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This deed of Cancellation is made and execute on this the day of October,
2009 at Hyderabad by and between:

A.DANAIAH Son of A.Babaiah, caste Hindu aged about 58 years,

Occupation Employment in Post Office, R/o.Uppuguda, Hyderabad.

(herein after called the Vendor which expression shall mean and include his
heirs, executors, administrator, assigns, of the one part).


M.Laxmamma W/o. Babaiah, caste Hindu, aged about 60 years

Occupation Household R/o.Outside Gowlipura Kumharwadi,Hyderabad– AP.

( herein after called the Vendee (purchaser) which expression shall mean and
include her heirs, executors, administrators Legal representatives of the other

WHEREAS the Vendor purchased the property bearing Municipal No.18-8-

407/8, Uppuguda, Hyderabad total admeasuring 92.00 square yards
equivalent to 72.92 sq meters more fully described in the schedule of property.
Under Regd Sale Deed bearing Doc No.1457/1979 from T.Narsamma.

WHERE AS the Vendor agreed to sell the Schedule property to the vendor for
a sale consideration of Rs.2000/-(rupees two thousands only) and on the
promise of the Vendee to pay the sale consideration after the registration of
the sale deed in her favor, the vendor executed and registered the sale deed in
favor of the vendee vide Doc No.2732/1981.

WHEREAS the vendee failed to pay the sale consideration as promised and
she intern executed irrevocable General Power of Attorney in the name of
vendor herein. the same is registered as Doc No.30/IV/88, to ensure the
payment of consideration to the vendor.

WHEREAS the vendee finally expressed her intention to cancel the sale deed
and relinquish her right in the property as the same is not supported by any


1. The sale deed bearing Doc No.2732/81 registered in the office of Sub-
Registrar Azampura executed by the Vendor infavour of the Vendee in
respect of House property bearing No.18-8-407, situated at Uppuguda,
Hyderabad, more fully described in the schedule annexure hereto, bee
and is hereby cancelled.

2. The Vendee shall seized to have any right title or interest in the said
property on and from the date of this deed.

3. All the rights /title/interest including easementary rights shall vest with
the vendee from this day.

4. The vendee has redelivered the position of schedule property to the

vendor and the vendor shall enjoy the same without any interference
from any body including the vendor or any body claiming through her.

5. The vendee hereby declares that she has not created any encumbrance
including mortgage lien charges , prior agreement of sale etc., infavour
of any 3rd party in respect of schedule property .
6. The vendee further declares and undertakes that to indemnify and keep
the vendor indemnified against all such loss on account of any claims of
third parties or if the property is found to be encumbered .

7. The vendee has on this day delivered all the original link documents
pertaining to the schedule property to the vendor.


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