create/edit program button (Change)

Click to select program preview in the worksheet and press the "Program Editor"
button to open.
Shortcut: Enter key
Delete program button (Delete)
Click on the program to select it and press this button to delete it
Shortcut: Delete key
Export program to data carrier button (Export)
Select the required program and press the button to save it to a file.

"Import" button
Opens a program saved as a file

Copy program button (Copy)
Select the required program and press the button to save to the clipboard.

Shortcut: Ctrl + C
Paste program button (Paste)
Click to select the required position and press the button to paste a previously
copied program. In a dialogue window, it can be specified whether the names
and comments from the old program are to be retained.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + V
Check program button (Check)
Press the button to check one or more programs. After selecting the transformer
in question, the delay necessary between each weld to avoid damaging the
transformer diodes is displayed.
Option to filter the programs displayed by:
- Program number
- Spot number
- Program name
- Comments
- Materials

Status worksheet The Status worksheet contains all the current warnings and faults related to the spot weld-
ing gun.

Status worksheet

System Stop symbol

Operation cannot be resumed until the problem has been rectified
Warning symbol
! Ignoring a warning can result in the system stopping

The current warning and error number will appear on the right next to the symbols.

Logbook work- The Logbook worksheet records all of the following events, together with the associated
sheet user:
- Status changes (errors, warnings), including gun code, spot number and program
- Program changes
- Configuration changes
- Stepper changes
- Electrode resets (gun code, gun arm, number of welds, number of welds still possible)
- Length of process tape resets (gun code, gun arm, length of process tape used, length
of process tape not used)

The display of the various changes can be filtered.

There is a limited number of logbook entries that can be displayed.

A note will be displayed when the limit for the selected period is reached.
Clicking the "Show more" button will double the limit.

Logbook worksheet

Details symbol
Opens a detailed view of the selected logbook entry. A program comparison
function (of the old and new program) is opened when programs are changed.
The details of a logbook entry can also be displayed by double-clicking on the
relevant entry.
Export symbol
Logbook entries can be exported using this function. CSV (plain) exports all log-
book entries. CSV (set/reset) exports only status changes (existing errors/warn-
ings are not shown twice). Only currently displayed logbook entries are exported.
Top 10 symbol
Opens a top 10 view of errors/warnings within a specified period (everything/30
days/7 days).
Status filter symbol
Errors/warnings that occur frequently can be entered here. Entered errors/warn-
ings are not recorded in the logbook

Any time period for the logbook entries display can be selected in the date selection fields.

Program comparison when changing programs:

Program comparison

The program comparison (select "Program change" and click on "Detail") displays a graph
of the old and new programs.
Using the "Copy old" and "Copy new" buttons, you can copy the program to the clipboard
and recover it by pasting into the Programs worksheet.

Diagnostic work- The available components in the system are displayed in the Diagnostic worksheet.
The Diagnostic worksheet provides information about:
- Present status of the input and output interfaces
- Connection status of the bus participants
- Status of the device
- Status of the power source (only supported by certain power sources)
- (Active) master and bootloader nodes
- Hardware type, hardware version and firmware version;
when there are differing versions, the actual version will be displayed alongside the
expected version.
- Power source warnings

Interfaces button
When activated, displays the current status of the interfaces.
A brief description of the selected signal appears in the lower part of the screen

Automatic interface:
the interface name, interface type and process data length are displayed. If the
process data length is not available, this entry will be hidden.

Manual interface:
inputs and outputs are displayed.
Devices button
When activated, displays the connection status, the current states of the bus
participants and the respective devices. In the case of non-rectifiable errors,
customer services will be able to help.

Diagnostic worksheet - Devices

Actual values The worksheet presents a graphical depiction of the following data:
worksheet (op- - Actual current and force curves
tional) - Voltage, resistance and motor position curve (if present)
- A line indicating the target current and target force curves

The following information is shown in the bar at the top of the graph:
- Device serial number, component item number, component serial number
- Spot number, program number, stepper correction value, program name
- Identified sheet thickness, expected sheet thickness, specified tolerance, sheet metal
thickness monitoring activated

The values are displayed when the mouse pointer is positioned over one of the curves in
the graph.

Actual values worksheet

Zoom/resetting zoom

- Left click to select a zoom window

- Zoom out by double-clicking or clicking the "Zoom out" button

Exporting a graph

- Click the "Export" button

- Select the export format in the window that opens:

PNG ... Image (pixel graphic)

XPS ... Vector graphic (curves stay in focus even when zooming in or out)


General The installed hardware options and the fieldbus system that is used can be configured in
the SpotWelding.Configurator.
This tool can be found in the Start menu under "Programs" -> "Fronius Product Group" ->
"SpotWelding.Configurator". It must be executed after every software update in order to
check and enable the configuration.

You can only start the SpotWelding.Configurator when you are logged in as "Admin" and
if the SpotWelding.Server has finished (and vice versa).

The settings selected in the SpotWelding.Configurator are retained even after a software
update. This means that in most cases after a software update all you need to do is open
the SpotWelding.Configurator and press the "Activate Configuration" button.



(3) (4)






(1) Welding System
This is for selecting the available welding system, e.g. DeltaSpot, DeltaCon,

DeltaCon (Combined Control)

(2) SpotWelding Options

The different input/output add-ons can be enabled or disabled here. The add-
ons must first be installed in the SpotWelding Control.

(3) Stationary System

The fieldbus settings are automatically disabled when this option is selected.

(4) Max. speed limit

The DeltaCon X450 and DeltaCon C-guns are capped to a max. speed of 2 m/min
when this option is selected.

(5) Power Source

The power source used must be specified here
e.g. DeltaQ (=Fronius inverter), Hams+Wende Sinius, etc.

(6) Fieldbus System, Process Data Image

The fieldbus system that is used and the appropriate process data image can
be selected here.

(7) Custom
A customer-specific process data image can be enabled using the "Custom"

(8) Fieldbus System Settings

MAC Id (interface-specific)
Set MAC-ID (see "Bus systems" section).
Baudrate (interface-specific)
Set baud rate (see "Bus systems" section).

(9) Activate Configuration

Use Activate Configuration to activate and save the settings. This process
can take several minutes. The SpotWelding.Configurator then closes auto-
matically and SpotWelding.Control can be started.

DeltaQ, Harms & Wende inverter

General The DeltaQ inverter from Fronius and the Sinius inverter type from Harms & Wende are
supported by the control system. These inverters are connected via EtherCAT.

Before using EtherCAT with DeltaSpot systems, a network card must be prepared accord-
ingly (see section Preparing a network interface on page 77)

The power source type must be selected in the SpotWelding Configurator (see section
SpotWelding.Configurator overview on page 24)

When using the Sinius inverter from Harms & Wende, a calibration must be performed first
(see section Calibrating the Harms & Wende Sinius inverter on page 40)

Settings in the system configuration

General Only the parameters that are relevant for the particular system (DeltaSpot, DeltaCon, etc.)
or for the particular gun are displayed in the system configuration.

The display of system parameters for configured guns is adapted according to the gun in
question, e.g.:
for configured guns without compensation, all system parameters relating to compensation
are hidden.

Setting the actual The user can specify any value for the actual values monitoring. If a parameter on the spot
values monitor- welding gun exceeds the limit set in the actual values monitoring, a warning is issued.
Activate/deactivate actual value monitoring:

1 Access the system configuration via the Options menu

2 Set the "Actual values monitoring" parameter to "inactive" or "active"

System configuration - Enabling/disabling the actual values monitoring

Setting the values for the actual values monitoring:

3 On the Programs worksheet, double-click on the required program

4 Set the tolerances on the "Actual values monitoring" tab

Setting the values for the actual values monitoring

Reversing the It is possible to reverse the byte sequence on fieldbus interfaces.

byte sequence on
fieldbus interfac- Reversing the byte sequence on fieldbus interfaces:
es Access the system configuration via the Options menu
2 Set the "Swap high/low bytes" parameter to "yes"

System configuration - Reversing the byte sequence

Short-term stor- The control system saves a certain number of welding operations/actual values in a ring

age of welding buffer.
operations This means that if the documentation system fails, for example, a certain number of weld-
ing operations can still be carried out without any data having been lost.

Documentation systems

"Docu directory"
CSV files are saved when a location is entered for the parameter "Docu directory" in the
system configuration.

For these documentation systems, the control system is able to monitor the status of the
documentation, as long as the "Docu state monitoring" parameter is set to "active".

If there is a problem with the welding documentation, the warning 2.0 "docu state buffering"
will be displayed in Fronius Xplorer. Welding operations are temporarily stored for a certain
period of time to bridge any system failures.
If the internal memory becomes full during a lengthy system failure, the warning 2.1 "docu
state buffer full" is displayed. If further welding operations take place, the oldest welding
operations will be deleted from the storage system (=> ring buffer).

The status of the documentation monitoring can also be checked on the robot interface us-
ing the "docu state" signal:

Two-stage weld- A pedal remote control with two switching thresholds can be used with the DeltaCon sta-
ing start tionary system.
The gun is closed by the first switching threshold (= prestroke). The welding process is
started by the second switching threshold.
If necessary, incorrect component positioning can still be corrected by the two-stage weld-
ing start.
The prestroke closing force can be adjusted in the system configuration. As such, the pre-
stroke can also be used for manual cap milling.

Configurable lim- The warning limit and the error limit can be set for the recalibration of sheet thickness mon-
its for sheet thick- itoring:
ness monitoring

Calibrating the spot welding gun components

Machines that start up automatically can cause serious injury and damage.
► In addition to these Operating Instructions, the safety rules issued by the manufacturer
of the robot and the welding system, and the spot welding gun Operating Instructions,
must also be observed.
► For your personal safety, ensure that all protective measures have been taken and will
remain in place while you are in the working area of the robot.

Incorrect inputs can have serious consequences for material and equipment.
► The spot welding gun may only be configured by trained specialist personnel. The
manufacturer will not be held liable for damage caused by incorrect settings.

Configuration changes and calibrations may only be carried out in manual mode on
DeltaSpot systems.

DeltaSpot spot welding guns are fully calibrated on delivery.
Calibration is only necessary if a hardware component is replaced.
DeltaCon spot welding guns are calibrated on delivery, depending on the configuration.

