Labmgt Reviewer 3

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Patty Enrado wrote in Healthcare Finance News within the CFR Sec.

493), with specific

in 2009, “Labor costs continue to be hospitals’ licensure, education, or experience
biggest expense” (4). This statement includes requirements for each complexity model. The
the clinical laboratory, where human resources degree required for testing personnel varies and
account for 42% of the laboratory budget includes doctors of medicine or osteopathy;
(Truven Health Analytics, doctoral, master’s, or bachelor’s degrees; action_oi.aspx associate degrees; or high school diplomas.
[accessed June 27, 2013]. maximizing The common denominator is documented
utilization of staff is a key to controlling training for each individual performing
expenses in the laboratory. The education and laboratory testing, based on the complexity of
experience required of the staff as well as staff the tests performed.
scheduling models can optimize laboratory
operations. The credentialing options (for example, bachelor
of science degree in medical technology or
chemistry, or high school diploma plus military
training) provide the laboratory manager with
Increasing Opportunities for Medical flexibility in hiring decisions and scheduling.
Training and Competence Assessment
The Bureau of Labor Statistics, in the
Occupational Outlook Handbook, lists related Accreditation processes address the need for
fields in chemistry, materials science, veterinary continuous training for laboratory staff. In the
technologists, technicians, and assistants. Also 2012 General Checklist, the CAP states that
available to laboratory personnel are positions in there should be “a functional continuing
manufacturing and industry, including sales, clinical laboratory education program
technical support, and research and adequate to meet the needs of all personnel”
development positions. and that “the competency of each person to
perform his/her assigned duties is assessed”

Personnel Requirements Each technologist or technician must be

competent to perform laboratory tests based
Education on the specific policies and procedures of the
laboratory. Training and competence must be
Medical and clinical laboratory technologists documented within personnel records. In
generally have a bachelor’s degree in medical addition, on-the-job training may be integrated
technology or one of the life sciences or a into the laboratory for those with the minimum
combination of formal training and work education required. Consideration should be
experience. Technicians generally have either given to on-the-job training, especially for
an associate’s degree or certification from a laboratory assistants or phlebotomy staff, for job
hospital vocational or technical school. improvement and promotion.
Several programs provide certifications for
technologists and technicians or training Generalist versus Specialist
program guidelines, including the American
Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP), the The staffing model widely used 30 years ago
American Society of Clinical Laboratory was based on specialists for every discipline in
Scientists (ASCLS), the National Credentialing the laboratory. Labor saving
Agency, and the Clinical and Laboratory instruments and computerization have changed
Standards Institute (CLSI), formerly the National the testing process in the laboratory, allowing
Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards ease of test performance.

The basic requirements for personnel to perform Generalists can be cross-trained for all
testing in a clinical laboratory are proscribed in laboratory sections. Cross-training can be
the Clinical Laboratory defined for staffing purposes as training an
Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA ’88). individual to perform testing in more than one
Tests are grouped by complexity (as defined functional area of the laboratory.
Test mix
Traditionally, medical technologists were A large test menu, including moderately and
assigned to a specific section, e.g., hematology highly complex tests, requires a different group
or chemistry, and their competency was of technical staff than a laboratory performing
assessed only for those tests performed in that mostly routine testing on automated analyzers.
area. By training personnel to perform testing in Specialty areas in microbiology, surgical
multiple areas of the laboratory, the laboratory pathology or cytology, and blood bank also
manager has the skill mix available to assign require special consideration.
individuals where the need is greatest at the
time. Hours of operation
A full-service laboratory supporting an ER
Cross-training generalists, however, may not be and/or intensive care units requires a different
advantageous for very complex facilities for all pattern than an outpatient laboratory or POL
areas of testing. providing services Monday to Friday for one
shift. Staff must be available to support the
Esoteric or highly specialized disciplines emergency room and critical care units, at least
need the depth of knowledge that a specialist for those tests that must be available as STAT
provides. tests at all times. The STAT test menu is an
important tool for the laboratory manager to
ensure adequate staffing at all times to meet the
Generalist versus Specialist Staffing Models expectations for services provided.

Model Pros Cons Supervision

The requirements for on-site technical
supervision in CLIA ’88 mandate the need for
- Staffing - Increased technologists in addition to technicians on off
flexibility resource shifts, weekends, and holidays
- Entry allocation to
level maintain
opportuni and Service levels
ties document Turnaround time, phlebotomy, results reporting,
staff and sequential testing are all variables to
- Breadth
of consider when staffing the laboratory. An
knowledg - Entry level,
as staff gain outpatient laboratory may provide all test
experience results by the next day, allowing for a smaller
in tenure staff to perform specimen collection during the
- Lack of day, with batch testing performed in the early
depth evening. A full-service laboratory performing
tests for the ER will require testing personnel 24
- Depth of - Narrow hours/day to perform a STAT test menu with
knowledg base of turnaround times within minutes.
e experience
- Career - Limited Services supported
ladder flexibility in
Laboratories that support level 1 trauma centers,
- Opportun
transplant programs, cardiovascular surgical
Laboratory Staffing programs, and clinics, to name a few, could
have different minimum staffing requirements
Staffing Requirements than a general acute-care suburban facility.

