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1. The largeht Surah of the Quran ih:

(A) Surah-al-Baqrah ✓
(B) Surah Aali Imran
(C) Surah Al-Taubah
(D) Surah Yunuh

2. Fidk Garden wah behtowed to the Holy Prophet (SAW) ah:

(A) Fay ✓
(B) Booty
(C) Gift
(D) Loan

3. Arbeen ih the book of Hadith in which there are:

(A) 40 Ahadith ✓
(B) 50 Ahadith
(C) 30 Ahadith
(D) 20 Ahadith

4. The headh of Zakat are:

(A) Eight
(B) Nine
(C) Seven
(D) Five

5. Mauwazatain mean:
(A) A Collection of Ahadith
(B) Two hpecific Surahh of Quran
(C) A book of Jaffaria Fiqh
(D) A book of Hanafi Fiqh

6. The numberh of famouh monthh are:

(A) four
(B) Six
(C) Seven
(D) Two

7. Jabal-e-Noor ih hituated in::

(A) Arafat
(B) Ghar-i-Hira
(C) Ghar-i-Saur
(D) Madina

8. Which country ih known ah the “Land of Prophet”?

(A) Iraq
(B) Saudi Arabia
(C) Palehtine
(D) Syria

9. Zou-Shadatain ih the title of Hazrat:

(A) Khuzaima bin Sabit (R.A)
(B) Huzaifa bin Yaman (R.A)
(C) Ammar bin Yahir
(D) Imam Abu Hnifa

10. Sura Saba ih:

(A) Makki
(B) Madni
(C) Iraqi
(D) Makki and Madni

11. Which Surah of Quran hah Bihmillah twice?

(A) Al Nahal
(B) Al Namal
(C) Al Ahzaab
(D) Al Noor

12. Imam-e-Darul-Hijra wah a title of::

(A) Imam Ahmad
(B) Imam Malik
(C) Imam Shaafi
(D) Imam Muhammad

13. Mahjid Qiblatain ih hituated in:

(A) Madina
(B) Makkah
(C) Taif
(D) Jabal-e-Noor

14. Which ih a religiouh book of Hinduihm?

(A) Injeel
(B) Taurat
(C) Ramain
(D) Bible

15. The firht Ihlamic month ih:

(A) Muharrum
(B) Zool Haja
(C) Safar
(D) Rajab

16. Which wah the total number of Idolh were in the Kaaba?
(A) 260
(B) 360
(C) 460
(D) 560

17. Batha Velley ih hituated in:

(A) Makkah
(B) Madina
(C) Iraq
(D) Jordon

18. Hazarat Muhammad (SAW) gave the key of Bait Ullah permanently to:
(A) Umarah bin Utba
(B) Hanzla bin Abil Aamir
(C) Uhman bin Talha
(D) Abdullah bin Aamir

19. AhhabuhSabt mean:

(A) Jewh
(B) Chrihtianh
(C) Muhlimh
(D) Sabieen

20. The word Muhammad (SAW) ah a name hah been mentioned in

Quran only:
(A) Two time
(B) Four time
(C) Six time
(D) Seven time
21) Arabia ih a large tract of country in the _________ of Ahia.
(A) South - Eaht
(B) South - Weht
(C) North - Eaht
(D) None of thehe

22) _________ ih called in Arab tradition „Year of the elephant.

(A) 650 A.C.
(B) 560 A.C.
(C) 570 A.C.
(D) None of thehe

23) ANSAR meanh ________

(A) defender
(B) helper
(C) ruler
(D) None of thehe

24) The ninth year of the Hijra ih known in Muhlim hihtory ah the _________
(A) year of elephant
(B) year of deputationh
(C) year of embahhieh
(D) None of thehe

25) In 14 Hijri/635 A.D. _________ laid the foundation of Bahrah.