The following spot welding gun components can be calibrated using the gun controller:
- Position limit
- Force sensor
- Force controller
- Main drive position
- Compensation drive position
- Sheet thickness compensation
- Sheet thickness monitoring
- Current
- Calibrating the Harms & Wende Sinius inverter
- Measurement system calibration

The individual calibration functions can be accessed via the Options menu under "Calibra-

Calibrating the Calibrating the position limit (included angle) of the spot welding gun
position limit From the Options menu, choose  Calibration  Position limit

2 Open the sheet thickness correction of the gun as far as possible

3 Remove the electrodes
4 Click "OK"
5 Click "Start"
6 Press "Start welding" on the DeltaRemote
A message appears indicating whether or not calibration was successful

Calibrating the 1 From the Options menu, choose  Calibration  Force sensor
force sensor


2 Follow the instructions in the program

* The work steps are only shown for stationary systems with welding gun adjust-
To perform the calibration, the compensator must first be driven into position.

Calibrating the The P-factor influences the control action of the force controller. P-factors that are too high

force controller result in "oscillation" of the electrode contact force. P-factors that are too low result in slow
control action and a long build-up of force
1 From the Options menu, choose  Calibration  Force controller

2 Click "Start"
3 Hold the sheet in the spot welding gun
4 Press "Run" on the SpotWelding Control
The spot welding gun performs the calibration. Test welding is carried out without a
current at various P-factors. This process may take somewhat longer.
The working range is also checked. If this does not happen, the relevant instructions
are displayed in the status window. The operating angle must be greater than 12.5 de-

The "Position" compensation mode is automatically enabled when calibrating the
pressure controller on a stationary system with welding gun adjustment.

Calibrating the The main drive position must be calibrated as it is accessed by certain gun functions. Fol-
main drive posi- lowing successful calibration, the electrode distances are displayed in the Overview work-
tion sheet and transferred to the fieldbus interfaces.

Enabling/disabling the position display in millimetres and determining the precision:

1 Access the system configuration via the Options menu
2 Set the "Position in millimetres" parameter to "inactive" or "active"
3 Determine the precision of the display using the "Position precision" parameter

System configuration - Enabling/disabling the position display in millimetres

Calibrating the position:

1 From the Options menu, choose  Calibration  Main drive position
2 In the position calibration window, add several data points. Five points are usually suf-
ficient. More points are only necessary if the inaccuracies are too great. Points that
have already been added are marked red.
- Close the gun, enter "0" under Millimetres and click "Add point"
- Fully open the gun, measure the distance between the electrodes, enter this un-
der Millimetres and click "Add point"
- Add three further points between them (evenly distributed)
3 Complete position calibration by clicking "Save"

The current position is indicated by a green point.

In the "Interpolated position in millimetres" field, the interpolated position indicated by the
points is displayed. This can be used for control purposes - it should match the actual po-
sition across the whole area. If this is not the case, more points can be added.

Deleting points
If incorrect data is entered during calibration, the incorrect points can be deleted by select-
ing them under Data points and clicking "Delete point".

To start calibration from the beginning, click "Delete all".

Calibrating the main drive position

Calibrating the 1 From the Options menu, choose  Calibration  Compensation drive position
compensation Click "Start"
drive position
3 Enter the distance between the home position and electrode under "Position in milli-
4 Click "Save position" (gun automatically moves to next position)
5 Measure and enter the distance between the home position and electrode
6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the other positions

Setting the compensation drive position calibration

Sheet thickness Setting the sheet thickness compensation is described in the spot welding gun operating
compensation instructions in the section entitled "Setting the sheet thickness correction".

Calibrating the
sheet thickness NOTE!
monitoring This section only describes manual calibration.

In a robot application, sheet thickness calibration must be carried out regularly via the robot
control interface from either the robot control system or a higher-level control system.

1 From the Options menu, choose  Calibration  Sheet thickness monitoring calibra-

2 Enter the sheet thickness of three different sheets

3 Click "Start"
4 Weld the three different sheets with the remote control (without current)

Recalibration of the sheet thickness monitoring is required after successful swap-
ping the electrode!
When swapping an electrode, the electrode service life limit value and the calibrated data
for sheet thickness monitoring are reset.

The "Position" compensation mode is automatically enabled when calibrating sheet
thickness monitoring on a stationary system with welding gun adjustment.

Calibrating the Calibration to determine the power source correction and actual value conversion factor.

current For power sources for which analogue target and actual values are transferred. This menu
item is not displayed for digital power sources.

Only relevant data for the particular gun are displayed under "Current calibration".

1 From the Options menu, choose  Calibration  Current

Example: Current calibration for a DeltaSpot system

2 Enter the calibration current

3 Enter the target force
4 Click "Start"
5 Carry out welding "with current"
Enter and apply the measured current (= actually flowing current)

The calculated factors are displayed and automatically entered in the gun configuration fol-
lowing confirmation.

The "Position" compensation mode is automatically enabled when calibrating the
current on a stationary system with welding gun adjustment.

Calibrating the 1 From the Options menu, choose  Calibration  Harms & Wende Sinius inverter
Harms & Wende Follow the instructions in the dialogue window
Sinius inverter

The "Position" compensation mode is automatically enabled when calibrating a
Harms & Wende Sinius inverter on a stationary system with welding gun adjust-

Measurement From the Options menu, choose  Calibration  Position limit

system calibra-

2 Enter the target current

3 Enter the target force
4 If required enable the forward movement of the tape for the moveable and fixed arms.
5 Click "Start"
6 Carry out two welds with current
Enter and apply the measured current (= actually flowing current)

The calculated factors are displayed and automatically entered in the gun configuration fol-
lowing confirmation.

The "Position" compensation mode is automatically enabled when calibrating the
measurement system on a stationary system with welding gun adjustment.

Assigning a gun code

General Different gun geometries are available for the most varied of applications. One control sys-
tem can map up to eight DeltaSpot or DeltaCon spot welding guns.
To use more than one spot welding gun on a robot, each spot welding gun must be as-
signed a unique code for identification purposes and to ensure that the correct gun param-
eters are loaded.

Gun replacement 1 A new spot welding gun is connected to the robot

The control does not recognise the spot welding gun and outputs an error message:

2 In Fronius Xplorer, a code must be assigned to the spot welding gun via the Options
menu  "Assign gun code"

3 Enter the number and click "Save" (the spot welding gun can be assigned a number
between 0 and 7)

The code is now assigned to the spot welding gun. If the same or another assigned
spot welding gun is connected or docked, the corresponding gun settings are loaded
according to the appropriate gun code.

Specific settings can be assigned to the spot welding gun via the system configuration.

4 Access the system configuration (Options menu  "System configuration")

5 Set values and click "OK"

- Further control of the spot welding gun is via the robot signals described

Carrying out the firmware update

Carrying out the 1 Click "Firmware update" in the Options menu
firmware update
for the motor con-

Firmware update

2 Confirm the following dialogue by clicking "OK"

- The update process is carried out. This may take a few minutes. No other functions
should be carried out during the update process.

Carrying out the Before the CAN firmware update is carried out, the connection to the SpotWelding server
CAN firmware up- must be terminated. The configuration must be activated once before the update via the
date Configurator.

1 Set the TwinCat to "Config mode"

2 Open system manager

3 Load current configuration

4 Click "DeltaSpot" under "I/O devices" and select the "FC51xx" tab
5 Click "Firmware Update"

6 Select the update file and click "Open"

7 After the update, switch TwinCat to "Run mode"

Check the green TwinCat symbol in the task bar. The symbol should not be blue or red/

Creating the stepper function

Incorrect inputs can have serious consequences for material and equipment.
► The spot welding gun may only be configured by trained specialist personnel. The
manufacturer will not be held liable for damage caused by incorrect settings.

The stepper function extends the electrode service life by compensating for electrode
wear. It achieves this by increasing or decreasing the welding current depending on the
number of welded spots completed.

An internal welding spot counter is used for the stepper function. This is automatically reset
as soon as both electrode service life counters are reset to 0.
The present spot count and the current adjustment of the last weld are displayed on the
overview page.

Stepper editor

Example stepper configuration

Any name can be assigned to the stepper configuration.

The interpolation types "none" and "linear" can be selected.
If "none", the current is not interpolated between the points. A step shape (thin line in the
screenshot) is generated.
If the interpolation type is "linear", the current is interpolated between the points in linear
fashion (thicker line in the screenshot). This avoids abrupt current changes.

Imin [A]:
In the welding program, a current value under Imin is not affected by the stepper function.
In most cases a reasonable value for Imin is 1000 A.

Program numbers:
the stepper will be actioned on all the program numbers selected here. Only one stepper
can be assigned to a program number.

Creating the step- 1 From the Options menu, choose  Stepper function

per function
All available stepper configurations are displayed. These can be edited, removed or
added to.

2 Click on "Add" to create a new stepper function

This opens the Stepper Editor

Stationary system with welding gun adjustment: Ad-
justing the tripod

Stationary sys- From the Options menu, choose 

tem with welding "Move compensation drive"
gun adjustment:
Adjusting the tri- 2 Enter the target position in mm
pod 3 Click "Start"
4 Follow the instructions in the program

Adjusting the tripod

Using this function the welding gun adjuster can be driven into a specific position so as to
align the tripod precisely.

Restore Device ID

Storage of gun During commissioning ahead of live operation on the production line, the gun type data is
type data on de- loaded onto the device ID memory.
vice ID memory If the control system recognises gun type data on the device ID memory, this will be stored
the first time it is connected to a cache. The gun type data will then not need to be reloaded
each time connection takes place.

All gun type data has a unique ID.

If the gun type data changes, a new ID will be generated by a dedicated tool.

If the data being read is invalid for any reason, or not compatible, an "invalid gun type data"
error (3.19) is set.

If errors occur during reading or writing, the corresponding errors (2.24, 3.18) are set.

If there is still no gun data saved to the memory, an error (2.26) is output.

If a device ID memory becomes defective, a new, empty device ID memory can be fitted
to the gun.

Restore Device ID If an empty device ID memory is detected by the system, the function "Restore Device ID"
will become available in the Fronius Xplorer.

Available gun type data from the cache can be re-written to the device ID memory with the
"Restore Device ID" function.

(1) (2) (3)


(1) Gun number (2) Base type (3) Serial number (4) Restore button

Creating welding parameters in program editor

Opening the pro- Open the program editor by selecting the required profile and clicking on the Create/edit
gram editor profile button. Shortcut: double-click on profile

Symbols used in
"Options" button
the Program Edi-
The following settings can be chosen under Options:
- Grid (normal/detailed): For creating current and force profiles a normal or
detailed grid can be set in the diagram (only affects the time axis)
- Snap: When the Snap function is enabled, new points in the diagram are au-
tomatically oriented towards existing points
- Check profile...: The program can be checked. After selecting the transform-
er in question, the delay necessary between each weld to avoid damaging
the transformer diodes is displayed
"Current profile" button
For creating the current profile during welding

"Force profile" button

For creating the force profile during welding

"Select" button
Clicking on the "Select" button lets you open a window without using the Shift key
(e.g. using a touchpad.)
"Delete" button
Clicking on the "Delete" button lets you remove selected items without using the
Delete key (e.g. using a touchpad.)
Save settings
Saves parameter settings.
Shortcut: Enter key
Reset settings
Resets all changes made since last saving.