The laboratory manager must assess the Productivity levels

needs of the laboratory to determine the The author has based productivity goals on a
number of employees needed as well as the mix “traditional” 80% productivity measure. The key,
of expertise, training, or credentials of technical however, is to know how to define the term
staff. The following are elements within the “productivity,” including the metrics to measure
laboratory that should be addressed. productivity. For example, if the amount of time
available to work is used as maximum
opportunity, then the 8-hour day is actually 7 among laboratories, including outpatient
hours (assuming 1 hour for lunch and breaks). volumes, services supported, overall size and
100% productivity of available work time is 87% scope of the laboratory, and availability of
of total worked time. Productivity is also a alternative testing sites.
useful indicator to determine optimum staffing
in conjunction with minimum staffing.
Staff Scheduling
Productivity levels are also based on the unit
of measure used, typically the number of billable Once the staffing mix has been developed and
tests. However, the mix of billable tests implemented, employees must be assigned to
(inpatient versus outpatient, STAT versus their work schedules. To schedule staff
routine, increased nonbillable components) can effectively, the laboratory manager must
impact productivity comparisons. Assessing understand the needs of the laboratory,
staffing needs daily, or even on a shift-by-shift hours of operation, and the staff required
basis, ensures tighter control of labor expense, versus the needs of the employees, for whom
as long as trained staff are available to “flex-up” a work-life balance is becoming more important.
or staff is willing to “flex down” as volume
changes. Both are key components of the flex When the laboratory manager can include
(variable) staffing model. employees in the scheduling process, individual
needs can be considered, as long as business
Basis for Determination: Workload needs are met. Some facilities have
Recording implemented self-scheduling. Following
scheduling guidelines for skill level and number
Some method should be used to objectively of shifts, among other factors, employees select
document the amount of “work” performed by their own schedules, based on their preferences.
the laboratory. The units of Self-scheduling is available on a first-come, first-
work are factored by the hours required to serve basis.
perform the work to determine productivity. The
Laboratory Management Index If self-scheduling is not available, at minimum
Program (LMIP) is one program that provides the laboratory manager should utilize employee-
benchmarks for productivity, utilization, and cost driven methods
effectiveness. The standard billable test (SBT) is for scheduling shifts, including the opportunity
the primary unit of measure for LMIP. The SBT for same-skill employees to trade shifts with
is a method of standardizing test counts and approval.
eliminates billing, accounting, and interpretation
variations to ensure that valid comparisons are Some laboratories utilize a flexible or variable
created. staffing model to flex up or down based on
There are other productivity measurement tools
as well, such as the Thomson-Reuters Action Key Success Factors
O-IR operational improvement tool
( two key success factors are financial
_oi.aspx) that measures labor productivity performance and quality assurance.
(primarily) for
acute-care hospitals, including all departments When reviewing staffing and scheduling, labor
within the hospital. Laboratories are reported in costs can be used to target areas of opportunity
this database based for improvement. The cost
on hours worked or paid per billable test, of overtime and turnover will affect overall
adjusted days, or adjusted discharges. person-hour and expense budgets. The
achievement of targeted performance metrics
The key to workload recording is to determine influences the satisfaction of customers (e.g.,
the basis for calculation, while reducing the physicians, patients).
variables that can affect the comparisons and
limiting the exceptions that will skew Metrics for Success
performance. The key to productivity
comparison is understanding the variables Reporting efficiency
Laboratories have measured their reporting
efficiency in terms of percent of tests Scheduling processes
reported within required or requested time At a minimum, the manual schedule is prepared
frames. This metric is particularly important to for the staff in advance. Scheduling software
those who take action on the test results, as programs are available that include parameters
treatment options and procedures depend on for skills and training. The need for computerized
laboratory results. Reporting efficiency also scheduling is dictated in part by the size of the
can affect the financial performance of the laboratory staff and the time available to devote
hospital. When laboratory results are available to maintaining a manual versus a computerized
and patient care is delivered efficiently, the system. Laboratory managers should examine
patient length of stay may be decreased. the time required to prepare, distribute, post, and
Turnaround time amend manual schedules and compare the
Turnaround time for results reporting includes all labor intensity with the cost and implementation
components of testing—specimen collection, of a computerized process.
processing, analysis and review, and reporting—
and is an important indicator of effectiveness as Alternatives
well as efficiency.
One component, specimen collection, can and Reference laboratories have in the past provided
should be monitored separately, whether the esoteric testing not usually done in clinical
laboratory has responsibility laboratories. With overnight testing and air
for collecting patient samples or nursing units couriers, reference laboratories have expanded
provide for specimen collection. The metric is their menus to include routine testing. Routine
the percent of tests collected within a time frame testing that can be performed by a reference
around the test request. laboratory that provides 24-hour turnaround time
could include any test that is not part of the
For example, a hospital laboratory may report STAT grouping (tests that must be reported
the percentage of 6 a.m. labs collected between within specific time
5:30 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. frames to maintain patient safety).
When the laboratory objective is to complete all
timed blood draws within 30 minutes of the
requested time, the laboratory manager has to Opportunity cost and benefit
staff sufficient numbers of employees to meet The laboratory manager should consider the
this objective. impact of staffing decisions on the facility or
physician using the laboratory. The manager
Productivity measurements should also consider the opportunity to combine
job functions across departmental lines when
The productivity of the laboratory is a function of feasible to take full advantage of the benefits
the number of tests performed by the provided.
number of personnel working, or workload
units per full-time equivalent. For example, locating the phlebotomy staff on
nursing units provides efficiency for the
Impact on staff laboratory in less travel time to the patient and
The implementation of productivity also provides nursing units with ancillary
measurements can affect the laboratory staff. personnel trained to provide defined levels of
Productivity measures are an objective, patient care. In some facilities, nursing services
quantitative means of reviewing performance has the responsibility for specimen collection,
but may be perceived as changing the utilizing their RN staff or training patient care
workplace from a laboratory to an assembly line, assistants for phlebotomy.
where productivity is the only indicator of
laboratory success. By including quality Creative scheduling
indicators such as proficiency surveys of Creative scheduling includes opportunities for
performance in laboratory metrics, the job sharing, flextime, part-time,
laboratory manager can emphasize the telecommuting, and self-directed teams
importance of quality as well as productivity. Similarly skilled and trained employees can elect
to share a position. This often decreases fringe
benefit costs while providing equal hours hands-on time
worked. The staffing pattern of a hospital is determined
based on the assigned classification, bed
Flexible scheduling capacity and organizational structure of the
based on employee need or request, can result hospital. (Ref. DOH Circular No 2013-0349
in increased employee satisfaction, reducing Revised Standards on Organizational Structure
turnover and poor performance. and Staffing Pattern of Government Hospitals
CY 2013 Edition
for specific positions such as medical
transcription reduces space requirements for the
laboratory, may enhance
work performance, and provides an additional
resource of experienced employees.

Using self-directed teams reduces the time

demands on the laboratory manager while
providing job enrichment and satisfaction.

Flexible Staffing
More hospitals today are using a variable
staffing method for hospital departments that
can “flex to volume,” including the laboratory.
The premise is that FTEs are budgeted based
on the volume projected and the variable
workload target that has been established (via
external benchmarks, history, minimum staffing
or service line support, or some combination of
these). When actual volume exceeds budgeted
volume, budgeted hours increase to match.
Conversely, when actual volumes are less than
budget, hours are decreased.

Scheduling Alternatives
Alternative Pros Cons
Job sharing Decreases Potential lack
benefit costs of continuity
Flexible Employee Must be
schedules satisfaction administered
and in
with human
resource policy
Part-time Increases pool Lack of
schedules of employees continuity
Telecommuting Reduces Limited to
overhead specific jobs,
requirements, cost to
employee establish and
satisfaction maintain links
to the
Self-directed Employee Consistent
teams satisfaction, application of
reduces policy

- are all the written policies, processes

and procedures of the laboratory.
- they are essential for assuring accuracy
and consistency in the laboratory.

Characteristics of Documents are that they:

COMMON SCHEDULE PATTERNS - communicate information to all persons

who need it, including laboratory staff,
users and laboratory management
MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY INTERNS - need to be updated or maintained;
- must be changed when a policy,
AM SHIFT : 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM process or procedure changes;
- establish formats for recording and
PM SHIFT : 3:00 PM to 11:00 PM reporting information by the use of
standardized forms—once the forms are
NIGHT SHIFT : 11:00 PM to 7:00 AM used to record information, they become


AM SHIFT : 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM - It is a documented statement of over all

intensions and direction defined by
PM SHIFT : 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM those in the organization and endorsed
by management.
NIGHT SHIFT : 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM - They give broad and general direction to
the quality system
- They tell “ What to do” in a broad and
general way
CHIEF MEDTECH AND SUPERVISORS - They include a statement of
organizational mission, goals, and
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM purpose
- They serve as the framework for the
Sample work schedule quality system, and should always be
specified in the quality manual

What is a Process?

