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Name: Karlo M.

Aranda Date:
Course/Year/Section: BS-Information Technology III

Rizal’s Trip Back Home for the Second Time and his Dapitan life
Mr. Eugene V. De Guzman
Instructor I

IDENTIFICATION: Identify the following statements correctly by writing the answer on the space provided before the number.

Dr. Lorenzo P. Marquez 1. The friend of Rizal who helped him to continue and practice his career as an eye surgeon
Borneo Colonization Project 2. The proposed project of Rizal that will transform the life of the people in Calamba who were abused and
evicted from hacienda.
Father Francisco Sanchez 3. The favorite teacher of Rizal at Ateneo de Manila who tried to bring him to the Catholic fold.
Mr. George Taufer 4. The poster father of Josephine Bracken, who was Rizal’s eye patient while in Dapitan however, his eye ailment
was incurable.
Pertilo agrimensor 5. The title that Rizal obtained from Ateneo De Manila.
Bench 6. The favorite place of Rizal with his students in Dapitan where sometimes they held their lessons.
Draco Rizali 7. A discovered specimen of a flying dragon sent to Dresden museum named after Dr. Jose Rizal
Florentino Namanan 8. The real name of the stranger who visited Rizal in Dapitan believed to be “plot spy” of the friars
A Don Ricardo Carnicero 9. The poem written by Rizal for Captain Carnicero for the latter’s Birthday.
Ramon Carreon 10. The business partner of Rizal in their ventures in fishing, copra, hemp, industries and lime manufacturing.

TRUE OF FALSE: Write T if the stamen is correct and F if otherwise.

T 1. Rizal practiced his medical career in Hong Kong where he was recognized as an Excellent Eye Surgeon
T 2. The British authorities provided 100,000 acres of land for the Filipinos in Calamba.
T 3. Andres Bonifacio was one of the founders of La Liga Filipina.
F 4. All Spaniards who have “care and love” for country can be a member of La Liga Filipina.
F 5. In 1887, Rizal invented a cigarette lighter, “sulpukan” as his third invention.
T 6. Rizal’s intention of organizing cooperative association in Dapitan is to break the Chinese Monopoly.
F 7. Rizal as one of the greatest polyglots, had known 29 languages.
T 8. Captain Carnicero admired Rizal’s fine qualities and personalities.
F 9. Rizal had a long and scholastic arguments with Fr. Pastells about the novel “Noli Me Tangere”.
T 10. Rizal taught the boys in Dapitan: Reading, Writing language, Geography, History, Mathematics, Industrial Work, Nature and
Study, Moral and Gymnastics.

ESSAY: 5 points. In just 5 sentences make an essay about the matter below. (In answering use the back sheet if necessary)
Given a chance to acquire one of Rizal’s capabilities, how would you apply it as a student?
One of Rizal’s notable capabilities is polyglotism. He was able to learn 22 languages, and that for me is superb. Learning
different languages is tantamount to learning and understanding different cultures, which lead to a deeper international
understanding. I am an IT student, and my concern is more on ICT matters, but I also love learning languages. If given the
chance to acquire it, I would apply polyglotism in speaking engagements in international scale to convey my thoughts and
knowledge on my expertise.

The Final Journey of Rizal
(Mr. Eugene V. De Guzman)

TRUE OF FALSE: Write T if the stamen is correct and F if otherwise.
T 1. Rizal was boarded on streamer Isla de Panay for Spain which was his last travel abroad.
F 2. There were twenty-four exhibits of documents during Rizal’s preliminary investigation.
T 3. Rizal was not given the privilege to choose his own defense.
F 4. The three crimes accused to Rizal were rebellion, libel and illegal association.
T 5. Rizal had twelve points to prove his innocence which he had written in his cell in Fort Santiago.
F 6. Rizal was sentenced to be shot to death at exactly 7:05 in the morning of December 30, 1896 at Bagumbayan.
T 7. Rizal looked elegant in his black suit, black necktie, black hat, black shoes and white nest when he started marching to Bagum
F 8. Jose Rizal was shot facing the firing squad.
T 9. Rizal died at exactily 7:03 in the morning of December 30, 1896.
F 10. The penalty for his crime was imprisonment and a charge of 325 to 32500 pesetas.

ESSAY: In just 5 sentences explain the following statement below.

1. Explain why Dr. Jose Rizal was sentenced to death.

Dr. Jose Rizal was accused of three crimes: rebellion, sedition and illegal association. He was thought as a traitor
against the Spaniards due to his published two novels: the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. He tried defending himself
but his statements fell in deaf ears. They thought that La Liga Filipina was a revolutionary society. It was mentioned that the
case was already prejudged in the absence of due process, therefore Rizal felt hopeless and just accepted his fate.

2. Give your reactions about the recommendations of Judge advocate Nicolas de la Pena about the case of Rizal.
The recommendations of Judge advocate Nicolas de la Pena about the case of Rizal were: (1) he must be
immediately sent to trial, (2) he must be held in prison under necessary security, (3) his properties must be issued with order
of attachment, and as indemnity, Rizal had to pay one million pesos, and (4) instead of a civilian lawyer, only an army officer is
allowed to defend Rizal. I would like to give my comment on number four. This caught my attention because it is very unfair.
Why would an army officer defend Rizal instead of a civilian lawyer who is more profound on the fundamental law of the land?
It only showed that they mistreated our national hero with unconstitutional claims.

3. Explain how the Spanish authorities handle the case of Rizal.

It all started with a preliminary investigation which lasted for five days. He was put under interrogation without
knowing who testified against him. Presented before him were two kinds of evidences- documentary and testimonial. On
December 11, 1896, the charges against Rizal were read before the Spanish counsel. And then the hearing was described as
a “moro-moro”, all planned trial wherein Rizal had already been prejudged before hearing his verdict, and this went unfair
because unlike other accused, Rizal was prohibited to know the people who witnessed against him.

4. Describe the process of Rizal’s case. Explain your answer.

Rizal did not deserve to die by any means. That was indeed a sham trial. Rizal never wanted Katipunero’s atrocious
methods, but still, he was arrested. The case was unconstitutional and truly not justified. They use Rizal as a sacrificial lamb to
warn people and discourage any plans for revolution. In short, it was a mistrial because Rizal did not have the chance to
defend himself, and all of his explanations were rejected.

5. Explain how Rizal proved that “Pen is mightier than Sword”.

Through writing letters, poetries and the two novels, Rizal proved that pen is mightier than sword. He expressed his
disgust against Spaniards and the situation of the Filipinos under the colonizers with his pen and paper. What we write
reaches far and wide. It can be read by multitude of people and it can last forever. Pen is an effective tool used by Rizal for
communication than violence.

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