(3) (4)



(1) (2)

Program Editor

(1) Scroll bar

For moving the visible area

(2) Zoom
For enlarging or reducing the screen view

(3) Force profile (blue)

For controlling the force profile during the welding process

(4) Current profile (red)

For controlling the current profile during the welding process

Creating the cur- To create the current profile or force profile:

rent/force profile
1 Open the Program Editor

2 Select I button for current profile/select F button for force profile

3 Click on the first point within the diagram and drag to the required position
4 Release the mouse button to fix the point of the first spot
5 Click again to create a new point and drag to the required position

The diagram incorporates an object grid (values 0.
3 kN or 0.3 kA) that positions newly created spots level with the previously selected spot.
This function makes it easier to create a uniform welding parameter. It can be disabled in
Options if necessary.

6 Add more spots as described above

7 Save settings

Editing the cur- To edit the current profile or force profile:

rent/force profile
1 Open program editor
2 Select button I for current profile or button F for force profile
3 Click on the spots you want to select

To select several spots together:

► Press and hold the Shift key

► Holding down the left mouse button, drag a selection box over the required spots
► Make sure that the start point is not located within the selection

4 Move the selected spots or press the Delete key to delete them from the profile

After moving the spots, the original values can be restored at any time by pressing
the Reset key.

5 Save settings

Program Editor - The "Parameters" tab in the Program Editor is used to define program parameters during

Parameters the welding process. It is also possible to enter a program name and the spot numbers.

A Fronius Xplorer version of at least 2.2 or higher is required when to create a weld-
ing program.



(2) Position (synchronous mode) (3)

(4) (5)



Program Editor - Parameters

(1) Program name

For defining a program name
(2) Enable welding gun compensation
For switching welding gun compensation on and off

(3) Welding gun compensation mode
For defining the welding gun compensation mode
- Position
- Position (synchronous mode)
- Weight compensation v2
- Weight compensation v2 (synchronous mode)

Position (for stationary systems with welding gun adjustment)

The compensation drive first travels to a predefined position and only then is the
gun closed.
The distance the welding gun adjuster travels in "Position" compensation mode is
specified using the compensation drive target position in manual mode parameter
in the system configuration.

Position (synchronous mode)

Before welding starts, a robotic setting moves the compensator up to the compo-
nent (see "Compensator traversing path value" signal). The short distance be-
tween the electrode and the workpiece when the gun closes reduces the load on
the workpiece. The precision of the position specified by the robot is set using the
"Compensation drive position precision" parameter. The value entered must match
the set value on the robot

Weight compensation / Weight compensation v2 - depending on the version

Recommended distance from component: 10 mm
Absolute minimum: > 8 mm
Distances over 10 mm are no problem.

Weight compensation (synchronous mode) / Weight compensation v2 (syn-

chronous mode) - depending on the version

Mode for cycle time optimisation

The main and compensation drives start up simultaneously at the beginning of
Synchronous mode can be used if the main drive does not make contact with the
component too quickly. The main drive must not bend the component towards the
fixed arm - check this visually!

IMPORTANT! In all modes, the distance between the electrode and the compo-
nent in the case of a fixed arm must be 10 mm to ensure correct operation of the
weight compensation. The electrode must be positioned at 90° to the component
to maintain the ideal conditions for contact surfaces.
(4) Enable tape pull-in for fixed/movable arm
For switching process tape forward movement on and off
(5) Tape pull-in
For defining the process tape forward movement in mm
(6) Enable sheet thickness monitoring
For switching the sheet thickness monitoring on and off
(7) Spot numbers (separated by a comma or space):
For entering spot numbers.

Program Editor - The tolerances for current, force and time deviation can be set in the "Actual values mon-
Actual values itoring" tab. Actual values monitoring can be enabled/disabled in the system configuration
monitoring (see "Setting actual values monitoring" in the section "System configuration settings")

Program Editor - In the "Notes" tab, you can note down the material combination and the process tape and

Notes electrode used. You also have the option of entering additional information. This informa-
tion is for documentation purposes only and has no effect on the welding process.


Program Editor - Notes

Setting the sheet When the sheet thickness monitoring is enabled, the sheet thickness is determined as the
thickness moni- force builds up (at a force of 2 kN). If the tolerances are exceeded, welding is stopped and
toring the error "1.13 Sheet thickness outside the permitted range" appears.

For the control to be able to determine the sheet thickness, it must "learn" the different
sheet thicknesses beforehand. At least three different sheet thicknesses must be defined
(ideally the sheet thickness to be welded, as well as the sheet thickness to be welded plus
1 mm and minus 1 mm).
The sheet thicknesses can be recorded via the robot interface or via Fronius Xplorer. The
process is described in detail in the following section "Recording sheet thicknesses".

To enable/disable the sheet thickness monitoring:

1 On the Programs worksheet, double-click on the required program

2 In the Program Editor, open the "Parameter" tab
3 Enable or disable the sheet thickness monitoring using the "Enable sheet thickness
monitoring" field



(2) Position (synchronous mode) (3)

(4) (5)



Program Editor - Enabling/disabling the sheet thickness monitoring parameter

Setting the values for the sheet thickness monitoring:

4 In Program Editor set the "Expected sheet thickness [mm]" and "Tolerance +/- [mm]"
parameters for the sheet thickness monitoring

Recording the To enable the sheet thickness monitoring, at least 3 different sheet thicknesses must be
sheet thickness recorded beforehand.
It is important to ensure that from time to time the sheet thicknesses are "relearned" (elec-
trode wear, etc.). For tolerances of +/- 0.1 mm in the sheet thickness monitoring, this
should be done approx. every 500 spots. It is therefore advisable to carry out automated
calibration on permanently mounted reference sheets.

"Recording sheet thickness" program sequence

Starting the sheet thickness calibration:
Set "reset sheet thickness calibration" = 0
Wait 100 ms
Set "reset sheet thickness calibration" = 1
Wait until "sheet thickness calibration reset" = 1
Set "reset sheet thickness calibration" = 0

"Teach" the system different sheet thicknesses:

Insert 1 mm sheet
Start welding (without current)
Set "sheet thickness" to 100
Set "record sheet thickness" = 0
Wait 100 ms
Set "record sheet thickness" = 1

"Recording sheet thickness" program sequence
Wait until "sheet thickness recorded" = 1

Set "record sheet thickness" = 0

Insert 2 mm sheet
Start welding (without current)
Set "sheet thickness" to 200
Set "record sheet thickness" = 0
Wait 100 ms
Set "record sheet thickness" = 1
Wait until "sheet thickness recorded" = 1
Set "record sheet thickness" = 0

Repeat the above steps for other sheet thicknesses

Ending sheet thickness calibration:

Set "save sheet thickness calibration" = 0
Wait 100 ms
Set "save sheet thickness calibration" = 1
Wait until "sheet thickness calibration saved" = 1

Bus systems
Bus systems

General Signals can be transferred via a fieldbus. The process image is the same for all bus types.
The robot programmer can use the Diagnostic worksheet in Fronius Xplorer to check
whether all the inputs and outputs are correctly connected.

The following bus systems are supported by DeltaSpot systems as standard:

- CANopen
- DeviceNet
- Profibus
- Interbus
- Digital I/O interface
- ProfiNet (licence required)
- Ethernet / IP (licence required)

The following bus systems are supported by DeltaCon systems as standard:

- DeviceNet
- Profibus
- Ethernet / IP


Topology CAN is a 2-wire bus system, to which all nodes are connected in parallel. To avoid reflec-
tions, a terminating resistor must be connected to each end of the bus (R = 120 Ohm). Ter-
minating resistors are also required for very short cable lengths.

Device 1 Device n


R = 120 Ω R = 120 Ω


CAN topology

Default parameter - Node ID: 2

settings - Baud rate: 500 kbps

Interface card The terminating resistor can be switched on

or off on the interface card using the sliding
switch (1).

CANopen interface card

Pin assignment Pin assignment of 9-pin Sub-D plug:

Pin Signal Description

2 CAN low negated CAN signal (Dominant Low)
3 CAN-GND Earth
7 CAN high positive CAN signal (Dominant High)


Topology DeviceNet is a 2-wire bus system, similar to CAN, to which all nodes are connected in par-
allel. To avoid reflections, a terminating resistor must be connected to each end of the bus
(R = 120 Ohm). Terminating resistors are also required for very short cable lengths.

Device 1 Device n


R = 120 Ω R = 120 Ω


CAN topology

Default parameter - MAC - ID: 5

settings - Baud rate: 500 kbps

Interface card The terminating resistor can be switched on

or off on the interface card using the sliding
switch (1).

DeviceNet interface card

Pin assignment
PIN Signal
1 V + (24 V)
2 CAN high
3 Shield
4 CAN low
5 V-


Default parameter - Node ID: 2

settings - Baud rate: 12 Mbps

Interface card

Profibus interface card

Pin assignment Pin assignment of 9-pin Sub-D plug:

PIN Signal Description

3 RxD/TxD-P Sends and receives data (+)
5 DGND Data ground and supply connection (-)
6 Vp Terminating resistor supply voltage (+)
8 RxD/TxD-N Sends and receives data (-)

Design of the terminating resistor:

(1) Device
(2) Plugs
Vp (3) Profibus cable
Ru = 390 Ohm
RxD / TxD-P
Rt = 220 Ohm
RxD / TxD-N
Rd = 390 Ohm

(1) > < (2) >< (3)

Profibus terminating resistor


Topology Interbus is a ring system. Each node receives the signal and passes it on. Terminating re-
sistors are not required in a ring system.

Default parameter - Ident. - Code: 3

settings - Baud rate: can be set using DIP switches on the card

Interface card The interface card is available in two versions: fibre optic cable or copper.