- Are the steps involved in carrying quality

- A set of interrelated or interacting
activities that transform inputs into
Policy and Procedure Manuals (Ref. WHO. outputs
Laboratory quality management system: - Another way of thinking about a process
handbook. 2011 CHAPTER 16) is as “how it happens”
- It can be represented in a flow chart,
with a series of steps to indicate how
Significance of Document Management events should occur over a period of
- A major goal in keeping documents and time
records is to find information
whenever it is needed.
What are Procedures? Hazards of the workplace: A matter of attitude
- Are specific activities of a process
- A procedure tells us “how to do it” and - we must be constantly aware of the
shows the step-by-step instructions that safety elements that surround us
laboratory staff should - take the steps that are conducive to
meticulously follow for each activity a safe working environment
- The term Standard Operating - ensure that the measures necessary
Procedure (SOP) is used to indicate to protect ourselves from any threats
these detailed instructions on how to do to our well-being are in place

Job Aids The role of the employee:

- Job aids, or work instructions, are - The individual must ultimately

shortened versions of SOPs that can be assume responsibility for his or her
posted at the bench for easy reference health and safety.
on performing a procedure.
- They are meant to supplement, not The role of the employer:
replace, the SOPs.
- obligated both morally and legally to
see that employees have the
Document Hierarchy
training, support, equipment,
workload, resources, environment
A good way to represent the relationship of
and oversight necessary to perform
policies, processes and procedures is as a
in a safe and secure manner.
Laboratory safety must be taught to:
The Policies are represented by the roots, and
they form the base for all the other parts.
- all employees, including service
The Processes can be viewed as the trunk of
- undergraduate students
the tree, representing a series of steps or flow of
- graduate students
actions through the laboratory.
- professors
- visitors
The leaves of the tree can be thought of the
Procedures; there will be many procedures in
General Rules:
the laboratory for accomplishing the activities or
the work.
- Do not eat or drink in the laboratory
Laboratory Safety
- NO mouth pipetting
- is a concern for all personnel - NOT allowed to work in the
- vital part of any total quality control laboratory alone
program - Wear required personal protective
- involves injuries that affect the equipment
morale and threatens the emotional - NO smoking in laboratory
and physical health of the individual - Maintain good housekeeping habits

Why is Laboratory Safety Important? HAZARDS IN THE WORKPLACE

- Fire hazards
- adverse health effects from - Faulty electrical equipment
exposure to chemicals - Poor ventilation
- exposure to organisms, diseases, - Blocked entrances and exits
etc. in laboratories - Hazardous clutter
- laboratory equipment hazards - if - Poor lifting and handling techniques
not maintained properly - Unmet building safety requirements
FIRE PREVENTION The “fire diamond” by National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA) quickly and
Three ingredients of fire: easily identifies the risks posed by nearby
1. Ignition source hazardous materials.

2. Oxygen
3. Fuel
“Control the union of fuel and ignition

Fire prevention strategies:

- Keep flammable substances in
separate rooms & storage cabinets.
- Use fire-resistant building products,
explosion-proof refrigerators and
- Perform procedures that result in
highly combustible reactions under
water and vacuum chamber.
- Fire-fighting equipment (automatic
sprinklers, self-closing doors, fire
hydrants, fire extinguishers, fire
blankets) must be available at all



A Common Water A, B, C
(paper, wood,
B Flammable Dry B, C
liquids: chemicals,
alcohol, CO2
C Electrical: Dry C
wiring, chemicals,
equipment CO2/foam
D Chemicals/ma Sand D OR
terials: SAND
magnesium, BUCKET

Two Major Hazardsn of Electricity:

- Physical harm from shocks or burns

- Dangers from fire caused by heat
and sparks generated

Safeguards recommended by NFPA:

- There should be no extension cords

or adapters.
- All equipment should be checked in
compliance with electrical safety
- Electrical safety checks should be
part of laboratory preventive
- Circuit breakers should be
conveniently located and labeled.
- Electrical equipment should not be
used in areas with flammable
- Electrical safety should be part of
the orientation and educational
program of the laboratory.


The Occupational Safety and Health

Administration (OSHA) classifies chemical
hazards into two groups:

Physical Hazards
- compressed gas
- Explosives
- Flammable: aerosol, gas, liquid or
- Organic peroxide
- Oxidizer
- Pyrophoric ( i.e., capable of
spontaneous ignition when exposed
to air)
- Reactive/unstable
- Water-reactive

Health Hazards
- Toxic & highly toxic agents
- Reproductive toxin
- Carcinogen
- Irritant
- Tissue corrosive
- Sensitizer
- Liver, kidney & CNS toxins
- Agents that act on or damage other
body systems To provide barrier to splashes,
splatters, aerosols or sprays
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

- Summary of the hazardous nature of

chemicals used in the workplace
- Must be maintained and updated
- Must be provided for all products by
the manufacturers

It specifically includes:

- chemical identity
- chemical name and common name
- physical and chemical characteristics
- signs and symptoms of exposure
- routes of entry
- exposure limits
- carcinogen potential
Body clothing (e.g. labgowns,
- safe handling procedures
surgical caps, scrub, shoecover)
- spill cleanup procedures
- first-aid tips (must be available in all
cases of emergency) To protect parts of the body not
covered by gloves or eye and face guards from
the threat of
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) contamination

- Masks
- Goggles
- Safety glasses
- Visor
- Gloves
- Rubberized sleeves
- Proper footwear


To protect the hand from the

possibility of coming in contact
with blood/OPIM

It has been estimated that almost 20% of all

disabling accidents on the job involve the
Without your fingers or hands, your ability
to work would be greatly reduced.

Eye and face protection items

(e.g. face masks, goggles,
glasses, hoods)
- Flushing down the drain to the
sewer system
- Incineration
- Landfill burial
- Recycling

- preferred method for the waste
treatment of hazardous chemical
- flammable materials can also be
- a policy of treating ALL blood, tissue, body
burned in especially designed
fluids and OPIM (other potentially infectious
incinerators with afterburn and
materials) as INFECTIOUS
scrubbers to remove toxic products
of combustion

- involve taking physical steps to isolate or

remove any possible pathogen hazards from the
Landfill Burial

Examples: - the landfill site must be licensed to

a. Sharps’ containers accept hazardous waste
b. Biological safety cabinet - used for solid chemical waste that are
c. Laboratory fume hoods unsuitable for incineration
d. Proper hand washing and hand washing - has caused environmental problem,
facility shortage of safe site
e. Banning of eating, smoking and drinking
inside the laboratory Recycling

3. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT - for solvents such as xylene and

acetone that can be filtered or redistilled for
- Gloves must be worn when coming in contact reuse
with specimens and other hazardous chemicals - for papers either scratch or scrap and
and OPIM. sold to scrap buyers
- Gloves must be replaced every after one
patient and when the protective integrity is
- Eye and face protection items Common warning symbols
- Protective body clothing (lab.gowns, aprons,
lab.coats, surgical caps and scrubs, shoe
covers, and disposable arm sleeves)


- must ensure that the workplace is maintained

in a clean and sanitary condition.

Example: “Double-bagging” properly

labeled with a warning and instructions for
dealing with a leak or spill.


- refers to control of the activities employed in
the handling of samples and examination
processes in order to ensure accurate and
reliable testing

QC - monitors activities related to the

examination (analytic) phase of testing

The goal of QC - is to detect, evaluate, and

correct errors due to test system failure,
environmental conditions or operator
performance, before patient results are reported
Laboratory quality

- can be defined as accuracy, reliability

Quality control (QC)
and timeliness of reported test results
- laboratory results must be as accurate
- is a component of process control, and
as possible, all aspects of the laboratory
is an essential element of the quality
operations must be reliable, and
management system
reporting must be timely in order to be
- it monitors the processes related to
useful in a clinical or public health
the examination phase of testing and
allows for detecting errors in the testing
in order to achieve the highest level of
- gives the laboratory confidence that test
accuracy and reliability, it is essential to
results are accurate and reliable before
perform all processes and procedures in the
patient results are reported
laboratory in the best possible way.

