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Online Final Examination Spring 2021

Student ID: _______________ Date: 04 / 06 / 2021

Course Title: Basic English 2 Course Code: SSC - 104

Program: BBA – Morning (S) Teacher: Syed Moazzam Shere

Semester: BBA 2 (A) Marks: 40

Instructions (Important):
 Solution must be in student’s OWN handwriting, otherwise it will not be graded.
 Mention your Student ID in the box given above.
 Read the given questions carefully. All the questions are compulsory.
 Don’t attempt any part on the question paper.
 Solve the paper on separate sheets (not on registers).
 Questions given in the exam paper need not be copied. You may just write down your
answers indicating correct question number and its corresponding part [(i), (ii), (iii), etc.]. If
there are more than one blank to be filled in a statement, you should separate it with a
 The given question paper must be attached with the submitted solution.
Guidelines for Online final examination:
Students are required to attend final exam on the assigned date during the given time slot.
Instructions for solving and uploading the solution:
1. Solve the paper using BLUE BALL-POINT PEN ONLY.
2. After solving the question paper, take the images, that must be clear, and showing the blue
ink clearly. Images must be completely rectangle without any curves or cuttings.
3. Save the images in the computer.
4. Open MS-WORD blank file, assign the name of file as per format (ID-name-course) e.g.
(2324-Rashid Ali Khan-ITC).
5. Arrange all images of the solution along with the question paper in following pattern:
Page-1: Set the image of question paper then set the images of the solution sheets in the
order of questions according to the question paper.
6. Save the solution file and convert it into PDF format.
7. Upload the PDF version of the solution on LMS, and press the SUBMIT button and confirm
the uploading. After uploading, verify it to have an OK status at your end.
9. All the students are supposed to concentrate on the Mid-term exam assessment on an
individual basis. If the submitted document speaks of any copying, duplication or plagiarism,
it shall stand canceled and ZERO marks will be awarded.

Q1 (a) Select the appropriate modal form (out of the given options) that best completes
the sentence and provide an explanation for your choice. (1)
(i) You ______ come with me. I can handle it alone. (can’t, needn’t, shouldn’t)
(ii) ______ you please phone me in the evening? (Can, May, Could)
Q1 (b) Find and correct the underlined errors in the usage of modals in the following
sentences. Make sure that you choose the appropriate tense with the given modals. (2)
(i) He should has speak to his teacher about his problem last week.
(ii) You have be better drive carefully on the slippery road, or the car will skid.
(iii) I could secure a high grade in the last semester.
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(iv) The plane might has land two hours ago.

Q2. Make a précis (along with a rough draft) of the following passage in no less than
40 words. Write down the word count for your rough draft as well as the précis and
give a suitable title to it. (3)

‘‘Edison”, said the General, ‘how much do you want for your “Universal Printer?” This was a
very important moment. Edison thought that five thousand dollars would be a suitable price,
but he was ready to take three thousand or even less. Luckily for him he decided that it
might be better to leave the matter to the general and asked him what he thought would be
the right price. “Would forty thousand dollars suit you?” asked the General.
Edison was so astonished and excited that he almost felt his heart stop beating. At last he
said thoughtfully, “yes I think that is fair.” ‘All right,’ said the general, ‘I will have an
agreement drawn up; come round in three days and I will give you the money.’
Word Count 127
Q3 (a) Complete the dialogue between Tom & Michael using appropriate forms of
verbs given in brackets. (1.5)
Tom: I _____ (smell) something burning!
Michael: So _____ (do) I. I _____ (think) it _____ (come) from the kitchen. Jane is probably
_____ (iron). She usually _____ (iron) and _____ (watch) TV at the same time and if she
_____ (get) very interested in a program, she _____ (forget) that she _____ (press) a hot iron
on to somebody’s shirt. Mother _____ (think) of selling the TV set.
(b) Use the correct form of verbs to complete the following scenario. (1)
Imagine that you ____ (travel) by train, in a crowded compartment. One of the passengers
_____ (read) a newspaper; another _____ (do) a crossword puzzle; another _____ (look out)
of the window. Suddenly the train _____ (stop) with a jerk and your suitcase _____ (fall) off
the rack on to somebody’s toes.
(c) Daniel is telling the story of how he forgot his passport. Complete the given
sentences according to the time period specified. (2)
It _____ (happen) last August at the airport. A few weeks before, a group of us _____
(decide) to go to Greece together for a holiday. We _____ (wait) in the queue at passport
control when suddenly I _____ (realize) that I _____ (forget) my passport. It _____ (be) quite
a shock. I _____ (hurry) to a phone and _____ (ring) my parents. They _____ (work) in the
garden, but my luckily my mother _____ (hear) the phone. They _____ (find) the passport
and immediately _____ (drive) to the airport with it. I _____ (meet) them at the information
desk. We _____ (have) no time to talk, but I _____ (say) goodbye to them earlier that
morning. I _____ (run) all the way to the plane. I was just in time. When I _____ (get) there,
the passengers _____ (sit) in their seats ready for take-off. When they _____ (see) me,
everyone _____ (start) clapping.
(d) Complete the live news report on a quiz competition that is due to begin shortly. (1.5)
The Quiz Marathon _____ (begin) in five minutes. It _____ (be) a big test for the World
Quiz Champion, Claude Jennings), who _____ (answer) questions from a group of quiz
writers. Claude _____ (answer) their questions for a very long time. In fact, he _____
(still/give) answers when the rest of us are in bed tonight. Claude hopes that after 24 hours
he _____ (reply) to about seventeen thousand questions. No meal breaks are planned, so
he _____ (not/eat) anything. If all goes well, his name _____ (be) in the next Guinness
Book of Records. Claude has also got a number of sponsors, and by tomorrow he _____
(earn) at least $10,000 for charity. Well, we _____ (return) this afternoon for news of how