Interbus interface card (fibre optic cable version)

Pin assignment "In" remote bus interface

D-Sub plug Header connector Signal Description

1 1 DO Receive data line +
2 3 !DO Send data line +
3 5 DI Send data line -
6 2 !DI Receive data line -
7 4 GND Equalising line

"Out" remote bus interface

D-Sub plug Header connector Signal Description

1 1 DO2 Send data line +
2 3 DI2 Receive data line +
3 5 GND2 Equalising line
5 9 Udd Logic voltage 5 V
6 2 !DO2 Send data line -
7 4 !DI2 Receive data line -
9 8 BCI Bus plug in

Digital I/O interface (Version 1.6)

- ready
- error
- warning actual position bit 8
- referenced actual position bit 9
- remote control actual position bit 10
connected actual position bit 11
- external position actual position bit 12
control active actual position bit 13
- tape end warning actual position bit 14
actual position bit 15

actual position bit 0

actual position bit 1
actual position bit 2
actual position bit 3
actual position bit 4
actual position bit 5
actual position bit 6
actual position bit 7

CANopen bus

Power LEDs

K bus
Field bus connection
Power supply
Bus coupler

Power contacts

Address selector switch

Power contacts
Configuration interface


program number bit 0 spot number bit 0 spot number bit 8

program number bit 1 spot number bit 1 spot number bit 9
program number bit 2 spot number bit 2 spot number bit 10
program number bit 3 spot number bit 3 spot number bit 11
program number bit 4 spot number bit 4 spot number bit 12
program number bit 5 spot number bit 5 spot number bit 13
program number bit 6 spot number bit 6 spot number bit 14
program number bit 7 spot number bit 7 spot number bit 15

start homing target position bit 0

start welding (no htr) target position bit 1
reset errors target position bit 2
main drive open target position bit 3
main drive close target position bit 4
tape drive forward (movable arm) target position bit 5
bit 8
tape drive backward (movable arm) target position bit 6
bit 9
tape drive forward (fixed arm) target position bit 7
bit 10
bit 11
bit 12
bit 13
bit 14 tape drive backward(fixed arm) target position bit 8
bit 15 tape length reset (movable arm) target position bit 9
tape length reset (fixed arm) target position bit 10
reset electrode service life (moveable arm) target position bit 11
reset electrode service life (fixed arm) target position bit 12
reset lubrication target position bit 13
enable welding current target position bit 14
enable external position control target position bit 15


ProfiNet require- A personal ProfiNet licence is required for the ProfiNet interface.
ProfiNet only works with TwinCat version 2.11.2218 or higher.
TwinCat version 2.11.2218 is integrated into the following versions of the operating sys-
tem, as well as any later versions:
- DeltaSpot.OS.BH-4.0
- DeltaSpot.OS.BH-C5102-0040-2.0.
- W8-SW-C5102-0050-1.2.0
- W8-SW-CX5140-1.2.0

ProfiNet communication can be carried out through the standard Ethernet port on the
Beckhoff IPC.
The DIN rail PC built into the switch cabinet is supported with the SpotWelding 4.1 software
version or later.

Installing the The ProfiNet driver is located under "C:\Tools" or on the driver CD which is delivered when
ProfiNet driver a ProfiNet licence is ordered.

1 Start TcProfiNETSlave.exe (ProfiNet driver)

2 Click "Next"
3 Accept the license agreement and click "Next"
4 Enter user name, company name and serial number and click "Next"
5 Click "Install"
6 Click "Finish"

Activating the 1 Start system manager

real-time adapter

2 Click "Liste Echtzeit Ethernet kompatible Geräte" [List of real-time Ethernet compati-
ble devices] in the Options menu

3 Select (click) the relevant network card under "Compatible devices"
4 Click "Install"

– A "TwinCAT-Intel PCI Ethernet Adapter" entry now appears under "Installed and
ready to use devices"
5 Close the window

Activating the 1 Start the SpotWelding Configurator
ProfiNet card Under the "ProfiNet" fieldbus system, select the corresponding settings and activate
the ProfiNet card by clicking "Activate Configuration"


Ethernet/IP re- A personal Ethernet/IP licence is required for the Ethernet/IP interface. A static IP address
quirements must be entered to use the interface.

Ethernet/IP communication can be carried out through the standard Ethernet port on the
Beckhoff IPC.
The DIN rail PC built into the switch cabinet is supported with the SpotWelding 4.1 software
version or later.

Installing the The Ethernet/IP driver is located under "C:\Tools" or on the driver CD which is delivered
Ethernet/IP driver when an Ethernet/IP licence is ordered.

1 Start TcEthernetIP_S.exe (Ethernet/IP driver)

2 Select the language and click "OK"
3 Click "Next"
4 Click "Yes"
5 Accept the license agreement and click "Next"
6 Enter user name, company name and serial number and click "Next"
7 Click "Install"
8 Click "Finish"

Activating the 1 Start system manager

real-time adapter

2 Click "Liste Echtzeit Ethernet kompatible Geräte" [List of real-time Ethernet compati-
ble devices] in the Options menu

3 Select (click) the relevant network card under "Compatible devices"
4 Click "Install"

– A "TwinCAT-Intel PCI Ethernet Adapter" entry now appears under "Installed and
ready to use devices"
5 Close the window

Activating the Start the SpotWelding Configurator

Ethernet/IP card Under the "Ethernet/IP" fieldbus system, select the corresponding settings and acti-
vate the Ethernet/IP card by clicking "Activate Configuration"

Setting the cycle To change the cycle time (the default is 10 ms), proceed as follows:
time Select "Ethernet/IP Slave Protocol"
2 Click on the "Sync Task" tab
3 Enter the cycle time in ms under "Cycle ticks"

4 Click the green square and confirm the cycle time by clicking "Yes" (the dialogue must
be confirmed more than once)

CAN over EtherCAT

CAN over Ether-
CAT require- NOTE!
ments The CAN over EtherCAT bus system is only intended for specific DeltaSpot systems
and is not for communicating with a robot
A special DeltaSpot-GunControl, as well as a bus converter box, is required for use
with DeltaSpot systems.

To activate the option, a network interface must be prepared in the Configurator for real-
time operation (see following section).

Preparing a net- 1 Start system manager

work interface

2 Click "Liste Echtzeit Ethernet kompatible Geräte" [List of real-time Ethernet compati-
ble devices] in the Options menu

3 Select (click) the relevant network card under "Compatible devices"

4 Click "Install"

– A "TwinCAT-Intel PCI Ethernet Adapter" entry now appears under "Installed and
ready to use devices"
5 Close the window

6 Tick the "Show bindings" box and make sure that only "TwinCAT Ethernet Protocol" is
enabled for the network interface

7 Close the window and the system manager

8 Assign a static IP address to the network interface

Activating the Open the SpotWelding Configurator

CAN over Ether- Select the "CAN over EtherCAT" field and activate the option by clicking "Activate
CAT option in the Configuration"

SpotWelding interface signal description

Description of
start homing *
signal inputs
Move to the homing position
start welding ohtr *
Start welding (without "hold to run")
reset errors
Compensation drive and main drive are moved back to the starting position. The next time
welding is started, the tape is automatically moved forward before the spot welding gun
is closed if current was already flowing before the error occurred.
main drive open
Manual opening of spot welding gun
main drive close
Manual closing of spot welding gun
tape drive forward (movable arm)
Tape drive for movable arm forwards
tape drive backward (movable arm)
Tape drive for movable arm backwards
tape drive forward (fixed arm)
Tape drive for fixed arm forwards
tape drive backward (fixed arm)
Tape drive for fixed arm backwards
tape length reset (movable arm)
Reset tape length counter for process tape (movable arm)
tape length reset (fixed arm)
Reset tape length counter for process tape (fixed arm)
reset electrode service life (movable arm)
Reset electrode service life (movable arm)
reset electrode service life (fixed arm)
Reset electrode service life (fixed arm)
reset lubrication
Reset lubrication cycle counter
enable welding current *
Welding current enabled (high)/welding current off (low) - test run
enable external position control
high: the gun included angle can be specified by a higher-level control using the "target
position" signal.
low: the included angle can only be changed manually via the "main drive open" and
"main drive close" signals.
activate docking mode
Activates docking mode. If this signal is set to 1, the drives are deactivated and errors that
would occur through docking are prevented. Warnings remain in place. Existing errors
are acknowledged upon reset.
Depending on the SpotWelding Control version, the 48 V drive power supplies are inter-
rupted to avoid arcing on undocking.
expected gun code
The expected gun code. Used to set the "invalid_gun_code" signal
reset sheet thickness calibration
Resets the sheet thickness calibration
record sheet thickness
Records a known sheet thickness during sheet thickness calibration

save sheet thickness calibration
Activates the data recorded during sheet thickness calibration
enable external position control (compensation drive)
With a rising edge, the compensator is moved to the target position defined by the "com-
pensation drive target position" signal.
As long as this signal is active, no other actions (welding, error reset, etc.) can be per-
life bit
The signal arrives from the robot and is returned by the control. It is used to check that
the robot and the control are still communicating with one another.
program number *
Program number from 0-255 (spots with different parameter settings)
spot number
Spot number (several spots can be assigned to each program number)
if the spot number = 0, programs are selected using the program number (prog_number)
if the spot number does not equal 0, programs are selected using the spot number, pro-
vided the spot number exists in the program database.
part number
The part number of the component to be welded. For documentation purposes only.
target position
The target position is specified by a higher-level control (robot). The resolution can be set
in the system configuration.
compensation drive target position
Indicates how far the compensator should move before welding starts. The signal is only
used when compensating in position-controlled mode. The resolution can be set in the
system configuration.
sheet thickness
Indicates recognised sheet thickness during sheet thickness calibration. The resolution
can be set in the system configuration.
* signals required for single welding process