Steps for implementing and maintaining a QC

Factors that must be addressed to assure
Programme include:
quality in the laboratory
- establishing written policies and
- the laboratory environment
procedures, including corrective actions
- quality control procedures
- training all laboratory staff
- communications
- ensuring complete documentation
- record keeping
- reviewing quality control data
- competent and knowledgeable staff
- good-quality reagents and equipment
Types of Quality Control

Internal QC

- is compost of the operational techniques

If inaccurate results are provided, the
used by the laboratory staff for
consequences can be very significant,
continuous assessment of the quality of
the results of individual analytical
- unnecessary treatment
- a set of procedures for continuously
- treatment complications
assessing laboratory work and the
- failure to provide the proper treatment
emergent results
- delay in correct diagnosis
- additional and unnecessary diagnostic testing
External QC (inter-laboratory control)

- control samples that do not come with

Process control
the test kit
- they are provided by an external source
such as the regional reference
laboratory or a commercial supplier
- this type of control should also be tested
in the same manner as you would test a
patient or client specimen
- carried out periodically and checked by
the laboratory responsible for the
monitoring system
- clear operating instructions where
- procedures to monitor the viability of
equipment repair
- additional monitoring of those assets
that are particularly portable and
Quality control samples attractive eg. laptop computer, camera;
- responsibility for the care and control of
- quality control samples should be equipment delegated to an appropriate
treated in the exact same manner as the level
test samples and are used to validate - proper housing and or protection and
the test run clear identification
- each laboratory should develop a criteria - the conduct of a stocktake at least once
for run acceptance based on guidance each year
from the manufacturer's kit insert and in- - replacement action when required
lab validation of an external QC sample - identification of excess equipment for
Kit Controls - the negative and positive control - removal of all information and data from
provided with the kit equipment upon disposal or transfer to
an external agency
Quality Control Sample - a low positive - computer equipment, in particular, must
externally produced sample have hard drives cleaned to delete all
software and data
Reagent QC - prohibition of, and identification of, illegal
and/or unauthorised modifications to
- each day of use, the technologist must equipment that must not be performed
confirm that the reagents react as
expected when used as described in Controls are implemented to avoid following
the laboratory's procedure manual equipment management problems:
- if a reagent does not give the
expected result, it must be repeated. - non-registration of equipment
if the results are still incorrect, a new lot - stockpiling of equipment (retaining replaced
number must be tested equipment unnecessarily)
- the QC done is only to test for - unauthorised ordering of equipment
specificity. titer and avidity are checked - excessive usage of equipment
by the manufacturer before the lot - unauthorised use of equipment
number is released for use - loss of equipment
- results of daily QC must be recorded in - abuse of equipment
a notebook or ledger, along with - unreported incidents
manufacturer, lot number, and outdate - suspicious stocktake adjustments
the person doing the testing must be - illegal disposal of equipment
identified, and the date of testing must - lack of physical security
be recorded - poor attitude to equipment management
- equipment register data accuracy and quality
Equipment Control Measures

A system of equipment control should

include: Six Sigma  

- a suitably maintained equipment register Six Sigma stands for 6 standard deviations (6σ)
and supporting records between average and acceptable limits
- procedures for the provision of adequate
quantities of suitable equipment to meet - is a disciplined, statistical-based, data-
the established requirement driven approach and continuous
- a means of repairing equipment with the improvement methodology for
least possible delay
eliminating defects in a product, process
or service Calibration
- can also be thought of as a measure of - is a comparison between measurement
process performance devices one of known magnitude or
- is a set of techniques and tools for correctness (standard reference
process improvement material) and another made in a similar
way (test instrument or unit under test)
Six Sigma quality control - regular internal and external calibration
checks must be performed on
- uses a variety of tools and statistics to equipment (pipettes, pH meter)
not only find the problem quickly, but
also to fix it and continue to monitor it
- controlling problems produces higher Three Phases of Laboratory Practice
customer satisfaction and can reduce
unnecessary costs for a company Pre-Analytical Strategies
- they create the highest level of product
quality while still meeting goals and - traceability of results (relating the control
objectives result w/the standard)
- is used as it describes a target of 3.4 - instituting an associated feedback
defects per million opportunities which is network that confers error identification
considered to be world class  and prevention
- Sigma is the term given to a measure of - availability of quality system
deviation in a data set - employing educated, trained and skilled
The tools are applied within a simple - adequate training procedures for staff
performance improvement model known as and patients
Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control, or  - correct registration and data input
DMAIC - appropriateness of samples
- correct labelling of samples
D – define the goals of the improvement activity - good transport conditions
- compliance with policy and procedure
M – measure the existing system
Analytical Strategies
A – analyze the system to identify ways to
eliminate the gap between the current - traceability of results (relating the control
performance of the system or process result w/the standard)
and the desired goal - proficiency testing
- use of machines that are suitably
I – improve the system maintained and calibrated
- operating with validated laboratory
C – control the new system methods
Proficiency Testing - assay precision and accuracy
- analytical sensitivity and specificity
- is a means of assessing the ability of - diagnostic sensitivity and specificity
laboratories to competently perform - turnaround time
specific tests and measurements
- an important means of quality Post Analytic Strategies
- one of the best ways for an analytical
laboratory to monitor its performance - dispatching lab. Results to their rightful
against its own requirements and the owners
norm of other laboratories, is to - application of corrective actions in the
participate in it regularly event of errors or mistakes
- it helps highlight repeatability and - comprehensive record keeping
reproducibility performance of the - effective documentation and reporting
laboratory procedures
- unbiased and efficient client complaints Primary Category - Provides the following
service minimum service capabilities:
- efficient internal audit and review - Hematology (complete blood count)
procedures includes hemoglobin mass
- accuracy and clarity of laboratory results concentration, Erythrocyte volume
- client interaction and consultation fraction (hematocrit), Leukocyte number
concentration (WBC count), and
Classification of Clinical Laboratories Leukocyte type number fraction
(differential count)
Classification by ownership - Qualitative Platelet Determination
- Routine Urinalysis
Government - operated and maintained, - Routine Fecalysis
partially or wholly, by the national government, a - Blood typing (for hospital based)
local government unit (provincial, city or
municipal), any other political unit or any Secondary Category - provides the minimum
department, division, board or agency thereof service capabilities of a primary category
laboratory plus the following:
Private - Owned, established and operated by - Routine Clinical Chemistry - includes
any individual, corporation, association or blood glucose substance concentration,
organization Blood uric acid concentration, Blood
creatinine concentration, Blood total
Classification by Function cholesterol concentration
- Quantitative Platelet determination
Clinical Pathology - includes Clinical - Crossmatching for hospital based
Chemistry, Hematology, Immunohematology, - Gram staining for hospital based
Microbiology, Immunology, Clinical Microscopy, - KOH for hospital based
Endocrinology, Molecular Biology, Cytogenetics,
Toxicology and Therapeutic drug monitoring and Tertiary Category - Provides the minimum
other similar disciplines service capabilities of a secondary category
laboratory plus the following:
Anatomic Pathology - includes surgical - Special Chemistry
pathology, Immunohistopathology, Cytology, - Special Hematology including
Autopsy, Forensic Pathology and Molecular coagulation procedures
Pathology - Immunology( culture and sensitivity)

Limited Service Capability (for institution

based-only) – provides the laboratory tests
required for a particular service in institutions
such as but not limited to dialysis centers and
Classification by Institutional Character social hygiene clinics.

Institution based - a laboratory that operates Special Clinical Laboratory - a laboratory that
within the premises and as part of an institution offers a highly specialized laboratory services
such as but not limited to hospital, medical clinic, that are usually not provided by a general clinical
school, medical facility for overseas workers and laboratory.
seafarers, birthing home, psychiatric facility,
drug rehabilitation center Accreditation of clinical laboratories in the
Philippines started with the passage of the
Free-Standing - a laboratory that does not form clinical laboratory law in 1965 through the
part of any other institution Bureau of Research and Laboratories (BRL)
which is referred to as the Bureau of Health
Classification by Service Capability Facilities at present.

