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22 April 2015 100%Open 2015 1

The Global Innovation Imperative

Roland Harwood 100%Open 22/4/15
22 April 2015 100%Open 2015 2

1. Draw one line at a time

2. No talking whilst drawing

22 April 2015 100%Open 2015 3

1. Leave room for other

people’s interpretation
and creativity.

2. Respond well to the

unexpected actions of
your partner.
22 April 2015 100%Open 2015 4
47 Dots

“We shape our tools and

thereafter our tools
shape us.”
Marshal McLuhan
22 April 2015 100%Open 2015 5
47 Dots
22 April 2015 100%Open 2015 6
We Are More Connected Than We Think…

We are just one conversation

away from pretty much
anything and everything…
22 April 2015 100%Open 2014 7
22 April 2015 100%Open 2015 8
The Global Innovation Imperative

Shift 1: The rise of hidden innovation

Shift 2: Global access to ideas & people

Shift 3: Seeing the circles and the lines

22 April 2015 © 100%Open 2015 9
Networking Not Working

“Networking is only one

letter away from
not working.”
Chris Powell
22 April 2015 100%Open 2015 10
10,000 hours

“Networking is index
linked to productivity.”
Julia Hobsbawm
22 April 2015 100%Open 2015 11
The Net Works
22 April 2015 100%Open 2015 12
The Dunbar Number

“The number of people

with whom we can
maintain stable social
relationships is no
more than 150.”
Robin Dunbar
22 April 2015 © 100%Open 2015 13
Your Core Network

“Trust is the glue that

holds a network together,
which at any point in time
is more powerful than
any authority”
Karen Stephenson
22 April 2015 100%Open 2015 14
Your Innovation Network

“You don’t own your

reputation. It lives and
breathes in those that
interact with you.”
Ron Burt
22 April 2015 100%Open 2015 15
Physical Telephone

1. Form a line and all face in one direction

2. When someone behind you taps you on
the shoulder, turn around and see what
they do.
3. Watch what they do, then turn around
and tap the next person on the shoulder
and show them.

Objective: To send a message down the

line without speaking
Audience: Watch carefully what
happens and report back
22/04/2015 © 100%Open 2015 16
Perception Is Reality

“Connect on your
similarities, and benefit
from your differences.”
Valdis Krebs
22 April 2015 100%Open 2015 17
Network Builder Basics

1. Talk to somebody you don’t know

2. Ask questions and listen carefully
3. Find common ground that interests you both
4. Share your ideas, opinions & enthusiasm
5. Try to be helpful quickly and easily
6. Ask for help and/or introductions
7. Be clear what might be in it for them
8. Keep in touch just enough
22 April 2015 100%Open 2015 18
Using Social Media – The 5:3:2 Rule

For every 10 status updates…

• 5 should be content from others, relevant

to your audience

• 3 should be content from you, relevant to

your audience (and not directly selling)

• 2 should be personal, something non-

work related

Source: TA MaCann from

22 April 2015 © 100%Open 2012 19
Unlocking Opportunities

“The future reveals itself

through the peripheral.”
J.G. Ballard
22 April 2015 100%Open 2014 20
2 Degrees of Separation