Description of
ready *
signal outputs
high: Commands can be received.
low: Command is executed
Set if the control is carrying out an action (e.g. welding, homing etc.)
no error
Set if there are no errors
Warning e.g. process tape about to run out
life bit
The signal arrives from the robot and is returned by the control. It is used to check that the
robot and the control are still communicating with one another.
The drives are referenced
remote control connected
A remote control is connected to the spot welding gun
external position control active
Feedback of the "external position control" input signal

manual mode
The control is in manual mode

compensation drive at home position
Set when the compensation drive is at the home position
gun at home
Set when the compensation and main drives are at the home position
welding current enabled
Confirmation of the "enable welding current" input signal
actual values monitoring not active
Used when the "actual values monitoring" signal is not active
sheet thickness calibration reset
Confirmation for the "reset sheet thickness calibration" signal
sheet thickness recorded
Confirmation for the "record sheet thickness" signal
sheet thickness calibration saved
Confirmation for the "save sheet thickness calibration" signal
gun type
Specifies whether an X-gun (0) or a C-gun (1) is docked.
docking mode activated
Confirmation for the "activate_docking_mode" signal
invalid gun code
Set to 0 when the correct gun is docked. Set to 1 when no gun, an unknown gun (without
a gun code) or an incorrect gun is docked
device id
A user-defined device id that can be specified in the system configuration
welding started
Welding has started
close gun started
Gun closing has started
close gun finished
Gun is closed (measured force > 1 kN)
force target reached
The first force in the force profile has been reached
current flow started
Set when the current for a weld starts to flow. It is reset by the falling edge of the "start
welding (no htr)" signal
current flow finished
Set as soon as the current profile for a weld has completely ended. It is reset by the falling
edge of the "start welding (no htr)" signal
open gun started
Gun opening has started
open gun finished
Gun is open (measured force < 1 kN)
welding finished
Welding has finished (tape pull-in has been carried out, main and compensation drives are
in their starting positions)
servo ready
The welding gun is ready to execute commands (welding, homing, etc.) and there are no
actual position
Transfer of the actual position to the higher-level control
internal communication error
Set when an internal communication error occurs

spot number not found error
Spot number not found
duplicate spot number found error
The selected spot number has been assigned to more than one program
homing error
The home position could not be found
tape empty (movable arm) error
Process tape on the movable arm is empty
tape empty (fixed arm) error
Process tape on the fixed arm is empty
program number error
The program number entered is invalid or the program is buggy
main drive position limit reached error
The main drive has overstepped the position limit
emergency stop error
Emergency Stop has been actuated
invalid operation error
The spot welding gun cannot execute the command because another operation is still ac-
invalid tape length (movable arm) error
The length of the process tape is less than 0. Length of process tape was not reset on
reloading or incorrect tape length defined in the gun configuration.
invalid tape length (fixed arm) error
The length of the process tape is less than 0. Length of process tape was not reset on
reloading or incorrect tape length defined in the gun configuration.
electrode service life (movable arm) error
The electrode on the movable arm has reached the end of its service life
electrode service life (fixed arm) error
The electrode on the fixed arm has reached the end of its service life
actual current monitoring error
The current values have exceeded or fallen below the set limits for the defined period
actual force monitoring error
The force values have exceeded or fallen below the set limits for the defined period
sticking tape (movable arm) error
The process tape of the movable arm is stuck to the component
sticking tape (fixed arm) error
The process tape of the fixed arm is stuck to the component
main drive overloaded error
The main drive has reached its temperature limit
compensation drive overloaded error
The compensation drive has reached its temperature limit
power source error
Inverter overtemperature - the power source has overheated
main drive force target not reached error
Specified gun force not reached
flow controller 2 error (movable arm)
No or inadequate coolant flow on the movable arm
flow controller 3 error (fixed arm)
No or inadequate coolant flow on the fixed arm
working range warning
The operating range is outside the optimum range
tape brake too loose (movable arm) warning
Braking force has been set too low on the movable arm

tape brake too loose (fixed arm) warning
Braking force has been set too low on the fixed arm

tape end warning
The process tape is running out and must be replaced soon
electrode service life warning
The electrode service life limit value has been reached and the electrodes must be re-
placed soon.
lubrication warning
The lubrication cycle limit value has been reached and the system must be lubricated
actual values monitoring
Set if the actual values (current, force, etc.) were outside the specified tolerances
backup warning
Error when creating the automatic backup. Check the availability and size of the selected
backup folder.
documentation warning
Error while creating the actual value documentation (path not available, memory full, etc.)
tape spool unit cover movable arm closed
The cover of the tape spool unit on the movable arm is closed
tape unspool unit cover movable arm closed
The cover of the tape unspool unit on the movable arm is closed
tape spool unit cover fixed arm closed
The cover of the tape spool unit on the fixed arm is closed
tape unspool unit cover fixed arm closed
The cover of the tape unspool unit on the fixed arm is closed
flow controller 2 warning (movable arm)
No or inadequate coolant flow on the movable arm
flow controller 3 warning (fixed arm)
No or inadequate coolant flow on the fixed arm

* signals required for single welding process

DeltaSpot 1.6 interface

Input Comment
Spot welding
E00 start homing
E01 start welding (no htr)
E02 reset errors
E03 main drive open
E04 main drive close
E05 tape drive forward (movable arm)
E06 tape drive backward (movable arm)
E07 tape drive forward (fixed arm)
E08 tape drive backward (fixed arm)
E09 tape length reset (movable arm)
E10 tape length reset (fixed arm)
E11 reset electrode service life (movable arm)
E12 reset electrode service life (fixed arm)
E13 reset lubrication
E14 enable welding current
E15 enable external position control
E16 - E31 program number
E32 - E47 spot number
E48 - E63 target position

Spot welding Comment
gun output
A00 ready
A01 error
A02 warning
A03 referenced
A04 remote control connected
A05 external position control active
A06 tape end warning
A16 - A31 actual position

Process data Interbus

length 4 Words

TxPDO1: 2 Words
RxPDO1: 4 Words

4 Words Input
4 Words Output

2x "1 Word Slave-Out / Master-In"
4x "1 Word Slave-In / Master-Out"

DeltaSpot 1.8 interface

Input Comment
Spot welding
E00 start homing
E01 start welding (no htr)
E02 reset errors
E03 main drive open
E04 main drive close
E05 tape drive forward (movable arm)
E06 tape drive backward (movable arm)
E07 tape drive forward (fixed arm)
E08 tape drive backward (fixed arm)
E09 tape length reset (movable arm)
E10 tape length reset (fixed arm)
E11 reset electrode service life (movable arm)
E12 reset electrode service life (fixed arm)
E13 reset lubrication
E14 enable welding current
E15 enable external position control
E32 - E47 target position
E48 - E63 program number
E64 - E95 spot number
E96 - E127 part serial number

Spot welding Comment
gun output
A00 ready
A01 error
A02 warning
A03 referenced
A04 remote control connected
A05 external position control active
A06 tape end warning
A16-31 actual position

Process data Interbus

length 8 words

TxPDO1: 2 words
RxPDO1: 4 words
RxPDO2: 4 words

Input: 8 words
2 words Output

2x "1 word Slave out/Master in"
4x "1 word Slave in/Master out"
2x "4 byte Slave in/Master out"

DeltaSpot 1.10 interface

Input Comment
Spot welding
E00 start homing
E01 start welding (no htr)
E02 reset errors
E03 main drive open
E04 main drive close
E05 tape drive forward (movable arm)
E06 tape drive backward (movable arm)
E07 tape drive forward (fixed arm)
E08 tape drive backward (fixed arm)
E09 tape length reset (movable arm)
E10 tape length reset (fixed arm)
E11 reset electrode service life (movable arm)
E12 reset electrode service life (fixed arm)
E13 reset lubrication
E14 enable welding current
E15 enable external position control
E16 activate docking mode
E17 - E19 expected gun code
E20 reset sheet thickness calibration
E21 record sheet thickness
E22 save sheet thickness calibration
E23 enable external position control (compensation drive)
E48 - E63 program number
E64 - E95 spot number
E96 - E127 part serial number
E128 - E143 target position
E144 - E159 compensation drive target position
E160 - E175 sheet thickness

Spot welding Comment
gun output
A00 ready
A01 error
A02 warning
A03 referenced
A04 remote control connected
A05 external position control active
A06 manual mode

Spot welding Comment
gun output

A07 tape end warning
A08 electrode service life warning
A09 lubrication warning
A10 actual values monitoring
A12 power source ready
A13 current flow started
A14 current flow finished
A16 docking mode activated
A17 invalid gun code
A18 - A20 device id
A21 sheet thickness calibration reset
A22 sheet thickness recorded
A23 sheet thickness calibration saved
A24 welding current enabled
A25 backup warning
A26 documentation warning
A27 tape spool unit cover plate movable arm closed
A28 tape unspool unit cover plate movable arm closed
A29 tape spool unit cover plate fixed arm closed
A30 tape unspool unit cover plate fixed arm closed
A32 - A47 actual position

Process data Interbus

length 12 Words

TxPDO1: 3 Words
RxPDO1: 4 Words
RxPDO2: 4 Words
RxPDO3: 3 Words

11 Words Input
3 Words Output

1x "3 Word Slave-Out / Master-In"
1x "11 Word Slave-In / Master-Out"

11 Words Input
3 Words Output

Ethernet IP
11 Words Input
3 Words Output

DeltaSpot 3.1 interface

Input Comment
Spot welding
E00 start homing
E01 start welding (no htr)
E02 reset errors
E03 main drive open
E04 main drive close
E05 tape drive forward (movable arm)
E06 tape drive backward (movable arm)
E07 tape drive forward (fixed arm)
E08 tape drive backward (fixed arm)
E09 tape length reset (movable arm)
E10 tape length reset (fixed arm)
E11 reset electrode service life (movable arm)
E12 reset electrode service life (fixed arm)
E13 reset lubrication
E14 enable welding current
E15 enable external position control
E16 activate docking mode
E17 - E19 expected gun code
E20 reset sheet thickness calibration
E21 record sheet thickness
E22 save sheet thickness calibration
E23 enable external position control (compensation drive)
E24 disable sheet thickness monitoring
E32 - E47 program number
E48 - E79 spot number
E80 - E111 part article number
E112 - E143 part serial number
E144 - E159 target position
E160 - E175 compensation drive target position
E176 - E191 sheet thickness

Spot welding Comment
gun output
A00 ready
A01 error
A02 warning
A03 referenced
A04 remote control connected

Spot welding Comment
gun output

A05 extPos_ctrl_active
A06 manual mode
A07 tape end warning
A08 electrode service life warning
A09 lubrication warning
A10 actual values monitoring
A12 power source ready
A13 current flow started
A14 current flow finished
A15 flow controller not ok
A16 docking mode activated
A17 invalid gun code
A18 - A20 device id
A21 sheet thickness calibration reset
A22 sheet thickness recorded
A23 sheet thickness calibration saved
A24 welding current enabled
A25 backup warning
A26 documentation warning
A27 tape spool unit cover plate movable arm closed
A28 tape unspool unit cover plate movable arm closed
A29 tape spool unit cover plate fixed arm closed
A30 tape unspool unit cover plate fixed arm closed
A32 - A47 actual position
A48 - A50 docu state
(State of the welding documentation)
0 = docu state monitoring not enabled;
1 = ok;
2 = buffering;
4 = buffer full /data loss possible
A51 sheet thickness calibration warning
A52 sheet thickness calibration required

Process data Interbus
length 12 Words

12 Words Input
12 Words Output

TxPDO1: 8 byte
TxPDO2: 8 byte
TxPDO3: 8 byte
RxPDO1: 8 byte
RxPDO2: 8 byte
RxPDO3: 8 byte