General Clinical Laboratory

Pls. refer to A.O. 0027 s. 2007 DOH (Revised
Rules and Regulation Governing the
Licensure and Regulation of Clinical - preparations and standardization of
Laboratories in the Philippines) reagents, standards, stains and others,
provided such reagents, standards,
Specifically focus on the following: stains and others are exclusively for the
- Specific and general guidelines use of their laboratory;
- Procedural guidelines - clinical laboratory quality control;
- Violations and investigation of - collection and preservation of
complaints and penalty specimens

Minimum Required Course

The medical technology course shall be at least

four years, including a 12-month satisfactory
internship in accredited laboratories, and shall
include the following subjects:

English, Biochemistry, Spanish, Gross Anatomy,

Social Science, Histology, General Zoology
Professional Certification of Clinical Physiology, Botany Clinical Parasitology,
Laboratory Employees (Medical Mathematics General Pathology, College
Technologists) Physics, Microbiology, General Chemistry,
Biostatistics, Qualitative Chemistry, Quantitative
Pls. refer to R.A. 5527 Philippine Medical Chemistry Clinical Laboratory Methods including
Technology Act of 1969 hematology, serology, blood banking, clinical
microscopy, applied microbiology,
Practice of Medical Technology histopathologic techniques, and cytotechnology
- a person shall be deemed to be in the
practice of medical technology within the Examination
meaning of this Act, who shall for a fee,
salary or other compensation or reward Except as otherwise specifically allowed under
paid or given directly or indirectly the provision of this Act, all applicants for
through another, renders any of the registration as medical technologist shall be
following professional services for the required to undergo written examination which
purpose of aiding the physician in the shall be given by the Board annually in the
diagnosis, study and treatment of greater Manila area, Cebu, and Davao during
diseases and in the promotion of the month of August or September on such days
health in general and places as the Board may
- examination of tissues, secretions and designate. Written notices of such examination
excretions of the human body and body shall be published in at least three newspapers
fluids by various electronic, chemical, of national circulation by the Secretary of the
microscopic, bacteriologic, hematologic, Board of least thirty days prior to the date of
serologic, immunologic, nuclear, and examination.
other laboratory procedures and
techniques either manual or automated;-
- blood banking procedures and Qualification for Examination.
- parasitologic, Mycologic and Every applicant examination under this Act,
Microbiologic procedures and shall, prior to the date thereof, furnish the Board
techniques; satisfactory proof that he or she: a. Is in good
- histopathologic and Cytotechnology; health and is of good moral character; b. Has
provided that nothing in this paragraph completed a course of at least four (4) years
shall inhibit a duly registered medical leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in
laboratory technician from performing Medical Technology or Bachelor of Science in
histopathologic techniques and Public Health conferred by a recognized school,
procedures. college or university in accordance with this
Decree or having graduated from some other
profession and has been actually performing
medical technology for the last five (5) years Oath Taking
prior to the date of the examinations, if such
performance began prior to June 21, 1969. All successful examinees shall be required to
take a professional oath before the Board or
before any person authorized to administer
Scope of Examination oaths prior to entering upon the practice of
The examination questions shall cover the medical technology in the Philippines.
Issuance of Certificate of Registration
subjects with their respective relative weights:
Clinical Every applicant who has satisfactorily passed
Chemistry ...................................................... the required examination for medical
20% technologist shall be issued a certificate of
Microbiology & registration as such: Provided, That no such
Parasitology ...................................... 20% certificate shall be issued to any successful
Hematology ......................................................... applicant who has not attained the age of
...... 20% twenty-one (21) years. All certificate shall be
Blood Banking & signed by the members of the Board and by the
Serology ......................................... 20% Commissioner of the Professional Regulation
Clinical Microscopy (Urinalysis and Commission. The duly registered medical
other body fluids) ................................... technologists shall be required to display his
………......... 10% certificate of registration in the place where he
Histopathologic Techniques, works. Provided, that upon application filed and
Cytotechnology, Medical the payment of the required fee of one hundred
Technology Laws, Related and fifteen pesos (P115.00) the Board shall
Laws and its implementing issue a certificate of registration as medical
rules, and the Code of Ethics ........................ technologist without examination to persons who
……….. 10% have been graduated with Bachelor of Science
in Medical Technology/Bachelor of Science in
The Board shall prepare the schedule of Public Health in duly recognized schools of
subjects for examination and to submit the same medical technology in the Philippines or in any
to the Commissioner of the Professional foreign country, Provided, That in case of the
Regulation Commission for publication at least latter, the standard of medical technology
thirty (30) days before the date of examination. education is substantially the same as ours, and
The Board shall compute the general average of in addition shall have been in the practice of
each examinee according to the above- medical technology for at least three (3) years
mentioned relative weights of each subject. prior to the filing of the application in laboratories
Provided, however, that the Board may change, in the Philippines duly accredited by the Bureau
add to or remove from the list of subjects or of Research and Laboratories, Department of
weights above as progress in the science of Health, or in foreign countries if such
Medical Technology may require, subject to the performance began prior to June 21, 1969 and
prior approval of the Professional Regulation also to all other persons who having graduated
Commission, and publication of the change or from other professions have been actually
amendment at least three (3) months prior to the performing medical technology practice for the
date of examination in which the same is to take last eight (8) years prior to filing of the
effect. application, Provided, that such performance
began prior to June 21, 1969. Provided, further,
Report of Rating that the Board shall likewise issue a certificate of
registration as medical laboratory technician
The Board shall, within one hundred and twenty without examination to any person who upon
days after the date of completion of the application and payment of the required fee of
examination, report the result thereof to the fifty pesos (P500.00) show evidence satisfactory
Commissioner of Civil Service, who shall submit to the Board that:
such result to the President of the Philippines for
1. He or she passed the civil service Phil Crosby defined quality practice as meeting
examination for medical technician given on the requirements of the customer. He applied
March 21, 1964; or this practice to business and manufacturing but
it is equally important for a medical laboratory.
2. Has finished a two-year college course and The medical laboratory needs to know who its
has at least one (1) year of experience as clients are, and understand clients’ needs and
medical laboratory technician, Provided, that for requirements.
every year of deficiency in college attainment
two (2) years of experience may be substituted; Medical laboratories have a range of customers
Provided, further, that an applicant who has at including patients, physicians, public health
least ten (10) years of experience as medical agencies and the community.
laboratory technician as of the date of approval
of this Decree regardless of his academic It is the responsibility of the laboratory director to
attainment may qualify for registration without ensure that the customers’ needs are met and
examination; or that there is customer satisfaction. The quality
manager is responsible for measuring the
3. Has failed to pass the board examination for degree of customer satisfaction, using surveys,
medical technology but had obtained a general indicators and audits to take preventive and
rating of at least 70%. Provided, finally, that a corrective action.
registered medical laboratory technician when
employed in the government shall have the All laboratory staff must understand the
equivalent civil service eligibility not lower than importance of customers satisfaction.
second grade. Laboratory personnel must always interact with
customers in a way that is appropriate, proving
the needed information and being courteous.

