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Certificate No
No. Sertifikat CERT.2104016323.Rev1
Sample code
No. Kode Contoh SC.210402809

Customer PT. Yili Indonesia Dairy

Pelanggan Perwata Tower Lt. 6 Suite B, Jl. Pluit Selatan Raya Kav. I, Kawasan CBD Pluit, Kel.
Penjaringan, Kec. Penjaringan
Jakarta Utara Dki Jakarta
Subject Cocoa Powder
Sample LOT Number : 5214D01
Tanggal Produksi : 06/04/2021
Tanggal Sampling : 16/04/2021
Sample Description
Sealed Plastic
Keterangan contoh
Received Date
April 16, 2021
Tanggal Terima
Finished Date
April 30, 2021
Tanggal Selesai Approved by
Remarks LOD Pb = 0.02 mg/kg; Cd = 0.01 mg/kg; As = 0.02 Disetujui oleh
Catatan mg/kg; Hg = 0.01 mg/kg; Sn = 0.05 mg/kg
Digitally signed by:
Ditandatangani secara
digital oleh:

Kartika. S
Technical Manager
Date : April 30, 2021

Page 1 from 3

This test results related to the samples submitted only

To whom it may concern; this Electronic Certificate of Analysis (ECOA) is easy to validated, you can scanning
the QR-Code using TÜV NORD Indonesia application or general QR Code scanner apps using you're mobile phone
scanner apps and it will be directed to the official related E-COA URL's


PT TÜV NORD Indonesia

Head Office
Laboratory Surabaya Branch Office Medan Representative Office
Arkadia Green Park, Tower F 7th Floor,
Jl Science Timur 1 Block B3-F1, 11th
Intiland Tower Floor, Suite 1 E, Forum Nine - CIMB Building, 9th Floor
Suite 706 Jl TB Simatupang Kav 88,
Kawasan Industri Jababeka V Cibatu Jalan Panglima Sudirman 101 - 103, Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 9 Medan 20112
Jakarta Selatan
Cikarang - Bekasi 17530 Surabaya 60271 Indonesia
Tel +62 21 78837338
Tel +62 21 29574720 Tel +62 31 5344454 Tel +62 61 80101314
Fax +62 21 78837336
Fax +62 21 29574721 Fax +62 31 5344482 Fax +62 61 80101301

Certificate No
No. Sertifikat CERT.2104016323.Rev1
Sample code
No. Kode Contoh SC.210402809


Odor - Normal SNI 01-2891-1992 Butir 1.2
Color -- Normal Visual
pH. -- 5.88 SNI 01-2891-1992 Butir 16
Ash %db 8.00 SNI 01-2891-1992 Butir 6.1
Moisture % 1.37 SNI 01-2891-1992 Butir 5.1
Fat %db 11.20 MU-01/02 (Hidrolisis Ekstraksi)
Fineness %. 99.67 SNI 3747 : 2013 Lampiran A.3
Lead (Pb) mg/kg Not Detected SNI 01-2896-1998 Butir 5
Cadmium (Cd) mg/kg Not Detected AOAC 999.11 17th ed. 2000
Mercury (Hg) mg/kg Not Detected SNI 01-2896-1998 Butir 6
Arsenic (As) mg/kg Not Detected SNI 01-4866-1998 Butir 6
Tin (Sn) mg/kg Not Detected SNI 01-2896-1998 Butir 5

Approved by
Disetujui oleh

Digitally signed by:

Ditandatangani secara
digital oleh:

Kartika. S
Technical Manager
Date : April 30, 2021

Page 2 from 3

This test results related to the samples submitted only

To whom it may concern; this Electronic Certificate of Analysis (ECOA) is easy to validated, you can scanning
the QR-Code using TÜV NORD Indonesia application or general QR Code scanner apps using you're mobile phone
scanner apps and it will be directed to the official related E-COA URL's


PT TÜV NORD Indonesia

Head Office
Laboratory Surabaya Branch Office Medan Representative Office
Arkadia Green Park, Tower F 7th Floor,
Jl Science Timur 1 Block B3-F1, 11th
Intiland Tower Floor, Suite 1 E, Forum Nine - CIMB Building, 9th Floor
Suite 706 Jl TB Simatupang Kav 88,
Kawasan Industri Jababeka V Cibatu Jalan Panglima Sudirman 101 - 103, Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 9 Medan 20112
Jakarta Selatan
Cikarang - Bekasi 17530 Surabaya 60271 Indonesia
Tel +62 21 78837338
Tel +62 21 29574720 Tel +62 31 5344454 Tel +62 61 80101314
Fax +62 21 78837336
Fax +62 21 29574721 Fax +62 31 5344482 Fax +62 61 80101301

Certificate No
No. Sertifikat CERT.2104016323.Rev1
Sample code
No. Kode Contoh SC.210402809


Total Plate Count cfu/g 3.0 x 101 SNI 01-2897-1992 Butir 1.1
Mold & Yeast cfu/g < 10 ISO 21527 - 2 : 2012
Salmonella sp. per 25 g Negative ISO 6579 : 2002 + cor. 1 : 2004
Enterobacteriaceae cfu/g < 10 MU-04/16 (Pour Plate)

Approved by
Disetujui oleh

Digitally signed by:

Ditandatangani secara
digital oleh:

Kartika. S
Technical Manager
Date : April 30, 2021

Page 3 from 3

This test results related to the samples submitted only

To whom it may concern; this Electronic Certificate of Analysis (ECOA) is easy to validated, you can scanning
the QR-Code using TÜV NORD Indonesia application or general QR Code scanner apps using you're mobile phone
scanner apps and it will be directed to the official related E-COA URL's


PT TÜV NORD Indonesia

Head Office
Laboratory Surabaya Branch Office Medan Representative Office
Arkadia Green Park, Tower F 7th Floor,
Jl Science Timur 1 Block B3-F1, 11th
Intiland Tower Floor, Suite 1 E, Forum Nine - CIMB Building, 9th Floor
Suite 706 Jl TB Simatupang Kav 88,
Kawasan Industri Jababeka V Cibatu Jalan Panglima Sudirman 101 - 103, Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 9 Medan 20112
Jakarta Selatan
Cikarang - Bekasi 17530 Surabaya 60271 Indonesia
Tel +62 21 78837338
Tel +62 21 29574720 Tel +62 31 5344454 Tel +62 61 80101314
Fax +62 21 78837336
Fax +62 21 29574721 Fax +62 31 5344482 Fax +62 61 80101301

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