12 Words Input
12 Words Output

12 Words Input
12 Words Output

24x "1 Word Slave-Out / Master-In"
24x "1 Word Slave-In / Master-Out"

DeltaCon interface (7th axis) 1.0

Input Comment
Spot welding
E00 reset errors
E01 reset electrode service life
E02 start welding (htr)
E03 enable welding current
E04 activate docking mode
E05 - E07 expected gun code
E08 program selection data valid
E09 tips dressed
E10 operate force sensor (Disables the reset of the force sensor.)
E16 - E23 program number
E32 - E63 spot number
E64 - E95 part article number
E96 - E127 part serial number

Spot welding Comment
gun output
A00 busy
A01 error
A02 no error
A03 warning
A04 flow controller ok
A05 electrode service life warning
A06 backup warning
A08 selected program valid
A09 welding current enabled
A10 actual values monitoring active
A11 actual values monitoring
A12 current flow started
A13 current flow finished
A14 welding finished
A16 docking mode activated
A17 invalid gun code
A18 - A20 device id
A21 tip dressing prewarning
A22 tip dressing necessary

Spot welding Comment
gun output
A23 - A25 docu state
(State of the welding documentation)
0 = docu state monitoring not enabled;
1 = ok;
2 = buffering;
4 = buffer full /data loss possible
A32 - A47 target force
A48 - A63 target weld time
A64 - A79 target part thickness
A80 - A95 target part thickness tolerance

Process data DeviceNet

length 8 Words Input
8 Words Output

8 Words Input
8 Words Output

8 Words Input
8 Words Output

SpotWelding interface signal waveform

Moving to the When the system is switched on, the drives must move to the home position. To do this,
home position set the "start homing" signal and wait until the "referenced" signal goes high.

start homing




External position The included angle of the gun can be set for each robot.
check To enable the external position to be specified, set the "enable external position control"
signal to high and specify the target position for each "target position" signal. As feedback,
the "external position control active" signal is high and the "actual position" is output.

enable external
position control

external position
control active

target position

actual position

Welding start-up During the welding process, the "external position control active" signal is low. The build-
with external po- up of force is created by the gun controller and during this time the robot has no control
sition specifica- over the included angle of the gun. As soon as the welding process is over, the "external
tion position control active" signal is high and the robot again determines the target position.

start welding
(no htr)

enable external
position control
Delay at least 20 ms
prog number
spot number

external position
control active


Welding process Process tape feed

Resetting errors
reset errors



Deactivating ac- If, in addition to the "enable welding current" signal, the robot interface makes the "welding
tual value moni- current enabled" signal available, actual value monitoring is deactivated when welding
toring when without current ("enable welding current = false").
welding without
current If the "welding current enabled" signal is not available, actual value monitoring remains ac-
tive even when welding without current.


docking mode

docking mode

gun Z

gun Y


expected gun code

invalid gun code

The motor angles are requested and saved during docking. After restarting the drives, the
motor angles are requested again and compared to the saved values. If the values are
within a specific tolerance window, homing does not need to be carried out again.

In the event of a power failure (SpotWelding Control switches off), an attempt is still made
to request the motor angles. However, this may be unsuccessful due to time constraints.
The drives are then displayed as unreferenced when the power supply is reactivated.

DeltaSpot signal
waveform exam-

Welding proc


Welding process

Delay at least 20 ms





Gun controller commands:

(1) enable external position control: Robot requirement to move the gun arms.
(2) external position control active: Enables the gun arms to be moved.
(3) target position: Specifies the gun included angle.
(4) actual position: Output of actual gun included angle (0 = gun open, max. = gun
(5) The gun is closed during the welding process.

(6) The command to open the gun cannot be executed during the welding process.
(7) The gun only opens again when the welding process has finished

Welding process commands:
(8) start welding: Start of the welding process.
(9) enable welding current: Specifies whether welding is to be carried out with or with-
out current (test welding).
(10) program number and spot number: Specifies the welding program.
(11) ready: is set to low during the welding process. No commands can be received (ex-
ception: "E48-E63 target position" signal).
(12) After welding, a different welding program can be selected.

DeltaCon signal
waveform exam-

The area marked in red demonstrates how the welding control operates.

When "selected program valid" = true it is possible to proceed with "start welding (htr)" =

The welding program can also be selected via the spot number; the process stays the

Before the gun arms are connected, the "operate force sensor" signal must be set to "true".
After a welding operation is completed, the "operate force sensor" signal must be set back
to "false". This signal resets the force sensor.

Troubleshooting and maintenance

Work that is carried out incorrectly may result in serious injury or damage to prop-
► Only trained and qualified personnel may install, operate or perform troubleshooting
work on the device.

An electric shock can be fatal.
Before opening the device
► Turn the mains switch to the "O" position
► Unplug the machine from the mains
► Prevent it from being switched on again
► Using a suitable measuring instrument, check to make sure that electrically charged
components (e.g. capacitors) have discharged

An inadequate ground conductor connection can cause serious injury or damage.
The housing screws provide a suitable ground conductor connection for earthing the hous-
► The housing screws must not be replaced by any other screws without a reliable
ground conductor connection.

Exporting invert- Log files for Fronius inverters can be downloaded and saved as a zip file for problem anal-
er log files ysis.

1 From the Options menu, choose => "Download inverter log files"
2 Enter the path and file name and click on "Save"

Description of er- 0.00 = internal communication

ror signals Cause: Internal communication error
Remedy: Check interface connections

0.01 = main drive
Cause: Main drive is not ready
Remedy: Reset error, contact After-Sales Service if necessary

0.02 = spot number

Cause: The specified spot number is not included in any program
Remedy: Make sure that the spot number is specified correctly and that it is also en-
tered into a program.

0.03 = power source

Cause: The power source has an error (e.g. no "Ready" signal)
Remedy: Check power source

0.04 = homing error

Cause: The homing point could not be found
Remedy: Check the homing point sensor

0.05 = poslimit out of range

Cause: The operating range is outside the permitted range.
Remedy: Check whether the correct gun type has been selected in the system config-

0.06 tape drive (movable arm)

Cause: Tape drive on movable arm is not ready
Remedy: Reset error, contact After-Sales Service if necessary

0.07 = tape drive (fixed arm)

Cause: Tape drive on fixed arm is not ready
Remedy: Reset error, contact After-Sales Service if necessary

0.08 = tape empty (movable arm)

Cause: Process tape on movable arm is empty
Remedy: Load new process tape

0.09 = tape empty (fixed arm)

Cause: Process tape on fixed arm is empty
Remedy: Load new process tape

0.10 = program number

Cause: The program number entered is invalid, or the program is faulty
Remedy: Check the program number or debug the program

0.11 = not referenced

Cause: The drives are not yet referenced
Remedy: Reference drives

0.12 = compensation drive

Cause: Fault on compensation drive
Remedy: Reset error, contact After-Sales Service if necessary

0.13 = main drive position limit reached

Cause: The main drive has exceeded the position limit
Remedy: Adjust the sheet thickness correction

0.14 = compensation drive position target not reached
Cause: The compensation drive could not reach the target position

Remedy: Reset error, contact After-Sales Service if necessary

0.15 = emergency stop

Cause: Emergency Stop has been actuated
Remedy: Reset Emergency Stop after rectifying the fault

0.16 = main drive position target not reached

Cause: The spot welding gun cannot approach the specified electrode distance
Remedy: Contact After-Sales Service

0.17 = invalid dms value

Cause: Force sensor error
Remedy: Contact After-Sales Service

0.18 = poslimit not calibrated

Cause: The position limit (opening angle) of the spot welding gun is not yet calibrated
or a fault has occurred during calibration.
Remedy: Calibrate the position limit

0.19 = max force limit reached

Cause: The maximum electrode force has been exceeded
Remedy: Reduce electrode force

0.20 = Flow controller 4 (external)

Cause: No or inadequate coolant flow
Remedy: Check coolant flow

0.21 = Flow controller 1 (transformer)

Cause: No or inadequate coolant flow
Remedy: Check coolant flow

0.22 = current exceeds max current limit

Cause: Current profile is greater than maximum available welding current
Remedy: Adjust current profile

0.23 = force exceeds max force limit

Cause: Force profile is greater than maximum available electrode force
Remedy: Adjust force profile

0.24 = invalid operation

Cause: The spot welding gun cannot execute the command because another opera-
tion is still active
Remedy: Wait until operation has finished. Reset command if necessary

0.25 = lost start welding signal

Cause: The start welding signal was lost during the welding process, only with "start
welding (htr)", e.g. via DeltaRemote remote control
Remedy: Keep signal "HIGH" until the welding process has been fully completed

0.26 = invalid tape length (movable arm)

Cause: The length of the process tape is less than 0. Length of process tape was not
reset on reloading or incorrect tape length defined in the gun configuration.
Remedy: Reset length of process tape

0.27 = invalid tape length (fixed arm)
Cause: The length of the process tape is less than 0. Length of process tape was not
reset on reloading or incorrect tape length defined in the gun configuration.
Remedy: Reset length of process tape

0.28 =main drive velocity target not reached

Cause: Specified speed not reached as gun opens or closes
Remedy: Contact After-Sales Service

0.29 = main drive force target not reached

Cause: Specified gun force not reached
Remedy: Check operating angle (10 to 15 degrees max.)