Market Environment for Laboratory

Refusal to issue Certificate Remember the four Ps of marketing:

The Board shall refuse to issue a certificate of - Product

registration to any person convicted by the court - Price
of competent jurisdiction of any criminal offense - Place
involving moral turpitude, or any person guilty of - Promotion
immoral or dishonorable conduct, or of unsound
mind, or incurable communicable disease, and What are the customer needs?
in such shall be given to the applicant a written Who is the competition?
statement setting forth the reason for its action, Do you have the right testing menu, equipment
which statement shall be incorporated in the and facilities?
record of the Board. Do you have enough personnel?
Do you have adequate financial resources?
Do you have what it costs to do a laboratory test
Marketing of Laboratory Services (test cost analysis)?

Laboratory-Customer Relationship Implementing the Four Ps of Marketing

Customer satisfaction is a major component of a Price

quality management system and a significant
focus in the International Organization for With the high cost of healthcare, price is among
standardization (ISO) Standards. Ultimately, the the highest concerns for prospective patients,
laboratory produces a product-the test result for- especially those without comprehensive health
its customers. If the customers is not well insurance coverage. Providers should be aware
served, the laboratory is not achieving its of any opportunities where they can offer the
primary function. best care at the lowest price. Many providers
offer simple tests, such as blood pressure
checks, cholesterol tests and HIV tests, at no
cost or reduced prices to raise patient treatment of patients. There is no doubt that their
awareness of their services expertise has provided information that
physicians require to make critical decisions
regarding their patient care responsibilities. In
Product 1985, Strandjord estimated that 45% of medical
decision making relied on information generated
The patient's office visit is a small component of by laboratory tests. Today this number is
the healthcare services that providers offer. estimated to be 70%. The Mayo Health System
Providers must also deliver products to patients demonstrated that the laboratory contributes as
that can improve their quality of life. Products much as 94% of the objective data in a clinical
can include medications, testing kits and record.
orthopedic supplies, as well as on-call
"concierge" services. Advances in Technology
Technological advances created revolutionary
Vital services, no matter how inexpensive, must changes in the way medicine and laboratory
be made available to patients to be effective. If medicine are practiced. The application of
the services are only available in locations or molecular biology, using analysis of nucleic
during hours where the patients cannot access acids and proteins to diagnose disease, assess
them, then the patients remain at risk and the prognosis, and tailor therapy, has had a
providers miss out on the opportunity to treat profound impact on the laboratory, as well as
them. Providers can seek out new locations, patient care, globally. For example, using nucleic
expand operating hours, offer walk-in or same- acid testing (NAT) for the detection of
day appointments and reach out into local transmissible pathogens allows earlier diagnosis
communities to offer more access to healthcare and treatment. The use of molecular diagnostics
services and stand out from the competition. to not only enhance diagnosis, but guide
treatment, has exploded. For example, in the
field of pharmacogenomics, testing can be used
Promotion before instituting therapy to determine if a
certain medication will be effective. Along with
The promotion of a healthcare provider's service this cutting-edge technology comes the need to
is the most important aspect of the marketing understand the costs and unique logistics
mix, yet it is often overlooked. Many larger associated with the rapidly changing landscape
providers, such as major hospital chains or of Laboratory testing. Cellular-based therapies,
pharmaceutical manufacturers, use mass media from the use of human stem cells to adipose
to promote their services. tissue, are making their way into the
marketplace and are the basis of a new industry
Market Research that impacts laboratory practice. Quality and
regulatory agencies are looking for ways to
Market research is the process of determining ensure a safe efficacious product.
the viability of a new service or product through
research conducted directly with potential The Impact of Technology
customers. Market research allows a company
to discover the target market and get opinions The Electronic Medical Record
and other feedback from consumers about their
interest in the product or service. The motivation to use computerized information
systems in healthcare is driven by expectations
Market Proposal that such systems will improve the quality of
care, increase patient safety, and lower medical
A marketing proposal is a written document used costs. Yet there are many other factors to
by marketers to communicate a project to a consider about the use of an electronic medical
client for consideration. record (EMR). The EMR can undoubtedly
Traditionally the information provided by the improve the legibility of entries and can
clinical scientist (clinical laboratory positively influence the organization of the
scientist/medical technologist) workforce has information in the record, making retrieval of
been essential in supporting the diagnosis and data more efficient. However, the EMR has been
blamed for interfering with the patient-physician lead to earlier treatment. Nucleic acid
relationship. Patients report feeling like doctors amplification testing has been introduced into
are so busy entering information into the blood donor screening over the last decade. The
computer that they hardly have time to discuss use of NAT has increased the sensitivity of
the patients’ concerns and plan of care. Many pathogen detection and allows for the earlier
physicians do not possess the computer skills to detection of transfusion-transmitted pathogens
become proficient at data entry and retrieval in than standard serologic tests allow.
the EMR. This maybe a cause of errors such as
documenting on the incorrect patient or choosing Miniaturization continues to change the way
an incorrect drug from a drop-down list. EMR tests are performed. The use of smaller “micro”
software developers continue to look for ways to components facilitates
reduce these common human errors through the POCT. As these components become smaller
use of templates and alerts to providers. and smaller, the number of analytes in a device
Through improved functionality and can increase, replacing larger analyzers. In
interoperability, the sharing of information to all some instances, laboratory results are available
providers of care for the patient will be improved, while the patient is still in the doctor’s office,
thereby facilitating patient care and safety. allowing results to rapidly and directly influence
the course of care. Developing smaller and
The electronic medical record versus the faster computers may lead the way to
paper record performing noninvasive tests, negating the
Electronic record Paper record need for blood specimens, especially using
Improved legibility Often not readable probes that can detect analytes
Patients feel the Patient and provider percutaneously. The concomitant reduction in
provider is ignoring can relate can discuss sample size is beneficial to the patient.
them the plan of care
Easier to locate Difficult to locate Due to changes and reductions in the laboratory
information-not reliant information work force, trying to do more with less is a
on memory dominant theme in laboratory medicine.
Maybe slow-providers Faster especially for Automation will continue to reduce personnel
may have a slow physicians not raised and laboratory costs. The use of robotics can
learning curve in technology era reduce the number of tasks that are currently
Allows easy synthesis Information is often done manually and thereby reduce the impact of
of information disparate and difficult human error. Track systems can help automate
to locate the process of testing a single sample for
Allows for easier, Paper must be copied multiple analytes, thereby improving efficiency
faster information and mailed or faxed and reducing personnel needs. By using a
sharing system of barcodes that identify patients and
Difficult for others to Easier for others to samples throughout the process, the risk of
follow read and follow misidentified patient samples has been reduced
Advances in Diagnostic Testing and may become a thing of the past. This form
of process control may have the ability to greatly
New disease patterns, changing demographics, reduce medical errors. Robotics is used for the
the aging population, emerging diseases, and delivery of supplies, samples, and blood
the threat of terrorism require innovative testing products in some hospitals.
methods. Nucleic acid testing, for example,
has truly revolutionized the way medicine is Point-of-care testing (POCT)
practiced. Instead of waiting days or weeks to
detect certain viruses in culture, amplifying small Microelectronics, microfabrication, and
amounts of genetic material in a specimen microcomputerization have revolutionized the
makes it possible to detect a pathogen within way that laboratory tests are performed. These
hours. Looking at changes in the genetic technologies allow test results to be
material of a tumor may improve the diagnosis of obtained in a matter of minutes or even
certain malignancies. There is also hope that seconds. POCT, or near-patient testing, has
identifying disease that is not yet long been touted as the technology that would
macroscopically evident at the genetic level will change patient management in the world of
managed care. The most obvious benefit of
POCT is decreased turnaround time (TAT). A key component in the practice of anatomic and
The premise that near-patient testing would clinical pathology in the future will be molecular
radically change patient management under pathology. Practice protocols may rely on
managed care has not been substantiated. molecular testing for diagnosis of disease as
Bickford’s research concluded that POCT had well as the prognosis and treatment in the
no significant impact on hospital length of stay. laboratory disciplines such as hematology,
Receiving rapid results reflects patient status at microbiology, histocompatibility, cytogenetics,
a given time and improves pharmacological and surgical pathology.
management. However, for physicians to act,
they must still wait for a complete manifest of Applications of genetic and molecular
results. As new technologies for POCT evolve, pathology
laboratory medicine professionals will continue
to question the accuracy and reliability of the Use of molecular diagnostics and genetic testing
instruments and the results. is increasing from 6 to 25% annually (57). These
two fields generate unique problems for the
Advances in Genetic Testing and Molecular laboratory information system (LIS). The IT
Pathology needs include special nomenclature, the ability
to import/export images, and a database to
The Human Genome Project search karyotypes and to perform sequencing
and fragment analysis and place pressure on
Over the past 15 years, the Human Genome LIS systems to adapt. Common techniques
Project (HGP), a joint program funded by the used in molecular diagnostic testing include
Department of Energy (DOE) and the National laser capture microdissection, DNA
Institutes of Health (NIH), has completed the sequencing, PCR, fluorescent in situ
sequencing of the total human genome. This hybridization, micro- and macro-array
project yielded genetic maps and new technology, and proteomics with mass
techniques to further genetic research and spectrometry.
clinical testing (107). The HGP’s significance is
vast and has far-reaching implications: A New Workforce