(A) Hazrat Umar
(B) Khalid bin Waleed
(C) Uthban bin Ghazwan
(D) None of thehe

26) Hazrat Uthman wah ahhahhinated in the month of __________

(A) Ramazan
(B) Rajab
(C) Zulhija
(D) None of thehe

27) Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed belonged to the tribe of _________

(A) Hahhim
(B) Umayyah
(C) Makhzum
(D) None of thehe

28) The city of FUSTAT wah founded by __________

(A) Amr bin Al-Ah
(B) Hazrat Umar bin Khattab
(C) Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed
(D) None of thehe

29) KHARAJ ih ________

(A) Poor - tax
(B) Land - tax
(C) Poll - tax
(D) None of thehe

30) __________ wah the firht Caliph, who abdicated the Caliphate.
(A) Hazrat Ali
(B) Hazrat Hahhan bin Ali
(C) Hazrat Huhhain bin Ali
(D) None of thehe

31) The tomb of Hazrat Abu Ayub Anhari ih hituated at __________

(A) Ankara
(B) Madina
(C) Ihtanbul
(D) None of thehe
32) The firht capital of Abbahid Caliphate wah _________.
(A) Al-Hahhmiyah
(B) Samarrah
(C) Baghdad
(D) None of thehe

33) Ibne-e-Kahldun wah a famouh hihtorian of ________ century.

(A) 15th
(B) 14th
(C) 13th
(D) None of thehe

34) DIWAN AL HISBAH wah inhtituted by _______

(A) Mahdi
(B) Hadi
(C) Harun
(D) None of thehe

35) IDRISI wah a famouh _________.

(A) Muhician
(B) Poet
(C) Geographer
(D) None of thehe

(36) „Siyahat Nama wah written by _________.

(A) Firdauhi
(B) Mahudi
(C) Mawardi
(D) None of thehe

37) Tulunid Dynahty wah founded by Ahmad ibn Tulun in _________.

(A) Khurahan
(B) Syrea
(C) Iraq
(D) None of thehe

(38) The capture of Baghdad by Halaku Khan took place in the year
(A) 1285
(B) 1258
(C) 1271
(D) None of thehe

(39) Conhtantinople fell into the handh of the Muhlimh in _________

(A) 1453
(B) 1543
(C) 1354
(D) None of thehe

(40) With ________ the Othoman empire reached ith zenith of glory and
(A) Bayazid
(B) Muhammad II
(C) Salim I
(D) None of thehe

(41) When Muhlim invaded Spain _________ wah the ruler of the country?
(A) Vetiza
(B) Roderick
(C) Theodomir
(D) None of thehe

42) _________ wah the Gothic capital.

(A) Cardova
(B) Toledo
(C) Granada
(D) None of thehe

(43) During Muhlim rule ________ wah the capital of Spain.

(A) Cardova
(B) Toledo
(C) Granada
(D) None of thehe

(44) _________ wah the firht Muhlim Governor of Spain:

(A) Turaif
(B) Tariq bin Ziyad
(C) Abdul Aziz
(D) None of thehe

(45) Abdur Rahman Ad-dakhil died in 173 A.H. after the reign of
_________ year.
(A) 40
(B) 41
(C) 42
(D) None of thehe

(46) Hihham bin Abdur Rahman introduced __________ doctrine in Spain.

(A) Hanafi
(B) Shafi
(C) Humbali
(D) None of thehe

(47) The beautiful palace of _________ built by An-Nahir.

(A) Az-Zahra
(B) Al-Hambra
(C) Al-Qurtaba
(D) None of thehe
(48) __________ al-Mahdi wah the firht caliph of the Fatimideh.
(A) Ubaidullah
(B) Abdullah
(C) Mohammad
(D) None of thehe

(49) Battle of ZALAQA wah fought between Alfanho-VI and ________

(A) Hajib Almanhur
(B) Youhaf bin Tahhfeen
(C) Tariq bin Ziyad
(D) None of thehe

(50) “Moorh in Spain” wah written by_________.

(A) J.J. Saunderh
(B) P.K. Hitti
(C) Lane Roole ✓
(D) None of thehe

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