0.30 = force sensor not calibrated

Cause: The force sensor has not yet been calibrated
Remedy: Calibrate the force sensor

0.31 = duplicate spot number

Cause: The selected spot number has been assigned to several programs
Remedy: Only assign one program to each spot

1.00 = main drive overloaded

Cause: Main drive over-temperature
Remedy: allow to cool down, shorten welding time, set lower force profile, check work-
ing range (less than 15 degrees)

1.01 = sticking tape

Cause: The process tape is sticking to the workpiece
Remedy: Reduce welding current or weld time, check cooling system, check/adjust
electrode force

1.02 = internal system error

Cause: Internal system error
Remedy: Restart the system
Remedy: If the problem persists, contact the Fronius Technical Support team

1.04 = wrong terminal configuration

Cause: Wrong terminal configuration
Remedy: Contact After-Sales Service

1.05 = wrong main drive servo firmware

Cause: Incompatible firmware version
Remedy: Perform firmware update

1.06 = wrong compensation drive servo firmware

Cause: Incompatible firmware version
Remedy: Perform firmware update

1.07 = wrong tape drive servo firmware (movable arm)

Cause: Incompatible firmware version
Remedy: Perform firmware update

1.08 = wrong tape drive servo firmware (fixed arm)

Cause: Incompatible firmware version
Remedy: Perform firmware update

1.09 = wrong can card firmware
Cause: Incompatible firmware version for CAN card found

Remedy: Perform firmware update on CAN card

1.10 = can card firmware read error

Cause: CAN card read error
Remedy: Contact After-Sales Service

1.11 = position calibration

Cause: The position has not been calibrated yet (electrode spacing)
Remedy: Calibrate the main drive position

1.12 = position out of range

Cause: A target position outside the calibrated range has been found
Remedy: Re-calibrate the position, select a position within the calibrated range

1.13 = sheet thickness out of range

Cause: Sheet thickness outside the defined limit
Remedy: Check sheet thickness, adjust the set limit values in the program

1.14 = sheet thickness monitoring calibration error

Cause: Calibration of sheet thickness monitoring failed
Remedy: Reset calibration data for sheet thickness monitoring

1.15 = main drive firmware type error

Cause: Incompatible firmware version
Remedy: Perform firmware update

1.16 = compensation drive firmware type error

Cause: Incompatible firmware version
Remedy: Perform firmware update

1.17 = tape drive top firmware type error (movable arm)

Cause: Incompatible firmware version
Remedy: Perform firmware update

1.18 = tape drive firmware type error (fixed arm)

Cause: Incompatible firmware version
Remedy: Perform firmware update

1.19 = interface data index out of range

Cause: The interface configuration is invalid
Remedy: Contact After-Sales Service

1.21 = timeout open gun

Cause: "open gun" signal not on time
Remedy: Set the "open gun" signal immediately after setting the "sequencing contact"

1.22 = compensation drive velocity target not reached

Cause: The compensation drive cannot reach the selected speed
Remedy: Contact After-Sales Service

1.23 = compensation drive target position out of range
Cause: A target position outside the calibrated range has been specified
Remedy: Re-calibrate the position, select a position within the calibrated range

1.24 = compensation drive position calibration

Cause: The position has not been calibrated yet
Remedy: Calibrate compensation drive position

1.25 = unknown gun error

Cause: The spot welding gun was not recognised
Remedy: Assign a gun code to the spot welding gun

1.26 = reading gun serial number error

Cause: Gun serial number could not be read
Remedy: Check whether the main drive controller is available ( CAN status), perform
Servo firmware update, replace drive controller if necessary, or contact After-
Sales Service

1.27 = firmware loading error

Cause: Firmware loading error
Remedy: Start second test, if problem persists replace motor controller or contact After-
Sales Service. The CAN cable must not be more than 20 metres long, other-
wise a CAN bridge must be used.
Remedy: Each component can be updated individually if there are problems. Remove
all but one participant in the motor controller box (motor controller and Delio-
can) and then start the update on this participant. Only the components con-
nected in the motor controller box are updated. There is no danger that
several bootloaders are active at the same time.

1.28 = firmware loading active

Cause: Another firmware version is being loaded
Remedy: Wait until the firmware update is complete

1.29 = Flow controller 2 (movable arm)

Cause: No or inadequate coolant flow in movable arm
Remedy: Check coolant flow

1.30 = Flow controller 3 (fixed arm)

Cause: No or inadequate coolant flow in fixed arm
Remedy: Check coolant flow

2.0 = internal system error (net id)

Cause: Internal system error (Net ID)
Remedy: Check whether the "blizzard.tsm" (DeltaSpot) or "config.tsm" (DeltaSpot G2)
and CAN card were activated correctly
Remedy: Save configuration, uninstall and reinstall SpotWelding Control software

2.1 = wrong servo firmware

Cause: A motor controller contains the wrong firmware
Remedy: Perform firmware update (can be done via the Options menu  "Firmware up-

2.2 = wrong servo hardware (main drive)

Cause: Wrong servo hardware (main drive)
Remedy: Plug in correct drive controller (main drive)

2.3 = wrong servo hardware (compensation drive)
Cause: Wrong servo hardware (compensator)

Remedy: Plug in correct drive controller (compensator)

2.4 = wrong servo hardware (tape drive movable arm)

Cause: Wrong servo hardware (tape drive for movable arm)
Remedy: Plug in correct drive controller (tape drive for movable arm)

2.5 = wrong servo hardware (tape drive fixed arm)

Cause: Wrong servo hardware (tape drive for fixed arm)
Remedy: Plug in correct drive controller (tape drive for fixed arm)

2.6 = spot number not found

Cause: Spot number not found
Remedy: Check specified spot number (on robot interface), check whether spot num-
ber appears in program list

2.7 = duplicate spot number

Cause: The selected spot number has been assigned to several programs
Remedy: Spot number may only appear in one program

2.8 = spot number is zero

Cause: Spot number is zero
Remedy: Select a spot number that is not zero

2.9 = working point too high

Cause: Operating point too high (> 15 degrees) and target force could not be reached
Remedy: Set sheet thickness compensation correctly

2.10 = electrode service life (movable arm)

Cause: The electrode has reached the end of its service life
Remedy: Replace electrode and reset counter

2.11 = electrode service life (fixed arm)

Cause: The electrode has reached the end of its service life
Remedy: Replace electrode and reset counter

2.12 = sheet thickness monitoring not calibrated

Cause: The sheet thickness monitoring is not calibrated
Remedy: Calibrate the sheet thickness monitoring

2.13 = actual values monitoring

Cause: The force or current values have either fallen below or exceeded the set val-
Remedy: Check force and current values, reset values

2.14 = teach position acknowledged timeout

Cause: The waiting time for the "Teach position acknowledged" signal has expired
Remedy: Immediately after the "Teach position reached" signal, set the "Teach position
acknowledged" signal to high

2.15 = duplicate stepper

Cause: More than one stepper function is assigned to the selected program
Remedy: Assign only one stepper function to each program

2.16 = sliding brake compensation drive
Cause: The brake of the compensation drive is slipping
Remedy: Replace the compensation drive

2.17 = poor can connection

Cause: Too many transmission errors on the internal bus
Remedy: Check CAN bus: Cable length must be less than 20 m, check CAN cable/
shield for damage, check terminating resistors

2.18 = compensation drive overloaded

Cause: The compensation drive has reached its temperature limit
Remedy: Reduce duration of the welding cycle, check traversing path value with use of
"position" mode

2.19 = actual current monitoring

Cause: The current values have exceeded or fallen below the set limits for the defined
Remedy: Check current values, reset limits, check/adjust power source correction fac-
tor and actual welding current conversion factor in the gun configuration

2.20 = actual force monitoring

Cause: The force values have exceeded or fallen below the set limits for the defined
Remedy: Check force values, reset limits, check/adjust P-factor and perform a force
controller calibration, check working range

2.21 = deliocan firmware version error

Cause: Wrong firmware on the deliocan card
Remedy: Perform firmware update

2.22 = deliocan hardware version error

Cause: The deliocan hardware is incompatible
Remedy: Contact Fronius Technical Support

2.23 = safety circuit

Cause: The safety circuit is interrupted
Remedy: Check the safety circuit

2.24 = config mem read error / device id read error (from version 3.3.92 upwards)
Cause: An error occurred while reading the config mem (device ID).
Remedy: Switch off SpotWelding Control for a few seconds and then turn it on again. If
the problem persists, contact Fronius Technical Support.

2.25 = no config mem found / no device id found (from version 3.3.92 upwards)
Cause: No config mem found (device ID).
Remedy: Ensure that a config mem (device ID) is installed. Switch off SpotWelding
Control for a few seconds and then turn it on again. If the problem persists,
contact Fronius Technical Support.

2.26 = empty config mem found / empty device id found (from version 3.3.92 up-
Cause: An empty config mem was found (device ID).
Remedy: Contact Fronius Technical Support.

2.27 = config mem format version error / device id format version error (from version
3.3.92 upwards)

Cause: A config mem (device ID) with unknown format was found.
Remedy: Performing a software update may solve the problem.

2.28 = unknown gun type error

Cause: An unknown gun type was found.
Remedy: Performing a software update may solve the problem.

2.29 = sticking tape (movable arm)

Cause: The process tape sticks to the workpiece.
Remedy: Reduce welding current or weld time, check cooling system

2.30 = sticking tape (fixed arm)

Cause: The process tape sticks to the workpiece.
Remedy: Reduce welding current or weld time, check cooling system

2.31 = bootloader active

Cause: A bootloader node was found
Remedy: Start firmware update

3.0 = unspecified gun type

Cause: Unspecified gun type
Remedy: Configure the gun type in the system configuration in the Gun tab

3.1 = main drive output power exceeded

Cause: The main drive has exceeded the maximum output power
Remedy: Reduce the weld time

3.2 = compensation drive output power exceeded

Cause: The compensation drive has exceeded the maximum output power
Remedy: Reduce the weld time

3.3 = reference sensor

Cause: Reference sensor error
Remedy: Check the wiring of the reference sensor

3.4 = main drive sliding motor shaft

Cause: The main drive motor shaft is sliding
Remedy: Tighten screws on the main drive motor shaft

3.5 = damaged config mem / damaged device id (from version 3.3.92 upwards)
Cause: Config mem (device ID) faulty
Remedy: Contact Fronius Technical Support

3.6 = main drive temperature sensor fault

Cause: Temperature sensor of the main drive is faulty
Remedy: Check the temperature sensor on the main drive

3.7 = compensation drive temperature sensor fault

Cause: Temperature sensor of the welding gun adjustment is faulty
Remedy: Check the temperature sensor on the welding gun adjustment

3.8 = lubrication
Cause: Lubrication no longer sufficient
Remedy: Lubricate gun and reset counter (from software version 3.1.121 upwards)

3.9 = sheet thickness not detected

Cause: The sheet thickness was not detected
Remedy: Ensure that the force profile is greater than 2 kN

3.10 = power source not calibrated

Cause: The power source has not been calibrated
Remedy: Calibrate power source

3.11 = deliocan measurement system

Cause: The DellOCAN measurement system has reported an error
Remedy: Contact Fronius Technical Support

3.12 = power source firmware (HWH inverter)

Cause: The power source has incompatible firmware
Remedy: Contact Fronius Technical Support

3.13 = power source hardware (HWH inverter)

Cause: The power source has incompatible hardware
Remedy: Contact Fronius Technical Support

3.14 = tape spool unit cover plate movable arm open

Cause: The cover on the spool unit is open (movable arm)
Remedy: Close the cover on the spool unit (movable arm)

3.15 = tape unspool unit cover plate movable arm open

Cause: The cover on the tape unspool unit is open (movable arm)
Remedy: Close the cover on the tape unspool unit (movable arm)

3.16 = tape spool unit cover plate fixed arm open

Cause: The cover on the spool unit is open (fixed arm)
Remedy: Close the cover on the spool unit (fixed arm)

3.17 = tape unspool unit cover plate fixed arm open

Cause: The cover on the tape unspool unit is open (fixed arm)
Remedy: Close the cover on the tape unspool unit (fixed arm)

3.18 = device id write error

Cause: Device ID write error
Remedy: Switch off DeltaControl, wait for a short time and then switch it back on again

3.19 = invalid gun type data

Cause: The gun type data on the device ID is invalid
Remedy: Contact Fronius Technical Support

3.20 = no gun type data available

Cause: There is no gun type data available on the device ID
Remedy: Contact Fronius Technical Support

3.21 = unknown deliocan bootloader

Cause: An unknown bootloader version was found on the DelIOCAN PC board
Remedy: Contact Fronius Technical Support

3.22 = invalid servo configuration
Cause: No valid servo configuration has been found for at least one of the drive com-

ponents of the currently connected gun.
Remedy: Contact Fronius Technical Support.