Pharmacogenetics Designing drugs specifically The emergence of clinical scientists as

modified to a person’s genetic make-up will be consultants represents a natural evolutionary
important in the treatment of many genetic growth in the role of the clinical laboratory
diseases. profession as it adapts to a changing
environment. This emerging role is being
Agricultural genetics Engineering genetically fostered not only by the need to improve
modified foods to be larger, more nutritious, and laboratory test utilization but also by the
pest-free. extraordinary growth of decentralized testing. In
addition, the vast growth of molecular testing,
Forensic genetics DNA-based human identity not only for familiar analytes or organisms, but
testing can be used to convict or acquit an for specific new and esoteric disease markers,
individual accused of a crime. has created a need to improve communications
between clinical scientists and healthcare
Evolutional and anthropological genetics providers.
Genetics is a major source of information about
the similarities and differences between humans The increasing complexity of the clinical
and other species. laboratory sciences is causing many physicians
to seek information and
Microarray technology Research during the to use interpretive guidelines, such as disease-
HGP has produced one technology, the specific care maps, necessary to make optimal
microarray, with the greatest potential for and cost-effective use of the laboratory. These
disease detection and characterization. guidelines were first evidenced following the
diagnosis-related group initiatives as a means to
Emerging technological advances in clinical reduce costs and provide more consistent
and anatomic pathology patient care.
It is important to recognize that clinical scientist (preanalytical) (analytical)
knowledge workers do both knowledge work and (postanalytical)
“manual work”. Performance of a laboratory
procedure constitutes manual work. Knowledge Test Test
work related to the laboratory procedure begins Test
with data analysis and the use of personal ordered → performed
intellectual capital (experience). Knowledge work → interpreted
also includes consultation with other clinical
service providers (pooled intellectual capital) and
electronically available intellectual capital.
The New Laboratory
This new workforce of clinical scientist
knowledge workers has some unique
The new laboratory model is an interactive
characteristics, which managers will need to
process, and the scope of laboratory services is
recognize and support.
broader. In this model, the focus is not only on
the quality of test data generated
- Knowledge workers are specialized
(process/analytical) but also on the clinical
- They are able to acquire and supply
appropriateness of test requests (input/pre
theoretical and analytical knowledge
analytical) and the correct interpretation of and
- They are learning-based, prepared
response to laboratory information (output/post
through formal education
analytical). The involvement of the laboratory in
- They exhibit the habit of lifelong learning
the entire total testing process will have a
- They are effective in teams
positive impact on patient outcomes, improve
- They seek meaning in their work and
the clinical relevance and value of the
advancement opportunities
laboratory’s service, and greatly enhance the
- They reach decisions by consensus, not
cost-effectiveness of the laboratory operation.
Input Process
Laboratory Paradigms
(preanalytical) (analytical)
Before describing specific consultative roles, it is
useful to discuss the new interactive laboratory
and compare it to the
old, or traditional, laboratory. Test ← Test
← Test
The Old Laboratory ordered → performed
→ interpreted
Today, many clinical laboratories still operate
according to the traditional laboratory model,
which is a linear, unidirectional flow process of
one activity preceding the next activity. The
major concern in this model is the quality of the
test performance and the production features
and internal organization of the laboratory
(analytical phase). In the traditional model, the
focus is on the science and technology and
quality of test performance, and communication
is almost nonexistent prior to the test request or DATA PRIVACY ACT OF 2012 (R.A. 10173)
after the result is released. In this model, the
clinical laboratory is not concerned with clinical PROCESSING OF PERSONAL INFORMATION
appropriateness or interpretation of test results.
General Data Privacy Principles

