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Here is the Social Media Report for the week as curated

by Branding Team: This report could be negative or positive.
This way we will know what we should keep doing and also
what we should change. Each screenshot will be explained.

In 7 days we can clearly see
the difference and progress been
made. The followers increased
drastically from 641 to 1552
organic followers. This is mainly
because of the recent event
which was the signing of Pan
Atlantis Tower. We made use of
the influence of our brand
ambassadors in tagging the MD.
This action alongside consistent
posting was a key factor to the
increase in followers.
This shows that 4391 Non followers visited MDs page. In 1
week Md gained 911+ followers. We shared some unique
contents and we also engaged with the followers. Engagement
in comments and also on other pages is a key factor in
increasing followers.
The signing of Pan
Atlantis Post ranked
top in the last 1 year.
We decided to
leverage on the
influence of our brand
ambassadors and this
worked immensely
with this clearly
showing the impact of
viral contents and
brand ambassadors.
In 7 days we can
clearly see the
difference and
progress been made.
The followers
increased drastically
from 15.4k to 15.7k
organic followers.
This is residence. And 12,717 accounts reached in 7days. With
Profile visits and website taps increasing drastically since we
redirected the followers to the website.
In 7 days we can clearly
see the difference and
progress been made. The
followers increased
drastically from 1k to 2k+
organic followers.
This is Condos. And 3019 accounts reached in 7days. With
1637 non followers visiting the page.
Conclusion and Recommendation
We used more videos this week and there was an important
event which made the followers increase so much. We also
made use of our brand ambassadors in indirectly promoting
our pages. This we will continue this week with consistent
posting. We recommend more videos like MD talking briefly
talking about the estate (1 minute short video) also some
videos of the marketers talking about our properties while
we video the interior of one of our sample apartments. These
will bring more tractions in the coming week and give
potential clients the sense of trust towards periwinkle.

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