3.23 = hardware type error

Cause: At least one component with an incompatible hardware type has been found.
Remedy: Open the Diagnostic worksheet and check the version information. Make sure
that the hardware configuration is correct.

3.24 = hardware version error

No AC grid

Cause: At least one component with an incompatible hardware version has been
Remedy: Open the Diagnostic worksheet and check the version information. Make sure
that the hardware configuration is correct.

3.25 = firmware version error

Cause: At least one component contains the wrong firmware.
Remedy: Open the Diagnostic worksheet and check the version information. Perform
the firmware update

3.26 = fuse
Cause: A fuse has tripped
Remedy: Check the cabling
Reset the error to switch the fuse back on.

3.27 = main switch turned off

Cause: The main switch is switched off
Remedy: Reset the error and switch on the main switch.

3.28 = short circuit

Cause: A short circuit has been detected.
Remedy: Check the cabling
Reset the error on the main switch in the switch cabinet

3.29 = fault current

Cause: A fault current has been detected
Remedy: Check cabling and reset the error on the residual-current circuit breaker in the
switch cabinet.

3.30 = tip dressing (movable arm)

Cause: The electrode on the movable arm needs to be prepared (tip dressing).
Remedy: Prepare the electrode on the movable arm (tip dressing)

3.31 = tip dressing (fixed arm)

Cause: The electrode on the fixed arm needs to be prepared (tip dressing).
Remedy: Prepare the electrode on the fixed arm (tip dressing)

8.0 = spot id error

Cause: The selected spot number has a configuration error
Remedy: Check the parameters of the selected spot number: doubled spot number,
spot number = 0 or invalid

8.1 = target position invalid
Cause: The target position specified by the robot is outside the maximum gun open-
Remedy: Check program flow

8.2 = main drive system

Cause: Error in the main drive system
Remedy: Check the main drive system

8.3 = compensation drive system

Cause: Error in the compensation system
Remedy: Check the compensation system

8.4 = tape drive system (movable arm)

Cause: Error in the tape system of the movable arm
Remedy: Check the tape system of the movable arm

8.5 = tape drive system (fixed arm)

Cause: Error in the tape system of the fixed arm
Remedy: Check the tape system of the fixed arm

8.6 = transformer overload

Cause: The temperature of the transformer is too high or the temperature sensor is
Remedy: Reduce welding time, check temperature sensor

8.7 = power source phase monitor

Cause: Phase monitoring - one or more phases missing
Remedy: Check power supply and mains connection

8.8 = power source over current

Cause: Primary side overcurrent - an overcurrent error has been detected
Remedy: Check power supply

8.9 = power source current sensor

Cause: Current sensor - no current flowing
Remedy: Check power supply

8.10 = power source overload

Cause: Inverter over-temperature - the power source has overheated
Remedy: Reduce welding time

8.11 = electrode service life error

Cause: Electrode has reached the end of its service life
Remedy: An electrode must be replaced

Description of 0.00 = tape length (movable arm)

warning signals Cause: Length of process tape short on movable arm
Remedy: Reload process tape immediately

0.01 = tape length (fixed arm)

Cause: Length of process tape short on fixed arm
Remedy: Reload process tape immediately

0.02 = lubrication
Cause: Lubrication will soon no longer be sufficient

Remedy: Lubricate gun and reset counter

0.03 = electrode service life (movable arm)

Cause: The electrode on the movable arm is reaching the end of its service life
Remedy: Replace electrode immediately and reset counter

0.04 = electrode service life (fixed arm)

Cause: The electrode is reaching the end of its service life
Remedy: Replace electrode immediately

0.05 = Flow controller 4 (external)

Cause: No or inadequate coolant flow. Test welding without current is possible
Remedy: Ensure coolant flow

0.06 = Flow controller 1 (transformer)

Cause: No or inadequate coolant flow. Test welding without current is possible
Remedy: Ensure coolant flow

0.07 = working range

Cause: The operating range is outside the optimum range
Remedy: Set sheet thickness compensation

0.08 = power source

Cause: The power source is not ready. Test welding without current is possible
Remedy: Ensure that the power source is ready for operation

0.09 = diode protection

Cause: Current profile is too high or too long. Transformer diodes can be destroyed
by the welding process.
Remedy: Make the current profile shorter or smaller, use a bigger transformer

0.11 = tape brake too loose (movable arm)

Cause: Tape brake has been set too low
Remedy: Adjust the tape brake

0.12 = tape brake too loose (fixed arm)

Cause: Tape brake has been set too low
Remedy: Adjust the tape brake

0.13 = actual values monitoring

Cause: The force or current values have either fallen below or exceeded the set val-
Remedy: Check force and current values, reset values

0.14 = Flow controller 2 (movable arm)

Cause: No or inadequate coolant flow in movable gun arm. Test welding without cur-
rent is possible
Remedy: Ensure coolant flow

0.15 = Flow controller 3 (fixed arm)

Cause: No or inadequate coolant flow in fixed gun arm. Test welding without current
is possible
Remedy: Ensure coolant flow

0.16 = sheet thickness monitoring recalibration
Cause: The sheet thickness monitoring is not correctly calibrated or recalibration is
required (e.g. after homing)
Remedy: Recalibrate the sheet thickness monitoring

0.17 = main drive overloaded

Cause: The main drive has reached its temperature limit
Remedy: Reduce welding duration or electrode force

0.18 = actual current monitoring

Cause: The current values have exceeded or fallen below the set limits for the defined
Remedy: Check current values, reset limits, check/adjust power source correction fac-
tor and actual welding current conversion factor in the gun configuration

0.19 = actual force monitoring

Cause: The force values have exceeded or fallen below the set limits for the defined
Remedy: Check force values, reset limits, check/adjust P-factor and/or perform a force
controller calibration, check working range

0.20 = backup
Cause: Error in automatic backup
Remedy: Check the save path of the automatic backup to see whether there is enough
storage space available

0.21 = main drive output power exceeded

Cause: The main drive has exceeded the maximum output power
Remedy: Reduce duration or strength of the force profile in the welding program

0.22 = compensation drive output power exceeded

Cause: The compensation drive has exceeded the maximum output power
Remedy: Reduce the weld time

0.23 = documentation
Cause: Error while creating the documentation data
Remedy: Check the availability and amount of free storage space in the documentation

0.24 = invalid operation

Cause: The spot welding gun cannot execute the command because another opera-
tion is still active
Remedy: Check signal waveforms and running times

0.25 = power source not calibrated

Cause: The power source has not been calibrated
Remedy: Calibrate power source

0.26 = tape spool unit cover plate movable arm open

Cause: The cover on the spool unit is open (movable arm)
Remedy: Close the cover on the spool unit (movable arm)

0.27 = tape unspool unit cover plate movable arm open

Cause: The cover on the tape unspool unit is open (movable arm)
Remedy: Close the cover on the tape unspool unit (movable arm)

0.28 = tape spool unit cover plate fixed arm open
Cause: The cover on the spool unit is open (fixed arm)

Remedy: Close the cover on the spool unit (fixed arm)

0.29 = tape unspool unit cover plate fixed arm open

Cause: The cover on the tape unspool unit is open (fixed arm)
Remedy: Close the cover on the tape unspool unit (fixed arm)

0.30 = Tip dressing prewarning (fixed arm)

Cause: The maximum number of welding spots before dressing of the electrode tip
on the fixed gun arm is required will soon be reached
Remedy: Dress the electrode tip

0.31 = Tip dressing prewarning (movable arm)

Cause: The maximum number of welding spots before dressing of the electrode tip
on the movable gun arm is required will soon be reached
Remedy: Dress the electrode tip

1.0 = motor current overload

Cause: Gun is sluggish, a drive has reached the current limit or the maximum ON du-
ration on exceeding the nominal current
Remedy: Check that mechanical parts move easily, make sure working range < 15 de-

1.1 = flow controller not ok

Cause: Coolant not OK, coolant flow inadequate
Remedy: Check coolant, check coolant quantity, check coolant circuit

1.2 = advance electrode wear warning

Cause: Advance warning of electrode wear
Remedy: Replace the relevant electrode immediately

2.0 = docu state buffering

Cause: The documentation system (e.g.: WeldCube, CSV documentation directory,
etc.) is too slow. The files will keep buffering until the documentation system
becomes available again.
Remedy: Check the documentation system.

2.1 = docu state buffer full

Cause: The documentation system (e.g.: WeldCube, CSV documentation directory,
etc.) is too slow or not available. Data will no longer be saved to the internal
data memory because the data buffer is full.
Remedy: Check the documentation system.

2.3 = tip dressing (movable arm)

Cause: The maximum number of welding spots before the electrode tip on the mov-
able gun arm needs dressing has been reached.
Remedy: Dress the electrode tip

2.4 = tip dressing (fixed arm)

Cause: The maximum number of welding spots before dressing of the electrode tip
on the fixed gun arm is required has been reached.
Remedy: Dress the electrode tip

2.5 = power source warning
Cause: Warning originating from the Fronius inverter
Remedy: Contact Fronius Technical Support.

2.6 = Warning "fault current"

Cause: Increased fault current is measured
Remedy: Contact Fronius Technical Support., so that the system can be checked.
A "fault current" error may occur in the following cases (max. fault current limit
was exceeded.)


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E-Mail: sales@fronius.com

Under www.fronius.com/contact you will find the addresses

of all Fronius Sales & Service Partners and locations

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