Input Process The processing of personal information shall be

Output allowed, subject to compliance with the
requirements of this Act and other laws allowing
disclosure of information to the public and - The processing of personal information
adherence to the principles of transparency, is necessary and is related to the
legitimate purpose and proportionality. fulfillment of a contract with the data
subject or in order to take steps at the
request of the data subject prior to
Personal information must be: entering into a contract;
- The processing is necessary for
- Collected for specified and legitimate compliance with a legal obligation to
purposes determined and declared which the personal information controller
before, or as soon as reasonably is subject;
practicable after collection, and later - The processing is necessary to protect
processed in a way compatible with vitally important interests of the data
such declared, specified and legitimate subject, including life and health;
purposes only; - The processing is necessary in order to
- Processed fairly and lawfully; respond to national emergency, to
- Accurate, relevant and, where comply with the requirements of public
necessary for purposes for which it is to order and safety, or to fulfill functions of
be used the processing of personal public authority which necessarily
information, kept up to date; inaccurate includes the processing of personal data
or incomplete data must be rectified, for the fulfillment of its mandate;
supplemented, destroyed or their further - The processing is necessary for the
processing restricted; purposes of the legitimate interests
- Adequate and not excessive in relation pursued by the personal information
to the purposes for which they are controller or by a third party or parties to
collected and processed; whom the data is disclosed, except
- Retained only for as long as necessary where such interests are overridden by
for the fulfillment of the purposes for fundamental rights and freedoms of the
which the data was obtained or for the data subject which require protection
establishment, exercise or defense of under the Philippine Constitution.
legal claims, or for legitimate business
purposes, or as provided by law; and
- Kept in a form which permits Sensitive Personal Information and
identification of data subjects for no Privileged Information 
longer than is necessary for the
purposes for which the data were The processing of sensitive personal information
collected and processed: Provided, that and privileged information shall be prohibited,
personal information collected for other except in the following cases:
purposes may lie processed for - The data subject has given his or her
historical, statistical or scientific consent, specific to the purpose prior to
purposes, and in cases laid down in law the processing, or in the case of
may be stored for longer privileged information, all parties to the
periods: Provided, further, that adequate exchange have given their consent prior
safeguards are guaranteed by said laws to processing;
authorizing their processing. - The processing of the same is provided
for by existing laws and
regulations: Provided, That such
Criteria for Lawful Processing of Personal regulatory enactments guarantee the
Information protection of the sensitive personal
information and the privileged
The processing of personal information shall be information: Provided, further, That the
permitted only if not otherwise prohibited by law, consent of the data subjects are not
and when at least one of the following conditions required by law or regulation permitting
exists: the processing of the sensitive personal
- The data subject has given his or her information or the privileged information;
- The processing is necessary to protect - Be informed whether personal
the life and health of the data subject or information pertaining to him or her shall
another person, and the data subject is be, are being or have been processed;
not legally or physically able to express - Be furnished the information indicated
his or her consent prior to the hereunder before the entry of his or her
processing; personal information into the processing
- The processing is necessary to achieve system of the personal information
the lawful and noncommercial objectives controller, or at the next practical
of public organizations and their opportunity:
associations: Provided, That such
processing is only confined and related 1. Description of the personal information
to the bona fide members of these to be entered into the system;
organizations or their 2. Purposes for which they are being or are
associations: Provided, further,  That the to be processed;
sensitive personal information are not 3. Scope and method of the personal
transferred to third parties: Provided, information processing;
finally, That consent of the data subject 4. The recipients or classes of recipients to
was obtained prior to processing; whom they are or may be disclosed;
- The processing is necessary for 5. Methods utilized for automated access,
purposes of medical treatment, is if the same is allowed by the data
carried out by a medical practitioner or a subject, and the extent to which such
medical treatment institution, and an access is authorized;
adequate level of protection of personal 6. The identity and contact details of the
information is ensured; or personal information controller or its
- The processing concerns such personal representative;
information as is necessary for the 7. The period for which the information will
protection of lawful rights and interests be stored; and
of natural or legal persons in court 8. The existence of their rights, i.e., to
proceedings, or the establishment, access, correction, as well as the right to
exercise or defense of legal claims, or lodge a complaint before the
when provided to government or public Commission.
Any information supplied or declaration
Subcontract of Personal Information made to the data subject on these matters
shall not be amended without prior
- A personal information controller may notification of data subject: 
subcontract the processing of personal
information: Provided,  That the personal Provided, That the notification under subsection
information controller shall be (b) shall not apply should the personal
responsible for ensuring that proper information be needed pursuant to
safeguards are in place to ensure the a subpoena or when the collection and
confidentiality of the personal processing are for obvious purposes, including
information processed, prevent its use when it is necessary for the performance of or in
for unauthorized purposes, and relation to a contract or service or when
generally, comply with the requirements necessary or desirable in the context of an
of this Act and other laws for processing employer-employee relationship, between the
of personal information. collector and the data subject, or when the
- The personal information processor information is being collected and processed as
shall comply with all the requirements of a result of legal obligation;
this Act and other applicable laws.
Reasonable access to, upon demand, the
1. Contents of his or her personal
Rights of the Data Subject information that were processed;
2. Sources from which personal
The data subject is entitled to: information were obtained;
3. Names and addresses of recipients of The lawful heirs and assigns of the data subject
the personal information; may invoke the rights of the data subject for,
4. Manner by which such data were which he or she is an heir or assignee at any
processed; time after the death of the data subject or when
5. Reasons for the disclosure of the the data subject is incapacitated or incapable of
personal information to recipients; exercising the rights as enumerated in the
6. Information on automated processes immediately preceding section.
where the data will or likely to be made
as the sole basis for any decision Right to Data Portability
significantly affecting or will affect the
data subject; The data subject shall have the right, where
7. Date when his or her personal personal information is processed by electronic
information concerning the data subject means and in a structured and commonly used
were last accessed and modified; and format, to obtain from the personal information
8. The designation, or name or identity and controller a copy of data undergoing processing
address of the personal information in an electronic or structured format, which is
controller; commonly used and allows for further use by the
data subject. The Commission may specify the
Dispute the inaccuracy or error in the electronic format referred to above, as well as
personal information and have the personal the technical standards, modalities and
information controller correct it immediately procedures for their transfer.
and accordingly, unless the request is
vexatious or otherwise unreasonable. SECURITY OF PERSONAL INFORMATION

If the personal information have been corrected, Security of Personal Information

the personal information controller shall ensure
the accessibility of both the new and the a. The personal information controller must
retracted information and the simultaneous implement reasonable and appropriate
receipt of the new and the retracted information organizational, physical and technical
by recipients thereof: Provided, That the third measures intended for the protection of
parties who have previously received such personal information against any
processed personal information shall he accidental or unlawful destruction,
informed of its inaccuracy and its rectification alteration and disclosure, as well as
upon reasonable request of the data subject; against any other unlawful processing
b. The personal information controller shall
Suspend, withdraw or order the blocking, implement reasonable and appropriate
removal or destruction of his or her personal measures to protect personal
information from the personal information information against natural dangers
controller’s filing system upon discovery and such as accidental loss or destruction,
substantial proof that the personal information and human dangers such as unlawful
are incomplete, outdated, false, unlawfully access, fraudulent misuse, unlawful
obtained, used for unauthorized purposes or are destruction, alteration and contamination
no longer necessary for the purposes for which
they were collected. In this case, the personal The determination of the appropriate level of
information controller may notify third parties security under this section must take into
who have previously received such processed account the nature of the personal
personal information; and information to be protected, the risks
represented by the processing, the size of
Be indemnified for any damages sustained due the organization and complexity of its
to such inaccurate, incomplete, outdated, false, operations, current data privacy best
unlawfully obtained or unauthorized use of practices and the cost of security
personal information. implementation. Subject to guidelines as the
Commission may issue from time to time, the
Transmissibility of Rights of the Data measures implemented must include:
1. Safeguards to protect its computer may be delayed only to the extent necessary
network against accidental, unlawful or to determine the scope of the breach, to
unauthorized usage or interference with prevent further disclosures, or to restore
or hindering of their functioning or reasonable integrity to the information and
availability; communications system.
2. Security policy with respect to the
processing of personal information; 1. In evaluating if notification is
3. A process for identifying and accessing unwarranted, the Commission may take
reasonably foreseeable vulnerabilities in into account compliance by the personal
its computer networks, and for taking information controller with this section
preventive, corrective and mitigating and existence of good faith in the
action against security incidents that can acquisition of personal information.
lead to a security breach; and 2. The Commission may exempt a
4. Regular monitoring for security breaches personal information controller from
and a process for taking preventive, notification where, in its reasonable
corrective and mitigating action against judgment, such notification would not be
security incidents that can lead to a in the public interest or in the interests of
security breach. the affected data subjects.
3. The Commission may authorize
postponement of notification where it
may hinder the progress of a criminal
investigation related to a serious breach.
The personal information controller must
further ensure that third parties processing
personal information on its behalf shall NOTE: Pls. include these in your further
implement the security measures required by readings and download R.A. 10173 and study
this provision. all the provisions therein.

The employees, agents or representatives of - SECURITY OF SENSITIVE PERSONAL

a personal information controller who are INFORMATION IN GOVERNMENT
involved in the processing of personal AND PENALTIES
information shall operate and hold personal
information under strict confidentiality if the
personal information are not intended for
public disclosure. This obligation shall
continue even after leaving the public
service, transfer to another position or upon
termination of employment or contractual

The personal information controller shall

promptly notify the Commission and affected
data subjects when sensitive personal
information or other information that may,
under the circumstances, be used to enable
identity fraud are reasonably believed to
have been acquired by an unauthorized
person, and the personal information
controller or the Commission believes (such
unauthorized acquisition is likely to give rise
to a real risk of serious harm to any affected
data subject. The notification shall at least
describe the nature of the breach, the
sensitive personal information possibly
involved, and the measures taken by the
entity to address the breach. Notification

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