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Process / activities 

 A) Team roles and responsibility
Have product specific proper training opportuinitis are given to team Yes
member ? Are they aware of changing customer requirement? 
Do all the sales executive have the list of customers they are handling Yes
with primary contact person contact details?

B) Customer Enquiry and CR approval record

Are customer samples are desinged and later approved by customer before
taking in to production? If any deviation who approves the deviation from Customer & Quality
approved customer samples?

Is record of all the approved quotation sent to customers are kept in the Yes
record? Is quotation are avaialbe for inspection any time?
Do they maintain a approved CR file, Who makes and who approves the
CR? Yes
C) Sales Plan / projection 
When is the monthly sales projection plan is released month on month
basis? Has this been released on time ?
Are they getting schedule against full projection? if the record is Yes
maintained for projection input received from customer?

Approximately what is the difference between projection and actual ? is

this being taken up with the customer if shortage is significant i.e. more
than 10% from planned

Has record of approved weekly / monthly plan is kept in record and

avaialbe for reiview?

Customer Complaint Record  (ISO 9001 requirement) is maintained? What

is % of delayed closure of customer complaint and how ist impacted the

Customer satisfaction (OTIF) - on time delivery in full quantity (ISO 9001

requirement) record 
How many active qualified leads are in the existing pipeline? Do they
miantian the records of leads and latest update? 
D) Collection and payment terms
Has the customer collection plan is monitored on regular basis?  Yes
Does all the customer make payment by RTGS?
Does post sales activities are monitered by ASM's? Yes
What action are taken by respective ASM's when a customer account is
blocked due to overdue account? 
What is sale to collection ratio YTD September? And what the acheivement
vs budget 2019-20
Are all new customer in development financial data review request sent to
Finance before entering in to commercial agreement ?
E) Objective & Targets
Conversion Ratio of New Customers
Net Sales (In Lacs)
Collection Target (In Lacs)
Collection Achieved (In Lacs)
Finished Goods Liquidation

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