Is there anyone in
particular that it would
help you to meet at
the moment?
22 April 2015 100%Open 2015 21
100%Open Networks
22 April 2015 100%Open 2015 22
100%Open Union Network Members
3i, 3M, Abercrombie & Fitch, ABTA, AgeUK, AHL Man Group, Altran, Amazon, American Express, Anglian
Water, Arts and Business, ARUP, ASDA, Associated British Foods, Asthma UK, Asus, Atkins, Avanade, Aviva,
Bacardi Martini, BAE Systems, Bank of America, Barclaycard, Barclays Bank, BAT, BBC, BCS, BG Group, Big
Society Network, Boots, BP, British Gas, British Library, British Museum, Broadcom, BskyB, BT Group,
Cadbury's, Cambridge University, Cambridge Wireless, Campbells Soup, Cancer Research UK, Canon, Capital
One, Catapult Venture Managers, Centrica, Charities Aid Foundation, Children's Society, Cisco Systems,
Citigroup, Clorox, Comic Relief, Coventry University, Crown Estates, Crown Packaging, Danone, Deloitte,
DCLG, Design Council, Detica, Deutsche Telekom, Diageo, Discovery Channel, Dow Corning Ltd, Dyson,
E.ON, EDF Energy, England & Wales Cricket Board, Ericsson, Everything Everywhere, Faber & Faber,
Filtrona, Financial, Times, Findus Group, Finmeccanica, France Telecom, Fujitsu, GE, General Mills,
Givaudan Flavours, Goodyear, Google, GroupAMA, GSK, Haier, Herman Miller, Home Retail Group,
Honeywell, HP Labs, IBM, Infineum, Infosys, Institution of Civil Engineers, Intel, Interface, Invensys, IPSO
Ventures, JWT London, Kimberly-Clark, KPMG, Kraft Foods,, LEGO, Lilly, Linde, Lloyds
Banking Group, Logica, Lombard, London Business School, LSE, Lufthansa, M&G Investments, Marie Curie,
Marks & Spencer, MARS, MBDA, McLaren Applied Technologies, Media Trust, Mencap, Merism Capital,
Merlin Entertainments Group, Microsoft, Mind, Mobile VCE, MOD Centre for Defence Enterprise, Mozilla,
MTI Partners, National Express, National Theatre, National Trust, NATS, Natwest, NEC Europe Ltd, NESTA,
Nestle, News International, NHS, Nike, Nokia, Northgate, Novartis, NSPCC, O2, Octopus Ventures, Orange,
Ordnance Survey, Organix, Oxfam, Oxford Technology, PACE, Pay Pal, Pearson, Pepsi Co, Pera, Pernod
Ricard, Pfizer, Philips, Premier Foods, Prince's Trust, Procter & Gamble, Productiv, PWC, Qinetiq, Qualcomm,
Random House, Reckitt Benckiser, Rethink, Riverside, RNIB, Rolls-Royce Group, Royal Bank of Scotland
Group, Royal Mail, Royal Pharmaceutical Society, RSA, SABIC, Samsung Electronics, Save the Children,
Scottish Water, Seraphim Capital, Severn Trent, Siemens, Sony, Sport England, Swisscom, Tate & Lyle, Taylor
Wimpey, Technology Strategy Board, Tesco, THT, UK Green Building Council, UKTI, UKTV, Unilever,
Unipart, United Response, United Utilities, University College London, University of Exeter, UnLtd, Virgin
Group, Virgin Atlantic, Vocalink, Vodafone, Wireless Innovation, WRVS, WWF, Zurich Insurance.
100%Open 2015
1. Setting the innovation strategy – Vectors, Co-Lab Test
2. Finding unmet needs – Personas, Unmet Needs, Blueprint
3. Discovering new ideas – Co-Creation Techniques, Ideas Jam, Insight Crowd
4. Building prototypes – Prototyping Techniques, Prototype Evaluator
5. Developing propositions – IP Strategy Tool, Airlock, Sketch Templates
6. Making business models – Open Innovation Metrics, Business Model Canvas
22 April 2015 100%Open 2015 25
100%Open Toolkit
22 April 2015 100%Open 2014 26
Network Builder

1. Decide what type of network you

want to build and give it a name in
the centre. What do you need help
with and why? (e.g. for data, advice,
investment, skills, introductions…?)

3 2. Select any current contacts relevant

to this network that are part of your
current core network and write their
2 names in the grey circles.

3 2 1 3 3. Identify the types of people you want

to reach in the outer innovation
2 network in the yellow circles. Be as
specific as possible.

3 4. Discuss and share through who and

how best you might be able to find
and engage them.
22 April 2015 100%Open 2014 27
2 Degrees of Separation

Is there anyone in
particular that it would
help you to meet at
the moment?
22 April 2015 100%Open 2015 28
Analysis Paralysis and Better Decisions

Step 1: Making it up as we go along

Step 2: Strive for strategic simplicity

Step 3: Express your expertise eloquently

22 April 2015 100%Open 2015 29
It’s a Small World…

“The world isn’t getting

smaller, the networks
are getting bigger”
Greg Hadfield
22/04/2015 © 100%Open 2015 30
Lessons Learned

Conversations first,
then relationships,
then transactions.
22/04/2015 © 100%Open 2015 31
Peripheral Vision

“Selfishness beats altruism

within groups: that's the
problem. Altruistic groups
beat selfish groups:
that's the solution.”
David S Wilson
22 April 2015 100%Open 2014 32

Thank You

Roland Harwood
Co-Founder & Managing Partner

100%Open | Somerset House | London | WC2R 1LA | UK

Phone: +44 (0)20 7759 1050 | +44 (0)7811 761 435
Twitter: @rolandharwood @100Open

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