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Claude _____ (get) on. We think that by then he _____ (get) some way past the five
thousandth question.
(e) Use active or passive, in any appropriate tense, for the verbs in brackets. (2.5)
(i) Yesterday a purse-snatcher _____ (catch) by a dog. While the thief _____ (chase) by the
police, he _____ (jump) over a fence into someone’s yard, where he encountered a ferocious
dog, which ____ (keep) the thief from escaping.
(ii) A network of lines _____ (discover) on Mars’ surface by an Italian astronomer around the
turn of the century. The astronomer _____ (call) these lines “channels,” but when the Italian
word _____ (translate) into English, it _____ (become) “canals.” As a result, some people
thought the lines were waterways that _____ (build) by some unknown living creatures. We
now know that the lines are not really canals. Canals _____ (not / exist) on Mars.
Q4. Complete the following statements by using the appropriate participle adjectives.
I am absolutely _____ (delighting / delighted) to say that at last I have got a job. I had an
interview with a _____ (charming / charmed) lady and think the job will be really _____
(interesting / interested) - there’s a lot to do, so it may be _____ (tiring / tired), but I wouldn’t
want a job which was _____ (boring / bored) and where there was nothing to do. It’s also
really _____ (encouraging / encouraged) getting something at last - I have had 24 interviews,
and a lot of them have been _____ (intimidating / intimidated). I was beginning to find being
unemployed very_____ (depressing / depressed). Some of the people I have had interviewing
me have been really _____ (overwhelming / overwhelmed) - I have felt terrified, and I have
found their indifference _____ (astounding / astounded). It was _____ (refreshing / refreshed)
to meet someone who was so _____ (welcoming / welcomed). I am going to feel at home
working for her - I am over the moon!
Q5 (a) Choose the correct explanation for the underlined word / phrase. (1.5)
(i) She was given some money to compensate for her loss.
(a) make off (b) make over (c) make up (d) make out
(ii) The biology teacher told us that we would be cutting up a frog.
(a) bisecting (b) dissecting (c) retracting (d) detracting
(b) Using the given words as homonyms, make two different sentences of each word
highlighting the difference in their meaning. (i) Saw (ii) Bark (1)
(c) Using the given words as homographs, make two different sentences of each (1)
highlighting the difference in their meaning & pronunciation. (i) Wound (ii) Bow

(d) Choose the right word from the brackets to complete the following sentences. (2)
(i) It was a very _____ (credible / creditable / credulous) performance to win the event
after being injured.
(ii) How much did this bike _____ (cost / price / value) you?
(iii) The old man ____ (pedalled / peddled) his bicycle down the street, then ____ (pedaled /
peddled) his goods at the corner.
(e) Indicate one word out of the given options to replace the given phrases. (1)
(i) A paper written by hand (a) Handicraft (b) Manuscript (c) Handiwork (d) Thesis
(ii) Talking disrespectfully of sacred things (a) blasphemy (b) heresy (c) atheism (d) euphemism

(f) Write down the homophone for the given words. (1)
(i) fowl (ii) sight (iii) course (iv) seen (v) sour (vi) rain

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(g) Complete the following statements indicating correct hyponyms. (1)
(i) fig, pine nut, cashew, and almond are hyponyms of _____.
(ii) arthritis, diphtheria, tuberculosis, and vertigo are hyponyms of _____.

