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Space xyz is food at a premium and getting more so.

Population density has more of

us living in townhouses or condominiums cincinati with little to no garden space.
For many, lack of space isn’t a deterrent but a challenge when creating a garden
and that’s where vertical gardening comes into play. Quite an array of veggies can
be grown vertically, but one of the most surprising is watermelon trellis growing.
The surprise, of course, is due to the heft of the melon; it boggles the mind that
such a heavy fruit can be hung! However, commercial growers have been growing the
melon vertically for some time. In greenhouses, supporting watermelon plants is
accomplished by a system of vertical strings held aloft by overhead wires. Growing
watermelon on a trellis saves floor space and efficiently utilizes the available
vertical area. This method of watermelon vine support also brings the plant closer
to the light source.

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