Q6 (a) Complete the given sentences making use of underlined idiomatic expressions in the
following letter. (2)

Problems at work and home

Hi Milly,

How is your awful new boss? Still planning a total reorganization of the office or have you
persuaded her not to throw the baby out with the bathwater? Let me know if you need an
evening out to let off steam it’s about time we met up again. We have been told at our
company that we won’t be getting a salary increase this year. They took the sting out of it by
giving us a Christmas bonus but people are not happy. My boss is still as difficult as ever.
Her secretary has resigned but I think that might be cutting off her nose to spite her face as
she will find it hard to find anything else as well-paid. She can usually run rings round
anyone so it must have been a shock for her to get a boss she couldn’t manipulate. I badly
need your advice. Joe is beginning to turn up the heat in our relationship ~ he is dropping
hints about marriage. He invited me to meet his parents last weekend. We got on like a
house on fire but I just don’t feel ready to put down roots yet. Should I stop seeing him? I
don’t want to but maybe it would be kinder. I can’t make up my mind. Let me know what you


(i) Refusing that job offer just because you’re annoyed about the interview would be cutting
___ your ___ to ___ your _____.
(ii) When she reached 30, Estelle decided it was time she ___ down ___ and she bought a
little cottage not far from here.
(iii) The robbers ___ round the police. It took two years to catch them.
(iv) The extra day’s holiday we offered should take the ___ out ___ the pay cut.
(v) I felt as if I was just going ___ in ___ and getting nowhere. (not indicated in the passage)
(vi) We should keep the better parts of the old system when we move over to the new
system. We don’t want to ___ the ___ out with the bathwater.
(vii) Jim and Steve ___ on like a ___ on fire; they are great friends.
(viii) I don’t think he was really angry with you; he was just ___ steam.

(b). Complete the following sentences with appropriate connectors. (1)

(i) My sister works three jobs in a day; _____, she doesn’t earn much money.
(ii) I’ve never been to the US _____ having friends and relatives there.
(iii) We _____ managed to make a good plan _____ executed it very well.
(iv) This restaurant has some of the best dishes on offer. _____ their service is not up to

Q7 (a) Put in the correct perfect participle (active or passive) of the given verb to
complete the given sentences. (2)
(i) _____ (hear) that the river was full of crocodiles; I didn’t dare swim into it.
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(ii) _____ (call) for help, the ambulance arrived promptly.
(iii) Not _____ (admit) to the hospital before, he found the whole atmosphere quite strange.
(iv) Never _____ (fly) in an aero plane before, he found the experience quite thrilling.

(b) Combine the following sentences using appropriate causative verbs. (1.5)

(i) I went to the dry cleaners. I asked the laundryman to wash my clothes.
(ii) I called my secretary into the office. I instructed her to sit in the office after working hours.
(iii) He went to see his boss. He persuaded the boss to transfer him to the head office.

8. Use the appropriate forms of verbs in brackets to complete the following

conditionals. (2)

(i) If I _____ (have) enough time, I _____ (take) my sister to the doctor yesterday.
(ii) You should tell your father exactly what happened. If I _____ (be) you, I _____ (tell) him
the truth as soon as possible.
(v) If the teacher _____ (be) absent tomorrow, the exam _____ (not / be) conducted.
(vi) If I _____ (have) enough capital, I _____ (start) this business last year.
(vii) If you _____ (not /solve) this problem yourself, _____ (not / hesitate) to ask me.
(viii) Unless we _____ (leave) in time, we _____ (catch) the flight.
(x) If wishes _____ (be) horses, we _____ (ride) upon them.

9. Using the full block format, write a letter to the dean of your university requesting
him to waive your tuition fee for the forthcoming semester citing an appropriate
reason for your request. Assume necessary details and make sure that you take care
of all the standard and optional (if required) parts of a formal letter.

Q10 (a) Choose the most appropriate option to complete the following statements. (2)

(i) Business letter is also known as _____ letter. (personal, impersonal, informal)

(ii) _____ section is considered as the major section of a formal business report.
(prefatory, supplemental, introductory)
(iii) ______ (index, bibliography, appendix) is an alphabetical list of names, places &
subjects mentioned in your report.
(iv) The sources of _____ (primary, secondary, informal) research include magazines,
newspapers, public websites, blogs, books, and other reports.

(b) Write true or false for the following statements. (2)

(i) Post script is a standard part of any business letter.

(ii) Analytical reports are written to present data with analyses or recommendations.
(iii) Proposals feature persuasive requests for decisions or action.
(v) A yardstick report determines the viability of a project.

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